Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

emitir un programa
issue a program

The Spanish phrase 'emitir un programa' directly translates to 'issue a program' in English. However, in context, the phrase is often used to mean 'broadcast a program'. This can refer to airing a television show, radio program, or any other type of media production. It is an action usually carried out by television, radio stations or streaming platforms.

emitir una noticia
issue news

The term 'emitir una noticia' in Spanish can be translated into English as 'issue news'. It is generally used to refer to the action taken by media outlets to broadcast news or disseminate information to the public. Journalists, news channels, radio stations, and online news platforms often use this term to indicate the release of news or information.


The Spanish word 'emoción' translates to 'emotion' in English. It is used to describe a strong feeling deriving from one's circumstances, mood, or relationships with others. Emotions are often subjective, experienced uniquely by each individual, and can be prompted by both positive and negative events or stimuli. They are key to human experience and provide a way for people to express and communicate their feelings. In Spanish, 'emoción' can be used in much the same contexts as 'emotion' in English.

empanar una pechuga
tie a breast

The Spanish phrase 'empanar una pechuga' does not mean 'tie a breast'. Instead, it refers to a culinary procedure commonly used in many cuisines around the world. The term 'empanar' translates to 'to bread' or 'to coat in breadcrumbs'. 'Pechuga' means 'breast', usually referring to chicken in a cooking context. Therefore, 'empanar una pechuga' would translate to 'bread a breast' or 'coat a breast in breadcrumbs', a common method used to prepare chicken prior to frying or baking.

empaquetar un regalo
packing a gift

The Spanish phrase 'empaquetar un regalo' translates to 'packing a gift' in English. This relates to the action of putting a gift into a box or wrapping and decorating it for presentation. It is often used in contexts such as during special occasions like birthdays, Christmas, and other gift-giving events.

empezar el bachillerato
begin baccalaureate

The Spanish phrase 'empezar el bachillerato' translates to 'begin baccalaureate' in English. It's commonly used in Spanish-speaking countries where the term 'bachillerato' refers to a particular type of high school. It's a period that generally marks the transition from high school to tertiary education. The verb 'empezar' means to start or to commence, so in a complete sense, the phrase means 'to start high school' or 'to begin the baccalaureate.'

empezar un doctorado
start a doctorate

The Spanish phrase 'empezar un doctorado' translates to 'start a doctorate' in English. In academic context, it may be used when someone begins their doctorate program or Ph.D studies. 'Empezar' is a verb that indicates the start or initiation of an action; 'un' is an indefinite article akin to English 'a'; and 'doctorado' is a noun that refers to a doctoral degree or doctorate. Put together, they indicate the beginning of a pursuit of a doctoral degree.

empezar un máster
start a master's degree

The Spanish phrase 'empezar un máster' translates to 'start a master's degree' in English. 'Empezar' means to start, commence, or begin; 'un' is an article that translates to 'a' in English; and 'máster' equates to 'master's degree'. So, if someone says they are about to 'empezar un máster', it means they are about to start a master's degree program, indicating the commencement of an advanced level of university study in a specific field of education.

empezar una carrera
start a career

The phrase 'empezar una carrera' in Spanish translates to 'start a career' in English. It is often used in a work or education context, implying the beginning of a professional journey or occupation. This can refer to starting a new job, embarking on a new academic course or initiating any professional path. Just like in English, this phrase signifies the initiation of a significant phase in an individual's life in Spanish-speaking societies.

empezar una relación
start a relationship

The Spanish term 'empezar una relación' translates to 'start a relationship' in English. It's helpful to break the phrase down to understand each word's individual meaning. 'Empezar' means 'to start', 'una' is 'a' and 'relación' translates to 'relationship'. This phrase is commonly used in conversational and written Spanish when discussing the commencement of a romantic or formal relationship.


The term 'empleado' refers to an individual who is hired to provide services to a company on a regular basis in exchange for compensation and who does not provide these services as part of an independent business. It is typically used in both formal and casual contexts, similar to the term 'employee' in English.

Example sentences with  empleado
empleado de banca
bank employee

The Spanish phrase 'empleado de banca' translates to 'bank employee' in English. A bank employee is an individual who works for a bank. This role can include various responsibilities, such as accepting deposits and loan payments, providing customer service, and aiding clients with account details. The employee could work in multiple departments in a bank, such as a teller at the front desk, a loan officer, or a bank manager, among others. This word is often used in professional and formal contexts.

empleado de correos
post office

The Spanish term 'empleado de correos' can be translated to English as 'post office employee'. This is a person who works at the post office, an establishment for the reception, dispatch, and delivery of letters and packages, and selling stamps and other postal supplies.


The word 'emplear' is a verb in Spanish, and it translates to 'employ' in English. It's commonly used in formal and professional settings, referring to the act of hiring someone or utilizing something in order to accomplish a specific task or purpose. For example, when you want to express 'I will employ a different strategy', you can say 'Voy a emplear una estrategia diferente' in Spanish.


The Spanish word 'empleo' translates to 'employment' in English. It is a noun and it is used to describe work or a job that someone does to earn money. It can also refer to the state of having a paid job. For example, in the sentence 'Estoy buscando empleo', it means 'I am looking for a job'.


The Spanish word 'empleo' translates to 'employment' in English. It's a noun commonly used in both formal and informal contexts. It refers to the condition of having paid work or a specific task or activity done as part of the work of a particular job. In Spanish-speaking countries, 'empleo' can be used to discuss jobs, the job market, or the act of employing someone. The term 'empleo' is integral in business and daily conversations, reflecting the importance of work in society.


The Spanish word 'empollón' translates to 'nerd' in English. It's often used in a casual or informal context to describe someone who is studious, overly academic, or obsessed with intellectual pursuits. Please note, while the term 'nerd' may sometimes carry negative connotations in English, different cultural perspectives may influence the nuances and context in which 'empollón' is used in Spanish.


The Spanish word 'emprendedor' translates to 'entrepreneur' in English. It is derived from the verb 'emprender' which means 'to undertake'. In a broader sense, it refers to a person who organizes and operates a business or businesses, taking on greater than normal financial risks in order to do so. An 'emprendedor' shows initiative and willingness to take on new projects and risks.


This term refers to a commercial organization that operates on a for-profit basis. It can encompass businesses of all sizes.

Example sentences with  empresa
empresa de mensajería
courier company

The term 'empresa de mensajería' is Spanish for 'courier company'. A courier company is a firm specializing in delivering messages, packages, and mail. These companies offer quicker and more targeted delivery services than usual mail. They are known for their speed, security, tracking service, and specialization and offer services for different kinds of goods such as documents, small packages, and even large shipments. In modern times, courier companies are an essential part of the logistics and supply chain industry, helping businesses and individuals to send and receive items efficiently and effectively.

empresa de mudanzas
moving company

The term 'empresa de mudanzas' in Spanish is translated into English as 'moving company'. A moving company is a commercial business that is paid to help individuals and businesses move their goods from one place to another. They are responsible for ensuring safe and efficient transport of items, often using large trucks or vans, and typically offer services like packing, loading, moving, unloading, unpacking, and arranging of items at the new location.

Empresa de Trabajo Temporal (ETT)
Temporary Work Company (ETT)

The Spanish phrase 'Empresa de Trabajo Temporal (ETT)' translates to 'Temporary Work Company (ETT)' in English. This is a type of firm that specializes in recruiting staff for other companies on a temporary basis, either to cover for permanent employees on leave or to handle increased workloads. Such companies typically have a database of workers with various skills, and they match these workers with companies seeking temporary staff. The workers remain employees of the ETT, not the company to which they are assigned.

empresa privada
private enterprise

The term 'empresa privada' in Spanish refers to a privately-owned business structure. This is characterized as a business or organization that is operated and owned by non-government entities. Unlike public entities which are controlled by the government, private enterprises have less government intervention and is primarily run by individuals or companies. It is known for its profit-oriented nature, driven towards maximizing business growth and income. 'Empresa privada' translates to 'private enterprise' in English.

Example sentences with  empresa privada
empresa pública
public enterprise

The term 'empresa pública' in Spanish refers to a type of organization that is owned and operated by the government, rather than by private individuals or entities. This could be at any level - local, regional, or national. Public enterprises are typically involved in the delivery of public services, such as utilities and infrastructure, but can also be found operating in various other sectors of the economy. They are created in the public interest and their operations are often funded, at least in part, through public revenues.

Example sentences with  empresa pública

The Spanish word 'empresario' translates to 'entrepreneur' in English. An 'empresario' refers to a person who initiates or manages a business or businesses, typically demonstrating a high degree of innovation and risk. They are generally seen as innovators, leaders, or creators in the sectors they operate in, and they use their skills and initiatives to create new projects and ideas.


The Spanish word 'empujar' means 'to push' in English. It can be used in the same context where 'push' is used in English. For instance, when you want to push the door open, in Spanish, you would say 'empujar la puerta'. Like 'push', 'empujar' is also used in a figurative way, such as pushing oneself to do better, which translates to 'empujarse a hacerlo mejor' in Spanish.

Example sentences with  empujar

The Spanish equivalent for the English preposition 'into' is 'en'. It conveys the movement or direction of something towards the inside of a container or place. Also, it can indicate a transformation of a state or condition. Keep in mind, 'en' is a versatile preposition which can express diverse notions based on context.

Example sentences with  en
en buen estado
in good condition

The Spanish phrase 'en buen estado' translates to 'in good condition' in English. It is often used to describe objects, places, or situations that are functioning well or are of good quality. For example, if a used car is functioning without any issues, you would say it is 'en buen estado'. Similarly, if a house is well-maintained and doesn't require any repairs, you would also use this phrase. It can also be used to describe a person's health or physical condition when they're feeling well or healthy.

en conserva

The phrase 'en conserva' in Spanish translates to 'canned' in English. It is usually used to indicate that food or other perishable items have been processed and sealed in an airtight container (also known as a can) for the purpose of long-term preservation. Items that are 'en conserva' might include fruits, vegetables, meats, or fish, and these canned goods can be typically stored for long periods of time without refrigeration. This method of food preservation allows for access to seasonal foods throughout the year and longer storage of emergency food supplies.

Example sentences with  en conserva
en grupos

The Spanish phrase 'en grupos' translates to 'in groups' in English. It is often used to indicate a division or organization in multiple smaller units or teams. For example, if you were splitting up a class or team into smaller teams or groups, you would use the phrase 'en grupos'.

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