Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

entregar una carta
deliver a letter

The phrase 'entregar una carta' in Spanish translates to 'deliver a letter' in English. This can pertain to physically giving a written letter to someone or the act of sending it through a mail service or courier. It is often used in multiple contexts, such as giving a letter to a friend, sending an official document, or delivering news by means of a written letter.


The word 'entregarse' in Spanish translates to 'surrender' in English. It is a verb that is commonly used to express the action of yielding one's own control or possession of something to another person or authority. It can also refer to the act of giving up or submitting oneself to an emotion or influence. This term has a wide range of use in various contexts such as in legal procedures, war or conflict situations, as well as in day-to-day life situations.

side dish

The Spanish word 'entremés' refers to a dish that is typically served alongside the main course during a meal. In English, this type of dish is more colloquially known as a 'side dish'. While main courses are generally more substantial and often determine the main nutritional and culinary focus of the meal, side dishes such as an 'entremés' offer secondary flavors, textures, and nutrients. They complement the main course and add variety to the overall meal.


The word 'entrenador' in Spanish translates to 'coach' in English. A 'coach' refers to someone who instructs or trains a team or individual in a sporting activity. Similarly, an 'entrenador' in Spanish-speaking countries may be responsible for everything from training amateur athletes to managing professional teams. It can also refer to a private trainer who assists with personal fitness goals. The term can be used in various contexts, not just in sports but also in any area where guidance and instruction are needed.


The Spanish word for 'training' is 'entrenamiento'. It is primarily used in the context of sports or physical education, but it can also define any form of organized activity designed to increase skills or knowledge. 'Estoy en entrenamiento para la maratón' translates to 'I am in training for the marathon'. However, it should be noted that Spanish may use different words or phrases for the concept of training depending on regional usage and context.

Example sentences with  entrenamiento

The Spanish word 'entretenerse' translates to 'to entertain oneself' in English. It's a reflexive verb, used when someone is doing an action to themselves. It is often used to imply spending time in a pleasant manner or doing something you enjoy to keep yourself amused. For example, one might use it to say, 'In my spare time, I entertain myself by reading books' in Spanish would be 'En mi tiempo libre, me entretengo leyendo libros.'


The Spanish word 'entretenimiento' translates to 'entertainment' in English. This refers to a broad concept generally linked to forms of activity that hold an audience's interest, can provide them enjoyment, or bring them amusement. This concept may include activities such as movies, music, sports, games, reading, or other recreational activities that people generally participate in during their leisure time.


The Spanish word for interview is 'entrevista'. It is used in the same context as in English, for a one-on-one conversation, typically between a job applicant and a potential employer, or between a journalist and a person of interest. For example, 'Tengo una entrevista mañana' means 'I have an interview tomorrow'.

Example sentences with  entrevista

The word 'entrevistado' in Spanish translates to 'interviewed' in English. It is a past participle of the verb 'entrevistar', which means 'to interview'. Typically, it's used to refer to a person who has been interviewed, such as for a job position, news report, or research study. For instance, 'El entrevistado respondió a todas las preguntas' means 'The interviewed person answered all the questions'. Like many past participles in Spanish, it can also be used as an adjective, the same way 'interviewed' can in English.


The Spanish word 'entrevistador' translates to 'interviewer' in English. An interviewer is a person who asks questions, typically to an individual or in a broadcast for journalistic, research, or employment purposes. They conduct interviews which are a form of conversation where questions are asked by the interviewer to elicit facts or statements from the interviewee.


The word 'entristecerse' is a Spanish reflexive verb that means 'to become saddened' in English. In a more detailed context, it can correspond to situations when someone gets upset, gloomy or feels down due to some circumstance. The verb is often used to express not only personal feelings or mood changes, but also about situations, news, or events that are capable of producing sadness, melancholy, or gloom.

envasado al vacío
vacuum packed

The term 'envasado al vacío' in Spanish translates to 'vacuum packed' in English. It refers to a method of packaging that removes air from the package prior to sealing. This method involves placing items in a plastic film package, removing air from inside and sealing the package. It is commonly used for preserving food as the lack of air inhibits the growth of bacteria and fungi, thus prolonging the shelf life of the products. However, it is not limited to food products alone and can also be used for other items that need to be preserved or protected.

Example sentences with  envasado al vacío
grow old

The Spanish word 'envejecer' translates to 'grow old' in English. It is a regular verb and may be used to describe the process of aging, either in regards to a person, an object, or an idea/concept. For example, a person may 'envejecer' as they progress in years, an object may 'envejecer' as it wears out over time, or an abstract concept like a tradition or idea may 'envejecer' as it becomes less relevant or applicable over time. It is important to note that while 'envejecer' often carries neutral or negative connotations in English, this is not always the case in Spanish, as aging can be viewed with a degree of respect or positiveness.

enviado especial
Special envoy

The Spanish term 'enviado especial' translates to 'special envoy' in English. A special envoy is a diplomat appointed for a specific task or mission, often temporary, and is typically used in diplomatic discussions or negotiations. These individuals are usually appointed by a government or an organization to undertake diplomatic tasks to represent their interests. The term 'enviado especial' encompasses this idea and is used in similar political or diplomatic contexts in the Spanish language.


The word 'enviar' in Spanish translates to 'send' in English. It is primarily used to indicate the act of sending something from one place to another or to someone either physically or through a medium. It can be used in various contexts; for instance, in emails (Enviar un correo electronico), letters (Enviar una carta), or packages (Enviar un paquete). It is generally followed by 'a' (to) and then the receiver or destination.

Example sentences with  enviar
enviar con acuse de recibo
send with acknowledgement

The Spanish phrase 'enviar con acuse de recibo' translates to 'send with acknowledgement' in English. It refers to the practice of sending something (usually a document or a package) with the understanding that the recipient will acknowledge its receipt. This is similar to delivery confirmation in parcel services where the sender ensures that the item has been delivered by receiving a notice or proof of delivery.

enviar contra reembolso
send cash on delivery

The Spanish term 'enviar contra reembolso' translates to 'send cash on delivery' in English. This phrase is often used in commerce, primarily in the context of shipping goods. When an item is 'sent cash on delivery', it means that payment is given to the delivery person at the time of delivery. It is a type of transaction where the buyer makes the payment for a good at the time of delivery. If the buyer is not making payment at the time of delivery, the good will be returned to the seller.

enviar dinero
send money

The Spanish phrase 'enviar dinero' translates to 'send money' in English. This is often used in a financial context when one needs to transfer funds from one party to another. Various methods can be used to 'enviar dinero', such as bank transfers, online payment methods, or cash handovers.

Example sentences with  enviar dinero
enviar el currículum
send the resume

The Spanish phrase 'enviar el currículum' translates to 'send the resume' in English. It is commonly used in professional settings, both digitally and in person, when one is applying for a job or position. 'Enviar', the first word, means 'to send'. 'El currículum' is the object being sent - this is the 'resume', which is a document listing one's work experience, skills, and education. So, when a person is instructed to 'enviar el currículum', they are being asked to send their resume.

enviar la correspondencia
send the correspondence

The Spanish phrase 'enviar la correspondencia' translates into English as 'send the correspondence'. This phrase is often used in a formal or business context to imply the act of sending letters, packages, emails, or any form of communication to another person or organization. The word 'enviar' directly translates to 'send' and 'la correspondencia' means 'the correspondence'. Hence, the phrase 'enviar la correspondencia' is basically instructing or urging someone to send the communication or the document.

enviar un correo electrónico
send an email

The Spanish phrase 'enviar un correo electrónico' translates to 'send an email' in English. It is a commonly used term in the digital communication context. 'Enviar' means 'send', 'un' means 'an', 'correo' means 'mail', and 'electrónico' means 'electronic', hence when put together, it translates to 'send an electronic mail'. It's commonly used in both personal and business contexts, much the way 'send an email' is used in English.

enviar un mensaje electrónico
send an electronic message

The Spanish phrase 'enviar un mensaje electrónico' translates to 'send an electronic message' in English. This is often used in the context of sending an email, as 'mensaje electrónico' is the Spanish term for 'email'. The verb 'enviar' means 'to send' in English, and is frequently used in various contexts such as sending a letter, a package, or in this case, an electronic message or email.

enviar una carta de presentación
send a letter of submission

The Spanish phrase 'enviar una carta de presentación' translates into English as 'send a letter of submission'. This is a common phrase used in Spanish-speaking cultures for various business or professional scenarios. It is often employed when applying for a job, indicating a formal letter where an individual provides introduction about themselves and expresses interest in a professional opportunity. Another context where this phrase is used is in submitting an proposal or idea to an organization or individual. Despite its literal translation, it can refer to any formal, introductory document or communication, not only a physical letter.

enviar una copia (oculta) a alguien
send a copy (hidden) to someone

The Spanish phrase 'enviar una copia (oculta) a alguien' translates to 'send a copy (hidden) to someone' in English. It is often used in the context of email or digital communication, where one can send a copy of the message to a recipient without other recipients knowing about it. This is similar to the BCC (Blind Carbon Copy) function in English email terminology.

enviar una postal
send a postcard

The Spanish phrase 'enviar una postal' translates to 'send a postcard' in English. It is associated with the action of mailing a rectangular piece of thick paper or thin cardboard intended for writing and mailing without an envelope. This term is often related to travel and communication, as postcards are typically mailed by travelers to friends and family to share a greeting or update from a different location.


The term 'envío' in Spanish translates to 'shipping' in English. It mainly refers to the action or process of sending goods from one place to another. This can be done in different ways such as by mail, courier, shipping services, etc. It is a commonly used term in businesses, especially in ecommerce and logistics, where products need to be sent to customers or to different business locations.


The Spanish verb 'enviudar' does not mean envious. 'Enviudar' in English translates to 'to become a widow/widower'. It refers to the situation a person is in after their spouse has passed away. The term 'envious' in Spanish translates to 'envidioso'. Please rectify the error.

envolver un regalo
wrap a gift

The Spanish phrase 'envolver un regalo' translates to 'wrap a gift' in English. It is composed of the verb 'envolver', which means to wrap, and the noun 'un regalo', which means a gift. Therefore, if someone asked you to 'envolver un regalo', they are asking you to wrap a gift. This phrase can be used in various contexts involving activities for birthdays, holidays, or any occasion where gifts are typically given and wrapped.

envolver un regalo
wrap a gift

The Spanish phrase 'envolver un regalo' translates to 'wrap a gift' in English. In Spanish, 'envolver' is a verb that refers to the action of covering or enveloping something with a material, such as paper or cloth. In this context, the object being wrapped is 'un regalo', which means 'a gift'. This phrase is often used in the context of birthday, Christmas, or other celebrations where gifts are traditionally given and received.


The Spanish word 'epidemia' translates to 'epidemic' in English. An epidemic is the rapid spread of infectious disease to a large number of people, usually in a population or region, within a short period. The term can also be applied to an increase in other situations or issues in a similar manner, such as an epidemic of violence or drug usage. In the context of health, epidemics are usually managed by medical professionals and public health officials.

Example sentences with  epidemia
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