Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.


The Spanish translation for 'challenge' is 'desafío'. 'Desafío' can be used in any context where the English word 'challenge' applies. For example, it can be used to refer to a difficult task that tests someone's abilities or to challenge a person on their abilities or knowledge. Like 'challenge', 'desafío' can also be used to denote a call to prove or justify something.

Example sentences with  desafío

The Spanish word 'desagradar' can be translated into English as 'dislike'. It is a verb, usually used to express a feeling of distaste or dissatisfaction towards something or someone. For example, one might say 'Me desagrada el olor del tabaco' in Spanish, which in English will be 'I dislike the smell of tobacco'. Being a verb, it conforms to Spanish verb conjugation rules.


The word 'desanimarse' in Spanish translates to 'discouragement' in English. It is often used to communicate a loss of enthusiasm or motivation, a feeling of disheartenment. For instance, in a sentence, it can be used like: 'No debes desanimarte si no logras tus objetivos a la primera', in English 'You should not get discouraged if you do not achieve your goals at first.'


The Spanish term 'desarmar' translates to 'disarm' in English. Used as a verb, 'desarmar' is often associated with taking the ammunition or weapons away from someone or something, rendering them non-threatening. Additionally, 'desarmar' can also refer to the act of taking something apart or dismantling it. Thus, understanding this term can offer insight into various contexts, whether they are related to security, technical work, or simply figurative language.

Example sentences with  desarmar

In Spanish, 'desarrollar' translates to 'develop' in English. It is used in various contexts such as technology, business, and personal growth. It could mean to start to grow or change into something, to create something over a period of time, or to cause something to unfold or expand. The usage mirrors the English usage very closely. For example, 'Estoy desarrollando nuevas habilidades.' translates to 'I am developing new skills.'

Example sentences with  desarrollar
desarrollar un estilo
develop a style

The Spanish phrase 'desarrollar un estilo' translates to 'develop a style' in English. This can refer to various contexts such as fashion, writing, art, music or any other creative process. Here the word 'desarrollar' means 'to develop', 'un' is an article meaning 'a' and 'estilo' stands for 'style'. So, when these words are put together, it suggests the process of creating or improving a unique way or method of doing something.

Example sentences with  desarrollar un estilo
desarrollar un servicio
develop a service

The Spanish phrase 'desarrollar un servicio' translates into English as 'develop a service'. In a business context, it often refers to the process of creating and implementing a new product or function to offer to clients or customers. This can include various stages such as brainstorming, planning, building, testing, and finalizing. In a broader sense, 'desarrollar un servicio' encapsulates any situation where an individual or group sets out to establish a new kind of service. It could apply to fields ranging from software development to hospitality.

desarrollar un trabajo
develop a job

The Spanish phrase 'desarrollar un trabajo' is translated into English as 'develop a job'. This is an action phrase, commonly used in professional or work contexts, that implies not only doing a job but also improving it, enhancing it, or building it from scratch. It entails a sense of progress, growth, and evolution in a work role or project.

desarrollar una función
develop a function

The Spanish phrase 'desarrollar una función' is an action phrase that comes from the tech-related language domain. 'Desarrollar' is a verb meaning 'to develop', 'una' means 'a', and 'función' means 'function'. Thus, the phrase 'desarrollar una función' generally means to create or write a function (in programming) for executing a particular task. It often implies troubleshooting, debugging, and enhancing the function to meet specified requirements or to improve performance.

desarrollar una tarea
develop a task

The Spanish term 'desarrollar una tarea' translates to 'develop a task' in English. It refers to the process of planning, starting and executing a specific task or job. For example, when someone is asked to 'desarrollar una tarea', they are being asked to carry out a particular responsibility or duty, which may involve various stages such as brainstorming, planning, executing, reviewing and finalizing.

desarrollar una técnica
develop a technique

The phrase 'desarrollar una técnica' in Spanish translates to 'develop a technique' in English. It is a verb phrase often used in contexts of learning, practicing, or teaching. It implies improving or creating a method or way of doing something efficiently and effectively, such incorporating a new skill into one's repertoire or refining an artistic method. 'Desarrollar' is the verb part meaning 'develop,' and 'una técnica' is the noun part referring to 'a technique.'

Example sentences with  desarrollar una técnica

The Spanish word 'desarrollo' is used in contexts similar to the English word 'development'. It could describe growth or advancement in various circumstances, such as physical, emotional, or intellectual development, as well as economic or infrastructural progression. The use of 'desarrollo' can be found across many areas including personal growth, social sciences, technology, and business sectors.

Example sentences with  desarrollo
desarrollo industrial
industrial development

The Spanish phrase 'desarrollo industrial' translates to 'industrial development' in English. When used in context, it refers to the period or process of transitioning to an industrialized economy. Typically, it involves changes in technology and productivity, infrastructure improvements, and potential impacts on environments and societies. 'Desarrollo' individually means 'development' and 'industrial' means 'industrial', but together, they describe the idea of progressing or expanding production, industries, or manufacturing activities within a country or region.

Example sentences with  desarrollo industrial
desarrollo sostenible
sustainable development

The Spanish term 'desarrollo sostenible' translates to 'sustainable development' in English. Sustainable development refers to the method or strategy of economic growth which aims to meet the needs of the present population without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. It involves creating an equilibrium between three key elements, which are economic growth, social inclusion and environmental protection.

Example sentences with  desarrollo sostenible
desastre natural
natural disaster

The Spanish term 'desastre natural' translates to 'natural disaster' in English. Natural disasters refer to catastrophic events resulting from natural processes of the Earth like floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, tsunamis, and other geologic processes. They can cause significant damage or loss of life and property, and disrupt the environment and economy. The term is often used in relation to disaster management and planning responses to minimize damage and ensure safety.

Example sentences with  desastre natural

The Spanish word 'desayuno' translates to 'breakfast' in English. This word is used to refer to the first meal of the day, typically consumed in the morning. It can include a range of foods, such as bread, fruit, eggs, and coffee in many cultures.

desbordar un trabajo
overflowing a job

The Spanish term 'desbordar un trabajo' can be translated to English as 'overflowing a job'. This phrase is typically used figuratively to indicate a situation where the volume or intensity of a particular job, task or responsibility is so great that it exceeds the capacity to effectively manage or handle it. It describes an overwhelming situation, often leading to stress or difficulties.

desbordarse un río
overflowing a river

In Spanish, 'desbordarse un río' refers to the phenomenon where a river's water level rises beyond its banks, typically due to excessive rainfall or a sudden influx of water, such that it spans beyond its usual reach. In English, this is referred to as a river overflowing.

Example sentences with  desbordarse un río

The Spanish word 'descanso' translates to 'break' in English. It is primarily used to refer to either a pause in work or activities for rest or relaxation or an interruption in continuity. For instance, in the context of work 'Voy a tomar un descanso', translates to 'I am going to take a break'. It's important to note that in some contexts, it may be translated differently so attention to the entire phrase or sentence is crucial.

Example sentences with  descanso

The Spanish word 'descapotable' translates to 'convertible' in English. A convertible, often referred to as a 'cabriolet' in many parts of the world, is a type of vehicle with a roof structure that can 'convert' from a covered, enclosed state to an open-air state. These types of vehicles are popular for leisure and pleasure drives, particularly under pleasant weather conditions where one might enjoy the wind and sun. Convertibles can have two doors or four doors, depending on the specific model. While the term is used widely in regards to cars, it can also refer to other structures or mechanisms that have a similar ability to 'convert' or change states according to desired configurations.

Example sentences with  descapotable
descargar(se) un programa
download a program

The Spanish phrase 'descargar(se) un programa' translates to 'download a program' in English. It is often used in the context of downloading software, apps, or other digital content from the internet. In this, 'descargar' means 'download', '(se)' is a reflexive pronoun often used in Spanish and can be omitted in some cases, and 'un programa' means 'a program'. Therefore, whenever you want to say that you are downloading a program on your computer, smartphone, or any other device in Spanish, you can use this phrase.

Example sentences with  descargar(se) un programa
descargarse música
download music

The Spanish phrase 'descargarse música' translates to 'download music' in English. This phrase refers to the process of transferring music data from one system, often an online or digital platform, to another system, often a personal computer or a mobile device, where it can then be played offline. The usage of this phrase is common in relation to digital music stores, streaming platforms or websites which allow legal downloads of music.

descargarse un archivo
download a file

The Spanish phrase 'descargarse un archivo' translates to 'download a file' in English. This phrase could be typically used in situations related to digital technology and internet usage, such as when one is downloading a document, a picture, an audio file, a video or any digital content from the internet to their personal electronic device. The two key parts of this phrase are 'descargarse', which means 'to download', and 'un archivo', which means 'a file'.

descargarse un programa
download a program

The Spanish phrase 'descargarse un programa' translates to 'download a program' in English. This phrase might be used when you need to install new software or an application on your computer or mobile device. It's commonly used in conversations about technology, computers and the internet. For instance, you might employ this phrase when advising someone to download a particular program for work or when you are downloading a program for your own use.


The Spanish word 'descender' translates to 'descend' in English. It is a verb and it is used to describe the action of moving downward, coming from a higher place to a lower place. It can be used in various contexts such as when describing the movement of a person or object down a hill, or metaphorically highlighting a drop in status or level. 'Descender' is derived from the Latin 'descendere' and it follows the regular conjugation pattern in Spanish.

Example sentences with  descender

The Spanish word 'descenso' translates to 'decrease' in English. It refers to a reduction in size, amount, or extent of something. It can be used in various contexts such as population decrease, temperature decrease or decrease in sales. In sports terminology, 'descenso' can also mean relegation from a higher to a lower league.

Example sentences with  descenso
descenso de la natalidad
decline in birth

The term 'descenso de la natalidad' in Spanish translates to 'decline in birth' in English. It is often used in sociological, economic, or demographic contexts, referring to a reduction in the number of births in a particular geographical area or population over a specific period of time. The term can also denote a broader societal trend towards having fewer children.

Example sentences with  descenso de la natalidad
descenso de la población
population decline

The Spanish phrase 'descenso de la población' translates to 'population decline' in English. This is a demographic term that indicates a decrease in a region's population over a certain period, usually due to factors such as higher death rates, lower birth rates, emigration, or any combination of these. Any geographical area or racial or ethnic group that has this demographic trend is said to be in 'descenso de la población'.

Example sentences with  descenso de la población
descifrar una carta
decipher a letter

The Spanish phrase 'descifrar una carta' translates to 'decipher a letter' in English. This is a verb phrase that denotes taking a letter that is written in code or a difficult to understand format, and figuring out what it says, making it understandable. This could be used in the context of solving a puzzle, understanding a complex problem, or literally deciphering a coded message in a letter.


The Spanish verb 'descomponerse' translates to 'decompose' in English. It is primarily used in a physical or scientific context to refer to the process where organic materials, such as plants or bodies, break down naturally over time. The word can also metaphorically refer to the idea of something falling apart, disintegrating or deteriorating. It's used in various contexts and can also mean to 'break down' as in breaking down a complex issue into simpler parts.

Example sentences with  descomponerse
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