Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.


Enfadarse is a reflexive verb in Spanish which is translated into English as 'to get angry'. It expresses the act of becoming or being angry or upset about something. When it is conjugated properly in a sentence, it can be used to express anger of oneself or others. For instance, 'Yo me enfado' means 'I get angry' in English. This word is used commonly in daily conversations as well as in formal writings and communications.


In Spanish, the term 'enfado' can be translated to English as 'anger' or 'annoyance'. It denotes a strong feeling of displeasure or antagonism. This word is usually used to express someone's irritated or unhappy state. For example, in the phrase 'Tengo un enfado', the speaker is communicating that they are upset or angry.


The word 'enfermedad' is used similarly in Spanish as 'disease' is in English. It refers to a particular abnormal or pathological condition that affects part or all of an organism, not caused by external injury. It is often used in medical and general conversation contexts.

Example sentences with  enfermedad
enfermedad contagiosa
contagious disease

The Spanish term 'enfermedad contagiosa' translates into English as 'contagious disease'. A contagious disease is any disease that can be spread from one person or organism to another by direct or indirect contact, or via airborne transmission. Examples of such diseases include the flu, common cold, and COVID-19. Most contagious diseases are caused by bacteria and viruses, and they can have a range of symptoms from mild to severe, depending on the specific disease.

Example sentences with  enfermedad contagiosa
enfermedad crónica
Chronic disease

The Spanish phrase 'enfermedad crónica' translates to 'chronic disease' in English. This refers to a health condition that is persistent or long-term in nature. Chronic diseases usually develop over a period of time and are generally not curable, but they can be managed or controlled through continuous medical care and lifestyle changes. Examples of chronic diseases include heart disease, diabetes, asthma, and cancer.

Example sentences with  enfermedad crónica
enfermedad grave
serious illness

The term 'enfermedad grave' in Spanish translates to 'serious illness' in English. This refers to a health condition that is severe in nature and can impact an individual's everyday life significantly. It often requires more complex and immediate medical attention. Examples of serious illnesses include cancer, heart disease, or any other life-threatening ailment.

Example sentences with  enfermedad grave
enfermedad hereditaria
hereditary disease

The Spanish term 'enfermedad hereditaria' translates to 'hereditary disease' in English. A hereditary disease is a type of health disorder that is passed down from a parent to their child through their genes. These diseases are often inherited in a predictable manner and can involve multiple genes. Examples of hereditary diseases include cystic fibrosis, sickle cell anemia, and some forms of cancer. They often require management throughout an individual's life and can significantly affect their quality of life.

Example sentences with  enfermedad hereditaria
enfermedad leve
mild disease

The Spanish term 'enfermedad leve' translates to 'mild disease' in English. This means an ailment or health condition which is not severe or life threatening. An example where this term might be used is when talking about a common cold or a minor infection, as these are considered mild diseases.

Example sentences with  enfermedad leve
enfermedad mental
Mental illness

The Spanish term 'enfermedad mental' translates to 'mental illness' in English. This term is used to describe a wide range of mental health conditions and disorders that can affect mood, thinking, and behavior. Such conditions include depression, anxiety disorders, schizophrenia, and many more. These illnesses can greatly impact an individual’s daily life, making tasks that may seem routine for others significantly more challenging.

Example sentences with  enfermedad mental
enfermedad terminal
terminal disease

The Spanish term 'enfermedad terminal' translates to 'terminal disease' in English. A terminal disease is a type of sickness that can't be cured or adequately treated and is reasonably expected to result in the death of the patient within a short period. This term is more frequently used for progressive diseases such as cancer or advanced heart disease. The term does not suggest that all hope is lost but rather signifies the severity and critical nature of the disease.

Example sentences with  enfermedad terminal

The Spanish word 'enfermera' translates to 'nurse' in English. A 'nurse' is a trained health professional who is skilled in promoting and supporting a person's health and well-being. Nurses are usually part of the healthcare team and they provide various services, depending on their training and their jurisdictions.


'Enfermero' refers to a person who is trained to care for sick or injured people. This term typically refers to a male nurse.

Example sentences with  enfermero

The word 'enfermo' in Spanish translates to 'sick' in English. It is an adjective used to describe someone who isn't feeling well or is suffering from a disease. For instance, if someone has a cold, flu, or other illness, they can be referred to as 'enfermo'. It's also relevant in the medical context and can be used by healthcare professionals to refer to patients.

Example sentences with  enfermo

The Spanish word 'enfoque' is the direct translation for 'focus' in English. It is often used in sentences to signify the attention or concentration on something or someone. For instance, 'poner enfoque en algo' is commonly used to mean 'put focus on something'.

Example sentences with  enfoque
enfrentarse a
face to face

The word 'enfrentarse a' is a Spanish verb that translates to 'to face' or 'to confront' in English. It suggests the action where one person or entity confronts or comes face to face with another person, concept, challenge, or situation. The use of this term could refer to a variety of contexts, but commonly used in circumstances of conflict, challenge, or adversity. Please note, it's not directly translated as 'face to face', which is 'cara a cara' in Spanish.

Example sentences with  enfrentarse a
enfrentarse a los padres
facing parents

The Spanish phrase 'enfrentarse a los padres' translates to 'facing parents' in English. This can be used in various contexts where individuals need to confront or deal with their parents on certain situations or issues. Equally, it can denote an emotional or physical meeting, not only a confrontational scenario.

enfriarse una relación
cooling a relationship

The Spanish phrase 'enfriarse una relación' translates to 'cooling a relationship' in English. It is often used to describe a situation where two people who were once close (such as friends, family members, or lovers), start to grow distant or less affectionate over time. Much like how something physical loses its heat and cools over time, the 'temperature' or 'heat' of the relationship diminishes. This can occur for various reasons including lack of communication, differences in opinion, or a changing dynamic.


The Spanish word 'engordar' when translated into English means to 'fatten' or 'to gain weight'. This is generally used to refer to the process by which something or someone increases in size or weight, often due to an increase in the consumption of food or due to other reasons. It can be used both in the context of animals gaining weight (for farming or other purposes) and humans gaining weight (due to overeating or hormonal issues).

Example sentences with  engordar
to lather

The Spanish word 'enjabonar' translates to 'to lather' in English. It is commonly used to describe the act of applying soap or a similar substance and rubbing it over the body to clean it. It is often used in contexts related to washing, bathing, doing the laundry, or dish washing. This verb is generally used in reflexive form, as in 'enjabonarse', which means to apply soap to oneself.

Example sentences with  enjabonar
enjuagarse la boca
rinse your mouth

The Spanish phrase 'enjuagarse la boca' is often used in the context of personal hygiene, especially when talking about dental care. It translates to 'rinse your mouth' in English. The action it refers to involves using water or some other liquid to clean your mouth, often after eating, brushing your teeth, or visiting a dentist. Practicing this regularly can help maintain good oral health, reduce the risk of tooth decay, and refresh your breath.

Example sentences with  enjuagarse la boca

The Spanish word 'enlatado' translates into English as 'canned'. It is commonly used to refer to food that has been preserved and sealed in a can. This term is used widely in supermarkets and stores in Spanish-speaking countries to refer to canned goods ranging from fruits and vegetables to meats and seafood. The practice of canning food is popular as it allows for long-term storage while maintaining the nutritional qualities of the food.

Example sentences with  enlatado
To be proud

The Spanish word 'enorgullecerse' translates into English as 'to be proud'. This is a reflexive verb involving personal feelings. It is typically used when referring to someone feeling a deep satisfaction in their achievements, qualities, or possessions, or those of someone with whom one is closely associated and these achievements or qualities are widely admired.


The Spanish word 'enorme' is used to describe something that is very large in size, amount, or degree. It is used similarly to the English word 'huge'. For example, 'Ese edificio es enorme' translates to 'That building is huge'. It can be applied to physical objects, abstract concepts, and even metaphorical expressions.

Example sentences with  enorme
enredarse el pelo
tangle your hair

The Spanish phrase 'enredarse el pelo' translates to 'tangle your hair' in English. It's used to describe the action of hair becoming twisted or knotted, typically resulting from not properly combing or taking care of it. It can be used in a range of contexts, including statements and instructions.

Example sentences with  enredarse el pelo

The Spanish word 'ensalada' translates to 'salad' in English. It can refer to a dish that usually consists of a mixture of small pieces of food, typically vegetables or fruits. However, the term 'ensalada' also conveys much of the variety that English speaking people attribute to the dish: salads can include a variety of ingredients such as grains, proteins, and cheeses, dressed with a dressing of some kind or not. This term is widely used in many Spanish-speaking countries and it is a common item found in many meals.


The Spanish word 'ensaladera' translates to 'salad bowl' in English. It is a common item found in kitchens and is used for preparing, mixing and serving salads. It's a compound word in Spanish, where 'ensalada' means 'salad' and '-era' is a suffix indicating where something is kept, in this case, where salad is kept. Note, 'ensalada' itself means 'salad', but 'ensaladera' refers specifically to the container or bowl for salad.


The Spanish word 'ensayar' translates to 'rehearse' in English. It is a verb that is commonly used in the context of preparing for a performance, such as a theatre play, a musical concert, or a speech. For example, actors ensayar for their roles in a play by practicing their lines and movements. Similarly, a musician would ensayar their pieces before a concert, to ensure that they can perform them flawlessly. The purpose of 'ensayar' is to improve and refine one's performance by repeatedly practicing until it becomes perfect.

Example sentences with  ensayar
ensayar una jugada
rehearse a play

The Spanish phrase 'ensayar una jugada' translates to 'rehearse a play' in English. It is comprised of the verb 'ensayar' which means 'to rehearse', the article 'una' which is 'a' in English, and the noun 'jugada' which although commonly translated as 'move' in a game context, in this expression it means 'play' in the theatrical sense. Therefore, 'ensayar una jugada' is often used in the context of theater or drama, where one might rehearse a play or scene for a performance.


The Spanish word 'ensayo' translates to 'rehearsal' in English. It is primarily used in contexts related to music, theater, and other performing arts, where it denotes a practice session for a performance, often held by musicians or actors. However, 'ensayo' might also refer to a 'trial' or 'test' in general contexts, indicating an effort to test something or practice something before the final attempt. Overall, 'ensayo' encapsulates the idea of preparation and practice before a final display or implementation.

Example sentences with  ensayo
enseñanza a distancia
distance learning

The term 'enseñanza a distancia' in Spanish translates to 'distance learning' in English. This refers to a way of learning remotely without being in regular face-to-face contact with a teacher in the classroom. In the context of modern world, it often involves the use of internet technologies such as online courses, lectures, emails and live classroom conversations, allowing the students to learn at their own convenience. Distance learning is increasingly becoming popular due to its flexibility and accessibility, allowing learners to acquire knowledge from anywhere in the world.

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