Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.


The Spanish word 'detrás' is equivalent to 'behind' in English. It is mostly used in sentences to express physical location or position. However, similar to English, it can also be used metaphorically to suggest lateness or shortfall in progress. Like 'behind schedule'. A proper use of the word in sentence could be 'La pelota está detrás del árbol' (The ball is behind the tree).

Example sentences with  detrás
deuda externa
external debt

The Spanish term 'deuda externa' translates to 'external debt' in English. External debt refers to the total debt a country owes to foreign creditors, inclusive of the government, private sector, and foreign individuals. This debt can be a result of the country's government, businesses and individuals borrowing from foreign lenders. Typically, external debt is used for funding domestic investment to stimulate economic growth and is repaid using the country's foreign exchange earnings.

deuda pública
public debt

'Deuda pública' is a Spanish term that translates to 'public debt' in English. It refers to the debt owed by a central government. Public debt can include money owed to foreign governments, domestic investors and other entities. It is essentially the amount of money that the state needs to finance its functioning when tax revenues and other state incomes are not sufficient. Public debt is a significant aspect of a country's financial structure and economic policy.

Example sentences with  deuda pública
devaluarse la moneda
devaluation of the currency

The phrase 'devaluarse la moneda' in Spanish translates to 'devaluation of the currency' in English. It refers to the decrease in the value of a country's money relative to the value of the money of one or more foreign countries. Such a situation may happen due to various economic factors and can lead to a decrease in the purchasing power of the country's residents. Where the money is worth less, the price of goods and services may rise leading to inflation.

Example sentences with  devaluarse la moneda
devolver la matrícula
return the registration

The Spanish phrase 'devolver la matrícula' translates to 'return the registration' in English. It is often used in the context of education or legal procedures where one would have to return their registration or enrollment. For example, if a student decides not to continue with a course or drops out, they might have to 'devolver la matrícula'.

devolver una llamada
return a call

'Devolver una llamada' is a Spanish phrase that translates directly to 'return a call' in English. Typically, it's used to communicate the act of calling someone back who has previously called you. This phrase might be used in a personal setting, such as returning a phone call to a friend or relative. Additionally, it can also be used in a professional context, might one need to get back to a client or colleague who has tried reaching them earlier.


'Devorar' is a verb in Spanish that translates to 'devour' in English. It can be used in the context of consuming food quickly and eagerly. But it's not only used to talk about food, it can be used metaphorically as well. For instance, to devour a book would mean to read it rapidly and enthusiastically. Similar to the usage in English, 'devorar' conveys a sense of passion and eagerness.


The Spanish word 'devoto' translates to 'devotee' in English. It is commonly used to describe someone who is very devoted or dedicated to a certain cause or belief. In a religious context, it can specifically refer to a person who is highly dedicated to their religion or faith. This term can be used in various contexts, not just religious, to describe a high level of dedication or commitment to something.

Example sentences with  devoto

The word 'diabetes' in Spanish directly translates to 'diabetes' in English. It is a term used to describe a group of diseases that affect how your body uses blood sugar, or glucose. Diabetes is a long-lasting medical condition that leads to high levels of sugar in the blood. The cause of diabetes depends on your genes, family history, ethnicity, health and environmental factors.

Example sentences with  diabetes

The Spanish verb 'diagnosticar' translates to 'diagnose' in English. It refers to the process of identifying a disease or condition from its signs and symptoms. In the medical field, when a doctor examines a patient to determine which illness or condition they may have, they are 'diagnosing' them. So, in Spanish, a doctor would 'diagnosticar' a patient.

Example sentences with  diagnosticar

The Spanish word 'diagnóstico' is translated into English as 'diagnosis'. It is often used in the medical field, meaning the identification of the nature of an illness or other problem by examination of the symptoms.

Example sentences with  diagnóstico

The word 'diapositiva' in Spanish is translated to 'slide' in English. It is a noun that can refer to numerous types of slides. For instance, 'diapositiva' may refer to a physical slide in a playground or a picture in a slideshow. In a broader context, the term might be used to identify a transparent picture which is displayed by a projector. Similarly, in computing, 'diapositiva' can refer to a single page in a digital presentation.


The Spanish word 'diario' translates to 'daily' in English. It is used to describe something that happens, appears or is done every day. For instance, it can be used in contexts such as daily tasks or routines ('tareas diarias' or 'rutina diaria'). This term can also be used to refer to a diary or a newspaper, which are objects often associated with everyday use or reference.


'Dibujar' translates as 'draw' in English. It represents the act of creating an image with pencil, pen, or any other tools on a surface.

Example sentences with  dibujar
dibujar un esquema
drawing a scheme

The Spanish phrase 'dibujar un esquema' translates to 'drawing a scheme' in English. This phrase can be broken down into 'dibujar' which means 'to draw', 'un' meaning 'a', and 'esquema' translating to 'scheme'. Therefore, the phrase 'dibujar un esquema' is generally used to express the idea of creating a plan or a diagram, particularly in a creative, academic or professional context.

Example sentences with  dibujar un esquema
dibujar un plano
drawing a plane

The phrase 'dibujar un plano' in Spanish literally translates to 'draw a plane' in English. However, contextually it could mean drawing a flat, two-dimensional diagram, or a draft of a structure or model. For instance, in architecture or engineering contexts, 'dibujar un plano' will imply drafting a blueprint or plan. The phrase encompasses the action of creating a visual or diagrammatic representation of a structure or object in a planar or two-dimensional approach.

Example sentences with  dibujar un plano
dibujar un proyecto
draw a project

The Spanish phrase 'dibujar un proyecto' translates directly into English as 'draw a project'. This can refer to the literal action of creating a sketch or design for a particular project. For instance, an architect might 'dibujar un proyecto' when they create a blueprint for a new building. However, it can also have a metaphorical meaning, referring to the process of planning out the steps and details of a project. For instance, a teacher might 'dibujar un proyecto' when they outline the curriculum for a new class they are teaching.

Example sentences with  dibujar un proyecto

The Spanish word 'dibujo' translates to 'drawing' in English. This term is widely used in artistic contexts to refer to either an activity involving creating visual art, usually with the use of pencils, pens, crayons, etc., or the piece of art produced by this activity. Additionally, 'dibujo' can be used metaphorically or in a broader sense to refer to the layout or design of something, much like how 'drawing' is utilized in English.

Example sentences with  dibujo

The word 'diccionario' in Spanish translates to 'dictionary' in English. A 'diccionario' is a reference resource containing a list of words, usually with their meanings in another language. It is essential in language learning as it allows learners to understand, translate, and use foreign words correctly. The word 'diccionario' is a Spanish cognate with English, meaning the words look, sound, and mean the same thing across both languages.


The Spanish word 'dictador' translates to 'dictator' in English. It refers to a ruler with total power over a country, typically one who has obtained power by force. The term is usually associated with a negative connotation, implying a lack of democracy, violation of human rights, or the use of military force to seize power.

Example sentences with  dictador

The Spanish word 'dictadura' translates to 'dictatorship' in English. A dictatorship is a political system where power is exercised by a single ruler who has total control and authority, often obtained and maintained by force. It is not a democratic system, as the ruler's power is not subject to control by the people or their representatives. In a dictatorship, individual freedoms and liberties are usually suppressed, and dissent is often met with punishment.

Example sentences with  dictadura
dictar una carta
dictate a letter

The Spanish phrase 'dictar una carta' translates to 'dictictate a letter' in English. It describes the action of instructing someone else to write down what you are saying, commonly understood as the process in which you are saying words out loud for somebody else to transcribe and produce a written letter or document.

dientes amarillentos
yellow teeth

The Spanish word 'dientes amarillentos' literally translates to 'yellow teeth' in English. This term is used to describe the color of teeth when they are not white, often due to various factors such as diet, smoking, or lack of proper oral hygiene. It's not a term commonly found in day-to-day conversation but may be used in a dental or medical context.

Example sentences with  dientes amarillentos
dientes blancos
white teeth

The Spanish term 'dientes blancos' translates to 'white teeth' in English. This phrase could be used in contexts such as dental hygiene or aesthetics, referring to the colour and cleanliness of someone's teeth.

Example sentences with  dientes blancos
dientes sanos
healthy teeth

The Spanish term 'dientes sanos' translates to 'healthy teeth' in English. This phrase could be used in various contexts, particularly in health or dental care scenarios. When broken down, 'dientes' translates to 'teeth' and 'sano' translates to 'healthy'. Therefore, maintaining 'dientes sanos' would be an objective for someone looking to preserve good oral health.

Example sentences with  dientes sanos
subsistence allowance

The word 'dietas' in Spanish refers to a certain type of allowance. This allowance is not just any regular allowance, it is specifically a subsistence allowance. Subsistence allowance is the amount of money given to someone, typically for employment purposes, which covers basic daily needs such as food and drink. This type of allowance is mainly used to cover the necessary expenses of living, while performing job-related tasks or obligations. It can also be referred to as per diem.


The Spanish word 'dietético' translates to 'diet' in English. It is an adjective that is commonly used in context related to food and nutrition. This word is often found in health and wellness conversations, as well as in stores and markets, usually to describe food products that are specially produced or prepared for a specific dietary requirement. For example, a food item labeled as 'producto dietético' would be a 'diet product' in English.

Example sentences with  dietético

The Spanish word 'diferencia' translates to 'difference' in English. It is used in similar contexts as in English, to convey the idea of distinction or contrast between two or more things. It can be used both in a tangible and intangible context, similar to its English counterpart.

Example sentences with  diferencia

The Spanish word 'diferente' is used in much the same way as the English word 'different'. It denotes contrast or variation between two or more things. For example, it might be used in sentences like 'Las culturas en diferentes partes del mundo son increíbles', which means 'Cultures in different parts of the world are amazing'. It can also be used to emphasize uniqueness.

Example sentences with  diferente

The word 'Difícil' mirrors a task or situation that needs a lot of effort placed in the task that is arduous or difficult to accomplish.

Example sentences with  Difícil
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