Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

discurso electoral
election speech

The term 'discurso electoral' in Spanish refers to a public address or a formal talk given by a candidate during an electoral campaign. This speech is intended to express their political platform and to convince voters about their suitability for the role they are running for. The speech can cover a variety of topics including the candidate's goals, policies, and plans if they are elected. In English, this is known as an 'election speech'.

Example sentences with  discurso electoral

The Spanish word 'discusión' is used much like its English counterpart 'discussion'. It refers to the act of talking about something with others in order to reach a decision or exchange ideas. In Spanish, it is commonly used in both formal and informal conversations, and can refer to debates, arguments, or simple conversations depending on the context.

Example sentences with  discusión

The Spanish word for 'argue' is 'discutir'. It can be used in the same context as in English, when two or more people have a disagreement and express their differing opinions. It can also be used in a legal context, when lawyers argue or debate a point in court, in this case, we also use 'discutir'. It is important to note that, like in English, 'discutir' could potentially have a negative connotation depending on the context.

Example sentences with  discutir
discutir con los hermanos
discuss with the brothers

The Spanish phrase 'discutir con los hermanos' translates to 'discuss with the brothers' in English. This phrase is often used during family gatherings where brothers engage in discussion or argument. It's a common phrase in Spanish speaking households, representing the strong familial bonds and communication within family members.

discutir con los hijos
arguing with children

The Spanish phrase 'discutir con los hijos' translates to 'arguing with children' in English. It is used to describe a situation where an adult is having a dispute or disagreement with children. This could occur in various contexts, such as within a family setting, in a school environment or during recreational activities. Remember, the tense or context of this phrase can change its meaning slightly but its basic essence remains the same.

discutir con los padres
discuss with parents

The phrase 'discutir con los padres' in Spanish translates to 'discuss with parents' in English. It is used when one is engaging in a conversation, argument, or debate with their parents. This can be a simple and respectful discussion, or it could be a heated argument. The context in which it's used can change its connotation significantly.

discutir un tema
discuss a topic

The Spanish phrase 'discutir un tema' translates to 'discuss a topic' in English. This phrase is often used in formal settings or in academic discussions. 'Discutir' means to discuss or debate, and 'un tema' means a topic. Thus when you are asked to 'discutir un tema', you are being asked to engage in a conversation, debate, or discourse about a specific topic.


A 'diseñador' in Spanish is equivalent to 'designer' in English. This term refers to a person specialized in conceiving and creating design, which may be applicable to diverse fields depending on the context. Some prevalent examples include, but are not limited to, fashion designer, graphic designer, interior designer, etc. Rooted in creativity and practicality, a diseñador's job generally requires a high aesthetic sense and problem-solving capacity.

Example sentences with  diseñador

In Spanish, 'diseño' is used similarly to how 'design' is used in English. It can refer to the process of creating or planning something (like a piece of art or a building), or the way something has been planned and made. Additionally, it can be used more broadly to talk about someone's plans or intentions. For example, 'El diseño de la casa es hermoso' means 'The design of the house is beautiful'.

Example sentences with  diseño
dress up

The Spanish word 'disfrazarse' translates to 'dress up' in English. It is a reflexive verb often used in the context of changing one's appearance with the help of clothing, makeup, or other accessories, most often for the purpose of a holiday, event, or theatrical performance. For instance, it could be used when someone is disguising as a character for a costume party or Halloween. This verb can be conjugated depending on the tense, mood, and the subject of the sentence.


The Spanish translation for the English word 'enjoy' is 'disfrutar'. It's used almost identically to English, such as in the phrase 'disfruta tu comida' which translates to 'enjoy your food'. Its use can be universal in activities, experiences, and meals, encouraging the person to take pleasure in what they are doing.

Example sentences with  disfrutar
disfrutar (de) una comida
enjoy (of) a meal

The Spanish phrase 'disfrutar (de) una comida' translates to 'enjoy (of) a meal' in English. It is used when someone wants to express that they are having a good time while eating their meal. This phrase is quite general, so it could be used in many different contexts. However, it is most commonly heard during family gatherings, social events, or at a restaurant. It would usually be expressed in a positive tone to imply appreciation and enjoyment of the food being eaten.

disfrutar de buena salud
enjoy good health

The Spanish phrase 'disfrutar de buena salud' translates to 'enjoy good health' in English. It is often used to wish someone well-being and vitality, similarly to how in English we might say 'Stay healthy'. The phrase is structured with 'disfrutar de', meaning 'enjoy', followed by 'buena salud', which directly translates to 'good health'. It is a positive phrase, reflecting a wider cultural emphasis on the importance of health in Spanish-speaking societies.

Example sentences with  disfrutar de buena salud
disfrutar de un año sabático
enjoy a sabbatical year

The Spanish phrase 'disfrutar de un año sabático' translates to 'enjoy a sabbatical year' in English. This typically refers to a period in which one takes a break from work (typically lasting one year) to travel, study, or relax. It's a time of rest and perhaps adventure, allowing someone to enjoy life away from their regular responsibilities.

disfrutar de un día de asuntos propios
enjoy a personal day off

The Spanish phrase 'disfrutar de un día de asuntos propios' translates to 'enjoy a personal day off' in English. This is typically used in a work context, when someone is taking a day off from work to handle personal affairs or simply relax. Remember, in Spanish, prepositions such as 'de' and 'un' are important for conveying the full meaning of the phrase.

disfrutar de una beca
enjoy a scholarship

The Spanish phrase 'disfrutar de una beca' translates to 'enjoy a scholarship' in English. It's used in academic contexts and can refer to someone's having the opportunity of studying perhaps in a university or college with a scholarship. The person may not have to pay for their tuition or some part of it, because their monetary fee is covered by the scholarship. The term 'disfrutar' adds a sense of making the most of or appreciating the opportunity that the scholarship offers.

disfrutar de una excedencia
enjoy an exemption

The Spanish phrase 'disfrutar de una excedencia' translates to 'enjoy an exemption' in English. This phrase refers to the act of having or taking advantage of an exemption, often in the context of work or official situations. For example, it might be used to describe someone who is taking a break from their job under special circumstances, usually related to health or personal issues, during which they are exempted from their regular duties.


The Spanish word 'disgustado' translates to 'disgusted' in English. It is used to describe a strong feeling of disapproval or dissatisfaction typically generated as a result of actions or ideas that are perceived as wrong, offensive, or revolting. Like many Spanish adjectives, it agrees in gender and number with the noun it modifies. For example, a disgusted man is 'un hombre disgustado', while a disgusted woman is 'una mujer disgustada'.

disminución de la mortalidad
decrease in mortality

The Spanish phrase 'disminución de la mortalidad' translates to 'decrease in mortality' in English. This phrase refers to the reduction in the rate of mortality, often within a specific population or due to a specific cause. This term is highly used in demographics, epidemiology, and public health contexts to denote progress in health measures, advancements in healthcare, or improvement in living conditions that results in fewer deaths.

Example sentences with  disminución de la mortalidad
disminución de la natalidad
decrease in birth

The Spanish term 'disminución de la natalidad' translates to 'decrease in birth' in English. This term is used in demographics and can refer to a decline in the number of births in a particular geographic area over a certain period of time. An area that experiences a decrease in birth may do so due to a range of factors such as changing societal expectations, economic instability, advancements in contraception, or increased access to education, among others.

Example sentences with  disminución de la natalidad
disminución de la población
decrease in population

The Spanish phrase 'disminución de la población' translates to 'decrease in population' in English. This phrase is often used in demographic discussions or studies to describe a scenario where the number of individuals in a population is decreasing over a specific period of time. This could be due to various factors, such as migration, natural disasters, famine, disease, war, or other such events causing death or displacement of people.

Example sentences with  disminución de la población
disminuir el número de desempleados
decrease the number of unemployed

The Spanish phrase 'disminuir el número de desempleados' translates to 'decrease the number of unemployed' in English. This is generally used in a socioeconomic or political context, referring to the goal of reducing the count of people who do not currently have a job and are actively seeking employment. The word 'disminuir' means decrease, 'el número de' translates to 'the number of', and 'desempleados' means unemployed. Thus, this phrase represents a common aim of government policies and economic strategies to lower unemployment rates.

disminuir el precio
decrease the price

The Spanish phrase 'disminuir el precio' translates to 'decrease the price' in English. It is often used in transactions or negotiations, just like in English, when discussing lowering the cost of an item or service. It can also be used in economics and business discussions. The verb 'disminuir' can also translate to 'reduce', and 'el precio' translates directly to 'the price'. Thus, another valid translation could be 'reduce the price'.

Example sentences with  disminuir el precio
disolverse una empresa
dissolve a company

The Spanish phrase 'disolverse una empresa' translates to 'dissolve a company' in English. In a business context, this refers to the process of shutting down a company's operations and liquidating its assets, either on a temporary or permanent basis. Reasons for company dissolution could range from bankruptcy to business restructuring. The specific process may vary based on the jurisdiction and type of company.

Example sentences with  disolverse una empresa

The Spanish word 'disparar' can be used similarly to the English word 'shoot'. It can refer to the act of firing a weapon, or be used metaphorically to instruct someone to begin speaking or acting. However, it does not translate to the photography term 'shoot', for which the Spanish term 'fotografiar' would be used.

Example sentences with  disparar

The Spanish word 'disponibilidad' translates to 'availability' in English. It denotes the state of being at someone's disposal; in a position to be used or obtained. It is often used in settings such as work or service environments. For example, 'disponibilidad de tiempo' in Spanish means 'availability of time' in English.


In Spanish, 'disponible' is used the same way as 'available' is in English. You can use it to denote if something is free or not occupied. For example, you can use it to say that a seat or date is available. It is also used to denote the availability of people, just like in English.

Example sentences with  disponible
dispositivo de emergencia
emergency device

The Spanish term 'dispositivo de emergencia' translates to 'emergency device' in English. An emergency device refers to equipment or systems designed to help manage a crisis or prevent harmful situations. These devices may include alarm systems, safety equipment like fire extinguishers or life vests, or medical equipment for immediate response in life-threatening cases. The type of device can vary widely depending on the nature of the scenarios they are built to tackle, such as health emergencies, natural disasters, or fire emergencies.

dispositivo de entrada
input device

The term 'dispositivo de entrada' is Spanish for 'input device'. In computer terminology, an input device is any hardware device that sends data to a computer, allowing it to interact with and control it. This includes devices such as a keyboard and mouse, which are used to enter commands; a scanner that converts a paper document to its digital version; or a webcam used for video communications. By recognizing the importance and function of an 'dispositivo de entrada', it can aid in understanding how computers and other digital devices operate.

dispositivo de salida
output device

The Spanish term 'dispositivo de salida' translates to 'output device' in English. An output device can be any piece of computer hardware equipment used to communicate the results of data processing carried out by an information processing system (such as a computer), which converts the electronically generated information into human-readable form.

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