Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

enseñanza virtual
virtual education

The term 'enseñanza virtual' in Spanish translates to 'virtual education' in English. This is a modern form of education where all teaching and learning processes happen over the internet, typically through a specific online platform. With the increase in technology and its use in every field, virtual education is becoming more and more popular. It allows learners to access educational courses from any place around the world while providing a flexible learning environment.

to teach

Enseñar means to impart knowledge or skills to others. In the context of studying, enseñar often takes place in a classroom setting but can also involve self-teaching or peer-teaching.

Example sentences with  enseñar

The Spanish word 'entender' represents the act of comprehending or grasping the meaning of something, similar to 'understand' in English. It's used in various contexts, such as understanding a language, a concept, or a person's feelings.

Example sentences with  entender
entender las reglas del juego
understand the rules of the game

The Spanish phrase 'entender las reglas del juego' translates to 'understand the rules of the game' in English. It's a commonly used idiom that can be literal, referring to understanding the rules of a specific game, but more often than not, it is metaphorically used to express the understanding of the norms, expectations, or complexities of a particular situation or task in life or business.

enterarse de una noticia casualmente
learning of news casually

The Spanish phrase 'enterarse de una noticia casualmente' translates to 'learning of news casually' in English. It refers to the act of unintentionally or incidentally receiving information or news. This phrase would be typically used in contexts where one stumbles upon information or discovers news without actively seeking it.

enterarse de una noticia por casualidad
to find out some news by chance

The Spanish phrase 'enterarse de una noticia por casualidad' translates to 'to find out some news by chance' in English. This phrase is used when someone unexpectedly learns about some information or news. Just like in English, this phrase can be used in a variety of contexts in Spanish, from everyday conversations to more formal settings.

enterarse de una noticia por la prensa
getting news from the press

The Spanish phrase 'enterarse de una noticia por la prensa' translates to 'getting news from the press' in English. This expression is used when someone gains information about a recent event or situation through the media, such as newspapers, online news articles, or newscasts. In this context, 'enterarse' means 'to find out or to become aware', 'noticia' translates to 'news', 'por' indicates the means or method, and 'la prensa' refers to the 'press' or news media.


The Spanish word 'entero' translates to 'whole' in English. It is often used to describe a complete, all-encompassing entity or quantity, such as in the phrase 'comio todo el pastel entero,' meaning 'he ate the whole cake.' The term can be used in a variety of contexts, both literally and metaphorically, and can describe physical objects, denoting undamaged or unbroken objects, as well as abstract concepts to signify totality.

Example sentences with  entero

The term 'enterrar' originates from Spanish language, which when translated to English, means 'bury'. This verb is often used to refer to the act of putting someone or something under the ground either as a final ritual after a person’s death or for concealment purposes. For example, you might use 'enterrar' when talking about burying a treasure chest or planting seeds in the ground. Notably, 'enterrar' is a regular 'ar' verb in Spanish.

entidad bancaria
banking entity

The Spanish phrase 'entidad bancaria' translates to 'banking entity' in English. This term refers to different types of organizations, such as banks, credit unions, and savings institutions, that provide a variety of financial products and services. These can include lending money, offering savings and checking accounts, providing credit, and more.

entidad financiera
financial entity

The Spanish phrase 'entidad financiera' translates to 'financial entity' in English. It refers to a company or an institution that provides financial services, and it may also involve managing, investing, or lending money. It could be a bank, a credit union, an insurance company, or any other institution involved in the financial industry.


The Spanish term for 'then' is 'entonces'. It is used in much the same way as in English - to indicate a sequence of events, e.g., 'You put on your shoes, then you go outside.' would translate as 'Te pones los zapatos, entonces sales.' It is also used to show a result or consequence, similar to 'so' in English.

Example sentences with  entonces
entorno virtual
virtual environment

The Spanish phrase 'entorno virtual' translates to 'virtual environment' in English. In the context of technology and computing, a virtual environment is a tool that helps to keep dependencies required by different projects separate by creating separate python environments for them. It could also refer to an environment that is not physically present but created by software. It's a space where individuals can interact with one another, as well as with digital objects, in a computer-simulated environment.


The Spanish word 'entrada' translates to 'entrance' in English. This could relate to a physical opening like a door or gate that leads into a place, such as in the sentence 'La entrada a la casa es grande', meaning 'The entrance to the house is big'. It could also mean the act of coming or going into a place where this is seen as a formal act, such as 'Hizo una gran entrada en la sala', translated as 'He made a grand entrance to the room'. In a broader context, 'entrada' could be used in contexts relating to the start of something, like the first part of a musical composition or an entry in a diary or log.

entrada de mercancías
entry of goods

The term 'entrada de mercancías' in Spanish translates to 'entry of goods' in English. It's a phrase commonly used in commerce and logistics, indicating the process of receiving and admitting goods into a warehouse, store, or other business location. These goods might be products intended for resale, raw materials for production, or any other kind of supply necessary for the operation of a business. This phrase is typically part of the vocabulary of supply chain management and trade logistics.

Example sentences with  entrada de mercancías

The Spanish word 'entrar' translates to 'enter' in English and is used to indicate the action of going inside something or starting/beginning something. Similar to English, 'entrar' is a regular verb and can be used in various contexts, such as entering a room, starting a conversation, etc.

Example sentences with  entrar
entrar en erupción
into eruption

The Spanish phrase 'entrar en erupción' directly translates to 'entering into eruption' in English. However, it is more commonly used to signify 'erupting' in a similar context as a volcano erupting. It can also be used metaphorically to describe situations where emotions or actions suddenly burst out or intensify dramatically.

Example sentences with  entrar en erupción
entrar en órbita
enter orbit

The Spanish phrase 'entrar en órbita' translates to 'enter orbit' in English. This is commonly used in astronomical context to describe a spacecraft or any object that starts to move around another object in a continuous, elliptical path under the influence of the other object's gravity. However, like any language, depending on the context, this phrase might also be used figuratively.

Example sentences with  entrar en órbita
entrar en un enlace
enter a link

The Spanish phrase 'entrar en un enlace' translates to 'enter a link' in English. In digital context, it is used when someone clicks on a hyperlink that directs them to a different webpage or a different section of the same webpage. This phrase is commonly used in relation to internet browsing and web site navigation.

entrar en un trabajo
enter a job

The Spanish phrase 'entrar en un trabajo' translates to 'enter a job' in English. This phrase can be used in various contexts to denote the act of starting or taking up a new job or position. It is commonly used in conversations regarding employment and career progression. It implies the idea of immersion in a new working environment or assuming new work-related duties and responsibilities.

entrar en una empresa
enter a company

The Spanish phrase 'entrar en una empresa' translates to 'enter a company' in English. This phrase is often used in a professional or business context, particularly for individuals who are joining or starting a new role in a company. It can also be used more broadly to refer to anyone entering a company's premises.

entrar en una página de Internet
enter an Internet page

The Spanish phrase 'entrar en una página de Internet' translates to 'enter an Internet page' in English. This is mainly used in the context of web browsing where an individual would 'enter' or visit a specific webpage or website over the internet. The Spanish verb 'entrar' literally means 'to enter', 'una página' translates to 'a page', and 'de Internet' means 'of Internet'. By putting all these translations together, we understand that 'entrar en una página de Internet' is a phrase used to describe the action of accessing or visiting a webpage on the Internet in English.

entrar en una página web
enter a website

The Spanish phrase 'entrar en una página web' translates into English as 'enter a website'. It is often used to denote the action of accessing or visiting a website through a web browser. This could imply logging in to a website with personal access credentials or visiting a public website by typing the URL into the browser.

entrar un virus
enter a virus

The Spanish phrase 'entrar un virus' translates to 'enter a virus' in English. This phrase is typically used in the context of computers and technology. It refers to the process of a computer virus infiltrating or making its way into a system, much in the same way a physical virus might invade a living organism. This phrase can be used metaphorically to refer to a virus or other malicious entity entering a system or network.

entrega de llaves
handover of keys

The Spanish phrase 'entrega de llaves' translates to 'handover of keys' in English. It is often used in the context of property transactions, such as renting or buying a house, where the keys are physically passed from one party to another. It signifies the transfer of ownership or control. Furthermore, this phrase could also be applied metaphorically in a variety of situations where responsibilities are transferred.

entregar en mano
deliver in hand

The Spanish phrase 'entregar en mano' is translated to English as 'deliver in hand'. This phrase is typically used in instances where a direct or personal delivery of an item or document is being referred to. For example, a letter or package that needs to be delivered directly and personally to the recipient rather than being sent via mail or courier could use this phrase. It implies a level of responsibility and assurance that the item will reach the desired target without any concerns of it getting lost, as it may do during indirect methods of delivery, like post or courier services.

entregar la correspondencia
deliver the correspondence

The Spanish phrase 'entregar la correspondencia' translates to 'deliver the correspondence' in English. It consists of two main parts: 'entregar' which means 'to deliver', and 'la correspondencia' which refers to 'the correspondence'. This phrase could be used in situations such as mailing a letter or delivering an official document. In a broader context, it can also symbolize the act of transmitting or passing on information or items from one individual or place to another.

entregar las armas
deliver arms

The Spanish phrase 'entregar las armas' translates to 'deliver arms' in English. It's often used in the context of surrendering or giving up, particularly in a conflict or war scenario. It signifies the act of handing over weapons to another party, usually as a sign of defeat or to comply with rules or regulations. In a more figurative sense, it can also express giving up or admitting defeat in a struggle.

Example sentences with  entregar las armas
entregar un mensaje
deliver a message

The Spanish phrase 'entregar un mensaje' translates to 'deliver a message' in English. This is commonly used to refer to the act of making sure that a message, which can be either verbal or written, reaches the person or group of people it is intended for. In a broader context, it can also mean to convey or communicate a certain idea or point.

entregar un telegrama
deliver a telegram

The Spanish term 'Entregar un telegrama' translates to 'Deliver a telegram' in English. The verb 'Entregar' means 'to deliver' and 'un telegrama' is an indefinite article and noun combination that translates to 'a telegram'. Therefore, the phrase implies the act of delivering a telegram which might be associated with the job duties of a postman or anyone in a similar role. Remember to note the difference between the pronunciation and emphasis on certain syllables in Spanish as compared to English.

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