Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

difundir un rumor
spread a rumor

The Spanish phrase 'difundir un rumor' translates to 'spread a rumor' in English. This means to circulate or propagate information, often scandalous or of unverified nature, amidst a group of individuals or the public in general. The action is associated with gossip and could convey negative implications depending on the context.

difundir una información
dissemination of information

The Spanish phrase 'difundir una información' translates to 'dissemination of information' in English. This typically implies the process of distributing or spreading information widely. This term is often used in the context of media and communication, where it refers to the widespread distribution of news or important pieces of information to the public.

difundir una noticia
spread news

The Spanish phrase 'difundir una noticia' translates to 'spread news' in English. This phrase is used to refer to the action of disseminating or sharing news or information to a wide audience. It can also imply the act of making something more widely known, especially through various forms of media such as radio, television, internet, etc. This phrase is often used in the context of journalism or communication.

difundir unas declaraciones
dissemination of statements

The Spanish phrase 'difundir unas declaraciones' translates to 'dissemination of statements' in English. This refers to the act of spreading or making public certain statements, announcements or pieces of information. It can be applied in various contexts, particularly in legal, corporate, or communication settings where important statements need to be distributed and made known to the public or a specific audience.


The Spanish word 'difunto' translates to 'deceased' in English. It is used to refer to someone who has died, similar to how 'deceased' is used in English. This term is usually reserved for use in formal or serious contexts, such as in legal documents, news reports, or sincere condolences. It is not considered informal or colloquial; rather, it denotes a sense of sincerity and respect towards the individual who has passed away.


The Spanish word 'difusión' translates to 'dissemination' in English. This involves the action of spreading something, more especially information or knowledge, widely. It is often used in contexts such as news dissemination, where information is distributed to a large number of people. It can also refer to the process whereby something such as heat or a chemical mixes with a liquid or gas by movement of particles, until it is evenly distributed.

Example sentences with  difusión
to digest

The Spanish word 'digerir' translates to 'to digest' in English. It is commonly used in the context of physical digestion of food in a biological sense, wherein it refers to the breakdown of food by the body in order to absorb its nutrients. It can also carry a metaphorical meaning, hinting towards the mental process of comprehending and processing information or experiences.


The Spanish word 'digestivo' translates to 'digestive' in English. It is an adjective often used to describe processes or systems within an organism that relate to the breakdown and absorption of food. It can be used in various contexts, especially in medical and health-related discussions. For instance, the term 'sistema digestivo' refers to the 'digestive system'.

Example sentences with  digestivo
due diligence

The Spanish term 'diligencia' translates to 'due diligence' in English. It is often used in legal, business, and finance contexts to denote the thoroughness, care, or effort expected from a reasonable person while performing a task. It often refers to a comprehensive assessment of a business undertaking. For instance, when buying a business or investing in a project, conducting 'diligencia' means carrying out a full scope investigation to validate the entity's claim before entering into the agreement.

Example sentences with  diligencia

The Spanish word 'diluviar' is a verb in its infinitive form. In English, it means 'to flood'. It could be used to refer to a large amount of water covering an area that is usually dry, or metaphorically to refer to an overwhelming amount or number. It comes from the noun 'diluvio', meaning 'flood'. An example of usage is 'Si sigue lloviendo asi, va a diluviar.', which in English would be 'If it keeps raining like this, it's going to flood.'

Example sentences with  diluviar

The Spanish word 'dinastía' translates to 'dynasty' in English. It refers to a series of rulers or leaders who belong to the same family, or a period during which a certain family reigns. The usage of the word can also extend to related concepts like a succession of people from the same family who play a prominent role in business, politics, or another field.


The Spanish word for 'money' is 'dinero'. It is used in many of the same contexts as the word 'money' in English. For example, in Spanish, you might say 'No tengo dinero' which translates to 'I have no money' in English. Like English, 'dinero' is an uncountable noun in Spanish, so it does not have a plural form.

Example sentences with  dinero

Diploma is a Spanish word which translates to 'diploma' in English. It is commonly used in the context of education or professional certifications, where it refers to a certificate awarded by an educational institution, like a university or college, that testifies that the recipient has successfully completed a particular course of study or skills development training. It can also be used to refer to a document that demonstrates the bearer has been awarded an honor or has achieved a certain status.


The Spanish word 'diplomático' translates to 'diplomat' in English. A diplomat is a person appointed by a government to conduct diplomatic negotiations and maintain political, economic, and social relations with another country. Diplomats are representatives of their own government to the government of another country or to an international organization. In Spanish, the same role is described by the word 'diplomático'.

Example sentences with  diplomático

The Spanish word 'diputado' translates to 'deputy' in English. This is often used in a political context, referring to a member of a legislative body, particularly in countries like Spain and those in Latin America. A 'diputado' is similar to a congressman or representative and is elected by the people to represent a political party in the government. The word can also be used to refer to a representative of a group, profession or sector in a meeting, congress or another assembly.

Example sentences with  diputado

The Spanish term 'dirección' translates into English as 'address'. This could refer to a residential or business location. It is used in a similar context as in English, for identifying a specified place or arrangement of a building or a place on a map. An example of usage can be '¿Cuál es tu dirección?', translating to 'What's your address?'.

dirección de Internet
Internet address

The term 'dirección de Internet' in Spanish translates to 'Internet address' in English. It is a term used in digital communication, referring to the unique string of numbers that distinctively identifies each computer using the Internet Protocol to communicate over a network. These addresses allow computers and servers to recognize and communicate with each other on the internet, similar to how a residential address allows mail to be sent between houses.

dirección obligatoria
Mandatory direction

The Spanish phrase 'dirección obligatoria' translates to 'mandatory direction' in English. This can be used in various contexts like road signs or directives where following a specified direction is compulsory. It can be a physical direction or abstract, referring to a course of action or procedure that must be taken or followed. This phrase comprises of two words - 'dirección', which means 'direction', and 'obligatoria', which means 'mandatory' or 'compulsory'.

Example sentences with  dirección obligatoria
dirección prohibida
prohibited direction

The Spanish phrase 'dirección prohibida' translates to 'prohibited direction' in English. This term is commonly seen on traffic signs and it means that the direction indicated is not allowed for cars to proceed. This could be due to various reasons such as roadwork, a one-way street, or restricted areas. So, if you see this sign while driving, you should not proceed in the indicated direction.

Example sentences with  dirección prohibida

Just as in English, 'director' in Spanish is used to refer a person who is in charge of making a movie or control the content and flow of the movie.

Example sentences with  director
director de orquesta
orchestra director

The Spanish term 'director de orquesta' translates to 'orchestra director' in English. An orchestra director, also often referred to as a conductor, is an individual who leads an orchestra, directing the musicians through performances of musical compositions. The director uses a rhythmic hand motion to guide the musicians and control the tempo of the music. The role of the orchestra director is essential in maintaining synchronization and harmony among the performers in the orchestra.

Example sentences with  director de orquesta
director de RR. HH.
HR director

The Spanish term 'director de RR. HH.' translates to 'HR director' in English. An HR director, or Human Resources director, is a senior position in any organization responsible for managing human resources operations and strategies. Their tasks often include overseeing recruitment and hiring processes, managing employee relations, payroll, benefits, and training, shaping HR policies, and ensuring legal compliances. This position usually requires strong leadership, strategic planning, and excellent communication skills.

director de tesis
Director of thesis

The Spanish term 'director de tesis' translates to 'director of thesis' in English. It's typically used in scholarly or university-related contexts. In English-speaking countries, this individual is often referred to as thesis advisor or thesis supervisor. Their role often involves guiding and advising students during their thesis research project. They assist in planning the research, offer feedback on the student's work, and ensure that the project aligns with the academic standards of the institution.


The Spanish word 'dirigir' translates to 'direct' in English. It is a verb that can mean several things depending on the context. It can mean to physically guide or steer, such as 'dirigir un vehículo' (direct a vehicle). However, 'dirigir' can also mean to manage or be in charge of something. For example, 'dirigir una empresa' (direct a company). In a more abstract sense, it can also mean to guide or influence the direction of a conversation or project.

Example sentences with  dirigir

The Spanish word 'disciplina' translates to 'discipline' in English. It primarily refers to the practice of training people to obey rules or a code of behavior, using punishment to correct disobedience. It can also refer to a branch of knowledge, typically one studied in higher education. In general, 'disciplina' addresses the concept of orderliness and control, either self-imposed or imposed by an external authority.


The Spanish word 'discípulo' translates to 'disciple' in English. A 'discípulo' is a person who is a student or follower of a particular teacher, leader, or philosopher. It is often used in a religious context, referring to followers of Jesus in the Christian religion, for example. However, it can also be used in any other context where one person is following the teachings or beliefs of another.

disco duro
hard drive
Example sentences with  disco duro

The Spanish word 'discreto' directly translates to 'discreet' in English. In both languages, this adjective is used to describe someone or something that is careful and circumspect in one's speech or actions, especially in order to avoid causing offense or to gain an advantage. It is often associated with a sense of caution, prudence, subtlety or the ability to avoid drawing attention.


The word 'discriminación' in Spanish translates to 'discrimination' in English. Discrimination refers to the unjust or prejudiced treatment of different categories of people, especially on the grounds of race, age, or sex. It can also refer to the recognition and understanding of the difference between one thing and another. For example, 'la discriminación basada en género o raza está prohibida' translates to 'discrimination based on gender or race is prohibited'.

Example sentences with  discriminación

The Spanish word 'discriminar' translates to 'discriminate' in English. To discriminate means to treat a person or group differently, often in a prejudiced manner, based on particular characteristics such as race, age, or gender. It's important to note that this term often carries a negative implication of unfair treatment. In societal context, discrimination is considered a significant issue and efforts are continuously made worldwide to combat all forms of discrimination.

Example sentences with  discriminar
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