Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

dispositivo de seguridad
security device

The Spanish phrase 'dispositivo de seguridad' translates to 'security device' in English. The term refers to any device designed to guard, protect or ensure the safety of certain areas, property or informations against threats, theft, or property damage. Typically, some examples of security devices used in many areas of our daily lives are security cameras, alarms systems, biometric security devices, etc.

disputar un encuentro
dispute a meeting

The Spanish phrase 'disputar un encuentro' translates to 'dispute a meeting' in English. However, in a wider context, it can also mean to 'contest a match or game' in sports events or 'debate in a gathering' for non-sporting context. The phrase is generally used in settings where there is a need to express a challenge or disagreement. It is quite formal and used mostly in written Spanish. Another point of note is that it may not be understood in all Spanish-speaking countries in the same way due to regional differences in language usage.

disputar un partido
dispute a party

The Spanish phrase 'disputar un partido' actually translates to 'play a match' in English, not 'dispute a party'. It refers to participating in a competitive game or sport. For example, it might be used to describe a soccer team playing a match against another team.

disputar un torneo
to play a tournament

The Spanish phrase 'disputar un torneo' translates to 'to play a tournament' in English. This is often used in the context of sports or games, where multiple participants compete in a structured event or series of events, with the intent to rise through the ranks and potentially emerge as the champion. It can also be used more metaphorically to describe any situation that involves competition or struggle against others for a specific goal or reward.


The Spanish word 'distracción' translates to 'distraction' in English. It is a noun that refers to a thing or event that prevents someone from giving full attention to something else. It can also represent the action or fact of distracting or being distracted. Like a phone call during an important meeting can be a 'distracción'.


The Spanish word 'distraerse' can be translated to English as 'to get distracted'. It is a reflexive verb, which means it's typically used with a reflexive pronoun. For example, 'Yo me distraigo' means 'I get distracted'. It represents the action of diverting or taking away the attention from the main task or focus. It's often used in scenarios where an individual can't maintain focus due to various reasons possibly including external noises, random thoughts, or other activities.


The Spanish word 'distribución' translates to 'distribution' in English. It is intertwined with various disciplines, commonly seen in mathematics, statistics, and business. In business, 'distribución' refers to the process of making a product or service available for the consumer or business user who needs it. In statistics, the 'distribución' of a statistical data set is a listing or function showing all the possible values of the data and how often they occur.

distribución de la riqueza
distribution of wealth

The Spanish phrase 'distribución de la riqueza' translates to 'distribution of wealth' in English. It refers to the way wealth, or capital, is divided among the members of an economy. It can be represented by various political, economic, and social systems. The different types of distribution of wealth include equitably distributed wealth, accumulated wealth, and inherited wealth. The concept is often analyzed and debated in terms of its morality, economic efficiency, and impact on social stability and change.

Example sentences with  distribución de la riqueza
distribuir un libro
distribute a book

The Spanish phrase, , 'distribuir un libro', translates to 'distribute a book' in English. In context, this phrase is often used in situations involving the sharing of a physical or digital book to a wide audience. It can often imply that the book is being circulated or given out for free, or spread across a designated area. More specific applications include situations in publishing or educational fields.

Example sentences with  distribuir un libro
distribuir un producto
distribution of a product

The Spanish phrase 'distribuir un producto' translates to 'distribution of a product' in English. This term is commonly used in business and economics, and refers to the process or operation of delivering a product from the manufacturer or producer to the end user. It involves all activities starting from production, packaging, inventory, warehousing, supply chain, and sale. 'Distribuir un producto' is an important concept in the field of marketing and supply chain management.


The Spanish word 'distrito' is used as similar to 'district' in English. It refers to a defined area or territory within a city or town, which is governed or managed at a local level. The term can be found in many contexts, such as school districts, voting districts, or administrative districts. Always be mindful to use it within the right context.

Example sentences with  distrito

The Spanish word 'diurético' translates to 'diuretic' in English. A diuretic is a substance or compound that promotes diuresis, which is increased production of urine. Though it can be applied to drugs, beverages like coffee and tea, and even some foods and herbs are also known to have diuretic effects. It has medicinal uses, especially in the field of cardiology. It's often prescribed for conditions like high blood pressure, heart failure, kidney disorders, and swelling caused by excess fluid in the body.

Example sentences with  diurético
diversidad cultural
Cultural diversity

Cultural diversity, or 'diversidad cultural' in Spanish, refers to the existence of a variety of cultural or ethnic groups within a society. It acknowledges the presence of multiple ways of life, perspectives, and worldviews within a community or society. Cultural diversity can relate to different languages, religions, or traditions of different cultural groups, celebrating these differences instead of suppressing them. Cultural diversity allows societies to remain open, dynamic, and innovative.

Example sentences with  diversidad cultural
diversidad lingüística
Language diversity

The Spanish term 'diversidad lingüística' translates to 'language diversity' in English. It refers to the assortment and variety of languages spoken within a particular area or by a specific group of people. It encompasses the idea of linguistic richness and multiculturalism, recognizing the importance and value of every individual language as a means of cultural expression and communication.

Example sentences with  diversidad lingüística
diversidad religiosa
Religious diversity

The term 'diversidad religiosa' translates to 'religious diversity' in English. It denotes the variety and differences among religions around the world, such as differing beliefs, practices, and traditions. The concept respects and acknowledges the existence of multiple religions and belief systems, underscoring the importance of understanding and acceptance in multicultural societies. It aims to promote tolerance and mutual respect among individuals of different religions.

Example sentences with  diversidad religiosa
diversión alternativa

The Spanish phrase 'diversión alternativa' does not translate to 'alternative' in English. Instead, it translates to 'alternative fun' or 'alternative entertainment'. The phrase is composed of two words: 'diversión' which means 'fun' or 'entertainment', and 'alternativa' which means 'alternative'. Therefore, it refers to a form of entertainment that is different from what is traditional or mainstream.

diversión arriesgada
risky fun

The term 'diversión arriesgada' translates to 'risky fun' in English. This is a Spanish term used to describe actions or activities that involve a high level of risk, danger, or uncertainty, but are still pursued for the thrill or excitement they bring. Examples could include extreme sports, gambling, or reckless behavior for many. It implies a sense of danger combined with enjoyment or pleasure.

diversión nocturna
Night fun

The Spanish term 'diversión nocturna' translates to 'night fun' in English. This phrase is often used to describe fun and recreational activities that happen during the nighttime. These activities can include anything from parties, clubbing, concerts, dining out, to simply strolling through the city after sunset. The term encompasses various forms of entertainment and leisure activities which typically occur during the evening and night time.

diversión peligrosa
dangerous fun

The Spanish term 'diversión peligrosa' translates into English as 'dangerous fun'. The two words individually translate as 'diversión' meaning 'fun', and 'peligrosa' meaning 'dangerous'. This term can be used in various contexts in Spanish conversation, typically when referring to an activity or situation that is enjoyable but contains an element of risk or danger.

diversión sana
healthy fun

The Spanish term 'diversión sana' translates to 'healthy fun' in English. It is a term used to refer to any form of fun or enjoyment that doesn't harm mentally or physically, but yields positive effects. This can refer to activities such as reading, sports, puzzles, and more that provides enjoyment, entertainment and benefits to personal wellbeing.

Have fun

The Spanish word 'divertirse' translates to 'have fun' in English. It is a reflexive verb, typically used to express the concept of enjoying oneself or having a good time. The verb 'divertirse' emphasizes an active engagement or participation in a fun activity. It implies a change from one's normal or serious demeanor to a more enjoyable, entertaining mood. For instance, 'Voy a divertirme en la fiesta' means 'I am going to have fun at the party' in English.


The Spanish word 'dividir' translates to 'divide' in English. This word is often used in the context of mathematics, where it denotes the division of numbers. However, it can also mean to separate or split something into parts, or to classify or categorize. It's a useful and versatile word in the Spanish language.

Example sentences with  dividir

The Spanish word 'divino' is translated as 'divine' in English. It primarily refers to something related to God or a deity, therefore having a spiritual component. It's often used to express admiration for something extremely beautiful or impressive that it seems to have originated from a supreme or heavenly entity. Although predominantly used in religious contexts, 'divino' can be used in casual conversations as well indicating a supreme level of excellence or awe.

Example sentences with  divino

The Spanish word 'divorciado' translates to 'divorced' in English. It is used to describe a person who has legally ended their marriage. Like in English, it can be used as both a noun and an adjective. For instance, a man who is divorced can be described as a 'hombre divorciado', and a divorced woman as a 'mujer divorciada'. The word ‘divorciado’ derives from the verb 'divorciar', which simply means 'to divorce'.


The term 'divorciarse' in Spanish translates to 'divorce' in English. It is a verb that refers to the legal dissolution of a marriage by a court or other competent body. It's an action where two people decide to legally end their marriage. Both single and married individuals use this term when talking about ending marriage relationships. Please note, it is a reflexive verb in Spanish, which means it is often used with reflexive pronouns like 'me', 'te', 'se', 'nos', 'os', 'se'. For example, 'Ella se va a divorciar' translates to 'She is going to get a divorce'.


The Spanish word 'divorcio' translates to 'divorce' in English. It is a noun and refers to the legal dissolution of a marriage by a court or other competent body. Divorcio is used in various contexts, but primarily in legal and personal discussions regarding the end of a marriage. It is a common term in family law, and its understanding and application are vital in such settings.

DNI (Documento Nacional de Identidad)
National Identity Document

The 'DNI (Documento Nacional de Identidad)' is the Spanish term for 'National Identity Document'. This is a personal identification card that is issued by the Spanish government to every citizen, both Spaniards resident in Spain and in the overseas provinces, and Spanish citizens resident abroad. The DNI is used as proof of identity and personal status. It contains information such as the holder's full name, date of birth, sex, residential address and nationality. It also contains a photograph of the holder. The DNI is not only a physical card but also a digital document that allows online identification and electronic signature.

Example sentences with  DNI (Documento Nacional de Identidad)

The Spanish word 'do' does not directly translate to 'do' in English. Depending on the context, 'do' in Spanish could be an abbreviation for 'Domingo', which means 'Sunday'. A direct translation or equivalent for 'do' as an action verb in English does not exist in Spanish. Spanish verbs are usually in the form of 'hacer', 'hago', etc. depending on the tense and pronoun used.

Example sentences with  do
docena de huevos
dozen eggs

The Spanish term 'docena de huevos' translates directly to 'dozen eggs' in English. It is used to quantify and refer to twelve eggs, common in grocery shopping and cooking recipes. Like in English, it is a set phrase used in counting and represents a specific number of items, in this case, eggs.


The Spanish word 'dócil' translates into English as 'docile'. Describing someone as 'dócil' implies that they are easily managed or handled, comply readily to commands or guidance, and are generally calm and not aggressive. It can be used to describe both people and animals. As with other adjectives in Spanish, 'dócil' changes to 'dóciles' for plural usage.

Example sentences with  dócil
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