Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

afluente de un río
tributary of a river

The term 'afluente de un río' in Spanish translates to 'tributary of a river' in English. A 'tributary' is a river or stream that flows into a larger river or a lake. It doesn't flow directly into the sea. The term 'afluente' can also be used in a more general sense to denote any subsidiary or secondary phenomenon that feeds into a primary one. Hence, 'afluente de un río' could describe any smaller body of water that contributes to the main flow of a larger river.

Example sentences with  afluente de un río

'África' is a Spanish noun that translates to 'Africa' in English. It's the name of the world's second-largest continent that's rich in history, diverse cultures, and unique wildlife. The term itself is used broadly across various contexts, including geography, zoology, anthropology, and many more topics, depending on the conversation. Note to pronounce it correctly in Spanish, stress the first syllable 'Áf-'.

Example sentences with  África
afrontar el fracaso escolar
facing school failure

The Spanish phrase 'afrontar el fracaso escolar' translates to 'facing school failure' in English. This phrase is generally used in the context of education and refers to the action and process of dealing with or confronting academic shortcomings or failure. It expresses the difficulty and effort required to acknowledge and manage situations of academic decline or unsatisfactory progress in school.

afrontar una situación
facing a situation

The Spanish phrase 'afrontar una situación' translates to 'facing a situation' in English. This phrase is typically used to express the act of dealing with a challenging or difficult scenario head-on, instead of avoiding or ignoring it. It signifies courage and resilience in problem-solving situations. In real-life context, you might use it when talking about confronting issues in personal life, professional work, etc.

Example sentences with  afrontar una situación

In Spanish, the word 'afuera' is used similarly as the word 'outside' in English. It is an adverb that indicates place and can mean on or to the outside. The word 'afuera' is mostly used to specify a direction or location that is external or outside of something. Like in the sentence, 'El perro está afuera', meaning 'The dog is outside'. It should be noted that 'Afuera' is often used in Latin American Spanish, while 'Fuera' is more commonly used in Spain for the same meaning.

Example sentences with  afuera
bend down

The Spanish term 'agacharse' can be translated into English as 'bend down'. The verb 'agacharse' is reflexive and is commonly used to indicate the action of lowering one's upper body towards the ground. It is often used when one is picking up something from the ground or lowering oneself to avoid something overhead.


The Spanish word 'agencia' is commonly used to refer to the place or company providing a particular service. For example, an advertising agency would be 'una agencia de publicidad'. Like the English ‘agency’, the usage of 'agencia' varies depending on the context and it is used broadly in both professional and day-to-day conversations.

Example sentences with  agencia
agencia de colocación
placement agency

The Spanish term 'agencia de colocación' translates to 'placement agency' in English. Placement agencies are firms that help organizations and businesses find suitable candidates for job vacancies. They specialize in matching candidates' skills and experiences with the requirements of a job. While their main clients are companies, they can also assist job seekers looking for employment opportunities. In general, the role of a placement agency is to streamline the hiring process, making it more efficient for both employers and potential employees.

agencia de fotografía
photography agency

The term 'agencia de fotografía' in Spanish translates to 'photography agency' in English. A photography agency is a business that provides services related to photography. These services can include, but are not limited to, professional photography sessions, selling stock photography and providing photographers for a variety of events or purposes. This definition and translation can help with expanding your vocabulary and understanding in both English and Spanish.

agencia de prensa
press agency

The Spanish phrase 'agencia de prensa' translates to 'press agency' in English. In media, a press agency is an organization that collects news reports and sells them to subscribing news organizations, such as newspapers, magazines, and radio and television broadcasters. They are also known as newswire service or news service.

agencia de viajes
travel agency

The term 'agencia de viajes' in Spanish translates to 'travel agency' in English. A travel agency is a business, either physical or online, that provides travel and tourism related services to the public on behalf of suppliers such as airlines, car rentals, cruise lines, hotels, railways, and package tours. Travel agencies can also specialize in certain types of travel such as leisure or business travel and may be located in a wide variety of settings including commercial establishments and online.


The word 'agenda' in Spanish carries the same meaning as it does in English. It refers to a list, plan, or outline of things to be done, matters to be acted or voted upon. It can also mean an appointment book or a list or program of business to be attended to. This term is commonly used across different contexts ranging from business meetings to personal planning.

agente (de policía)
(police) agent

'Agente (de policía)' is a Spanish noun that translates to '(police) agent' in English. It is commonly used in situations involving law enforcement or crime prevention activities. For example, when referring to a police officer in Spanish, you can say 'agente de policía'. Just as in English, this term can be used regardless of the officer's gender. The plural form of 'agente' is 'agentes', which can be used when referring to multiple police agents.

agente de bolsa

The Spanish term 'agente de bolsa' translates to 'broker' in English. A broker, or 'agente de bolsa', is a person who buys and sells goods or assets for others. This term is commonly used in the context of finance and business. In a stock exchange setting, a broker can be referred to as a 'stock broker', who is responsible for buying and selling stocks and other securities on behalf of investors.

Example sentences with  agente de bolsa
agilizar un pago
expedite payment

The Spanish phrase 'agilizar un pago' refers to the action of making a payment process faster or more efficient. In English, it is commonly translated as 'expedite payment'. Expediting a payment means taking steps to ensure that the payment reaches the recipient rapidly, often through express or accelerated methods. This can be particularly important in contexts such as business transactions, where prompt payment can be crucial to maintaining good relationships and ensuring continuity of services.

Example sentences with  agilizar un pago
agilizar un servicio
speed up service

The Spanish phrase 'agilizar un servicio' translates to 'speed up service' in English. It is used in contexts where a process or service is being made faster or more efficient. For example, in business settings, one might agilize a delivery service to get products to customers more quickly. In essence, it calls to making something more agile or fluid, thus shortening the time it takes to complete a service or task.


The Spanish word 'agnóstico' translates to 'agnostic' in English. It is used to describe a person who believes that nothing is known or can be known of the existence or nature of God or anything beyond material phenomena; a person who claims neither faith nor disbelief in God. This word can be used in various contexts relating to religious beliefs and discussions.

Example sentences with  agnóstico

The Spanish word 'agobiado' translates to 'exhausted' in English. It is commonly used to describe a state of fatigue or weariness, which could be due to physical exertion, mental stress, or emotional drain. 'Agobiado' can express an overwhelming feeling of tiredness or a sense of being overwhelmed due to a large amount of work or responsibility. It is often used in contexts such as feeling burdened or overwhelmed by work, pressure, or stress.


The English explanation for the word 'agobiarse' is not 'tough'. It is actually a Spanish verb that translates to 'to get overwhelmed' or 'to feel overwhelmed'. It is used to describe someone who feels stressed or pressured either by a particular situation or a multitude of circumstances.


The Spanish word 'agotarse' translates to 'exhausting' in English. It is frequently used to describe a state of extreme tiredness or fatigue, either physical or mental. Often, it relates to the condition of being so used up or worn out that one cannot continue. Most commonly, one could use 'agotarse' in the context of describing one's energy levels, resources or patience.

agotarse los recursos naturales
depleting natural resources

The Spanish phrase 'agotarse los recursos naturales' translates to 'depleting natural resources' in English. This phrase is often used in discussions or texts that deal with environmental studies or issues. It refers to the consumption or exhaustion of Earth's natural resources such as water, air, soil, minerals, forests, etc. at a pace which is faster than their natural rate of regeneration. Environmentalists often use this term to describe situations where human activities cause a high degree of resource depletion.

Example sentences with  agotarse los recursos naturales
agotarse un libro
exhausting a book

The Spanish phrase 'agotarse un libro' translates directly as 'a book becoming exhausted' in English. However, it is more contextually correct to say that the book is 'sold out' or 'out of stock'. This phrase is typically used in retail or library settings to convey that there are no more available copies of a particular book. It can also figuratively mean that the book has been thoroughly read or utilized to the point of exhaustion.

Example sentences with  agotarse un libro

The Spanish word 'agradable' equates to 'nice' in English. It is an adjective used to describe something or someone that is pleasant, satisfactory, or attractive. Like its English equivalent, 'agradable' can be used in various contexts, enhancing its versatility. For example, it may refer to a 'nice' person, place, or activity, effectively conveying a sense of appeal or enjoyment.

Example sentences with  agradable

The word 'agravarse' in Spanish translates to 'aggravated' in English. It's often used to describe situations that have worsened or intensified. For example, in medical contexts, it can indicate that a condition or symptom has become more severe. In legal or social contexts, it might refer to a situation or dispute that has escalated.

Example sentences with  agravarse

The Spanish word 'agresividad' translates into English as 'aggression'. This word is commonly used to describe behavior that is forceful, hostile or attacking. It can be used when discussing physical, verbal, or emotional actions that one person or entity exhibits towards another. Aggresividad can be used to describe humans or animals, and is also frequently used to talk about assertive or strong actions within a business, sports or competitive context.

Example sentences with  agresividad

The Spanish word 'agrícola' translates to 'agricultural' in English. It is an adjective often used to describe something that is relating to, used in, or engaged in farming or agriculture. This word can be used in a variety of contexts in the Spanish language, much like 'agricultural' in English. It can refer to agricultural practices, industries, studies, products, lands and more.

Example sentences with  agrícola

The word 'agricultor' is a Spanish word which directly translates to 'farmer' in English. It is used to refer to individuals who cultivate land or crops, and/or raise animals for food or other products. These individuals are a vital part of the economy, providing much of the food consumed. There is often a deep sense of respect for 'agricultores', for their hard work and for their essential role in society.

Example sentences with  agricultor

The word 'agricultura' in Spanish translates to 'agriculture' in English. Agriculture is the practice of cultivating land, raising crops or livestock, making it a crucial part of human survival since it provides food and resources. In the context of Spanish language or culture, 'agricultura' might refer to various agricultural practices, industries, or aspects of life. Examples of its use include phrases like 'agricultura sostenible' (sustainable agriculture) or 'economía agricultura' (agricultural economy)

Example sentences with  agricultura
agricultura ecológica

The term 'agricultura ecológica' is Spanish and translates to 'organic agriculture' in English. Organic agriculture is a method of farming that does not use synthesized chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Instead, it relies on natural ecological processes and cycles, and this is reflected in its alternative name 'ecological agriculture'. This method of agriculture promotes and enhances biodiversity, biological cycles, and soil biological activity to maintain and increase long-term soil fertility, and it is believed to be more sustainable.

Example sentences with  agricultura ecológica

The Spanish word 'agrupación' translates to 'grouping' in English. This noun is often used in contexts where a collection of people, things or ideas is brought together for a specific purpose. It can be used to describe a variety of gatherings or collections, from formal organizations and clubs to informal groupings of friends or items. The word is derived from the verb 'agrupar', which means 'to group'.

Example sentences with  agrupación
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