Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

creer en Dios
believe in God

The Spanish phrase 'creer en Dios' translates to 'believe in God' in English. This phrase is used in religious contexts to express the concept of faith in a divine entity, namely God. This phrase could be used in a statement like 'I believe in God' or 'Do you believe in God?' The verb 'creer' is conjugated according to the subject, so it may change form based on who is doing the believing.

Example sentences with  creer en Dios
creer en la reencarnación
believe in reincarnation

The Spanish phrase 'creer en la reencarnación' translates to 'believe in reincarnation' in English. In this phrase, 'creer' means 'believe', 'en' means 'in', and 'la reencarnación' means 'the reincarnation'. This phrase expresses the belief in the idea that an individual's soul, upon death of the body, comes back to earth in another body or form. This concept is a central part of several religious philosophies, including Hinduism and Buddhism.

Example sentences with  creer en la reencarnación

The Spanish word 'crema' translates to 'cream' in English. In Spain, 'crema' can refer to a type of custard dessert, similar to crème brûlée, but it is also commonly used to describe any type of cream, such as those used in cooking or cosmetic creams. It's a versatile word that may refer to a variety of creamy texture products, depending on the context.

Example sentences with  crema
crema anticelulítica
anticelulytic cream

The term 'crema anticelulítica' in Spanish translates to 'anticellulitic cream' in English. This is a type of cream that is applied to the skin, often in massaging motions, to help reduce the appearance of cellulite. Cellulite is the dimpled-looking skin that commonly occurs in the thigh region. It forms when fatty tissue deep in the skin pushes up against connective tissue. Anticellulitic creams often contain ingredients meant to stimulate blood flow, reduce fluid buildup, and breakdown fats to help improve the overall look of cellulite.

Example sentences with  crema anticelulítica
crema depilatoria
flash cream

Crema depilatoria is a Spanish term which in English means 'flash cream.' It is a type of cosmetic preparation used to remove unwanted hair from the face or body. Because of its nature, it is often used as a quick alternative to traditional methods of hair removal, such as waxing or shaving. Due to this, it is commonly found in many personal grooming and beauty product lines.

Example sentences with  crema depilatoria
crema hidratante
moisturizing cream

The Spanish 'crema hidratante' translates to 'moisturizing cream' in English. This term is used in beauty and skincare contexts, referring to a type of cream or lotion applied to the skin to prevent dryness. Moisturizing creams often contain ingredients that supplement the skin's natural oils to help keep it hydrated and maintain its natural moisture balance. They sometimes come in different varieties such as those for sensitive skin, oil-free, or those with specific ingredients for certain skincare concerns.

Example sentences with  crema hidratante
crema limpiadora
cleaning cream

Crema limpiadora is a Spanish term that translates to 'cleaning cream' in English. It is commonly used to refer to products used for cleaning purposes, particularly in the context of skincare. These creams are typically applied to the skin, left for a few moments to activate, and then wiped off or rinsed away. They can be used on a daily basis to remove dirt, oil, and other unwanted particles from the skin's surface or might be used more selectively to target specific concerns such as clogged pores or blackheads. In addition to cleansing, many cleaning creams also provide benefits such as moisturizing or toning the skin.

Example sentences with  crema limpiadora
crema pastelera
cake cream

Crema pastelera' is a Spanish term that translates directly to 'pastry cream' in English. This is a rich, thick custard made from a mixture of milk, eggs, sugar, and usually a flavoring such as vanilla. It's commonly used as a filling for cakes, tarts, and pastries in many Spanish and Latin American cuisines. The term 'crema pastelera' may occasionally be translated as 'cake cream', although 'pastry cream' is more accurate.

crema reafirmante
firming cream

The Spanish phrase 'crema reafirmante' translates to 'firming cream' in English. This is a type of cream used in skincare routines with the purpose of Firming and toning the skin. It is commonly utilized to combat signs of aging, such as fine lines and wrinkles, by improving elasticity and integrity of the skin. The word 'crema' in Spanish translates to 'cream', and 'reafirmante' is the adjective form meaning 'firming' or 'strengthening'.

Example sentences with  crema reafirmante
crema reductora
reducing cream

The term 'crema reductora' in Spanish refers to 'reducing cream' in English. In a beauty or skincare context, this is a type of cream that is used with the goal of reducing certain aspects such as fat or cellulite on the body. These creams are typically applied topically and may contain a variety of ingredients intended to penetrate the skin and increase fat metabolism at the site, leading to a reduction of fat in the applied area. However, the effectiveness of such creams varies and they should not be relied upon exclusively for fat or weight loss.

Example sentences with  crema reductora

The Spanish word 'cremallera' translates to 'zipper' in English. It's primarily used to refer to a device consisting of two flexible strips of fabric with interlocking metal or plastic teeth and a sliding mechanism that is used in clothing, bags and other items to fasten two things together. It's an everyday item that's used worldwide. The term 'cremallera' can also metaphorically refer to anything that binds or connects one thing tightly to another.


The Spanish word 'creyente' translates to 'believer' in English. This term is generally used to refer someone who believes or has faith, especially in a religious context. For instance, it can be used to describe someone who believes in a particular religion, or in the doctrines and teachings of that religion. 'Creyente' carries much the same connotations as its English equivalent and can also be used metaphorically to describe someone who has a firm belief in non-religious ideas or principles.

Example sentences with  creyente

The Spanish word 'cría' refers to the action of breeding or the result of the process of reproduction in animals. It can also refer to a young or baby animal. In a broader sense, it can present the idea of nurturing or raising. This word emphasizes the responsibility and care required for the process of bringing new life and can be used in various contexts within the Spanish language.

Example sentences with  cría

The word 'crimen' is used in Spanish to refer to behavior that is against the law. This can range from minor infractions to serious felonies. Just like in English, it is widely used in discussions about law, justice, and societal issues. Context is crucial, as 'crimen' can refer to a specific illegal act or the general concept of unlawful activity.

Example sentences with  crimen
crimen de guerra
war crime

The Spanish term 'crimen de guerra' translates to 'war crime' in English. A war crime is a serious violation of the laws of war that gives rise to individual criminal responsibility. Examples of such conduct include 'murder, the ill-treatment or deportation of civilian residents of an occupied territory to slave labor camps', 'the murder or ill-treatment of prisoners of war', the killing of prisoners, 'the wanton destruction of cities, towns and villages, and any devastation not justified by military, or civilian necessity'.

Example sentences with  crimen de guerra

The word 'crisis' in Spanish translates directly to 'crisis' in English. It is a noun which describes a time of intense difficulty, trouble, or danger. It can also refer to the turning point of a disease when an important change takes place, indicating either recovery or death.

Example sentences with  crisis
crisis financiera
financial crisis

The Spanish term 'crisis financiera' translates to 'financial crisis' in English. It refers to a situation where the value of financial institutions or assets drops significantly. This is often associated with a panic or a run on the banks, in which investors sell off assets or withdraw money from savings accounts because they believe that the value of those assets will drop if they stay at a financial institution.

Example sentences with  crisis financiera

The word 'cristalería' in Spanish translates to 'glassware' in English. This term generally refers to objects made of glass, more specifically, objects used to serve food or beverages. This includes items such as glasses, plates, bowls, jars, bottles, etc. In a broader sense, it can also refer to places where glass is made or sold.


The Spanish word 'cristianismo' translates to 'Christianity' in English. Christianity is a monotheistic religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. It is one of the largest religions in the world, and it includes numerous sects or denominations like Catholicism, Protestantism, and Orthodoxy, among others. The central tenets of this religion is the belief in Jesus as the son of God and the messiah, who has sacrificed himself for humanity's sins and resurrected from death. Christians typically refer to their religious scriptures as The Bible, which includes the Old and New Testament.

Example sentences with  cristianismo

The Spanish word 'cristiano' translates to 'christian' in English. This word is a noun, used to refer to followers of the Christian religion which is based on the teachings of Jesus Christ. It can also be used as an adjective to describe things associated with or relating to the Christian religion. For instance, 'música cristiana' refers to Christian music. As in English, it can be used to describe persons, events, or objects that involve or reflect Christian teachings or values.

Example sentences with  cristiano

The Spanish word 'crítica' translates to 'criticism' in English. It could refer to the act of expressing disapproval and pointing out the faults or shortcomings of a person, work, action, idea or policy. It is also used to describe a methodical, often academic, study or analysis. Just as in English, the context of use can make it either negative in intention, as when used to express censure, or merely analytical, as in academic or artistic critique.

crítico de arte
art critic

The Spanish phrase 'crítico de arte' translates to 'art critic' in English. An art critic is an individual who is specialized in analyzing, interpreting and evaluating art. Their reviews and critiques of art can be published in a variety of media outlets such as newspapers, magazines, and journals. In essence, they play a significant role in the art world, providing commentary and perspective on art, and influencing public opinion of artworks and exhibitions.

Example sentences with  crítico de arte
crítico de cine
film critic

The Spanish term 'crítico de cine' translates to 'film critic' in English. This term refers to a person whose job is to write or broadcast their expert opinion and analysis about movies. They typically review films in publications, broadcast media, or online platforms, considering aspects such as plot, theme, cinematography, editing, performances, and overall execution. Their insights often inform audiences and can impact a movie's popularity and reception.

Example sentences with  crítico de cine
to croak

In Spanish, 'croar' is a verb that means 'to croak'. It is commonly used to describe the sound that frogs or crows make. However, it can also be used metaphorically to describe a person's rough or harsh voice.

Example sentences with  croar

The Spanish word 'cromosoma' translates to 'chromosome' in English. A chromosome is a long DNA molecule with part or all of the genetic material of an organism. Chromosomes are normally visible under a microscope during cell division. They are an essential part of cells, carrying information that determines an organism's characteristics such as eye color, blood type, and height. 'Cromosoma' is a common term used in biology and genetics in Spanish-speaking countries.

Example sentences with  cromosoma

'Crónica' is a Spanish word that translates to 'chronicle' in English. It is often used in journalistic contexts to refer to a factual written account of important or historical events in the order of their occurrence. However, it can also be used more broadly in everyday conversation to describe a detailed and continuing account of an event or situation.


Croquetas are a common Spanish dish. They are small, rounded foods often made from a thick white sauce, known as bechamel, mixed with ham or chicken. This mixture is then breaded and fried. The outside of croquetas is typically crispy, while the inside is smooth and creamy. In English, these are referred to as 'croquettes.'

cruce peligroso
dangerous crossing

The Spanish term 'cruce peligroso' translates to 'dangerous crossing' in English. This phrase can represent a physical intersection or junction on roads or paths where there's a higher risk of accidents due to factors such as inadequate signage, high traffic volume or poor design. Also, it can be used figuratively to denote a risky or critical stage or event.

Example sentences with  cruce peligroso

The Spanish word 'crucifijo' translates to 'crucifix' in English. It represents a religious symbol in Christianity, specifically depicting Jesus on the cross. It is used predominantly in worship and rituals, and it also serves as a reminder of Jesus Christ's sacrifice for humanity. The term is derived from Latin 'crucifixus', meaning 'fixed to a cross'.

Example sentences with  crucifijo

The Spanish word 'crudo' translates to 'raw' in English. It is an adjective commonly used to describe food that is not cooked such as vegetables, sushi, or meat. It can also be used figuratively to describe concepts, situations, or experiences that are harsh, unfiltered, or unrefined.

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