Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.


The word 'deporte' in Spanish translates to 'sport' in English. Its usage is similar to English, being used to talk about physical activities in which individuals or teams compete against each other. For example, 'Futbol es un deporte popular en España' translates to 'Football is a popular sport in Spain'. Like in English, the noun 'deporte' can also be used in general to discuss the concept of physical exercise and activity.

Example sentences with  deporte
deporte de competición
sport of competition

The Spanish phrase 'deporte de competición' translates to 'sport of competition' in English. It is used to refer to any sport that involves competition between players or teams. This could range from traditional sports like football and basketball, to less conventional sports like competitive gaming or chess. The emphasis is on the element of competition that is inherent in these activities.

deporte de equipo
sport of equipment

The Spanish phrase 'deporte de equipo' does not translate to 'sport of equipment'. It actually translates to 'team sport' in English. In Spanish, 'deporte' means 'sport', 'de' means 'of', and 'equipo' means 'team'. So, collectively, 'deporte de equipo' refers to any sport that involves multiple players working together as a unit or team, such as soccer, basketball, or baseball.

deporte de invierno
winter sport

The phrase 'deporte de invierno' in Spanish translates to 'winter sport' in English. It refers to any sports or athletic activities that are typically played during the winter season. These can include sports that are played in snow or ice conditions like skiing, snowboarding, ice hockey, and figure skating. The phrase may also be used to refer to indoor sports events that are typically scheduled during the winter season due to weather constraints.

deporte de riesgo
sport at risk

The Spanish term 'deporte de riesgo' translates to 'extreme sport' or 'adventure sport' in English. It refers to sports activities perceived as involving a high degree of risk due to inherent dangers associated with the activity. These sports often involve speed, height, a high level of physical exertion, and highly specialized gear or spectacular stunts. Examples of 'deporte de riesgo' might include activities like rock climbing, white-water rafting, or base jumping.


The Spanish word 'deportista' translates to 'sportsman' in English. This term refers to someone who is skilled in sports, particularly those who participate in it professionally or competitively. However, it can also be used casually to refer to anyone who enjoys or frequently engages in sports. This word is often used to respect and acknowledge an individual's physical abilities and dedication to their chosen sport.


The Spanish word 'deportivo' can be translated to English as 'sports'. It is often used in the context of activities that involve physical exertion and skill, typically team or competitive events regulated by rules. In a broader context, 'deportivo' can also refer to things associated with sports, such as 'coche deportivo' for 'sports car'. The use of the word can vary based on the context it is used in.

Example sentences with  deportivo
depreciarse la moneda
depreciate the currency

The phrase 'depreciarse la moneda' in Spanish translates to 'depreciate the currency' in English. This term is very common in economics and finance. It refers to a decrease in the value of a country's currency compared to the value of other currencies. When a currency depreciates, the exchange rate decreases. Consequently, more units of a certain currency are needed to buy one unit of another currency. This can be due to various factors, including economic instability, inflation, interest rates, etc.

Example sentences with  depreciarse la moneda

The word 'deprimirse' in Spanish is a reflexive verb which translates to 'to get depressed' in English. This term is used when someone falls into a state of unhappiness and despair, often due to various external factors such as stress or upsetting events. It's important to note that this term is used to describe a temporary state of mind and not necessarily a medical condition.

treatment plant

The Spanish word 'depuradora' translates to 'treatment plant' in English. It is used in the context of waste management, particularly in relation to the treatment of sewage and wastewater. A 'depuradora' is a facility where wastewater undergoes treatment to remove contaminants before the clean water is released back into the environment.

Example sentences with  depuradora

The word 'derecho' in Spanish means 'right' in English. It can be used in the same ways as the English 'right'. For instance, it can mean a direction opposite to left or it can also relate to social, legal, or moral principles like 'human rights'. The specific meaning is determined by the context in which it is used.

Example sentences with  derecho
derecho civil
civil law

Civil law, also known as 'derecho civil' in Spanish, is a legal tradition and system originating from Roman law and primarily used within Western cultures. It is a body of law that determines the private rights and liabilities of individuals. Often, it revolves around matters of contracts, property ownership, family relationships, and actions for personal injury. It is sometimes contrasted to criminal law in that it pertains primarily to private and not state or public matters.

Example sentences with  derecho civil
derecho penal
criminal law

The Spanish term 'derecho penal' refers to 'criminal law' in English. It generally involves the body of both substantive and procedural rules that determine the penalties to be applied by the state to the individuals (adults or minors), who commit criminal offenses. In simple terms, it is the legal field associated with punishment of individuals who commit crimes. Thus, it reflects the social interest in the prevention of harmful behaviors that disrupt social peace.

Example sentences with  derecho penal

The Spanish word 'derechos' translates to 'rights' in English. This term can be used to denote legal, social, or ethical principles of freedom or entitlement. For example, derechos can be employed in contexts such as human rights ('derechos humanos'), civil rights ('derechos civiles') or property rights ('derechos de propiedad'). It's a plural noun, and the single form 'derecho' can mean 'right' as in direction or a field of study in law.

Example sentences with  derechos
derechos básicos
basic rights

The Spanish term 'derechos básicos' translates to 'basic rights' in English. Basic rights refer to the fundamental freedoms and privileges that every individual is entitled to, regardless of nationality, sex, ethnicity, religion, and other statuses. These rights commonly include the right to life, liberty, freedom of thought and expression, and equality before the law.

Example sentences with  derechos básicos
derechos constitucionales
constitutional rights

The Spanish term 'derechos constitucionales' translates to 'constitutional rights' in English. These are rights that are explicitly mentioned or inferred in a constitution, the fundamental political code, charter, or governing law of a polity, organization, or other type of entity. Constitutional rights typically include freedom of speech, right to fair trials, right to practice religion, and more. They are an integral part of a democratic society and are instrumental in protecting the freedoms and liberties of individuals.

Example sentences with  derechos constitucionales
derechos de aduana
customs duties

The Spanish phrase 'derechos de aduana' translates into English as 'customs duties'. Customs duties are taxes imposed on imported and, less commonly, exported goods. They are used to generate revenue and protect domestic industries from foreign competition. The producer or importer pays this charge and then often passes it down to the consumer in the form of higher prices for the imported goods. The amount of customs duty varies depending on the type of goods and where they are deemed to have originated from.

Example sentences with  derechos de aduana
derechos del ciudadano
rights of citizens

The Spanish phrase 'derechos del ciudadano' translates to 'rights of citizens' in English. This phrase is used to refer to the legal, social and ethical freedoms or entitlements held by the citizens according to law and societal norms. It implies the legal protections afforded to people as citizens in a country, often documented in forms like a country's constitution or legal statutes. These rights can include things like the right to vote, the right to freedom of speech, the right to privacy, etc. It indicates the social contract between the government and the people, defining what individuals are entitled to and the duties the governing body has for its citizens.

Example sentences with  derechos del ciudadano
derechos humanos
human rights

The term 'derechos humanos' in Spanish translates to 'human rights' in English. Human rights are basic rights and freedoms to which all individuals are entitled, regardless of nationality, sex, national or ethnic origin, race, religion, language, or other status. Human rights include the right to life and liberty, freedom from slavery and torture, freedom of opinion and expression, the right to work and education, and many more. They are protected as legal rights in national and international law.

Example sentences with  derechos humanos

The term 'dermatología' is a Spanish word which translates to 'dermatology' in English. Dermatology is a branch of medicine that concerns with the diagnosis and treatment of skin disorders. It might also include problems related to hair, nails, and mucous membranes. A person specializing in this field is known as a dermatologist. The word 'dermatología' in Spanish is used in the same context.

Example sentences with  dermatología
derogar (una) ley
repeal (one) law

The Spanish phrase 'derogar (una) ley' translates to 'repeal (one) law' in English. It involves the action of officially ending a law, typically enacted by a legislative body or another authorized official. This term is often used in legal and governmental contexts where laws and regulations are constantly reviewed, enacted, and repealed as needed. Knowledge of this term can be useful in discussions related to lawmaking, civil rights, and other socio-political arenas.

Example sentences with  derogar (una) ley
derribar un edificio
knock down a building

The Spanish term 'derribar un edificio' translates to 'knock down a building' in English. This phrase is most commonly used in the context of construction or demolition. When a building has become unsafe, is no longer needed, or a new building needs to be built in its place, professionals may 'derribar el edificio' or 'knock down the building'. It indicated the action of physically bringing down the structure of a building, often through controlled demolition methods.

derribar una casa
take down a house

'Derribar una casa' translates in English to 'take down a house'. It means to demolish or pull down a structure, typically a building or a house, to the point where it no longer exists. This phrase could be used in the context of construction or renovation when a building needs to be removed entirely, rather than being repaired or renovated. It signifies a total destruction or deconstruction of a physical building.

derribar una vivienda
tear down the house

The Spanish phrase 'derribar una vivienda' refers to the act of physically bringing down a residential structure. In the English language, this is commonly expressed as 'tear down the house'. This could be in the context of a scheduled demolition by the relevant authorities or as a result of a natural disaster. The phrase emphasizes the complete removal of the structure, often to make room for something new to be built or to clear the land for other purposes.


The Spanish word 'derrotado' translates to 'defeated' in English. Its use is in the context of losing a battle, game, contest, argument or other instance of competition. It can refer to both physical and metaphorical defeat. An example sentence could be 'El equipo fue derrotado en el partido de ayer', which translates to 'The team was defeated in yesterday's match'.

derruir un edificio
ruin a building

The Spanish phrase 'derruir un edificio' translates to 'ruin a building' in English. It is often used in the context of construction or demolition of structures. 'Derruir' is a verb that specifically refers to the act of bringing down or demolishing, and 'un edificio' is a noun that refers to a building or a structure. Hence, when paired together, the phrase 'derruir un edificio' signifies the process of bringing down or demolishing a building, which can be equated to 'ruining a building' in English.

derruir una vivienda
ruin a house

'Derruir una vivienda' is a Spanish phrase that translates to 'ruin a house' in English. This phrase encompasses the idea of causing significant damage to a house, to the point where it might be unliveable. This damage could be intentional, such as in the case of demolition, or unintentional, resulting from natural disasters or accidents.

desactivar un (artefacto) explosivo
deactivate an explosive (artfact)

The term 'desactivar un (artefacto) explosivo' in Spanish translates to 'deactivate an explosive (artifact)' in English. It typically refers to the act of neutralizing or safely disabling an explosive device or artifact, which could be a bomb, dynamite, or any other object that can explode. This term is often used in contexts such as military, police, or emergency response scenarios where professionals are trained to safely handle and defuse explosive hazards.

desactivar una bomba
deactivate a bomb

The Spanish phrase 'desactivar una bomba' translates to 'deactivate a bomb' in English. It's a two-part verb phrase. The verb 'desactivar' means 'to deactivate, turn off' and is often used in technical or mechanical contexts. The phrase 'una bomba' means 'a bomb', where 'una' is the indefinite article 'a, one', and 'bomba' is a noun meaning 'bomb'. Combined, they denote the action of disabling or stopping a bomb from exploding.

desafiar a los padres
challenge parents

The Spanish phrase 'desafiar a los padres' translates to 'challenge parents' in English. This phrase can have several connotations depending on the context. In a literal sense, it could imply engaging in a contest or competition with one's parents. In another interpretation, especially in psychological or sociocultural discussions, it could signify questioning authority or opposing cultural or societal norms set by the older generation. It also can entail standing up to parents or confronting them when in disagreement.

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