Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

eclipse total
Total eclipse

The Spanish term 'eclipse total' translates to 'total eclipse' in English. A total eclipse is a natural event that occurs when one celestial body, like the moon or a planet, moves into the shadow of another celestial body. In context, this term is most commonly used to describe the phenomenon where the moon completely covers the sun as observed from Earth, which is known as a total solar eclipse.

Example sentences with  eclipse total

The Spanish word 'ecografía' translates to 'ultrasound' in English. Ultrasound is a medical imaging technique that uses high frequency sound waves to produce images of structures within the body. Doctors use ultrasound to view the heart, blood vessels, kidneys, liver, and other organs. It's often used to monitor the development of unborn babies in pregnant women.

Example sentences with  ecografía

Ecology is a branch of biology that studies the interactions among organisms and their environments. It explores the relationships among individuals within populations, among populations within communities, and between communities and their physical settings.

Example sentences with  ecología

The Spanish word 'ecológico' translates to 'ecological' in English. It is an adjective that can describe anything related to or concerned with the relation of living organisms to one another and to their physical surroundings. As such, 'ecológico' is often used in relation to topics of environmental science and conservation.

Example sentences with  ecológico

The Spanish word 'ecologista' translates to 'environmentalist' in English. An 'environmentalist' is a person who is concerned with or advocates for the protection of the environment. This could be through activities such as recycling, advocating for policy changes, or promoting cleaner forms of energy. The term is widely used in different contexts, but always related to environmental awareness and protection.

Example sentences with  ecologista
economía doméstica
domestic economy

The term 'economía doméstica' in Spanish translates to 'domestic economy' in English. It refers to the management of household affairs or the family budget. It encompasses all the financial decisions and activities of a household, including budgeting, income generation, expenditures, and savings. This is a concept used to describe how families manage their money within the home, taking into account all incomes and expenses, with the main goal being the well-being and financial stability of the family.

economía sumergida
submerged economy

The term 'economía sumergida' in Spanish is translated into English as 'submerged economy'. This term is often used to discuss parts of the economy that are hidden from official view, often because they involve illegal activities or are not regulated. These activities aren't typically included in a country's Gross Domestic Product (GDP), so they are 'submerged' or hidden, hence the term. Examples might include black market transactions, selling counterfeit goods, cash-in-hand work, or any activity that is not reported to tax authorities.


The Spanish word 'económico' is equivalent to 'economic' in English and often used in the same context. It's used to describe matters related to the economy, finance, or wealth. For example, in discussing economic theories, financial situations or budgetary matters. It's an adjective, so it normally precedes or follows a noun that it's describing, like 'sistema económico' (economic system).

Example sentences with  económico

The term 'economista' in Spanish translates to 'economist' in English. An economist is a professional in the economic sciences who seeks to analyze and interpret economic trends and issues. Economists study how societies and individuals allocate resources to produce goods and services, and how they distribute these goods and services among different people. They use their knowledge to provide advice to businesses, government agencies, and individuals to help them make informed decisions.


The Spanish word 'ecosistema' translates to 'ecosystem' in English. An 'ecosistema' or 'ecosystem' is a complex biological network or interconnected system consisting of all the living organisms in a particular area and their physical environment. These living organisms can include plants, animals, and microorganisms, and the physical environment can include elements such as soil, water, and climate. The organisms in an ecosystem interact with each other as well as with their physical environment, driving the energy flow and nutrient cycling that sustain the ecosystem.

Example sentences with  ecosistema

The Spanish word 'ecuación' translates to 'equation' in English. This term is commonly used in mathematics and science. It refers to a statement that asserts the equality of two expressions. An equation provides a rule or a fact about numbers or other mathematical expressions that is always true. For instance, in the world of numbers, the equation '2 + 2 = 4' applies. In science, equations are used to model different phenomena. The Spanish word 'ecuación' and the English word 'equation' both share similar usage.

Example sentences with  ecuación

The Spanish word 'ecuatorial' translates to 'equatorial' in English. It refers to something of, at, or near the equator, which is the imaginary line around the middle of the Earth. The word is often used in geographical and astronomical contexts, such as 'equatorial climate', 'equatorial region', etc. This adjective can describe things being in or related to this geographical area.

Example sentences with  ecuatorial

The Spanish word 'edad' translates to 'age' in English. It denotes the time that a person, animal, or plant has lived or a thing has existed. It is often used to inquire or talk about someone's age. It is a widely used term in various Spanish-speaking countries and it is an important term to learn for beginners studying the Spanish language.


The word 'edición' is a Spanish term that translates to 'edition' in English. It can be used in various contexts. For instance, in the publishing industry, it refers to the specific version or form of a published text. Like in English, it can also refer to the action of editing or revising a piece of work. Thus, the term 'edición' is commonly used in Spanish-speaking countries in relation to publishing, reporting, digital content, etc.

edición crítica
critical edition

The Spanish term 'edición crítica' translates to 'critical edition' in English. This term is often used in the context of text analysis and scholarly works. A critical edition usually refers to a version of a text that has been carefully produced considering all the relevant available sources. The creation process of a critical edition involves analyzing, comparing, and if necessary, correcting the text. The goal is to produce a version that is as close as possible to the original intent of the author or authors. It may also include commentary and annotations by the editor.

Example sentences with  edición crítica
edición especial
special edition

The term 'edición especial' in Spanish translates to 'special edition' in English. This term is often used in various contexts, such as books, movies, music albums and others. It means a version that is different, often in a better, more comprehensive way, from the regular. It often contains additional features or items not included in standard versions.

Example sentences with  edición especial
edición limitada
limited edition

The term 'edición limitada' in Spanish translates to 'limited edition' in English. In usage, it refers to something that is available in restricted quantities, usually done to increase its value and desirability. This term is often used in various sectors such as publishing, art, fashion, gaming, etc., to signify that a particular product or version is special, rare, and only available for a certain period or until stocks last.

Example sentences with  edición limitada
edificar una vivienda
building a house

The Spanish phrase 'edificar una vivienda' translates into English as 'building a house'. It is often used in the context of construction or real estate. 'Edificar' is the verb that means 'to build', 'una' is the indefinite article 'a', and 'vivienda' is a noun that refers to a dwelling or a residence, more commonly known as a housing structure or house in English. Hence, when you are talking about creating a new residential structure or constructing a house, you can use the term 'edificar una vivienda' in Spanish.


The Spanish word 'edificio' is used to describe a large structure or a building. This could be anything from a skyscraper to a school. It's used in the same context as the English 'building', as in the sentence: 'El edificio es muy alto', which translates to 'The building is very tall'.

Example sentences with  edificio
edificio adosado
townhouse building

The term 'edificio adosado' in Spanish refers to a specific style of housing known as a townhouse building in English. Essentially, this is a type of building that shares one or more walls with adjacent buildings. Typically, townhouses are designed as multi-floor homes, housing one family per unit. The design of these types of homes make them practical for urban environments where space is limited and property values tend to be high.

Example sentences with  edificio adosado
edificio de apartamentos
apartment building

The phrase 'edificio de apartamentos' in Spanish translates to 'apartment building' in English. An apartment building is a large residential structure that is divided into smaller units, known as apartments. These buildings can vary in size and number of floors, and they provide housing for multiple individual households. Each of these individual apartments within the building usually has its own kitchen, bathroom, living area, and one or more bedrooms.

edificio de nueva planta
new building

The Spanish phrase 'edificio de nueva planta' translates to 'new building' in English. It refers to a newly constructed or recently completed structure or building. This phrase is typically used in contexts related to real estate, construction, architecture, or urban planning. It implies that the building was recently constructed from the ground up, rather than being a renovation or remodel of an existing structure.

Example sentences with  edificio de nueva planta
edificio en ruinas
ruined building

The Spanish phrase 'edificio en ruinas' translates to 'ruined building' in English. This can refer to a structure or building that has been severely damaged or decayed over time. Ruins typically convey a sense of antiquity, neglect, or disaster that has lead to its current state. Examples of it's usage can include historic sites, abandoned buildings, or properties damaged by natural disasters such as earthquakes or floods.

Example sentences with  edificio en ruinas

The Spanish word 'edil' translates to 'mayor' in English. In local governments, ediles are responsible for the governance and administration of a city or town. They play crucial roles in making important decisions, implementing policies, and managing public services. It's an important political position, usually elected by the citizens of the place.

Example sentences with  edil
editar un libro
edit a book

The Spanish phrase 'editar un libro' translates to 'edit a book' in English. This phrase is made up of two parts: 'editar', a verb which means 'to edit', and 'un libro', which translates to 'a book'. In a broader context, 'editar' can also refer to the process of preparing written material for publication by correcting, condensing or otherwise modifying it. On the other hand, 'un libro' can refer to any kind of book, from a novel to a textbook. Overall, 'editar un libro' would typically be used in a professional context, such as within the publishing industry.

Example sentences with  editar un libro

The Spanish word 'editor' translates to 'editor' in English. An editor is a person who corrects or changes pieces of text before it's committed to print or published online. Editors also work in film, music or other industries where they edit or direct modifications. They usually work to improve the content to make it more readable and accessible to the audience.


The word 'editorial' in Spanish translates to 'editorial' in English. It refers to a section of a newspaper or magazine that gives the opinion of the editor or publisher. It is usually a personal reflection or commentary on a topic of public interest, expressing the viewpoint of the publication.


The Spanish word for education is 'educación'. It is used in the same context as in English, referring to the process of receiving or giving systematic instruction, especially at a school or university. It is commonly used in various phrases such as 'educación superior' which means higher education, 'educación primaria' meaning primary education etc.

Example sentences with  educación
educación a adultos
Adult education

The term 'educación a adultos' in Spanish translates to 'adult education' in English. It refers to the practice of teaching adults, offering them an opportunity for learning and development. This could be within conventional school subjects such as math and reading, or within other areas such as works skills, objective decision making or life skills. It can take place through continuing education courses, training programs, and at institutions of higher education.

educación primaria
Primary education

The term 'educación primaria' in Spanish translates to 'primary education' in English. Primary education, also referred to as elementary education, denotes the first stage of compulsory education. It comes after preschool and before secondary education. The main goals of primary education are to provide basic reading, writing, and mathematics skills along with an elementary understanding of other subjects like history, geography, natural science, social science, art, and music. Its purpose is to establish a strong foundation of knowledge upon which the students can build their future learning.

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