Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

en hielo.)
on ice.)

The Spanish phrase 'en hielo' translates to 'on ice' in English. This phrase can be used in several contexts. For instance, it may be used when referring to a beverage served with ice (e.g., 'una bebida en hielo' means 'a drink on ice'). It can also be used metaphorically. For example, if a plan or activity is 'en hielo', it might mean that it's currently paused or suspended, just like when we say something is 'on ice' in English. However, note that the phrase 'en hielo' does not include final parenthesis ')' as in your prompt.

Example sentences with  en hielo.)
en lugar de

The Spanish phrase 'en lugar de' is used in the place of 'instead' in English. It is used to suggest a contrary action or show an alternative. For instance, 'I had tea en lugar de coffee' would mean 'I had tea instead of coffee'.

Example sentences with  en lugar de
en parejas

The Spanish phrase 'en parejas' translates to 'in couples' in English. It is often used to denote a pair or a duo engaged in an activity together or to refer to romantic couples. In many educational and team settings, when tasks are assigned 'en parejas', this means they are meant to be done in pairs or groups of two. Similarly, in a social context, 'en parejas' may imply a gathering or event where guests are expected to attend as pairs or couples.

falling in love

Enamorarse is a reflexive verb in Spanish that's roughly equivalent to 'falling in love' in English. As in English, it's used to express a strong affectionate feeling towards someone else. However, because it's a reflexive verb, it literally translates to something more like 'to fall oneself in love,' which might be a bit awkward in English but makes perfect sense in Spanish.


The Spanish word 'encabezamiento' translates to 'heading' in English. It is often used in the context of documents or publications, referring to the title or introductory section of a piece. It can be used in contexts such as books, articles, letters, or any text that requires a title or an introductory section. The word 'encabezamiento' is a noun and it is derived from the verb 'encabezar' which means 'to lead' or 'to head'.


The Spanish word 'encantar' is translated as 'love' in English. However, it's crucial to note that 'encantar' may not necessarily convey the same feeling as 'love' in English. It is more accurately translated as 'to enchant' or 'to delight'. It is often used in Spanish to express a strong liking for something. For example, you would use 'encantar' to say that you love a song, a book, or a food, etc.

encender un electrodoméstico
turn on an appliance

The Spanish phrase 'encender un electrodoméstico' translates to 'turn on an appliance' in English. This phrase is typically used in conversation to explain the action of starting or activating a household electrical device, such as a washing machine, a microwave, or a television. It's a common expression in both languages and is often used in daily life.


The word 'enchufe' in Spanish translates to 'plug' in English. A plug is a device for making an electrical connection, especially directly into a socket on a piece of equipment. Therefore, 'enchufe' in Spanish is primarily used to refer to an electrical plug or metaphorically to refer to a Connection or Influence someone has.


The Spanish word 'enciclopedia' translates to 'encyclopedia' in English. An encyclopedia is a type of reference work or compendium holding a comprehensive summary of information from either all branches of knowledge or a particular branch of knowledge. Encyclopedias can be general, containing articles on topics in many different fields, or specialized, focusing on a particular field. 'Enciclopedia' in Spanish holds the same meaning.


The Spanish word 'encoger' translates to 'shrink' in English. It is generally utilized when talking about reduced size, decrease or contraction of some items, or even to suggest the act of pulling back in fear or concern. It can be used in diverse situations and objects including describing clothes that become smaller when washed in high temperatures, or people who shrink back due to cold weather or fear.


The Spanish word 'encontrar' translates to 'find' in English. It's often used in the context of locating or discovering something, similar to how we use 'find' in English. An example of usage could be 'No puedo encontrar mis llaves', which translates to 'I can't find my keys'. It can also be used in other contexts like meeting people or experiencing feelings: 'encontré a mi amiga en el café' means 'I met my friend at the café', and 'encontré alegría en la música' means 'I found joy in music'.

Example sentences with  encontrar
encontrar pruebas
Find evidence

The Spanish phrase 'encontrar pruebas' translates to 'find evidence' in English. It is often used in a context where one is required to discover or uncover supporting information or facts about an incident, situation or a case. This could be in a legal procedure, scientific research or day-to-day situations where proof is required.

encontrar una pista
find a clue

The Spanish term 'encontrar una pista' translates to 'find a clue' in English. It is a phrase often used in a context where one is searching or investigating something. 'Encontrar' means 'to find', 'una' is an indefinite article which translates to 'a', and 'pista' is a noun that translates to 'clue'. The phrase may be used in various situations such as solving a mystery, doing a research, or searching for answers.

encontrarse bien
find yourself well.

The Spanish phrase 'encontrarse bien' is typically used to express a state of well-being in English. This phrase is typically translated as 'find yourself well', signifying that one is in a good state of health or feeling well. However, it can also be interpreted in different contexts to indicate a sense of comfort, satisfaction, or general wellness. As with many idioms or phrases in different languages, the meaning can often be subjective and dependent on the context in which it is used.

encontrarse de pena
found guilty

'Encontrarse de pena' is a Spanish phrase that translates to 'found guilty' in English. It is commonly used in legal terms when someone is confirmed by a court or a judge as being guilty of the crime they were accused of. This is an essential phrase in understanding Spanish legal jargon and is commonly used in Spanish speaking courts and among lawyers.

encontrarse fatal
find it fatal.

'Encontrarse fatal' is a Spanish expression that does not directly translate to 'find it fatal' in English. Instead, it is an idiomatic phrase often used to express feeling very sick or feeling terrible. When someone says 'encontrarse fatal', they are expressing that they are not in a good health condition or they feel very bad physically or emotionally.

encontrarse fatigado
get fatigued

The Spanish phrase 'encontrarse fatigado' translates to 'get fatigued' in English. It is typically used to express the notion of becoming or feeling tired or exhausted, either physically or mentally. The verb 'encontrarse' is a reflexive form of 'encontrar' meaning 'to find'. When used in the reflexive form with an adjective like 'fatigado', it portrays an emotional or physical state. Hence, 'encontrarse fatigado' means to find oneself in a state of fatigue or tiredness.

encontrarse hecho polvo
found powder

'Encontrarse hecho polvo' is a Spanish phrase that, unlike a direct translation would suggest, does not mean 'found powder' in English. Instead, this is an idiomatic expression which is used colloquially to indicate that someone is extremely tired or worn out. It could also be used when a person is feeling devastated or emotionally drained. Hence, it is the equivalent of English phrases such as 'feeling run down' or 'feeling exhausted'.

encontrarse mal
find yourself ill.

The Spanish phrase 'encontrarse mal' translates to 'find yourself ill' in English. It's a way to express that you're not feeling well or that you're sick. This can refer to physical illness, such as a cold or flu, but could also be used to refer to feeling unwell emotionally or mentally.


The term 'encuentro' in Spanish translates to 'meeting' in English. The word 'encuentro' is primarily used to denote a gathering of people, usually convened for a particular purpose, such as business, social, or entertainment purposes in English. Interestingly, 'encuentro' can also depict an accidental or chance meeting between people.


The Spanish word 'endeudarse' refers to the act of becoming indebted or getting into debt. This verb can be used in the context describing situations where a person, a company, or even a country owes money. The notion of indebting oneself usually implies that a person has borrowed money or has made some financial obligations that they'll have to repay back at some point. It can be seen in various contexts, such as endeudarse con el banco (to become indebted to the bank), or can also refer to becoming indebted in a more figurative sense, as in feeling obliged or owing someone for a favor or kindness.

Example sentences with  endeudarse

The Spanish word 'enemigo' translates to 'enemy' in English. An enemy is a person who is actively opposed or hostile to someone or something. In various contexts, this can refer to a person with whom one has a dispute or conflict, typically one who wishes to harm or defeat another, or to provide obstacles or problems to one's endeavours. The term can also be used in military contexts to refer to individuals or groups opposing one's own military forces.


The Spanish word 'enemistad' translates into English as 'enmity'. Enmity is a deep seated hostility or animosity between individuals or groups. It's usually enduring and intense. This word is a noun and reflects a state or feeling of active opposition or hostility. It can help to think of 'enemistad' as stemming from 'enemy', as it often refers to a mutual feeling shared between enemies.


The Spanish word for 'energy' is 'energía'. It is used in the same contexts as in English, representing a source of power used for operations or physical activities. It can be used in scientific and everyday contexts. It can also be used metaphorically to represent vitality or intensity. Like in English, 'energía' is a feminine noun in Spanish.

Example sentences with  energía
energía alternativa
alternative energy

The Spanish phrase 'energía alternativa' directly translates to 'alternative energy' in English. It refers to energy sources that are cleaner and more sustainable than traditional forms of energy, such as fossil fuels. Alternative energy includes sources like solar power, wind power, hydroelectric power, and bioenergy. Using alternative energy can help to reduce carbon emissions and combat climate change.

Example sentences with  energía alternativa
energía eléctrica
Electric power

The Spanish term, 'energía eléctrica', translates to 'electric power' in English. Electric power is a form of energy that involves the flow of electric current from one point to another, which can be harnessed to do work, such as powering machines, devices, or home appliances. Thus, when referring to 'energía eléctrica' in a Spanish context, one could be discussing topics related to electricity supply, usage, or even electric power generation.

Example sentences with  energía eléctrica
energía eólica
wind energy

Energía eólica is a Spanish term that translates to 'wind energy' in English. This term is used to describe energy that is generated from the wind, a renewable and clean source of power. The mechanics of this process usually involve large turbines or windmills that are placed in areas with high wind activity. As the wind blows, it moves the blades of these turbines, enabling the generation of electricity.

Example sentences with  energía eólica
energía nuclear
nuclear energy

The Spanish term 'energía nuclear' translates to 'nuclear energy' in English. Nuclear energy is a type of power made by using nuclear reactions. It's generated when the nuclei of atoms are split or fused, creating a large amount of energy. This power is harnessed in nuclear power plants for electricity. Although nuclear energy is efficient and produces a lot of power, it can also be dangerous, as seen in nuclear disasters like Chernobyl.

Example sentences with  energía nuclear
energía solar
solar energy

The term 'energía solar' in Spanish translates to 'solar energy' in English. Solar energy is energy from the sun that is converted into thermal or electrical energy. It is the cleanest and most abundant renewable energy source available, and the U.S. has some of the richest solar resources in the world. Solar technologies can harness this energy for a variety of uses, including generating electricity, providing light or a comfortable interior environment, and heating water for domestic, commercial, or industrial use.

Example sentences with  energía solar

The Spanish word for 'January' is 'enero'. It's used in the same way as in English, to denote the first month of the year. For example, 'El primero de enero' means 'The first of January'.

Example sentences with  enero
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