Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.


The Spanish word 'Desconfianza' translates to 'distrust' in English. It can be used in various contexts, similar to the English word. For instance, in situations where there is a lack of confidence or faith in someone or something. It connotes suspicion, doubt, or skepticism. For example, 'Tuve desconfianza en sus habilidades' in Spanish means 'I had distrust in his abilities' in English.

descorchar una botella
to uncork a bottle

The Spanish phrase 'descorchar una botella' translates to 'to uncork a bottle' in English. It is most often used in the context of opening a bottle of wine or any bottled beverage that has been sealed with a cork. This verb encompasses the action of removing the cork or cap to allow access to the liquid inside.


The Spanish word 'descortesía' translates to 'discourtesy' in English. It is a noun that refers to the act or behavior that shows rudeness and lack of respect or good manners. This word is often used to describe actions that are not considered polite or courteous in conversations or social interaction. Hence, 'descortesía' signifies actions that break the norm of decency, kindness, and respect towards others.

Example sentences with  descortesía

In Spanish, 'describir' means 'to describe'. It is used in the same way it's used in English, to give a detailed account in words about a person, event, or process. Like English, it can be used in various contexts, both formal and informal, and accepts the same sort of adverb modifications.

Example sentences with  describir

The Spanish word 'descubrimiento' translates to 'discovery' in English. It denotes the process of finding something that was not known or seen before. It can be associated with exploring, inventing, or learning something new. This term often relates to scientific, geographical, or intellectual discoveries, but it is also used in more casual contexts. For instance, someone can make a 'descubrimiento' of a new favorite book, an interesting passion, or a fantastic place to visit.

Example sentences with  descubrimiento

The Spanish word 'descuento' translates to 'discount' in English. It's a noun and refers to a reduction in the usual price of an item or service. You'll often come across this term in shopping contexts, where stores may offer a 'descuento' on a certain product, meaning they've reduced its normal price. It's commonly used in situations where items are on sale or when negotiating prices in marketplaces.

descuentos en espectáculos
discounts on shows

The Spanish phrase 'descuentos en espectáculos' translates to 'discounts on shows' in English. It refers to a reduction in the original price or cost of shows (like theater performances, concerts, or cinema viewings). This discount could be offered as part of a promotional event, as a special benefit for members of clubs or groups, or to attract more customers during certain periods. The word 'descuentos' means 'discounts' and 'espectáculos' refers to 'shows' or 'performances'.


The Spanish word 'desde' is equivalent to 'from' in English. It is often used to convey a starting point of time or place. For example, 'Desde la mañana' translates to 'from the morning'. It is useful in setting the context or period from which something begins.

Example sentences with  desde
desembocadura de un río
mouth of a river

The term 'desembocadura de un río' in Spanish refers to the geographical feature known as the 'mouth of a river' in English. This is a location in which a river -- typically carrying water from inland areas -- meets a larger body of water such as a sea or an ocean. It is typically characterized by a change in the river's flow and often forms a delta or estuary, depending upon the relative strengths of the river and the receiving waters.

Example sentences with  desembocadura de un río
desempeñar un cargo ejecutivo
to carry out an executive post

The Spanish phrase 'desempeñar un cargo ejecutivo' translates to 'carry out an executive post' in English. This phrase is often used in professional contexts, particularly in the world of business and management. When someone is said to 'desempeñar un cargo ejecutivo', it means that they occupy a high-ranking position (an executive post) within an organization, and are responsible for carrying out important leadership and decision-making tasks. The phrase refers not just to holding this position, but the act of fulfilling the role and responsibilities associated with it.

desempeñar un oficio
to carry out an office

The term 'desempeñar un oficio' in Spanish is often used to describe the role of carrying out duties or responsibilities associated with an occupation, job, or role. Though the literal translation may be 'to carry out an office', it is more appropriately understood as 'to perform a job' or 'to execute a duty'. It refers to the action of professionally practicing or undertaking a specific task typically linked with an individual's employment or vocation.

desempeñar una función administrativa
to play an administrative role

The Spanish phrase 'desempeñar una función administrativa' translates to 'to play an administrative role' in English. In a business or an organization, this term is used to define a person's responsibility or job that involves making important decisions, planning, organising, and managing the operations of various tasks within the entity. The concept of this term can also imply authority to a certain level, depending on the specific context within the administrative structure.

desempeñar una función directiva
to play a managerial role

Desempeñar una función directiva' translates to 'to play a managerial role' in English. This usually refers to executing responsibilities that involve supervising and handling the operations of a business or organization. A person in a managerial role typically oversees the work of employees, makes key decisions and strategies, and ensures the attainment of organizational goals.

desempeñar una función ejecutiva
to play an executive role

The Spanish phrase 'desempeñar una función ejecutiva' translates to 'to play an executive role' in English. It is often used in a professional or business setting to indicate a person's job or responsibilities. The term 'desempeñar' means 'to play' or 'to carry out,' 'una función' translates to 'a role,' and 'ejecutiva' means 'executive.' Therefore, if someone is 'desempeñando una función ejecutiva,' they are performing tasks or duties associated with a high level managerial or supervisorial position.

desempeñar una profesión
to perform a profession

The Spanish phrase 'desempeñar una profesión' translates into English as 'to perform a profession'. It refers to fulfilling or carrying out the duties, roles, and responsibilities associated with a particular job or occupation. For instance, a teacher who is 'desempeñando su profesión' is actively involved in teaching tasks such as planning lessons, instructing students, grading papers, and so forth.


The Spanish word 'desempleo' translates to 'unemployment' in English. It is often used in a socio-economic context to refer to the state of joblessness. A person is said to be in 'desempleo' when they are actively seeking work but unable to find a job.


The Spanish word 'desenlace' translates to 'outcome' or 'ending' in English. While it can technically mean 'unlink', that translation is rarely used. 'Desenlace' is more commonly used in the context of stories or events, referring to the final resolution or conclusion. For example, it can be used to describe the ending of a book, movie, or a significant event.

Example sentences with  desenlace

The Spanish word 'deseo' can be used in a similar context as in English, to express a strong feeling of wanting something to happen or to express a desire for something. For example, 'Mi deseo es visitar España' which means, 'My wish is to visit Spain.' It is also commonly used in phrases to convey good wishes like 'Te deseo buena suerte' meaning 'I wish you good luck.'

Example sentences with  deseo

Desertización is a Spanish term that can be translated into English as 'desertization'. It is a process characterized by the degradation of land, especially in dry areas, due to various factors including climate changes and human activities. This process generally results in a decrease in vegetation and wildlife, making the land resemble a desert.

Example sentences with  desertización

The Spanish word 'desfile' is translated into English as 'parade'. A 'despile' or parade is a procession organized along a planned route, often on a festival or celebration day. People or vehicles move forward in an orderly, formal way. Often, parades are festive occasions with bands, floats, and sometimes people dressed in unusual costumes. They're used for celebration, protest, or commemoration. So, whenever you hear or see the word 'desfile' in Spanish, it refers to what English speakers would call a 'parade'.

desfile de moda
fashion show

The term 'desfile de moda' in Spanish directly translates to 'fashion show' in English. A fashion show is a special event, typically held by fashion designers, in which models parade on a runway to promote and display the designer's new clothing collection. This terminology is used widely in the fashion industry and is recognized internationally.

deshojar una flor
pluck a flower

The Spanish phrase 'deshojar una flor' literally translates to 'pluck a flower' in English. It's generally used to refer to removing the petals from a flower one by one. The phrase can also be metaphorically used to mean disassembling or breaking down something step by step, much like plucking the petals of a flower.

Example sentences with  deshojar una flor

'Desierto' refers to a large, arid area with little to no vegetation, usually because of the low rainfall.

Example sentences with  desierto

The Spanish word 'desinfección' translates to 'disinfection' in English. It is derived from the Latin word for 'disinfectionis'. The term describes the process that eliminates many or all pathogenic microorganisms, except bacterial spores, on inanimate objects. In health care settings, objects usually are disinfected by liquid chemicals or wet pasteurization. The term is different from 'sterilization', which is the process of removing or killing all forms of life and other biological agents. 'Desinfección' is an important technique in disease prevention and is widely used in hospitals, laboratories, and at home.

Example sentences with  desinfección

The Spanish word 'desinfectar' translates to 'disinfect' in English. It is a verb that describes the process of cleaning something, typically with chemicals, to destroy bacteria. In medical contexts, this could refer to sterilizing an area before a procedure to prevent infection. In everyday use, it might refer to sanitizing a surface to make it safe and clean.


The Spanish word 'desmayarse' translates to 'fainting' or 'to faint' in English. It is a reflexive verb and often used to describe a temporary loss of consciousness due to a sudden drop in blood flow to the brain. This term is frequently used in healthcare settings or casual conversation when speaking about feeling unwell or experiencing extreme emotions.

Example sentences with  desmayarse
desobedecer a los padres
disobeying parents

The phrase 'desobedecer a los padres' in Spanish translates to 'disobeying parents' in English. This consists of the verb 'desobedecer' which means 'to disobey', 'a' which is a preposition often meaning 'to', and 'los padres' which means 'the parents'. Therefore, it involves not complying with or going against the instructions, orders or rules set by one's parents.


The Spanish word 'desodorante' translates to 'deodorant' in English. It is a substance that one applies to the body to prevent or mask the smell of perspiration. It can come in various forms such as sticks, sprays, roll-ons, and even natural versions. The equivalent word in Spanish is 'desodorante'.

Example sentences with  desodorante

The Spanish word 'despedida' translates to 'goodbye' in English. This word is commonly used in Spanish-speaking countries to bid farewell or say goodbye to someone. Similar to its English equivalent, 'despedida' is used when parting ways at the end of any social gathering, event, or everyday conversations. It can also be used formally or informally depending on the context.

despedida de soltero
bachelor party

The term 'despedida de soltero' translates directly into English as 'farewell of bachelor'. This phrase is used in Spanish to denote a bachelor party, which is a celebration for a man who is about to get married. Such parties usually involve fun activities and entertainment, typically organized by the groom's close friends or relatives.

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