Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

alas de pollo
chicken wings

The Spanish term 'alas de pollo' translates to 'chicken wings' in English. 'Alas' means 'wings', and 'pollo' refers to 'chicken'. It's a common term used in Spanish-speaking regions to refer to a popular food item, particularly as a part of fast food menus or in traditional dishes.


Albahaca is a noun in Spanish that translates to 'basil' in English. It's commonly used to refer to a type of kitchen herb known for its distinctive aroma and green leaves, often used in cooking for seasoning and garnishing. Albahaca comes from the botanical family Lamiaceae and is used in a variety of cuisines around the world.


The Spanish word 'albañilería' translates to 'masonry' in English. Masonry is a craft involving the construction of structures from individual units, which are laid and bound together by mortar. Similar to this, 'albañilería' in Spanish also pertains to the art of building or creating structures, such as walls, by using bricks, stones, tiles or similar materials. This term can also refer to the product of such work. In some cases, 'albañilería' can be used to refer to the work or trade of a bricklayer.


The Spanish word 'albergue' translates to 'hostel' in English. A 'hostel' is a budget-oriented, sociable accommodation where guests can rent a bed, usually a bunk bed, in a dormitory and share a bathroom, lounge, and sometimes a kitchen. It is often cheaper than a hotel and preferred by travelers or backpackers. So, 'albergue' is a term you will often come across when traveling in Spanish speaking countries.

Example sentences with  albergue

The Spanish word 'albornoz' translates to 'bathrobe' in English. This noun is commonly used in household vocabulary. A bathrobe is a loose-fitting outer garment worn by individuals in the privacy of their home, especially after bathing or swimming. Robes are also worn for warmth over pajamas and for modesty before dressing.

álbum de fotos
photo album

The term 'álbum de fotos' in Spanish translates to 'photo album' in English. A photo album is a book or binder where one organizes and stores their photographs. It is commonly used to safely keep personal family photos or professional portraits, and is organized by various themes, such as 'vacations', 'birthdays', or 'weddings'. They help keep memories consolidated and safe, and are one way to categorize and keep track of life events and moments in a visual and tangible form.


The Spanish word 'alcalde' translates to 'mayor' in English. It refers to the elected head of a city, town, municipality, or other local government level. As a political position, an alcalde's responsibilities typically include law enforcement and the establishment of local policies and directives. The term is used in Spanish speaking countries, and its English equivalent, mayor, shares much the same connotations and roles within a community.

Example sentences with  alcalde

The word 'alcanzar' is used in Spanish to mean 'reach', signifying the act of stretching out to touch or grab something or the ability to arrive at a certain point or level. It can be used in various contexts, such as reaching a destination, reaching for a goal, or reaching out to someone. For example, 'No puedo alcanzar la cima de la montaña' translates to 'I can't reach the peak of the mountain'.

Example sentences with  alcanzar
alcanzar el éxito
achieve success

The Spanish phrase 'alcanzar el éxito' translates into English as 'achieve success'. It is a verb phrase that implies striving to reach a certain level of accomplishment or prosperity either in personal or professional life. The verb 'alcanzar' literally means 'to reach' or 'to attain', and 'el éxito' translates to 'the success'. Therefore, in various contexts, this phrase might be used to inspire, encourage, or describe one's goal or aspiration.

alcanzar el triunfo
achieve the triumph

The Spanish phrase 'alcanzar el triunfo' is translated into English as 'achieve the triumph'. It is often used to express the idea of reaching or attaining victory or success, comparable to the feeling of triumph after overcoming a difficult or significant challenge. This idiom can be used in both formal and informal contexts across various subjects or themes, such as sports, academic achievements, business success, etc.

alcanzar la victoria
achieve victory

The Spanish phrase 'alcanzar la victoria' translates to 'achieve victory' in English. This verb phrase can be used in various contexts related to competition or struggle, including sports, business, or personal achievement. It signifies the process of striving towards and ultimately achieving a win or a successful outcome.


The Spanish word 'alcohol' translates directly to 'alcohol' in English. It is a noun and refers to a colorless volatile liquid that is produced by fermentation of sugars and is the intoxicating constituent of wine, beer, and spirits. It is often associated with socializing and can be found in many different forms around the world. Like in English, 'alcohol' in Spanish can also refer to the use, consumption, or industry of drinks containing this substance.

Example sentences with  alcohol

The Spanish verb 'alegrarse' is translated as 'rejoice' in English. It is most commonly used to express happiness or joy for good things that have happened, either to oneself or to others. A reflexive verb in Spanish, the actions expressed by 'alegrarse' imply a personal experience of joy or satisfaction, often in response to some specific event or circumstance. Similar English expressions might include 'to feel happy' or 'to get joy from'.


The Spanish term for 'merry' is 'alegre'. It is often used in similar contexts to English, to describe things that are cheerful, bright or lively. For instance, when wishing someone a 'Merry Christmas' in Spanish, you would say 'Feliz Navidad'. The term can also describe a person's mood, as in being in a merry or happy mood, which would translate to 'estar alegre'.

Example sentences with  alegre

The word 'alegría' in Spanish translates to 'joy' in English. It is used to express a feeling of great pleasure, happiness, or gladness. For example, feeling 'alegría' after receiving some good news. Its usage is similar to the English word 'joy', where it is often used to illustrate extreme happiness or something that brings happiness.

Example sentences with  alegría

The Spanish word 'alemán' translates to 'German' in English. It could refer to the German language, a person from Germany, or anything related to the country Germany, similar to how 'German' is utilized in English. Its use can vary depending on the context, just like other adjectives denoting nationality or language.


The Spanish word 'alfiler' does not translate to 'alger' in English. It directly translates to 'pin' in English. It's typically used to refer to a needle or short pointed piece of metal with a head, which is used in sewing to fasten pieces of fabric together. It can also refer to safety pins, which are made slightly differently but have a similar use.


The Spanish word 'alfombra' translates to 'carpet' in English. 'Alfombra' is feminine and its plural form is 'alfombras.' This word is commonly used in Spanish-speaking countries and regions to refer to a type of floor covering that is typically made of thick woven fabric. The usage of 'alfombra' is very much like how 'carpet' is implemented in English. Depending on the context, it can mean a large rug or a permanent fixture that is installed to cover the entire floor surface, enhancing the aesthetics and comfort of an indoor space.


The Spanish word 'alga' translates to 'alga' in English, which refers to a group of simple, green plants that live in water. Algae can range in size from tiny single-celled organisms to large, complex forms like seaweeds. They are photosynthetic, meaning they use sunlight to convert carbon dioxide and water into food. Algae are found in both freshwater and marine environments and can also grow on rocks, soils, vegetation, and even in extreme conditions like snowfields.

Example sentences with  alga

The Spanish word 'álgebra' translates to 'algebra' in English. It is a branch of mathematics that involves symbol and rule manipulations. These manipulations are performed on symbols rather than numbers to solve mathematical problems. 'Álgebra', like algebra in English, encompasses everything from solving simple equations to studying the complex abstractions, spaces, structures, and concepts.

Example sentences with  álgebra

The Spanish word 'algo' is used to denote an undefined, non-specific entity or thing. It can be used in different contexts just as 'something' is used in English, either for things you do not want to specify or things that are not known. It is widely used in both formal and informal communication.

Example sentences with  algo

The Spanish word 'algodón' translates to 'cotton' in English. Cotton is a soft, fluffy staple fiber that grows in a boll, or protective case, around the seeds of the cotton plants. Cotton is used to make a variety of textile products. Furthermore, it embodies a significant commodity in the global economy because it is essential to produce clothes, home furnishings, and other common items.


The Spanish word for 'someone' is 'alguien'. It is used in a similar context to the English usage, referring to an unspecified or unknown person. For example, 'Hay alguien en la casa' translates to 'There is someone in the house'.

Example sentences with  alguien

In Spanish, 'alguno' is used similarly to 'some' in English. It is used to refer to an indefinite quantity or number of things. The word can change form depending on the gender and number of the noun it refers to. For example, 'alguno' (singular, masculine), 'algunos' (plural, masculine), 'alguna' (singular, feminine), 'algunas' (plural, feminine).

Example sentences with  alguno

The Spanish word 'aliado' translates to 'ally' in English. It can be used in many contexts, but generally refers to a person, group, or country that cooperates with or helps another in a particular activity. Depending on context, it can also refer to a partner or associate united with others for a common purpose or mutual benefit. Similar to English, it can be used to refer to military, political, or business alliances.

Example sentences with  aliado
alianza de oro
gold alliance

The Spanish phrase 'alianza de oro' translates to 'gold alliance' in English. In a literal sense, it refers to a union or partnership that is highly valuable or beneficial, similar to gold. However, in a more specific context, it's often used to refer to a gold wedding ring in several Spanish-speaking regions, signifying the golden (metaphorically precious) covenant between two people in marriage.

alianza de plata
silver alliance

The Spanish phrase 'alianza de plata' translates to 'silver alliance' in English. It can be used literally to refer to an alliance or pact that is referred to as 'silver', possibly denoting its importance or worth. Additionally, 'alianza de plata' can also refer to a silver ring, as 'alianza' is also a term used for ring in Spanish, particularly in reference to engagement or wedding bands. Thus, this phrase symbolizes both unity and value.

alimentación equilibrada
Balanced food

The Spanish phrase 'alimentación equilibrada' translates to 'balanced food' in English. This term signifies a well-rounded diet consisting of the right amount of carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, and minerals required for optimal health and well-being. It suggests an approach to eating where all meals are arranged so that all necessary nutrients are proportionately consumed.

alimentación sana
healthy diet

The Spanish term 'alimentación sana' translates into 'healthy diet' in English. This phrase is used to refer to a balanced diet containing a variety of foods in the right proportions. This includes consuming fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains, and healthy fats. A 'alimentación sana' aims to maintain or improve overall health, help body functions, and prevent diet-related diseases.


The Spanish term 'alimentar(se)' does not translate to 'food(s)' in English; instead, it is a verb that is most closely translated as 'to feed' or 'to nourish (oneself)'. It denotes the action of providing someone or oneself with food or other substances necessary for growth, health, and good condition.

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