Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

cuello redondo
Round neck

The Spanish term 'cuello redondo' translates to 'round neck' in English. It is primarily used in the context of clothing to refer to a type of neckline that is circular and close to the neck. It is a common feature in shirts, sweaters, and dresses, which is designed to not only offer comfort and freedom of movement but also to provide a clean and classic look that is widely appreciated in various cultures and societies.


The Spanish word 'cuenta' is commonly used to refer to an 'account'. It can be specifically used to refer to different types of accounts like bank account (cuenta bancaria), email account (cuenta de correo electrónico), or account on a social network (cuenta de redes sociales). For example, 'Tengo una cuenta en el banco' translates to 'I have an account at the bank'. This word can also mean 'bill' or 'check' in a restaurant setting, but for the purpose of this translation we are focusing on its primary meaning.

Example sentences with  cuenta
cuenta corriente
current account

The Spanish phrase 'cuenta corriente' translates to 'current account' in English. In financial terms, a current account is a type of deposit account that allows withdrawals and deposits. Virtually it is also used in businesses by many for quick access to their money for transactions. Similarly, 'cuenta corriente' in Spanish is used to describe a bank account for everyday use, where you can store money, receive direct deposits, and pay bills.

cuenta regresiva

The Spanish term 'cuenta regresiva' is used in similar contexts as 'countdown' in English. It is commonly used to refer to a backward count sequence to indicate the time left before an event starts. Just like in English, it can refer to a variety of events such as the launch of a spaceship, the start of a new year, or the time remaining before a deadline.

Example sentences with  cuenta regresiva

The Spanish word 'cuerda' translates to 'rope' in English. It can refer to a long, string-like material that is often made from various fibrous or synthetic materials. Ropes have a variety of uses, including lifting or pulling objects, tying things together, and various forms of recreation like climbing or jump rope. In musical context, 'cuerda' can also refer to a string in stringed musical instruments.

Example sentences with  cuerda

The Spanish word 'cuerpo' is used in the same way as the English term 'body'. It is a general term referring to the physical structure of a human or animal. This can be used in a variety of contexts, like describing physical health, anatomy, or appearance. Example: Mi cuerpo no es capaz de tolerar el frío (My body is not able to tolerate the cold).

Example sentences with  cuerpo
cuerpo de la carta
body of the letter

The Spanish term 'cuerpo de la carta' translates to 'body of the letter' in English. This refers to the main section of a letter, the part that contains the majority of the information. It's where the writer elaborates on the main points and details of their message after the opening or greeting. In both Spanish and English correspondence, the body of the letter is an essential part, as it communicates the main intent of the letter.


The Spanish word 'cuervo' is translated into English as 'raven'. Ravens are large, all-black birds known for their intelligence and adaptability. They are members of the crow family, which also includes crows, jackdaws, and rooks. Ravens are found in many different climates and habitats around the world and are also a common subject of folklore and mythology in many cultures.

Example sentences with  cuervo

The Spanish word 'cuidado' is used in much the same way as the English word 'care.' It can refer to the action of caring for someone or something, such as in the phrase 'cuidado de niños,' which means 'childcare.' It can also function as an interjection, used to warn of danger or caution, much like saying 'careful!' in English.

Example sentences with  cuidado
cuidado personal
personal care

The term 'cuidado personal' in Spanish can be translated to English as 'personal care'. 'Cuidado' signifies care, which implies the idea of looking after, and 'personal' translates as 'personal', meaning of or belonging to a particular person. The concept of 'cuidado personal' thus encompasses daily activities and tasks that you perform for your personal health, hygiene, and well-being. It can include things like bathing, grooming, clothing, nourishment, and ensuring personal safety.

Example sentences with  cuidado personal
Take care

The word 'cuidar' in Spanish translates to 'take care' in English. It is often used in the context where one is told to look after or be cautious about something or someone such as in the case of caregiving or overseeing safety. For instance, you may 'cuidar a los niños' which means to take care of the kids. Furthermore, it could be used to express worry or concern toward a particular issue or situation.

cuidar a un enfermo
Take care of a sick person

The Spanish phrase 'cuidar a un enfermo' translates to 'take care of a sick person' in English. It is a verb phrase used to describe the act of providing care, attention, or protection to someone who is not feeling well or who has a medical condition. This care may include ensuring that the person is comfortable, administering medications, and monitoring the person's health condition. It can be used in various contexts such as family, professional health care, or even in referring to taking care of oneself when ill.

Example sentences with  cuidar a un enfermo
cuidar el medio ambiente
environmental care

The Spanish phrase 'cuidar el medio ambiente' translates to 'environmental care' in English. It refers to actions and behaviors that contribute to the preservation and improvement of the environment. It is often used in discussions about sustainability and environmental policies. This phrase is important in discussions about how individuals and societies can impact nature in positive or negative ways.

Example sentences with  cuidar el medio ambiente
cuidar la naturaleza
take care of nature

The Spanish phrase 'cuidar la naturaleza' translates into English as 'take care of nature'. It is used to emphasize the importance of protecting and preserving the natural environment. Similar phrases in English might include 'preserve the environment' or 'protect nature'. This phrase can be used in a variety of contexts and is a common term in discussions about environmental conservation and sustainability.

Example sentences with  cuidar la naturaleza
soap opera

The Spanish word 'culebrón' translates to 'soap opera' in English. A 'soap opera' is a type of television drama series that traditionally is shown in the afternoon or evening, typically five days a week. The narrative world in soap operas consists of a small group of characters that are interrelated by family, work, and friendships. Soap operas usually focus on situations like family affairs, romance, and personal conflicts. They are characterized by their open-ended narrative structure, melodramatic style, and ensemble cast.


'Culpable' is a Spanish adjective commonly used in both legal and casual contexts. Translating directly to 'guilty' in English. It can be employed to denote responsibility for a wrongdoing or transgression. It's important to note the use of 'culpable' might vary slightly depending on social and regional differences in Spanish speaking countries. Despite the potential nuances, the essential connotation of blame remains consistent across these variations.

Example sentences with  culpable

The Spanish word 'cultivar' translates to 'cultivate' in English. It's a verb that describes the action of preparing and using land for crops or gardening. Similarly, it can also talk about the act of acquiring or developing a quality, sentiment, or skill. Just like in English, 'cultivar' may be used metaphorically in Spanish to depict intellectual and personal growth.

Example sentences with  cultivar
cultivar un estilo
cultivate a style

The phrase 'cultivar un estilo' in Spanish translates to 'cultivate a style' in English. The verb 'cultivar' refers to the action of developing or improving something over time with direct and intended effort. This phrase is generally used in context to refer to the concept of constructing, improving, or maturing a certain fashion or way of doing things, be it personal style, an approach towards work, or a particular professional or life philosophy. In essence, it underscores the significance of personal growth and continual self-improvement.

Example sentences with  cultivar un estilo

The Spanish word 'cultivo' translates to 'cultivation' in English. Cultivation refers to the act of preparing and using land for crops or gardening. It is an agricultural term essentially depicting the process in which humans make attempts to alter or manipulate the natural ecosystem, typically for the growth of crops or other activities such as gardening. This includes activities like plowing the land, sowing seeds, watering the plants, and taking care of the crops till they are ready to be harvested. In Spanish, all these activities can be collectively referred to as 'cultivo'.

Example sentences with  cultivo
cultivos de regadío
irrigation crops

The Spanish term 'cultivos de regadío' refers to 'irrigation crops' in English. These are plants that are not entirely dependent on rainfall for their growth but rather rely on an artificial application of water, often delivered through various irrigation systems. This practice is particularly prevalent in regions where natural rainfall is insufficient or irregular, making it necessary to supplement the natural water supply with man-made methods. Some common examples of irrigation crops include rice, wheat, and various fruits and vegetables.

Example sentences with  cultivos de regadío
cultivos de secano
dry crops

The Spanish term 'cultivos de secano' translates to 'dry crops' in English. This term is typically used in agriculture and farming terminology to refer to crops that rely only on natural rainfall for their watering needs, rather than irrigation or other artificial watering systems. They are grown in dry, arid regions where water supply is minimal or unreliable. Examples of such crops are wheat, corn, and sorghum. This method of farming is common in regions with limited water resources.

Example sentences with  cultivos de secano

The Spanish word for 'culture' is 'cultura'. It's used in the same way as in English, referring to the customs, arts, social institutions, and achievements of a particular nation or people. For example, it can be used in a sentence like 'La cultura española es reconocida por su flamenco y su pasión por el fútbol' which translates to 'Spanish culture is known for its flamenco and passion for football'.

Example sentences with  cultura
cumplir años
years of age

The Spanish phrase 'cumplir años' directly translates to 'to comply years' in English, but its actual meaning refers to the action of having a birthday or growing a year older. For example, when someone in Spain says 'Hoy cumplo años', they mean 'Today is my birthday' or more directly translated 'Today, I become a year older'. Therefore, 'cumplir años' is essentially the act of increasing one's years of age.

cumplir un contrato
complete a contract

'Cumplir un contrato' is a Spanish phrase that translates to 'complete a contract' in English. The verb 'cumplir' means to fulfill, carry out, or comply with something, in this case, 'un contrato' which means 'a contract'. So combined, this phrase is used when one fulfills or completes the obligations stated in a contract.

cumplir una pena
serving a sentence

The Spanish phrase 'cumplir una pena' translates to 'serving a sentence' in English. This can refer to the enforcement of a punishment usually given by the legal authorities, specifically spending a set amount of time in prison. The term 'cumplir' means 'to fulfill' or 'to carry out', and 'una pena' translates to 'a sentence' or 'a penalty'. Therefore, it conveys the act of enduring or carrying out a punishment as decreed by a court or other forms of judicial authority.

Example sentences with  cumplir una pena

The Spanish word 'cuñado' translates to 'brother-in-law' in English. In specific cultural context, it is used to refer to the husband of one's sibling or the brother of one's spouse. Similar to English, it's often used in familial conversations and discussions referring relationships among family members.


The word 'cuota' in Spanish translates to 'quota' in English. A quota refers to a predetermined or fixed limit or target. It can be used in different contexts like in business to refer to sales targets, in international trade for import and export limits, or in education to refer to reserved seats. Therefore, the usage and interpretation of 'cuota' would depend on the specific context in which it is being employed.

Example sentences with  cuota
cuota de audiencia
hearing fee

The Spanish term 'cuota de audiencia' can be somewhat misleading when translated directly into English. It doesn't refer to a 'hearing fee', but it is better understood as 'audience share'. This term commonly appears in the field of television or radio broadcasting where it represents the percentage of a total potential or in-use audience that is tuned in to a specific program or station at a given time. It provides an indication of the popularity of a program or station.


The Spanish word 'curación' translates to 'healing' in English. It is often used in a medical context or to denote the process of making or becoming sound or healthy again. 'Curación' can be used to refer to a physical recuperation from illness or injury, as well as emotional or mental recovery, similar to the multiplicity of meanings 'healing' can hold in English.

Example sentences with  curación

The Spanish word 'curar' translates to 'cure' in English. It's a verb and it is generally used to describe the actions taken by healthcare professionals to restore health to someone who is ill. In a broader context, it can also be used as a term to express the action of rectifying or fixing something, similar to how 'cure' can be used in English.

Example sentences with  curar
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