Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.


The Spanish word 'dedo' translates to 'finger' in English. In both languages, this word refers to each of the five digits extending from the palm of the hand, specifically the four phalanges (long tubular bones) and the thumb, which is slightly different in structure. In Spanish, the plural of 'dedo' is 'dedos'. The word can also be used in various expressions or phrases, such as 'levantar el dedo' which translates to 'raise a finger', or 'no mover un dedo' which means 'not lift a finger'.

deducir una regla
deduce a rule

The Spanish phrase 'deducir una regla' translates to 'deduce a rule' in English. This phrase indicates the process of reaching a conclusion or rule based on specific events or details. This might be used in both formal and casual situations such as in scientific inquiries or day-to-day reasoning. It involves logical thinking and analytical skills and is a common phrase used in problem-solving or when making judgments.


The Spanish word 'defender' translates to 'defend' in English. It is derived from the Latin word 'defendere'. The term 'defender' is a verb and it signifies the act of resisting an attack made on someone or something; to protect from harm or danger. In other contexts, it can also mean to support or maintain a principle or law, or to assert something in the face of opposition or criticism.

Example sentences with  defender
defender la tesis doctoral
defend the doctoral thesis

The Spanish phrase 'defender la tesis doctoral' translates to 'defend the doctoral thesis' in English. This is often used in academic contexts to refer to the process where a doctoral candidate presents and defends their research findings before a committee. It is a significant milestone in the process of earning a Ph.D. or other doctoral degree.


Defensa is the Spanish translation for the English word 'defense'. Defensa is used in much the same way in Spanish as 'defense' is in English. It can refer to the act of protecting something, a stance or position that helps protect, or the department or team dedicated to protection and security matters. Just like in English, it can be used in a variety of contexts, including legal, sports, military and personal safety.

Example sentences with  defensa
Defensor del Consumidor
Consumer Ombudsman

The term 'Defensor del Consumidor' in Spanish translates to 'Consumer Ombudsman' in English. A Consumer Ombudsman is an official appointed to investigate individuals' complaints against a company or organization, especially in the public sector. Their role is to represent the rights and interests of consumers, ensuring that they are treated fairly and protected from any unscrupulous or harmful business practices.

Example sentences with  Defensor del Consumidor
Defensor del Pueblo

The Spanish term 'Defensor del Pueblo' translates to 'Ombudsman' in English. An Ombudsman is an official, usually appointed by government, who investigates complaints (usually lodged by private citizens) against the government, large organizations, or public entities. The literal meaning of 'Defensor del Pueblo' is 'Defender of the People', underlining the protective and investigative role the Ombudsman takes in safeguarding the rights and interests of the public.

Example sentences with  Defensor del Pueblo

The Spanish word 'degenerar' translates to 'degenerate' in English. This is a verb that means to decline or deteriorate physically, mentally, or morally. A molecule can degenerate, meaning it changes to a simpler form. A situation can degenerate, meaning it gets worse. A person can also degenerate in terms of their behavior or character, generally referring to declining standards, morals or manners.

Example sentences with  degenerar
dejar dinero
leave money

The phrase 'dejar dinero' in Spanish translates to 'leave money' in English. This means to physically leave, abandon, or set aside a particular amount of money somewhere. The phrase can be used in various contexts, such as in scenarios where you need to leave money for bills, or for someone else to pick up. In many cases, it implies a sense of obligation or necessity.

dejar la cama hecha
leave the bed made

The Spanish phrase 'dejar la cama hecha' translates to 'leave the bed made' in English. It is a common phrase used to express the act of tidying up one's bed after use. In a broader sense, it may also represent the virtue of cleaning up after oneself, encouraging habits of cleanliness and orderliness.

dejar la casa limpia
leave the house clean

The Spanish phrase 'dejar la casa limpia' translates to 'leave the house clean' in English. It is typically used in a context where one is instructed or expected to clean up a house, room or space, before leaving it. This can be within their own home, or a place they have visited. The term could also have more metaphorical implications, suggesting that one should fix or address any problems they have caused before moving on.

dejar la casa recogida
leave the house collected

The Spanish phrase 'dejar la casa recogida' translates to 'leave the house collected' in English. This phrase is often used to mean cleaning up or tidying the house before leaving it. The verb 'dejar' translates to 'to leave', 'la casa' means 'the house', and 'recogida' is a form of the verb 'recoger' which means 'to collect' but can also mean 'to pick up' or 'to tidy up' in this context.

dejar la mesa puesta
leave the table on

The Spanish phrase 'dejar la mesa puesta' is a figurative expression translated in English as 'leave the table on'. In a literal sense, it means to leave the table set up with utensils, dishes, napkins, etc, even when no meal is being served at the moment. This is often used in contexts where one is expecting guests to arrive for a meal later, or when they have left the table setting as it is after a meal, without clearing it up.

dejar los estudios
leave the studies

The Spanish phrase 'dejar los estudios' is translated into English as 'leave the studies'. This is used when someone decides to quit or drop out from their studies or educational program. It suggests an interruption or cessation of formal learning process, often used in contexts referring to high school or university education.

dejar pasar el tiempo
let the time pass

The Spanish phrase 'dejar pasar el tiempo' translates to 'let the time pass' in English. It is an idiomatic expression often used when someone is suggesting to wait or to allow something to happen over time, without trying to force it or rush it. It often implies patience, acceptance, or a period of waiting.

dejar un mensaje
leave a message

The Spanish phrase 'dejar un mensaje' translates to 'leave a message' in English. It is a verb phrase that conveys the action of leaving or depositing a communication, like a note or a voice mail, for another person to receive or find later. This phrase can be used in many contexts, ranging from asking someone to leave a voicemail on a phone to telling someone to leave a note for someone else.

dejar un recado
Leave a message

The Spanish phrase 'dejar un recado' translates to 'leave a message' in English. This can be used in situations where you wish to leave a note, remark or communication for someone to receive or find at a later time. For example, you might 'dejar un recado' for a colleague at work, or for a family member at home. This phrase is commonly used in both professional and personal settings.

dejar una nota
leave a note

The Spanish phrase 'dejar una nota' translates to 'leave a note' in English. It is usually used to refer to the act of leaving a written message or reminder for someone to find, typically written on a piece of paper or digital platform.

dejar una propina
leave a tip

The Spanish phrase 'dejar una propina' is translated to English as 'leave a tip'. It is often used in contexts such as dining out at restaurants or utilizing services where tipping is a norm. Just as in English-speaking countries, in Spanish-speaking regions tipping is a way to show gratitude for good service. Remembering nuances such as these can greatly enhance your command and understanding of the Spanish language.

Example sentences with  dejar una propina
dejarse barba
Leave a beard

The phrase 'dejarse barba' in Spanish translates to 'leave a beard' in English. It is often used in a specific context referring to a person's choice or decision to grow out their facial hair and abstain from shaving for a period of time.

Example sentences with  dejarse barba
dejarse perilla
to grow a goatee

The term 'dejarse perilla' in Spanish is an expression referring to the act of deliberately allowing one's facial hair to grow specifically in the area around the chin and mouth, resulting in a style known in English as a goatee. This style is often associated with a neat, trimmed beard that does not cover the cheeks, but instead forms a distinct shape around the mouth and chin area. As it's an action, it implies the person's active choice or decision to groom their facial hair in this particular manner.

Example sentences with  dejarse perilla

The Spanish word 'delantal' translates to 'apron' in English. An apron is a garment that is worn over other clothes and covers mainly the front part of the body. It might have several different purposes but it is usually worn to protect clothing, or as a fashion, decorative or symbolic item. Commonly, aprons are worn at home, by chefs, and by persons who handle certain machinery, amongst others.


The Spanish word 'delegación' translates to 'delegation' in English. In a general sense, delegation refers to the act of entrusting tasks or responsibilities to someone else, often a subordinate. It is commonly used in settings such as business, where a manager might delegate tasks to their employees. In a political context, it refers to a group of people who represent others, like a delegation of ambassadors. Therefore, 'delegación' is used in the same contexts and carries the same implications.

Example sentences with  delegación
delegado de curso
Course delegate

The term 'delegado de curso' in Spanish translates to 'course delegate' in English. This refers to a person, usually a student, who is chosen or elected to represent the interests and concerns of the students in a specific course or class to the school's administration or faculty. This role may include responsibilities such as communicating feedback from students to teachers, organizing class events, or participating in student governance bodies.

delegar un trabajo
delegate a job

The phrase 'delegar un trabajo' in Spanish translates to 'delegate a job' in English. This means to assign a job or duty to someone else, usually from a person in a higher power or position to someone in a lower or equal position. Delegating does not absolve the originator of responsibility, but allows tasks to be divided among a team, fostering efficiency and productivity.


The Spanish word 'delicioso' translates to 'delicious' in English. It is an adjective used to describe food that gives great pleasure or satisfaction to taste or smell. It is used in the same way as it is in English, to express that something, usually a dish or a type of food, is extremely tasty and enjoyable. In general, it emphasizes the speaker's positive sensory experience.

delincuente común
common criminal

The Spanish term 'delincuente común' translates to 'common criminal' in English. It is usually used to describe an individual who regularly breaks the law for personal gain or sometimes due to habitual behaviour. It covers a broad range of criminal activities from petty crimes to more serious offenses. This terminology is frequently used in legal contexts or discussions related to law enforcement, criminal psychology, prison systems or crime-related social issues.

Example sentences with  delincuente común
delincuente habitual
habitual offender

The Spanish phrase 'delincuente habitual' translates to 'habitual offender' in English. This term refers to a person who frequently commits crimes and is repeatedly involved in illegal activities. The term highlights the regularity and repetitive nature of their unlawful actions. In both languages, it is largely used in legal and law enforcement contexts.

Example sentences with  delincuente habitual
delincuente peligroso
dangerous criminal

The Spanish phrase 'delincuente peligroso' translates to 'dangerous criminal' in English. The term refers to a person who has committed severe and often violent offenses, and thus, poses a threat to others. This person has broken the law, and their actions are regarded as harmful to the safety and welfare of the public. The phrase is typically used in legal and law enforcement contexts.

Example sentences with  delincuente peligroso

The word 'delito' in Spanish translates to 'offence' in English. This word is often used in the context of law and order to signify an act that is considered illegal or wrong according to the rules and regulations. The severity of 'delito' can vary widely from minor offences like traffic violations to major offences such as stealing, murder, etc.

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