Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

educación privada
Private education

The term 'educación privada' in Spanish translates to 'private education' in English. Private education refers to a system of education that is not administered by local, state, or national governments. Thus, they retain the right to select their student population and are funded wholly or partly by charging their students tuition fees, rather than relying on public funding from taxes. These institutions may offer a different curriculum and varying degrees of services and support structures.

educación pública
public education

The phrase 'educación pública' in Spanish translates to 'public education' in English. This refers to a system of education that is provided and funded by the government and is available to all individuals. It is often mandatory for children up to a certain age, usually until they complete secondary education. Public education is designed to ensure that all citizens have the opportunity to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to participate effectively in society.

educación religiosa
religious education

The Spanish term 'educación religiosa' translates to 'religious education' in English. This is often a course, program, or element of learning where an individual is educated about a particular religion, its beliefs, rituals, customs, and how those are practiced by adherents. This could include discussing religious texts, teachings, and moral lessons. Religious education can cover one specific religion or multiple religions for comparative study. It is taught in different environments, like schools, churches, or households, depending on cultural or family values.

educación secundaria
Secondary education

The Spanish term 'educación secundaria' translates to 'secondary education' in English. This is a part of schooling that follows primary education and comes before higher education. Secondary education commonly includes the middle and high school periods, involving a transition from a general, broad-based education to specialization in specific subjects, designed to prepare students for their future careers or tertiary education.

educación superior
Higher education

The Spanish term 'educación superior' translates to 'higher education' in English. Higher education typically refers to the stage of learning that occurs at universities, colleges, or degree-granting institutions. These types of educational institutions usually provide learning experiences and educational opportunities that help individuals to develop the intellectual, personal, and social skills necessary to function as knowledgeable and responsible members of society.

educación universitaria
University education

The Spanish phrase 'educación universitaria' translates to 'university education' in English. It essentially refers to the level of education provided by universities or colleges. They offer a variety of undergraduate and postgraduate degrees as well as doctoral programs in different areas of specialization. The phrase can be used in the same way as it would be used in English, to denote the breadth of educational opportunities provided at the university level.


The Spanish word 'educado' translates to 'educated' in English. Being 'educado' implies having good manners, being polite, respectful and well-bred in addition to having a good level of academic or professional knowledge. It can be used to describe both the nature of a person's behaviour and the level of education a person has received.

Example sentences with  educado

The Spanish word 'educador' translates to 'educator' in English. An educator generally refers to a person who helps others, most often children and adults, to acquire knowledge, competences or values. The term is highly used in the educational field and can be applied to professionals such as teachers, coaches, and tutors who play a direct role in the academic or personal development of individuals.

educar a un hijo
educate a child

The Spanish phrase 'educar a un hijo' translates to 'educate a child' in English. This phrase can be used in different contexts but it mainly refers to the process of teaching, training, and giving intellectual, moral, and social instruction to a child. It's an ongoing activity usually undertaken by the child's parents or guardians, but also often by teachers and other adults in the child's life. The goal of 'educar a un hijo' is to help the child develop knowledge skills, character, and personality.


The Spanish word 'educarse' is translated into English as 'educate'. In a broader sense, 'educarse' does not only refer to the traditional concept of studying in school or university. It also involves self-learning and developing morally, intellectually, and aesthetically. In the reflexive form, 'educarse' can be seen as 'to educate oneself' or 'to get an education'. It speaks of the effort that a person puts into learning and growing, both acadically and in everyday life. This word underlines the importance of education in the Spanish language and culture.


In Spanish, 'efecto' is used very similar to the English 'effect'. It can be used to refer to a change that has happened due to some event or action. It's commonly used in scientific contexts or when discussing the results or outcomes of a particular situation.

Example sentences with  efecto
efecto invernadero
greenhouse effect

The term 'efecto invernadero' refers to the 'greenhouse effect' in English. This is a natural process that warms the Earth’s surface. When the Sun’s energy reaches the Earth’s atmosphere, some of it is reflected back to space and the rest is absorbed and re-radiated by greenhouse gases. The absorbed energy warms the atmosphere and the Earth's surface. This process maintains the Earth’s temperature at a level suitable for life.

Example sentences with  efecto invernadero
efectos especiales
special effects

The Spanish term 'efectos especiales' translates to 'special effects' in English. Special effects refer to illusions or visual tricks used in film, television, theatre, video game, and simulator industries to simulate the imagined events in a storyline or virtual world. These effects are commonly used to enhance the viewers' experience by making imaginary or non-existing scenarios appear real.

Example sentences with  efectos especiales
efectos secundarios
side effects

The Spanish term 'efectos secundarios' translates to 'side effects' in English. It is commonly used in medical contexts to refer to the undesirable effects of medication or treatment, beyond the desired therapeutic effect. For example, a doctor might explain the 'efectos secundarios' of a certain drug to a patient, which might include symptoms like nausea, dizziness, or other reactions.

Example sentences with  efectos secundarios
efectuar un cálculo
perform a calculation

The Spanish phrase 'efectuar un cálculo' translates to 'perform a calculation' in English. It is often used in scientific or mathematical context, and suggests the action of executing or carrying out a mathematical operation or process in order to obtain a result. In general, one might 'efectuar un cálculo' when trying to solve a problem or make a determination based on specific data or variables.

Example sentences with  efectuar un cálculo
efectuar un pago
make a payment

The Spanish phrase 'efectuar un pago' translates to 'make a payment' in English. This term is commonly used in financial contexts, where an individual or entity transfers money to another in exchange for goods or services. For instance, a customer might 'efectuar un pago' to a business to purchase their products or a renter might make a payment to their landlord for monthly rent. It generally refers to the act of fulfilling a monetary obligation.

Example sentences with  efectuar un pago

The Spanish word 'eficiente' translates to 'efficient' in English. It is an adjective that describes someone or something as performing in the best possible manner with the least waste of time and effort. It's the quality of being able to accomplish a task with minimal waste, expense, or unnecessary effort. For instance, if a process in a factory is 'eficiente', it means that it gets a maximum amount of output for a given quantity of input.

to reflect

The Spanish word 'eflexionar' translates to 'reflect' in English. It is a verb often used to denote deep or careful thought about something. For example, one can 'eflexionar' on their actions, decisions, or experiences, much like 'reflecting' in English.


The Spanish word 'egoísmo' translates to 'selfishness' in English. It is used to describe the trait of being concerned, sometimes excessively or exclusively, for oneself or one's own advantage, pleasure, or welfare, regardless of others. This term is often used in context to criticize or rebuke such characteristics in a person, as being 'selfish' is generally considered a negative trait in many cultures.


The Spanish word 'egoísta' translates to 'selfish' in English. It's an adjective used to describe someone who is primarily concerned with their own interests, benefits, and wellbeing, even at the expense of others. It is often associated with a lack of consideration for other people. The term can be used in different contexts and it's generally not seen as a positive trait. Even though it's a single word, it carries a lot of connotations depending on the situation.

ejecutar un servicio
run a service

The Spanish phrase 'ejecutar un servicio' translates to 'run a service' in English. This phrase can be used in various contexts such as IT where it may refer to running a software service or in a more general context, it might mean delivering a particular service.

ejecutar un trabajo
execute a job

'Ejecutar un trabajo' in Spanish means 'execute a job' in English. It is a phrase used to describe the act of carrying out or performing a specific task or duty that has been assigned. This could range from a simple assignment in school or at work to a complex project or activity. It does not necessarily imply a job in the employment sense, but refers more broadly to any task or responsibility to be completed.

ejecutar un trabajo exhaustivo
to carry out exhaustive work

The Spanish phrase 'ejecutar un trabajo exhaustivo' translates to 'carry out exhaustive work' in English. This phrase implies performing a task or a job in a very thorough and complete manner, leaving no aspect unexamined or untouched. The word 'ejecutar' means to execute or perform, 'un trabajo' means a job or work, and 'exhaustivo' translates to exhaustive or thorough. Therefore, when you are asked to 'ejecutar un trabajo exhaustivo', you are being asked to carry out a comprehensive and thorough job or task.

ejecutar un trabajo impecable
execute an impeccable job

The Spanish phrase 'ejecutar un trabajo impecable' translates to 'execute an impeccable job' in English. The verb 'ejecutar' means 'to execute', 'un trabajo' translates as 'a job', and 'impecable' means 'impeccable'. Therefore, this phrase is typically used to express the action of carrying out a job or task to the highest standard, without any faults or mistakes. It could be used in both professional and personal contexts.

ejecutar un trabajo minucioso
execute a thorough job

The term 'ejecutar un trabajo minucioso' is a phrase in Spanish that translates to 'execute a thorough job' in English. It refers to the act of performing a task with a high level of attention to detail and precision. Usually, it includes careful planning and a diligent effort in order to achieve a comprehensive and high-quality outcome. The phrase is often associated with work that demands a meticulous approach, such as scientific research, engineering projects, legal investigations, etc.

ejecutar un trabajo riguroso
execute a rigorous job

The Spanish phrase 'ejecutar un trabajo riguroso' directly translates to 'execute a rigorous job' in English. Here, 'ejecutar' means 'to execute or carry out', 'un trabajo' refers to 'a job', and 'riguroso' stands for 'rigorous or strict'. Thus, it's a phrase used in contexts where there is a need to perform a task or job with strictness, thoroughness, and high attention to detail, much like its English equivalent.

ejecutar una tarea
execute a task

The Spanish phrase 'ejecutar una tarea' translates to 'execute a task' in English. 'Ejecutar' is the Spanish verb that means 'to execute' or 'to carry out.' 'Una tarea' means 'a task.' So when combined, the phrase essentially refers to performing, carrying out, or executing a particular task. It is most commonly used in a professional or educational context in the same way its English equivalent would be used.


The Spanish word 'ejemplo' translates to 'example' in English. It's used in the same way as in English, to represent a typical case, illustration, or representative of a group or quality. For instance, you can use 'ejemplo' when you want to give an illustration of a situation or provide a model to be followed.

Example sentences with  ejemplo
ejercer como abogado
as a lawyer

The Spanish phrase 'ejercer como abogado' translates to 'to practice as a lawyer' in English. This phrase would typically be used in a professional context, such as when describing one's job or occupation. For instance, one might use 'ejercer como abogado' when telling someone that they work as a lawyer. 'Ejercer' refers to the act of practicing or carrying out a job or profession, and 'abogado' is the Spanish word for lawyer.

ejercer como veterinario
exercise as a veterinarian

The Spanish phrase 'ejercer como veterinario' translates to 'exercise as a veterinarian' in English. This phrase is typically used in a professional context, referring to the act of working or practicing professionally as a veterinarian. A veterinarian is a medical professional who provides treatment for animals, so to 'ejercer como veterinario' means that someone is engaging in this profession, taking care of animal health, treating illnesses and injuries, and working towards the prevention and treatment of animal diseases.

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