Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.


A 'doctor' refers to a person who is qualified to treat people who are ill. This term can be used for both male and female practitioners.

Example sentences with  doctor

The Spanish word 'doctorado' translates to 'PhD' in English. This term is often used in academic and professional contexts to represent a high level of education or expertise in a specific field. Generally, showing that a person has completed a rigorous program of study and research well beyond the undergraduate level.


The Spanish verb 'doctorarse' translates to the English term 'to get a doctorate'. It refers to the action of achieving the highest degree offered by universities, known as a doctorate degree. It is commonly used in academic contexts and implies many years of rigorous study and research in a particular field.

doctrina filosófico
philosophical doctrine

The term 'doctrina filosófico' in Spanish translates to 'philosophical doctrine' in English. It essentially refers to a set of beliefs, concepts or theories that are developed and followed by a group, which can range from philosophical groups, thinkers, or schools. This Spanish term, just like its English counterpart, is commonly used in academic and intellectual contexts, specifically when discussing various branches and schools of philosophy.

Example sentences with  doctrina filosófico

The word 'documental' in Spanish translates to 'documentary' in English. This term is often associated with factual, non-fiction films or television programs that are created to document an aspect of reality, such as historical events, wildlife, or other real-world topics. They are designed to inform, educate, or entertain audiences. The Spanish word 'documental' is similar in usage, pertaining to this category of media content.

Documento Nacional de Identidad (DNI)
National Identity Document (DNI)

The 'Documento Nacional de Identidad (DNI)' is the national identity document in Spain. It is issued by the Spanish Ministry of the Interior and, for Spanish citizens, it is mandatory to have a DNI from the age of 14. The card contains a person's name, surname, gender, residential address, and parents, as well as a unique personal identification number. The DNI also functions as a tax identification number and it is often used as a general purpose identification number.


The Spanish word 'dólar' is used in the same way as the English word 'dollar'. It refers to the currency unit of the United States, Australia, or other countries. It is used to discuss money and purchases. In a sentence context, it could be used like, 'Este libro cuesta diez dólares.' ('This book costs ten dollars.').

Example sentences with  dólar

The Spanish word 'doler' translates as 'to hurt' or 'pain' in English. It is a verb and it usually refers to physical or emotional pain. For example, when someone is injured they might say 'Me duele' which means 'It hurts me'. It can also be used to describe emotional pain, such as 'Me duele el corazon' which translates to 'My heart hurts'.

Example sentences with  doler
doler el cuello
hurt the neck

The Spanish phrase 'doler el cuello' translates into English as 'hurt the neck'. This phrase is often used to express the feeling of pain or discomfort in the neck area. It may be used in various contexts such as describing a physical injury or strain, or metaphorically to express bearing a burden or responsibility that is causing strain or stress.

doler la cabeza
hurt your head

The Spanish phrase 'doler la cabeza' translates to 'hurt your head' in English. In this case, 'doler' means 'hurt' and 'la cabeza' means 'the head'. This phrase might be used to describe a situation where someone is experiencing a headache or physical discomfort on the head.


The Spanish word 'dolido' translates to 'hurt' in English. This word is often used to describe physical pain or suffering, but can also be used in a more metaphorical or emotional context. For example, if you fell down and injured yourself, you might say 'estoy dolido' to express that you are hurt. Similarly, if you are feeling emotional pain or sadness, 'dolido' could also be used to describe this feeling.


The Spanish word for 'pain' is 'dolor'. It is used in the same context as in English, describing a physical suffering or discomfort caused by illness or injury. It can also represent mental or emotional distress.

Example sentences with  dolor
dolor abdominal
abdominal pain

The Spanish phrase 'dolor abdominal' translates to 'abdominal pain' in English. It is a common phrase used in medical contexts or in general to express discomfort or pain specifically in the abdominal region, thus sharing the same meaning with its English counterpart. The word 'dolor' translates to 'pain', and 'abdominal' remains the same in both languages, indicating the specific area of discomfort.

Example sentences with  dolor abdominal
dolor agudo
Acute pain

The Spanish phrase 'dolor agudo' translates to 'acute pain' in English. The term 'acute' typically refers to a condition that presents with sudden or severe symptoms. Therefore, 'dolor agudo' in Spanish is generally used to describe severe, intense, or sharp pain that starts suddenly and usually doesn't last a long time. This phrase can be used in a variety of medical and non-medical contexts.

Example sentences with  dolor agudo
dolor crónico
Chronic pain

The Spanish term 'dolor crónico' translates to 'chronic pain' in English. Chronic pain is a type of pain that persists for a long time, usually longer than six months. It can range from mild to severe, and it makes daily life and tasks harder to complete. The term is often used in medical and health-related contexts.

Example sentences with  dolor crónico
dolor intestinal
intestinal pain

The Spanish term 'dolor intestinal' translates to 'intestinal pain' in English. This phrase is often used in medical contexts, referring to the discomfort or pain a person may experience around their abdominal area because of reasons such as indigestion, food poisoning or more serious conditions like appendicitis or ulcers. Understanding such phrases can be helpful especially in healthcare settings where accurate and immediate translation is necessary for patient care.

Example sentences with  dolor intestinal
dolor lumbar
lumbar pain

The Spanish phrase 'dolor lumbar' translates to 'lumbar pain' in English. Lumbar pain refers to discomfort or distress in the lower back area between the ribs and the pelvis; this area is known as the lumbar region. A wide range of factors may contribute to lumbar pain, including poor posture, heavy lifting, or underlying health conditions like degenerative disc disease.

Example sentences with  dolor lumbar
dolor punzante
puncture pain

The Spanish term 'dolor punzante' translates to 'puncture pain' in English. This term is usually used in a medical context to describe sharp, intense pain that comes on suddenly, similar to what one might experience if they were to receive a puncture wound or a sharp blow to the body. It can also be used in a more metaphorical sense to describe emotional anguish that feels as sharp and sudden as physical pain.

Example sentences with  dolor punzante
dolor sordo
dull pain

The Spanish term 'dolor sordo' translates into English as 'dull pain'. This phrase could describe a physical pain that is not sharp or intense but rather is persistent and discomforting. It's often used in medical contexts, but can also be used more broadly to describe a constant, underlying feeling of discomfort or distress.

Example sentences with  dolor sordo
domiciliar un pago
direct debit a payment

The Spanish phrase 'domiciliar un pago' corresponds to the English phrase 'direct debit a payment'. This essentially refers to an agreement or pre-authorization that a customer gives to a supplier or service provider. The agreement allows the supplier or service provider to collect a specific amount of money directly from the customer's bank account on agreed-upon recurring dates. This is a common method of payment for recurring bills such as utilities, insurance, or mortgages.

domiciliar un recibo
direct debit a receipt

The Spanish phrase 'domiciliar un recibo' translates to 'direct debit a receipt' in English. It refers to a financial arrangement where one gives permission to an organization to collect or debit funds from their bank account. This is usually an agreement made for recurring payments, such as bills or subscriptions. Direct debiting is an efficient and reliable way to make regular payments, ensuring that you never miss a payment date.


The Spanish word 'domicilio' translates to 'domicile' in English. The term 'domicile' refers to a person's permanent legal place of residence. This is the place they consider their home or main establishment and to where, whenever they are absent, they have the intention of returning. Similar to 'domicilio', 'domicile' is often used in legal contexts.

dominar un tema
to master a topic

The Spanish phrase 'dominar un tema' translates to 'master a topic' in English. This implies having an extensive, deep understanding or total proficiency in a specific subject or area of study. This can be achieved through consistent study, practice, research and dedication over time. The word 'dominar' alone means 'to master' and 'un tema' means 'a topic'. Hence, when combined, they form the phrase 'dominar un tema' which means to have complete control or command over a particular subject or field.

dominar una materia
to master a subject

The Spanish phrase 'dominar una materia' translates to 'master a subject' in English. It refers to the action or process of acquiring total command or proficiency in a specific field, subject, or art. This phrase is often used in educational contexts to denote the high level of understanding, knowledge, and skill that one has attained in a particular subject. For instance, teachers, students, or professionals might use this phrase to speak about their expertise in a subject they have studied or worked on extensively.

donar órganos
donate organs

The Spanish phrase 'donar órganos' translates to 'donate organs' in English. This is a term frequently used in healthcare and medical contexts. Organ donation is the process by which an individual decides to donate their organs upon death, to be used for transplantation into another person. This act can save lives or improve the quality of life for those in need of an organ transplant.

Example sentences with  donar órganos
donar óvulos
donate eggs

The phrase 'donar óvulos' in Spanish translates to 'donate eggs' in English. This term can be used in various contexts but is usually associated with the process where a woman provides her eggs to another individual or couple who is incapable of conceiving a child on their own. Donating eggs involves a medical procedure and is considered a generous act of helping those who have difficulties in conceiving a child.

Example sentences with  donar óvulos
donar sangre
donate blood

The Spanish term 'donar sangre' translates to 'donate blood' in English. It is a common phrase used in medical contexts or charitable situations where individuals are encouraged to give their blood voluntarily for the purpose of transfusions or medical research. While 'donar' stands for 'donate', 'sangre' means 'blood'. In action and purpose, the Spanish phrase 'donar sangre' shares the same spirit and intention as the English phrase 'donate blood'.

Example sentences with  donar sangre

The word 'donde' is used in Spanish similarly to the English word 'where', typically in interrogative or relative clauses to refer to a place or location. It is commonly involved in idiomatic expressions and combined with prepositions, creating phrases like 'de donde' (from where) or 'a donde' (to where). However, unlike English, Spanish does not use it to introduce indirect questions.

Example sentences with  donde

The Spanish word 'dorada' translates to 'golden' or 'gold-colored' in English. It is often used to describe things that have the color of gold or a golden hue. This word is derived from the word 'oro' which means 'gold' in Spanish. It's also worth noting that 'Dorada' is used in certain specific contexts, such as the name for a type of fish in Spanish 'Dorada', known as 'Sea Bream' in English.

dorar la cebolla
brown the onion

The Spanish phrase 'dorar la cebolla' in English literally translates to 'brown the onion'. It is a common term used in cooking. This is typically done by cooking the onion in a bit of oil over medium heat until it becomes a golden brown color. The purpose of this process is to bring out the sweetness in the onion and add flavor to the dish being prepared.

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