Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.


The Spanish word 'electrónico' translates to 'electronic' in English. It is often used to describe any device or system that operates using electricity. This can involve computers, telephones, and numerous other forms of technology that are integral parts of our daily lives. It can also be used as a descriptor for music that uses electronic instruments and technology in its production.

Example sentences with  electrónico

Elephants are large mammals of the family Elephantidae and the order Proboscidea. They are herbivorous and can be found in different habitats including savannahs, forests, deserts, and marshes.

Example sentences with  elefante

The Spanish word 'elegir' translates to 'pick' in English. It is used in the same way as in English. For example, when selecting or choosing something among options. It also implies the act of making a choice or decision. Just like in English, 'elegir' is used both in literal and figurative contexts.

Example sentences with  elegir
elegir un tema
choose a theme

The Spanish phrase 'elegir un tema' translates to 'choose a theme' in English. This phrase could be used in various contexts such as event planning, writing a paper or any other context where a topic or style needs to be selected. In conjugating the verb 'elegir', it changes according to the subject, similar to other Spanish verbs. For instance, 'yo elijo un tema' (I choose a theme), 'tu eliges un tema' (you choose a theme). It is an important phrase to learn as it is commonly used.

elemento químico
chemical element

The phrase 'elemento químico' in Spanish translates to 'chemical element' in English. A chemical element is a species of atoms having the same number of protons in its atomic nuclei. For example, the atomic number of oxygen is 8, so the element oxygen consists of all atoms which have exactly 8 protons. Chemical elements constitute all of the ordinary matter in the universe. In this context, 'elemento químico' is a basic concept in the field of chemistry.

Example sentences with  elemento químico

The term 'elfo' is used in Spanish to refer to a mythical creature known in folklore and fantasy literature. Similar to English, it is typically associated with magical beings that are human-like in appearance with pointy ears, often skilled in magic or mischief. The usage in a sentence could be 'El elfo en el libro era muy sabio', which translates to 'The elf in the book was very wise'.

Example sentences with  elfo

The Spanish word 'eliminar' directly translates to 'remove' in English. It is a verb used when you want to get rid of something or delete it. For example, you would use 'eliminar' if you wanted to remove a file from your computer or remove an item from your shopping cart.

Example sentences with  eliminar
eliminar las espinillas
remove the spindles

'Eliminar las espinillas' is a Spanish phrase that translates to 'remove the spindles' in English. However, there seems to be a mistranslation. If we're referring to skin care, 'eliminar las espinillas' would be 'get rid of pimples' or 'remove blackheads'. 'Spindles' are typically called 'husos' in Spanish, typically found in woodwork or in biology, a part of a dividing cell. It's best to consider the context of the translation.

Example sentences with  eliminar las espinillas
eliminar las impurezas de la piel
remove impurities from the skin

The Spanish phrase 'eliminar las impurezas de la piel' translates to 'remove impurities from the skin' in English. This could be used in the context of skincare or beauty treatments where the goal is to cleanse or purify the skin by getting rid of impurities such as dirt, bacteria, or excess oil.

Example sentences with  eliminar las impurezas de la piel
eliminar los granos
remove the grains

The Spanish phrase 'eliminar los granos' translates to 'remove the grains' in English. This phrase is typically used in contexts such as cooking or farming, where you might need to remove grains from a product. For instance, in cooking you might get instructions to 'eliminar los granos' from a batch of rice or beans as part of the process. Similarly, in farming or agricultural work, 'eliminar los granos' might be part of the process of processing certain types of crops. Remember, 'eliminar' translates to 'remove' and 'granos' translates to 'grains'.

Example sentences with  eliminar los granos
eliminar los puntos negros
remove black dots

The Spanish phrase 'eliminar los puntos negros' directly translates to 'remove black dots' in English. This phrase could be representative of various contexts, like removing black spots from various surfaces or possibly from a picture. Additionally, within a skincare context, 'puntos negros' can refer to blackheads, so the phrase might also be instructing to 'remove blackheads'.

Example sentences with  eliminar los puntos negros
eliminar un documento
delete a document

The Spanish phrase 'eliminar un documento' directly translates to 'delete a document' in English. This phrase is often used in the context of document handling in digital spaces, such as deleting a file on your computer or removing a document from a digital storage. However, it can also apply to non-digital contexts where a physical document is being discarded or destroyed.

Example sentences with  eliminar un documento
eliminar un virus
remove a virus

The Spanish term 'eliminar un virus' translates to 'remove a virus' in English. It's often used in technological or medical contexts. In technology, it refers to the process of identifying and deleting harmful software from a device. In a medical context, it means to get rid of a virus from the body using various methods such as medication, vaccines, or physical processes.


The Spanish word 'eliminatoria' translates to 'elimination' in English. In a competitive context, it generally refers to a stage in a tournament where participants are progressively eliminated after each round, until a winner is determined. It can also refer to the process of removing or getting rid of something or someone. It's important to understand the context to accurately translate this word.

ella misma

The Spanish word 'ella misma' translates to 'herself' in English. It is a reflexive pronoun used when the subject of the sentence and the object of the verb are the same person. This can be used in a reflexive sense as in 'She does the work herself' ('Ella hace el trabajo ella misma'). It is also used to add emphasis to the subject.

Example sentences with  ella misma

The Spanish word 'ellos' translates to 'they' in English and is used to refer to a group of males or a mixed-gender group of people. Please note that the equivalent feminine term, 'ellas', is used when referring to a group entirely composed of females.

Example sentences with  ellos
ellos mismos

The Spanish word 'ellos mismos' is used in a similar way to the English word 'themselves'. It is a reflexive pronoun used when the subject in a sentence is doing something to or for themselves. For example, in the sentence 'Ellos se vistieron ellos mismos' translates to 'They dressed themselves'.

Example sentences with  ellos mismos

The Spanish word 'elogiar' translates to 'praise' in English. It is a verb often used to describe the act of expressing approval or admiration for someone or something. Some examples of its usage in a sentence include 'Me gusta elogiar a mis alumnos cuando hacen un buen trabajo' (I like to praise my students when they do a good job), and 'Fue elogiado por su valentía' (He was praised for his bravery).

Example sentences with  elogiar

The Spanish word 'embajada' translates to 'embassy' in English. An embassy is a diplomatic office or mission that one country appoints in another country to represent its affairs. Embassies generally provide services like issuing visas, taking part in trade activities between the two countries, and aiding its citizens who are visiting or living in the foreign country.

Example sentences with  embajada

The Spanish word 'embajador' translates to 'ambassador' in English. An ambassador is an authorized representative or diplomat of a nation, often residing in a foreign country. Ambassadors principally serve to maintain diplomatic relations and to deal with issues related to politics and trade between their home country and the foreign country. So in a sense, an 'embajador' is someone who represents and advocates for their country while based in another country.

Example sentences with  embajador

The Spanish word 'embarazo' translates to 'pregnancy' in English. It's a noun that refers to the period of time during which a woman carries a developing fetus inside her womb, typically a period of approximately nine months. In a wider context, 'embarazo' can also be used in Spanish to refer to a state of being embarrassed or feeling awkward in certain situations, although it's crucial to note that this usage is less common and the context is essential to understand the meaning.


The Spanish word 'embarcadero' is often misinterpreted as 'ship', but its correct English translation is 'wharf' or 'pier'. It refers to a structure built on the shore of a harbor, lake, river, or canal where ships or boats can dock or be moored. An 'embarcadero' is typically used for loading and unloading cargo or passengers from the water vessels.

Example sentences with  embarcadero

The Spanish word 'embarcar' translates to 'embark' in English. It is generally used to denote the start of a journey, specifically referring to boarding a vehicle or ship for travel. This term has a sense of beginning or initiation, and suggests a venture towards a distant, often unfamiliar destination.

Example sentences with  embarcar

The given word is not correct. 'Embestir' in Spanish does not mean 'embryo'. Actually, 'embestir' is a verb in Spanish and generally translates to 'to charge at' in English. It is often used to describe the action of an animal, like a bull, charging. 'Embryo' in Spanish is 'embrión'.

Example sentences with  embestir
get drunk

The word 'emborracharse' in Spanish is a reflexive verb that is often used to describe the act of getting drunk. The literal translation of 'emborracharse' to English is to make oneself drunk. However, in daily usage, it is most commonly used to simply mean 'to get drunk'. The word is a combination of the Spanish term 'borracho', which means 'drunk', and the reflexive verb ending '-se'.


The Spanish word 'embrague' translates to 'clutch' in English. The term 'clutch' is typically used in the context of automobiles and machinery. It represents a device that connects two rotating shafts and allows them to either be locked together and spin at the same speed, or be decoupled and spin at different speeds. If you're driving a manual transmission car, 'embrague' is a vital component to control your vehicle's gear. However, it's worth mentioning that outside of this context, the term might carry different meanings based on the region and colloquial use.

Example sentences with  embrague

The word 'embutido' in Spanish translates to 'sausage' in English. In a culinary context, this varies from country to country, but typically refers to a product made from ground meat (most often pork, beef, or poultry), along with fat, salt, and spices, which is then filled into a casing and may be subsequently cured or smoked. 'Embutido' can come in a variety of forms, such as chorizo, morcilla, and longaniza.


The Spanish word 'emigración' translates to 'emigration' in English. Emigration is the act of leaving one's native country or region to settle in another. It typically occurs with the intent to settle permanently in a new location. The term is closely related to immigration, which is the process of individuals moving into a new country. Together, emigration and immigration are part of the wider process of migration within and between nations.

Example sentences with  emigración

The Spanish word 'emigrante' translates to 'emigrant' in English. An emigrant is a person who leaves their own country in order to settle permanently in another. This term is used to describe those individuals or groups of people who choose to relocate, often in search of better life opportunities or to escape from situations such as political unrest or economic challenges in their home countries.

Example sentences with  emigrante

The Spanish word 'emisión' translates to 'emission' in English. It is used mainly in scientific contexts to refer to the process of discharging or expelling matter, energy or radiation. It can also broadly mean the act of producing and releasing something, especially gas or radiation, either naturally or as a byproduct. In a financial environment, it might refer to the release or circulation of shares or currency by a company or a government. This term is often used in the context of environmental discussions, as in 'emisión de gases'.

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