Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

ejercer de abogado
exercising counsel

The Spanish phrase 'ejercer de abogado' translates to 'exercising counsel' in English. It typically refers to the professional actions of a lawyer, including giving legal advice and acting on behalf of clients in legal matters. It can be used in various contexts where legal assistance is provided. In other words, when someone 'ejerce de abogado', they are performing duties and responsibilities related to the law profession.

ejercer de veterinario
exercise of veterinarian

The Spanish phrase 'ejercer de veterinario' is not literally translated as 'exercise of veterinarian' in English. Instead, it is used to mean 'to practice as a vet' or 'to work as a veterinarian'. It's a verbal phrase that implies the action of practicing a particular profession. In this case, the profession is being a veterinarian. So, this Spanish phrase would be used in contexts where the subject is performing actions related to their job as a vet.

ejercer la presidencia
to exercise the presidency

The phrase 'ejercer la presidencia' in Spanish translates to 'to exercise the presidency' in English. This phrase implies the action of carrying out the powers, duties, and functions associated with the role of a president in an official capacity. It is used to describe the actions of being in the presidential role and actively performing the tasks and responsibilities involved with that position.

Example sentences with  ejercer la presidencia
ejercer un oficio
to exercise an office

The Spanish phrase 'ejercer un oficio' is generally understood to refer to practicing a trade or profession in English. More specifically, it implies performing the duties or tasks associated with a particular job or artisan craft. It could be a verb for the significant activity or tasks one does in their job role or trade. This term prioritizes the action of work rather than the professions themselves.

ejercer una función
to play a role

The Spanish phrase 'ejercer una función' translates to 'to play a role' in English. This can refer to someone participating in something, especially in a specific way or to accomplish a specific goal. For example, when referring to a person in a movie or play, we might say they 'play a role'. Similarly, someone might 'play a role' in a team or organization, contributing in a specific way to the team or organization's overall function.

ejercer una función administrativa
to exercise an administrative function

The Spanish phrase 'ejercer una función administrativa' translates to 'to exercise an administrative function' in English. Typically, it is used in job descriptions or specifications to indicate one of the responsibilities a person has within an organization. It suggests that one is actively performing tasks or duties that manage and organize people, resources, or activities. This can involve planning, coordinating, directing, or controlling resources in order to achieve the organization's objectives.

ejercer una función directiva
to exercise a managerial role

The phrase 'ejercer una función directiva' in Spanish translates into English as 'to exercise a managerial role'. This refers to the act of performing tasks and duties associated with managing a business, a department, or a team. It can encompass a wide range of activities, including making decisions, setting and achieving goals, and leading a team. It is often used in a professional or business context, and can refer to positions in a variety of industries and sectors.

ejercer una función ejecutiva
to exercise an executive role

The Spanish phrase 'ejercer una función ejecutiva' translates to 'to exercise an executive role' in English. This phrase is often used in the context of a corporate or business setting where a person has the capacity and responsibility to make significant decisions and policies within an organization. It can also be applied to political scenarios where someone has the authority to implement substantial changes within a governmental organization or body.

ejercer una profesión
to exercise a profession

The Spanish phrase 'ejercer una profesión' translates to 'to exercise a profession' in English. This phrase is often used in the context of engaging in a particular occupation or field of work. It involves carrying out the tasks or duties associated with that profession. Thus, if someone says they are 'ejerciendo una profesión', they mean they are actively working or practicing in their respective career field.


The Spanish word for 'army' is 'ejército'. It is a masculine noun most commonly used in a general context to refer to a nation's permanent, professional land-based military force. Much like in English, it can also be used metaphorically, as in 'an army of supporters'.

Example sentences with  ejército
ejército profesional
Professional army

The Spanish phrase 'ejército profesional' translates to 'professional army' in English. This refers to a military force that is fully committed to the profession of arms. They are full-time soldiers who are paid to serve in the armed forces, often considered as a permanent, professional military force. They are usually highly trained, specialized in their roles and often equipped with sophisticate military technology and weapons.

Example sentences with  ejército profesional
el menú

The Spanish word 'el menú' translates to 'menu' in English. It is often used in the context of food, for instance in a restaurant, to mean a list of food and beverages offered to customers. For example, 'Lea el menú y elija su comida' translates to 'Read the menu and choose your food.' However, 'menu' could also refer to a list of options or commands on a computer interface.

él mismo

The Spanish word 'él mismo' translates to 'himself' in English. It is used to refer back to the subject previously mentioned. It is used when the action of the verb is done by the subject to the subject himself. The use is similar to English in that it can be used for emphasis or to explicitly refer to a certain person previously mentioned.

Example sentences with  él mismo
el Papa
the Pope

The word 'el Papa' in Spanish refers to the Pope in English. This is a term used in Catholicism, referring to the Bishop of Rome who holds the highest position in the Catholic Church, taking charge of numerous religious duties, including conducting mass and making religious rulings. Moreover, 'el Papa' is also a symbol for Catholicism and is greatly respected in Spanish-speaking and Catholic majority countries.

Example sentences with  el Papa

The Spanish word 'elasticidad' translates to 'elasticity' in English. In everyday language, elasticity may refer to a material's ability to return to its original shape after being stretched or deformed. In economics, it's a measure of a variable's responsiveness to a change in another variable. In physics, elasticity is the property of solid materials to return to their original shape or size after the forces deforming them have been removed.

Example sentences with  elasticidad

The Spanish translation for 'choice' is 'elección'. This word is used similarly to English, wherein it is applicable when a person or thing is selected from a range of possible alternatives. It is a common word, used in many contexts such as making a 'choice' in a restaurant ('hacer una elección en un restaurante'), or in the context of elections where there is a 'choice' of candidates ('elección de candidatos').

Example sentences with  elección
elecciones autonómicas
autonomic elections

The term 'elecciones autonómicas' in Spanish directly translates to 'autonomic elections' in English. This phrase is used to describe the electoral processes that take place within autonomous communities in Spain. These elections determine the local governments of these communities and occur separately from the national general elections.

Example sentences with  elecciones autonómicas
elecciones generales
General elections

The Spanish term 'elecciones generales' translates to 'general elections' in English. In a political context, general elections are usually held at an established frequency and involve the selection of individuals to fill positions in various offices or bodies by the eligible voters of a specific country or area. These can involve various roles, from the highest office in the nation, such as the presidency, all the way down to local councillors or other similar roles. A 'general' election typically denotes a national or wide-ranging vote as opposed to smaller, local, or special elections.

Example sentences with  elecciones generales
elecciones locales
Local elections

The term 'elecciones locales' in Spanish translates to 'local elections' in English. Local elections are a critical aspect of democratic governance, as they grant citizens the opportunity to select local officials who will represent their interests and concerns at the local governance level. Typically, positions like mayors, city council members, sheriffs, and other local governmental offices are filled through local elections.

Example sentences with  elecciones locales
elecciones municipales
municipal elections

The Spanish term 'elecciones municipales' translates to 'municipal elections' in English. These are elections that take place at the city or town level to choose local government officials. In these elections, citizens vote for their preferred candidates to represent and make decisions in their local municipality. This term is widely used in Spanish-speaking countries during local election periods.

Example sentences with  elecciones municipales

The Spanish term 'electorado' translates to 'electorate' in English. This term is typically used in a political context and refers to all the people in a country or area who are entitled to vote in an election. In a broader sense, 'electorate' can also refer to a body of voters in a specified area who elect a representative to a legislative body.

Example sentences with  electorado

The Spanish word 'electricidad' translates to 'electricity' in English. It is commonly used when referring to the general field of electricity or to describe an electrical system or current. For example, you might use 'electricidad' when talking about electrical power or the functioning of an electrical device. It indicates a form of energy resulting from the existence of charged particles, such as electrons or protons, either statically as an accumulation of charge or dynamically as a current.

Example sentences with  electricidad
electrodoméstico de bajo consumo
low consumption appliance

The Spanish phrase 'electrodoméstico de bajo consumo' translates to 'low consumption appliance' in English. It refers to any household device designed to use energy as efficiently as possible, thus reducing the amount of power needed for operation. Examples of low consumption appliances might include energy-star rated refrigerators, washing machines, or air conditioners. These types of appliances are often sought after for their benefits to the environment and potential to save on electricity bills.

electrodoméstico de diseño
designer appliance

The Spanish phrase 'electrodoméstico de diseño' translates to 'designer appliance' in English. This term is often used in the context of high-end, stylishly designed home appliances such as refrigerators, dishwashers, or ovens, typically used to enhance the aesthetic appeal of a home. The association with 'designer' implies a premium quality, innovative features, and often a higher price tag compared to conventional appliances.

electrodoméstico de fácil manejo
easy-to-use appliance

The Spanish phrase 'electrodoméstico de fácil manejo' translates directly to 'easy-to-use appliance' in English. It refers to an electrical machine in your home that is designed to perform a specific domestic function and is user-friendly or simple to operate. The term could apply to any number of household appliances including, but not limited to, refrigerators, microwaves, washing machines, or ovens that are designed with user accessibility and simplicity in mind.

electrodoméstico de gama alta
high-end appliance

The Spanish phrase 'electrodoméstico de gama alta' translates to 'high-end appliance' in English. This refers to a household appliance that is typically of superior quality, greater functionality, and higher cost than standard models. It could be a refrigerator, oven, washing machine or any other household device. This type of appliance is often constructed with better materials for longevity, can come with advanced features such as smart home compatibility, and may offer energy-saving technologies.

electrodoméstico de gama baja
low-end appliance

'Electrodoméstico de gama baja' translates to 'low-end appliance' in English. In other words, it refers to an appliance that is affordable or less expensive than similar items. Despite having a lower price, these appliances may not offer as many features or be as durable as higher-end appliances. This term is often used in the context of shopping for and comparing home appliances.

electrodoméstico de gama media
mid-range appliance

The term 'electrodoméstico de gama media' in Spanish refers to 'mid-range appliance' in English. This means that the appliance falls into an intermediate category in terms of quality, performance, and price. Typically, mid-range appliances offer more features and capabilities than basic or low-end models, but may not include all the advanced features, high-end materials, or cutting-edge technologies available in premium or high-end appliances. Mid-range appliances are often a balance of affordability and functionality, and can be a good choice for those who want more features or higher quality than budget models provide, but do not want to pay for high-end options.

electrodoméstico de gran capacidad
high capacity appliance

The Spanish term 'electrodoméstico de gran capacidad' translates to 'high capacity appliance' in English. This term is often used in home settings and refers to household appliances that have the ability to perform at a high level or hold a large volume. These can include things like refrigerators, washing machines, dryers or dishwashers. Understanding of this term may be especially useful in situations related to purchase, repair or general discussions about household appliances.

electrodoméstico de pequeñas dimensiones
small size appliance

The phrase 'electrodoméstico de pequeñas dimensiones' in Spanish refers to a small size appliance in English. These are typically household appliances like a toaster, microwave, or a blender which are small in size but perform important functions within a home. They are portable and can easily be placed on a counter or a table. The usage of such appliances are widespread, making tasks in the kitchen and home quicker and easier.

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