Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.


'Agua' is a noun in Spanish that translates to water in English. It refers to the clear drinkable liquid that is essential for most plant and animal life.

Example sentences with  agua
agua (mineral) con gas
water (mineral) with gas

The Spanish phrase 'agua (mineral) con gas' directly translates to 'water (mineral) with gas' in English. This phrase is commonly used to refer to carbonated or sparkling water, a refreshing beverage often served in restaurants or consumed as a softer alternative to soda. The '(mineral)' part indicates that the water comes from a mineral spring, and 'con gas' represents the added carbonation.

agua (mineral) sin gas
water (mineral) without gas

The Spanish term 'agua (mineral) sin gas' translates to 'water (mineral) without gas' in English. This is a common term used in Spanish-speaking regions to refer to still or non-carbonated mineral water. Mineral water is water from a mineral spring that contains various minerals, such as salts and sulfur compounds. The 'sin gas' part indicates that this mineral water is not carbonated or fizzy. This is the type of water that you would typically get if you ask for water in a restaurant and specify that you don't want it to be sparkling or carbonated.

agua bendita
Holy water

The Spanish phrase 'agua bendita' translates to 'holy water' in English. This term is predominantly used in religious contexts, specifically within Christian therapy and rites. The water is blessed by a priest or another religious figure and is generally considered to have spiritually purifying qualities. It is often used in ceremonies like baptisms and blessings.

Example sentences with  agua bendita
agua buena
good water

The Spanish phrase 'agua buena' translates to 'good water' in English. It is composed of two words: 'agua,' which means 'water,' and 'buena,' which means 'good'. Therefore, in a literal sense, it refers to water that is of good quality or taste. However, in a broader context, it can be used metaphorically to describe something that is pure, beneficial, or reassuring.

Example sentences with  agua buena
agua caliente
hot water

The Spanish phrase 'agua caliente' translates to 'hot water' in English. It is commonly used in Spanish-speaking countries to refer to heated water, typically for usage in cooking, bathing or cleaning. Understanding this phrase can be quite useful particularly in a household setup or in travel scenarios where hot water may be a necessary utility.

Example sentences with  agua caliente
agua del grifo
tap water

The Spanish phrase 'agua del grifo' translates to 'tap water' in English. It can refer to running water that you get directly from your kitchen or bathroom taps. This term is used in many Spanish speaking countries to indicate regular household water that is supplied by city or municipal sources. It is traditionally deemed safe for consumption, although it can vary depending on specific regional infrastructure and water treatment.

agua fría
cold water

The Spanish phrase 'agua fría' translates to 'cold water' in English. This is a basic phrase that reflects both the object, 'water', and its condition, 'cold'. You would normally use this phrase when you want to ask for a glass of cold water, for example in a restaurant or at home. It's a common and simple phrase, which is very useful in everyday situations, especially in hot countries where you often need to hydrate with 'agua fría'.

Example sentences with  agua fría
agua oxigenada
oxygenated water

The Spanish term 'agua oxigenada' translates to 'oxygenated water' in English. It is a liquid solution containing one or more oxygen atoms bonded to other elements, often used in medical or cosmetic applications. These might include wound cleaning, hair bleaching, stain removal, or teeth whitening. In essence, 'agua oxigenada' is a multi-purpose solution that has found widespread use due to its oxidizing properties.

Example sentences with  agua oxigenada
agua potable
drinking water

The term 'agua potable' in Spanish refers to the water that is safe to consume by humans, i.e., drinking water. This water undergoes various treatments to remove harmful substances and pathogens to make it safe for human consumption. It is essential to life and is used for drinking, cooking, and other domestic uses. This water can come from different sources such as springs, wells, or it can be supplied by the city. The quality and availability of potable water can widely vary in different parts of the world.

agua sucia
dirty water

The word 'agua sucia' in Spanish translates to 'dirty water' in English. It is a compound noun that is made up of 'agua', which means 'water', and 'sucia', which means 'dirty'. It is often used in both literal contexts, such as when discussing polluted bodies of water or unclean drinking water, and metaphorically, in expressions or idioms that convey a negative meaning, such as a difficult or messy situation.

Example sentences with  agua sucia
put up with

The Spanish word 'aguantar' is often used in various contexts, but the core English equivalent is 'put up with'. It communicates a sense of endurance, toleration or patience in face of difficulty. It is an active verb and it may be used to describe someone's ability to tolerate an annoying situation or individual. Additionally, 'aguantar' can imply a physical act of holding up, carrying, or supporting something heavy.

aguas medicinales
medicinal waters

The term 'aguas medicinales' in Spanish translates to 'medicinal waters' in English. These are waters that contain minerals and other substances that can have health benefits according to traditional beliefs. These waters are often found in natural springs or wells, and are sometimes bottled and sold for therapeutic use. They are a common feature in spas and wellness centers. They may be used for drinking or bathing, and are said to help with various health issues, although their actual medicinal properties can vary and are not always scientifically proven.

Example sentences with  aguas medicinales
aguas termales
thermal waters

The phrase 'aguas termales' in Spanish translates to 'thermal waters' in English. These are naturally occurring waters that have been heated by geothermal energy, often found in volcanic areas. They are known for their therapeutic properties and are frequently used in spas and baths for their ability to relax and heal the body. Many thermal waters have a rich mineral content that can provide additional health benefits.

Example sentences with  aguas termales

The Spanish word 'agudizarse' is a verb that translates to 'sharpen' in English. It is commonly used to refer to the action of making something sharp or more pointed in a physical sense, such as a pencil or knife. However, it can also figuratively describe the action of enhancing or making more acute a skill, sense, or intellectual capacity. An important thing to note is that 'agudizarse' generally implies a progressive or ongoing sharpening process.

Example sentences with  agudizarse

The Spanish word 'águila' translates to 'eagle' in English. An eagle is a large bird of prey with a massive hook-shaped beak and long broad wings, renowned for its keen sight and powerful soaring flight. The word 'águila' is a feminine noun in Spanish, so when using it in a sentence, ensure you use the correct article 'la' before it. It is a common word and can often be found in literature and everyday conversations illustrating strength or vision.

Example sentences with  águila

The Spanish word 'aguja' translates to 'needle' in English. It refers to a very fine tool with a hole at one end and a sharp point at the other, typically used for sewing. Needles can be used to pass thread through cloth for the purpose of sewing or can also be used in medical scenarios to inject or extract fluids.

agujero de la capa de ozono
ozone layer hole

The term 'agujero de la capa de ozono' in Spanish refers to the 'ozone layer hole' in English. This refers to a significant reduction or 'hole' in the Earth's stratospheric ozone layer, which is located above the Antarctic. It is a global issue and results largely from human-made chemicals. Ozone layer depletion allows more harmful ultraviolet B radiation to reach the Earth's surface, leading to health and environmental problems.

Example sentences with  agujero de la capa de ozono
agujero negro
black hole

The term 'agujero negro' is a phrase in Spanish that translates to 'black hole' in English. A black hole is a region of spacetime where gravity is so strong that nothing, not even particles and electromagnetic radiation such as light, can escape from it. The term 'black hole' is largely attributed to the fact that it absorbs all the light that comes towards it, and it reflects nothing, rendering it effectively invisible and giving it a dark appearance.

Example sentences with  agujero negro
ahorrar dinero
save money

The Spanish term 'ahorrar dinero' translates to 'save money' in English. It refers to the process of setting aside a portion of your income or resources, avoiding unnecessary expenditures. This practice is often done to secure future financial emergencies, long-term financial goals, or just as a strategy for wealth development.


The Spanish word 'ahorro' translates to 'savings' in English. It is often used in the context of finance, where it refers to money that an individual or organization has saved, typically through a bank or official scheme. 'Ahorro' could also refer to the act of saving in terms of reducing expenses or the act of preserving something from loss or depletion.

ahorro energético
energy savings

The Spanish phrase 'ahorro energético' translates to 'energy savings' in English. It refers to the reduction of the amount of power used, which leads to preservation of natural resources and also can result in financial savings. This term is often used in the context of sustainability and environmental conservation, and can be applied to a variety of scenarios, from household energy consumption, to industry-level energy use.

Example sentences with  ahorro energético

The Spanish word 'ahumado' translates to 'smoked' in English. It is most commonly used to describe foods such as meats or cheeses that have been treated with smoke, a process typically employed to add flavor, cook, or preserve the food. Contextually, it can also be used to describe things like colors or materials that have a smoky quality to them.


The Spanish word 'aire' translates to 'air' in English. It can be used in various contexts, but mostly in reference to the invisible gaseous substance surrounding the earth, a mixture mainly of oxygen and nitrogen.

Example sentences with  aire

The Spanish word 'aislamiento' translates to 'isolation' in English. It is often used when referring to the act of separating something or someone from other things or people. Just as in English, 'aislamiento' can apply to a variety of contexts, including social, physical, or even emotional isolation. It can also be used in scientific or technical circumstances where isolation is a necessary process or condition.

to isolate

The Spanish word 'aislar' translates to 'isolate' in English. It is primarily used as a verb in various contexts such as in science, technology, and health. For instance, in health, it can refer to the process of keeping an individual away from others to prevent the spread of disease. In technology, 'aislar' may refer to the act of separating a certain part of any system or machinery for safety or functional reasons. Similarly, in science 'aislar' could refer to the process of separating a particular element or compound. It is also used in day to day language to refer to the act of separating or setting something apart from its usual environment or group.


The Spanish word 'ajo' translates to 'garlic' in English. This word is commonly used in conversational and written Spanish, and it refers to a popular ingredient in a wide variety of traditional Spanish dishes. Garlic, or 'ajo' in Spanish, is not just a food item, but also considered to be of medicinal value, often used in natural remedies. It is important to add to your vocabulary when learning Spanish, especially if you plan to interact in environments such as the supermarket or when discussing food.

to praise

The Spanish word 'alabar' translates to 'to praise' in English. This typically means extending admiration or approval towards someone or something. In usage, this could be seen in religious contexts whereby one is praising a deity or in any scenario where a person receives approval or commendation for their actions.

Example sentences with  alabar

The Spanish word 'alarma' translates to 'alarm' in English. It is a noun and it is used to refer to a device or system that signals or warns of danger, problem, or any unexpected situation. It can also mean a state of sudden fear or concern caused by the realization of danger. It is used in various contexts such as security alarm in case of burglary, alarm clock to wake up, or a breach alarm in systems, etc.

alas de pavo
turkey wings

The term 'alas de pavo' in Spanish is translated to English as 'turkey wings'. This is a phrase used to refer to the wings of a turkey, the large North American bird that is often the centerpiece of traditional holiday meals in the United States, such as Thanksgiving and Christmas. The wings are also a popular food item outside of these holidays, often roasted, barbecued or used in soup recipes.

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