Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

deber dinero
duty money

'Deber dinero' does not translate directly as 'duty money' in English. Rather, it means 'to owe money'. It refers to a situation where one party is legally required to repay money borrowed from another party, usually a financial institution or individual. This term can be used in many different contexts, most commonly in relation to personal or business finances. In Spanish culture, the emphasis on repaying debts is strong, reflected in phrases like 'deber dinero'.

Example sentences with  deber dinero
deber el recibo de la luz
owe the light bill

The Spanish phrase 'deber el recibo de la luz' could be broadly explained as 'to owe the light bill' in English. This is often used in situations where a person or entity has not yet paid their electricity bill and thus, they have a debt or financial obligation concerning the said bill. Contextually, it could also imply urgent or important need to settle this outstanding electricity expense to avoid any disruption in services or penalties.

deber el recibo del agua
owe the water bill

The Spanish phrase 'deber el recibo del agua' translates to 'owe the water bill' in English. This is commonly used to indicate a situation where a person has not yet paid their water bill. The verb 'deber' is used to express obligation or indebtedness. 'El recibo del agua' specifically refers to the water bill.

deber la factura de la luz
owe the electricity bill

The Spanish phrase 'deber la factura de la luz' translates to 'owe the electricity bill' in English. It is generally used in a context where an individual or household has not paid for their electricity usage, and thus they 'owe' the bill to the respective company or service provider. This phrase signifies a state of indebtedness regarding the payment for electrical services received.

deber la factura del agua
the water bill

The phrase 'deber la factura del agua' in Spanish translates to 'owe the water bill' in English. This phrase is often used in the context of financial responsibility or obligations. Someone who 'debe la factura del agua' has an overdue payment for their water services.


The Spanish word 'deberes' translates to the English word 'duties'. Generally, these duties refer to responsibilities or tasks that one is required to perform in a social or legal context. They could pertain to a job, an assigned task, or societal roles. In a school context, 'deberes' can also mean 'homework', referring to tasks assigned by teachers to be completed at home. The usage of the term depends on the context it is being used in.

Example sentences with  deberes

The Spanish equivalent for 'should' is 'debería'. It is used to suggest or recommend something, or to say that something is the best thing or what we expect to happen. For example, 'Deberías estudiar para el examen' translates to 'You should study for the exam'. Note, 'debería' is singular and changes according to the subject. For example, 'nosotros deberíamos' translates to 'we should'.

Example sentences with  debería

The Spanish word 'debilidad' translates to 'weakness' in English. It can be used to express physical weakness, such as in the case of a person or animal that is not strong, or when someone is not well due to illness. It can also imply emotional or moral weakness, suggesting that someone could easily be persuaded or influenced. Furthermore, 'debilidad' could be applied in the context of a structure or system being likely to fail or collapse, highlighting a lack of strength or robustness.

Example sentences with  debilidad

The Spanish word 'debutar' translates to 'debut' in English. It is often used in contexts related to the arts, sports, and other fields where an individual or group is performing or showing something for the first time. Similar to its English counterpart, it can refer to a person's first performance in a particular capacity or role, or the first showing of a play, film, or other production.

Example sentences with  debutar

The term 'década' in Spanish is directly used to represent a time period of ten years, much like 'decade' in English. It can be used in various contexts, for instance, to describe a specific decade in the 20th century, 'la década de los 80' (the 80's decade), or to indicate a person's age, 'ella está en su tercera década' (she is in her third decade). It is used both formally and informally.

Example sentences with  década

The Spanish word 'decanato' refers to the office or tenure of a dean, or a body of deans within an academic institution, in English. This term can be used to denote the administrative office responsible for a faculty or university, often leading academic affairs and overseeing academic departments. Similarly, it can also depict the period during which an individual holds the title of dean.


The Spanish term 'decano' directly translates to 'dean' in English. This is primarily used in an academic or educational setting. A dean is a head of department or division in a university or college, a person who holds a high-level administrative position. 'Decano' may also refer to the member of a group who has been there the longest or has the most experience.


The Spanish word 'decidir' means 'to decide' in English. In Spanish, it is most frequently used as a verb. The conjugation will change depending on the subject of the sentence and the tense. For example, 'Yo decido' means 'I decide', while 'Ellos decidieron' means 'They decided'. It is used to express the act of making a decision or selection among a group of alternatives or choices.

Example sentences with  decidir

In Spanish, 'decir' translates to 'tell' in English. It is a verb used in many contexts, just like 'tell' in English. It can be used to convey speech, to give information, or to instruct or command. Just like English, it is also used in various phrases and expressions.

Example sentences with  decir
decir misa
say Mass

The Spanish phrase 'decir misa' directly translates to 'say mass' in English. However, it is commonly used in a figurative sense to mean that something is irrelevant or unimportant. It is typically used in response to someone's statement or opinion, indicating that their views are meaningless or carry no weight. While its literal meaning refers to the act of conducting a Catholic Mass, its idiomatic use is more prevalent in everyday conversation.

Example sentences with  decir misa
decir unas palabras
say a few words

The Spanish phrase 'decir unas palabras' translates to 'say a few words' in English. This is often used as a polite way to request someone to speak in public settings, such as at a meeting or event. It can also be used conversationally, to ask someone to comment on a situation or give their opinion. Therefore, the phrase can be used in both formal and casual contexts.


The Spanish word 'decisión' is a direct translation of the English word 'decision'. It is used in any context where a choice or resolution after consideration is discussed. Like in English, it can be used to refer to personal, professional, or political decisions.

Example sentences with  decisión

The word 'declaración' in Spanish translates to 'statement' in English. It is most commonly used in the legal and financial fields, similar to English. For example, one might give a 'declaración' to the police (statement to the police) or file a 'declaración de impuestos' (tax statement). However, it's also used in daily conversation much like in English, possibly to describe a declaration or statement made by a person about a particular matter.

Example sentences with  declaración
declaración complementaria
supplementary statement

The Spanish term 'declaración complementaria' translates to 'supplementary statement' in English. This term is mostly used in legal and business contexts, referring to additional or explanatory information that supplements a primary statement or document. In certain cases, it can also refer to a correction or amendment to previously submitted information.

Example sentences with  declaración complementaria
declaración conjunta
Joint statement

The Spanish term 'declaración conjunta' translates to 'joint statement' in English. It's often used in the context of communications made by two or more parties on a shared issue or agreement. It signifies a collaborative stance or decision, which may be used in various settings including business negotiations, political contexts, and more.

Example sentences with  declaración conjunta
declaración negativa
negative statement

The Spanish phrase 'declaración negativa' translates to 'negative statement' in English. It is used in sentences to express a denial, contradiction, or opposition to something that was previously said or written. Comparable to the English use, 'declaración negativa' in Spanish is often used in legal, formal, or academic contexts. The phrasing indicates a statement, claim, or declaration that refutes, contradicts, or otherwise asserts something as not being the case or being incorrect.

Example sentences with  declaración negativa
declaración positiva
positive statement

The Spanish term 'declaración positiva' directly translates to 'positive statement' in English. A positive statement expresses an affirmative or positive idea, proposal, or declaration. It is often used in various contexts, including but not limited to, philosophy, logic, law, and economics. In Spanish, it can also refer to an optimistic or productive attitude, decision, or outlook. Overall, a 'declaración positiva' implies the conveyance of a constructive message or viewpoint.

Example sentences with  declaración positiva

The Spanish word 'declaraciones' translates to 'statements' in English. In the context of language and communication, a statement can be an expression or announcement made verbally or in written form. It might include an opinion, a fact, or an instruction. Similarly, in Spanish, 'declaraciones' can refer to a range of expressed information. For example, it could be a declaration made by a politician or a sentence in a news article. This versatile noun is commonly used in both legal and everyday language.

to declare

The Spanish word 'declarar' translates to 'declare' in English. It is a verb and often used in legal or formal contexts to officially or formally state something. For instance, in the context of court or legal proceedings, when a person officially states something, they 'declare' it. Similarly, in customs, you 'declare' goods that you are bringing into a country. In addition, it could also be used in the context of expressing feelings towards someone else openly, as in 'declaring love'.

declarar la guerra
declare war

'Declarar la guerra' is a Spanish phrase that directly translates to 'declare war' in English. This is often used in political or historical context when one country officially announces the initiation of hostilities against another. It may also be used metaphorically in conversations to signify the beginning of intense conflicts or disputes in personal or professional situations.

Example sentences with  declarar la guerra

The Spanish term 'decoración' translates to 'decoration' in English. Decorating is the practice of making something look more attractive by adding extra items or detailing. It could refer to changing the aesthetics of any area or object according to specific tastes or trends. For instance, it is commonly used when discussing interior design or party planning, where one might 'decorate' a room or a venue with various items like lights, flowers, banners, etc. Additionally, 'decorating' could also refer to the visual aspects of food presentation in culinary arts.


The Spanish word for 'decorations' is 'decoraciones'. It is commonly used to discuss objects used to adorn or embellish something. This could include festive ornaments on a Christmas tree ('decoraciones navideñas') or details added to a room to make it more aesthetically pleasing ('decoraciones de habitación'). Just like in English, 'decoraciones' can be used in many different contexts.

Example sentences with  decoraciones

The Spanish word 'decorado' translates to 'decorated' in English. This term is often used in the context of decoration or design, relating to things like home interiors, party venues, or movie sets. Being an adjective, 'decorado' describes the state or condition of an object or space that has been embellished or adorned with decorative elements. Variations exist depending on the gender and number of the noun it is describing.

Example sentences with  decorado

The Spanish word 'decorar' translates to 'decorate' in English. This is a verb used to describe the action of making something look more attractive or festive by adding items or changing its color or appearance. It is commonly used in various contexts such as interior design, event planning, or art and craft activities where one might 'decorate' a room, a Christmas tree, or an art project respectively. As a regularly conjugated -ar verb, its conjugation varies when used with different subjects and in different tenses.


'Dedicación' refers to the quality of being dedicated or committed to a task or purpose. In the context of learning, it refers to committing time and effort to studying.

Example sentences with  dedicación
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