Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

delito contra el honor
offence against honour

The phrase 'delito contra el honor' in Spanish can be translated to English as 'offence against honour'. It is typically used in a legal context, referring to certain crimes that violate the dignity, reputation, or self-esteem of an individual. Here, 'delito' translates to 'offense' or 'crime', and 'contra el honor' translates to 'against honor'. This phrase signifies any act, whether verbal or physical, that could harm or insult someone's honor.

Example sentences with  delito contra el honor
delito contra la intimidad
offence against privacy

The term 'delito contra la intimidad' in Spanish refers to an offence against privacy in English. This term is often used in legal contexts and refers to violations that can occur when someone's private life or personal data are improperly accessed, disclosed, or exploited. Examples can include unauthorized access to private communications, unfair data processing, or other forms of intrusion into a person's private affairs or sensitive information. It highlights the importance of respecting the individual's privacy in diverse situations and interactions.

Example sentences with  delito contra la intimidad
delito de sangre
Blood crime

The Spanish phrase 'delito de sangre' translates to 'blood crime' in English. It is a legal term used to denote a violent crime, often involving the spilling of blood, such as murder or serious assault. It's often used in the context of criminal law.

Example sentences with  delito de sangre

The Spanish word 'demanda' translates to 'demand' in English. It is commonly used in business and legal contexts, referring to a strong request or need for something. For instance, in economics, it is the quantity of goods or services that consumers are willing and able to purchase at various prices. In law, it refers to a formal accusation or legal proceeding.


The word 'democracia' in Spanish translates to 'democracy' in English. Democracy is a system of government in which power is vested in the people, who rule either directly or through freely elected representatives. As a concept, democracy is derived from the Greek words 'demos' and 'kratia' which means 'people' and 'power' respectively. The word 'democracia' would be used in a context where discussion or representation of such a system of government is required.

Example sentences with  democracia

The Spanish word for 'democrat' is 'demócrata'. It is used in the same context as in English, typically referring to a member of or believer in the Democratic political party. However, it can also mean a person who believes in or supports democracy, the system of government where power is vested in the people, who rule either directly or through freely elected representatives.

Example sentences with  demócrata
demostrar científicamente
demonstrate scientifically

The phrase 'demostrar científicamente' is Spanish and it translates to 'demonstrate scientifically' in English. It refers to the act of providing evidence or proof for a theory or hypothesis using techniques, methodologies, and principles from the field of science. It is often used in academic or professional contexts, especially in scientific research where data is required to establish facts and reach new conclusions.

Example sentences with  demostrar científicamente
demostrar empíricamente
prove empirically

The Spanish phrase 'demostrar empíricamente' translates to 'prove empirically' in English. The term 'empíricamente' is an adverb that refers to something done according to, by means of, or involving observation or experience rather than theory or pure logic, while 'demostrar' is a verb that means to show the truth or existence of (something) by providing evidence or proof. Therefore, 'demostrar empíricamente' describes the act of substantiating a claim or theory through direct observation or personal experience, i.e., empirical evidence.

Example sentences with  demostrar empíricamente
demostrar matemáticamente
mathematically demonstrate

The term 'demostrar matemáticamente' in Spanish refers to the process in which one uses principles of mathematics to prove or clarify an idea or concept. This is a common phrase in academic and scientific settings where rigorous proofs and logical steps are required. In English, this is translated as 'mathematically demonstrate'.

Example sentences with  demostrar matemáticamente
demostrar una hipótesis
demonstrate a hypothesis

The Spanish phrase 'demostrar una hipótesis' translates to 'demonstrate a hypothesis' in English. In scientific use, it generally refers to the process of providing empirical evidence or logical reasoning to support or reject a scientific theory or presumption. In a broader context, it can also mean to illustrate or explain a theory or assumption.

Example sentences with  demostrar una hipótesis
denegar el carné de conducir
deny the driver's license

The Spanish phrase 'denegar el carné de conducir' translates to 'deny the driver's license' in English. It could be used in a context where driving privileges are not granted or revoked.

denegar el permiso de residencia
refuse residence permit

The Spanish phrase 'denegar el permiso de residencia' translates to 'refuse residence permit' in English. This phrase is often used in immigration context, where authorities might 'denegar el permiso de residencia' of an individual, implying that they are refusing or denying their right or request to reside in that particular country. This might be due to various reasons including, but not limited to, lack of required documentation, security concerns, failing to meet certain eligibility requirements etc. This is a formal phrase that you would predominantly find in written communication, especially official documents.

denegar el subsidio de desempleo
refusal of unemployment benefit

The Spanish phrase 'denegar el subsidio de desempleo' translates to 'refusal of unemployment benefit' in English. This term usually refers to a situation where an individual's application for unemployment benefits or support from the government or some designated authority is rejected or dismissed. This could be due to a variety of reasons, such as lack of eligibility or breach of certain required conditions or guidelines. Hence, it points towards a negative circumstance in which the applicant does not receive the financial aid that they may have been depending on during their period of joblessness.

denegar un préstamo
refuse a loan

The Spanish term 'denegar un préstamo' translates to 'refuse a loan' in English. It refers to a situation where a lender (usually a bank or other financial institution) decides not to grant a requested loan to a potential borrower. This decision may arise for a variety of reasons, such as the borrower having a poor credit history, not meeting certain necessary criteria, failing to provide necessary documentation, or due to lender's policy. The borrower is then said to have been 'denied a loan', or in Spanish, they have had their 'préstamo denegado'.

denegar una beca
refuse a scholarship

The Spanish phrase 'denegar una beca' translates into English as 'refuse a scholarship'. This phrase primarily pertains to the context where an entity such as an educational institution or a funding body declines to grant a scholarship to an individual. This could be due to several reasons such as the candidate not meeting the eligibility criteria or due to limited funds.

denominación de origen
denomination of origin

The Spanish phrase 'denominación de origen' translates to 'denomination of origin' in English. It is a phrase often used in Spanish-speaking regions to classify various products, especially food and drinks, by their geographical origin. It's a certification that ensures that the product possesses certain qualities or enjoys a certain reputation, due to its geographical origin and its method of production or processing being carried out in that specific region. This term is commonly associated with wine but can be applied to many other products as well.

densidad de población
population density

The Spanish phrase 'densidad de población' translates to 'population density' in English. Population density is a measure of the number of people living in a particular area, such as a square mile or kilometer. It is typically calculated by dividing the total population by the total land area. It helps in understanding the concentration of people in a specific region, which can be crucial in areas like city planning or resource allocation.

Example sentences with  densidad de población

The Spanish word 'dentista' translates to 'dentist' in English. A 'dentista' is a professional who is qualified to treat diseases and other conditions that affect the teeth and gums, especially the repair and extraction of teeth and the insertion of artificial ones. This word is widely recognized and used in many Spanish-speaking countries around the globe.

Example sentences with  dentista

The Spanish translation for 'within' is 'dentro'. 'Dentro' is typically used to indicate that something is contained in a particular area or space. Like in English, it can also represent being within a certain range or period of time. For instance, 'dentro de una semana' translates to 'within a week'. It's important to note that 'dentro' position can sometimes change according to the Spanish sentence structure.

Example sentences with  dentro
denunciar el delito fiscal
denounce the prosecution

The phrase 'denunciar el delito fiscal' translates from Spanish to English as 'denounce the fiscal crime'. This phrase is generally used in the context of finance and law, suggesting that an individual or organization is explicitly declaring wrongdoing or misconduct in regard to tax or fiscal matters, potentially leading to investigation or prosecution.

Example sentences with  denunciar el delito fiscal

The Spanish word 'departamento' translates to 'department' in English. This word can be used in various contexts, such as a department in a company (El departamento de ventas = The sales department), a department in a university (El departamento de psicología = The psychology department), or even referring to regions in certain Spanish-speaking countries (Departamento de Antioquia = Department of Antioquia in Colombia).

Example sentences with  departamento
departamento de administración
Department of Administration

The Spanish term 'departamento de administración' translates to 'department of administration' in English. It is used in various contexts, such as a division within a company overseeing administrative tasks or a governmental body responsible for administrative functions.

departamento de atención al cliente
customer service department

The Spanish term 'departamento de atención al cliente' translates to 'Customer Service Department' in English. A Customer Service Department is an essential part of any organization that interacts with customers. It handles customer inquiries, complaints, feedback, and provides information regarding the organization's products or services. The department's main objective is to ensure customer satisfaction and create a positive experience for the customer.

Example sentences with  departamento de atención al cliente
departamento de contabilidad
Accounting department

The Spanish phrase 'departamento de contabilidad' translates to 'accounting department' in English. It refers to a department or division within a company or organization that handles all financial transactions, financial reports, audits, and analysis. The accounting department is also responsible for tracking income and expenses, ensuring statutory compliance, and supply management with information necessary for key business decisions.

departamento de finanzas
Department of Finance

The phrase 'departamento de finanzas' in Spanish translates to 'department of finance' in English. This is a division within a company or organization that is responsible for managing all financial actions in order to optimize its economic performance. It often includes setting up the budget, conducting financial analysis, making strategic investment decisions, fundraising, and risk management among other tasks.

Example sentences with  departamento de finanzas
departamento de producción
department of production

The Spanish term 'departamento de producción' translates to 'department of production' in English. It refers to a department within an organization that is in charge of all activities related to the production or manufacturing of goods/services. In essence, it's the part of the company that takes raw materials or parts and turns them into finished products, whether physical objects or complete services delivered to customers. This term is commonly used in business or industrial contexts.

Example sentences with  departamento de producción
departamento de recursos humanos
Department of Human Resources

The Spanish term 'departamento de recursos humanos' translates to 'department of human resources' in English. This department is the part of a business, organization, or institution that deals with employees' relations, welfare, and policy administration, including hiring and firing, payroll, benefits, and training. It is often abbreviated as HR. Therefore, in an office or corporate setting, you will often hear this term used in relation to any matters involving personnel or staff.

departamento de ventas
sales department

The phrase 'departamento de ventas' in Spanish translates to 'sales department' in English. This is often used within business settings and refers to the division within a company responsible for selling products or services. The sales department is crucial in many businesses as they directly interact with customers and generate revenue for the company.

Example sentences with  departamento de ventas
depilarse con crema
to shave with cream

The Spanish phrase 'depilarse con crema' directly translates to 'to shave with cream' in English. This is a gender neutral Spanish phrase typically used to address the method of removing body or facial hair with the use of shaving cream for smoother and safer shaving. 'Depilarse' is the reflexive verb for shaving oneself and 'con crema' means with cream.

Example sentences with  depilarse con crema
depilarse con cuchilla
to shave with blade

The Spanish phrase 'depilarse con cuchilla' translates to 'to shave with blade' in English. In more depth, 'depilarse' can be broken down to 'depilation' which means the removal of hair, 'con' translates to 'with', and 'cuchilla' translates to 'blade'. So put together, the phrase means the act of removing hair with a blade, which is commonly done for grooming purposes.

Example sentences with  depilarse con cuchilla
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