Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.


The Spanish word 'cosido' translates to 'sewing' in English. It is derived from the verb 'coser' which means 'to sew'. 'Cosido' is often used in a context where something has been sewn together or is in the process of being sewn. It can refer to both the act of sewing or an item being sewn, depending on the context.

cosmética (natural)
cosmetic (natural)

The Spanish word 'cosmética (natural)' translates to 'cosmetic (natural)' in English. It refers to beauty products which are made of natural ingredients, rather than synthetic or chemical compounds. These natural cosmetics may include creams, lotions, and makeup products that individuals apply on their skin, hair, or body to enhance or change their appearance. The emphasis on 'natural' indicates an appeal to eco-conscious consumers who prefer products that are not only safer for their health but also for the environment.

Example sentences with  cosmética (natural)

The Spanish word 'costa' translates to 'coast' in English. It refers to the land along the edge of a sea, ocean, lake, or river. This could be either a beach with sand or pebbles or a steep cliff like terrain. It functions as a noun in the sentence.

Example sentences with  costa

The Spanish word 'costero' translates to 'coastal' in English. It is an adjective used to describe something that is related to, located at, or living near the coast. For instance, it can be used in the context of 'a coastal town' ('un pueblo costero') or 'coastal area' ('area costera'). This word is derived from the noun 'costa' meaning 'coast' in Spanish.

Example sentences with  costero

The word 'costilla' is a Spanish term that translates to 'rib' in English. It is most commonly used in contexts related to anatomy and food. In terms of anatomy, 'costilla' refers to any of the curved bones which form the chest wall in humans and many animals, protecting the heart and lungs. In a culinary context, 'costillas' often refers to a popular dish, often being a cut of meat from this area of an animal, most typically a cow or pig, and often barbecued or roasted as a delicious meal.

costilla de cordero
rib of lamb

The Spanish term 'costilla de cordero' translates to 'rib of lamb' in English. It's usually referred to a type of meat that is from the rib section of a lamb. This is often cooked, grilled, or smoked in various cuisines around the world. Its taste is generally tender and juicy, depending on the preparation method. This is a common dish in many Mediterranean countries, where lamb is a typical ingredient in their recipes.


In Spanish, the word for 'cost' is 'costo'. It is used in similar contexts as it is in English. For example, when talking about the expense of an item or a service, you could say 'el costo de este producto es...' which means 'the cost of this product is...'

Example sentences with  costo
cotización a la Seguridad Social
Social Security contributions

The term 'cotización a la Seguridad Social' in Spanish translates to 'Social Security contributions' in English. It refers to the payments made to the social security system that is a part of the taxes paid by employees, employers or the self-employed in most countries. These payments fund the welfare state and provide benefits to people who are sick, unemployed, or retired. The contribution rate is often a percentage of the individual's earnings. The term is of critical importance to understand for those working or planning to work within the Spanish economy or when conducting any form of employment contract negotiation or analysis.

cotizar a la baja
to the low

'Cotizar a la baja' is a Spanish phrase used in financial contexts. It directly translates to 'quote downwards' in English. However, in practice, it refers to the process where the value or price of something (usually a stock or commodity in financial markets) is going down or expected to go down. It is similar to 'bearish' in English financial lingo.

cotizar en bolsa
stock exchange

The term 'cotizar en bolsa' is a Spanish phrase utilized in finance and commerce. It directly translates to 'to be listed on the stock exchange' in English. This term is typically used to denote when a company's shares are publicly traded on a stock exchange, allowing investors to buy and sell those shares. In essence, the phrase refers to a company's leap from private ownership to public trading, granting it an expanded ability to raise funds through the sale of equity.

Example sentences with  cotizar en bolsa

The Spanish word 'cráneo' translates to 'skull' in English. This term is usually used in a biological or medical context to refer to the structure of the head that encloses the brain and supports the structures of the face. It is composed of several bones, including the cranium (upper part) and the facial bones. These bones are often studied in both human and animal anatomy. Understanding the term 'cráneo' could be useful if you're taking a biology class in Spanish, or if you'll be visiting a doctor or hospital in a Spanish-speaking country.


The Spanish word 'creación' translates to 'creation' in English. It is a noun often used in the context of producing or bringing something into existence. A single act, process, or result of creating can be referred to as 'creación'. It may also specifically refer to the act of creating the universe or the universe itself as created by God in theological contexts. As with most Spanish words, it should be pronounced with emphasis on the accented syllable, in this case -ción.

Example sentences with  creación

The Spanish word 'crear' translates to 'create' in English. It is used in the context of creating or making something, such as an idea, a project, or an artwork. It can be used in various sentences and contexts, identical to how 'create' is used in English. For example, 'Voy a crear un nuevo proyecto.' which means 'I am going to create a new project.'

Example sentences with  crear
crear ambientes
create environments

The Spanish phrase 'crear ambientes' translates to 'create environments' in English. This phrase can be used in a variety of contexts. In a physical sense, it could refer to creating a specific atmosphere or space, such as in interior design or architecture. In a more abstract sense, it could relate to creating certain conditions or circumstances, such as creating an environment conducive to learning or productivity. Thus, 'crear ambientes' implies the act of forming, producing, or causing something to exist or occur.

crear lazos (de amistad)
create bonds (of friendship)

The Spanish phrase 'crear lazos (de amistad)' translates to 'create bonds (of friendship)' in English. It's often used in social contexts when talking about building or strengthening connections or relationships with others. This can be used in both literal and metaphorical ways. For example, attending a social function might be an opportunity to 'crear lazos' with new acquaintances, or a shared experience might 'crear lazos' between individuals.

crear una familia
create a family

The Spanish phrase 'crear una familia' translates to 'create a family' in English. This phrase generally refers to the idea of starting a family, often through marriage and having children. It can symbolize the establishment of a new household and can be associated with notions of love, responsibility, commitment and care.


The Spanish term 'creatividad' translates to 'creativity' in English. Creativity is the ability to create or invent something original or imaginative. It is instrumental in many fields such as art, literature, science, and business. Creatividad, as in English, embodies the concepts of originality, inventiveness, and expression.

Example sentences with  creatividad

The word 'crecer' translates to 'grow' in English. In Spanish, this verb can be used in a variety of contexts, similar to English. For instance, it can reference physical growth, such as in a person or plant (El niño va a crecer mucho este año - The boy is going to grow a lot this year), or symbolic growth, like a company or experience (Nuestra empresa comenzó a crecer rápidamente - Our company began to grow fast). This makes 'crecer' versatile and commonly used in Spanish language.

Example sentences with  crecer
crecer el número de desempleados
grow the number of unemployed

The Spanish phrase 'crecer el número de desempleados' translates to 'grow the number of unemployed' in English. This phrase implies an increase in the number of individuals who are jobless in a particular context or situation, such as a country or industry. It's an expression often used to denote economic instability or a challenging job market.

crecer feliz
grow happy

'Crecer feliz' is a phrase in Spanish that translates to 'grow happy' in English. In a literal sense, it refers to the process or act of growing up happily. This phrase is often used in context to express the idea of children or individuals developing in a positive and joyous environment. The verb 'crecer' means 'to grow' and the adjective 'feliz' means 'happy'. Therefore, 'crecer feliz' embodies the notion of finding happiness in one's evolution and growth.

crecer fuerte
grow strong

The Spanish phrase 'crecer fuerte' translates to 'grow strong' in English. It can be used to encourage somebody to become stronger physically or mentally, or to suggest that something, like a business or a tree, should grow or increase in a robust manner. It is a common phrase in Spanish used in various contexts, and is very similar to its English equivalent.

crecer la familia
grow the family

'Crecer la familia' in Spanish refers to the notion of expanding one's family, which can be through various means such as the birth of new members, marriage, adoption, etc. It carries implications of nurturing, development, and progression. 'Grow the family' is a direct translation, and in English context, it might also suggest the idea of increasing the bonds, love, and connections within the family.

crecer sano
grow healthy

The Spanish term 'crecer sano' can be translated to 'grow healthy' in English. It is commonly used in health and wellness contexts to represent the concept of a healthy development or growth. It may refer to both literal physical growth, such as in children or plants, or metaphorical growth, such as personal or emotional development.


The Spanish word 'crecimiento' is typically used in a context where there is an increase or development, for example in plants or in the economy. It can be used similarly to the English word 'growth', in such cases as 'economic growth' (crecimiento económico) or 'population growth' (crecimiento poblacional).

Example sentences with  crecimiento
crecimiento de la mortalidad
growth in mortality

The Spanish term 'crecimiento de la mortalidad' translates to 'growth in mortality' in English. This phrase can be used in various contexts, especially in scientific, socio-economic, and health-related discussions. It signifies an increase in the number of deaths in a particular population during a specific period. In public health, this term commonly appears when addressing issues such as epidemics, public health crises, or demographic trends.

Example sentences with  crecimiento de la mortalidad
crecimiento de la natalidad
growth of the birth rate

The Spanish phrase 'crecimiento de la natalidad' translates to 'growth of the birth rate' in English. This term is used in discussions or analyses of population statistics and demographic trends. When the 'crecimiento de la natalidad' is high, it implies that the number of births in a specific population is increasing. This could be due to a variety of factors such as improved health care, economic stability, cultural factors, etc. Conversely, a low or negative 'crecimiento de la natalidad' would mean that the birth rate is decreasing.

Example sentences with  crecimiento de la natalidad
crecimiento de la población
population growth

The term 'crecimiento de la población' in Spanish translates to 'population growth' in English. This phrase refers to the increase in the number of individuals in a population. It can be due to several factors such as a rise in birth rates, a decline in mortality rates, immigration, or an escalation in the population's resources. It's a term common in discussions about economics, sociology, environmental science, and public planning.

Example sentences with  crecimiento de la población
crecimiento industrial
industrial growth

The term 'crecimiento industrial' in Spanish translates to 'industrial growth' in English. This term is often used in economic and business contexts and refers to an increase in the size or number of industries in a specific region or country. Such growth is typically measured in economic terms and can be influenced by multiple factors, including advancements in technology, increases in skilled labor, and favorable governmental policies. Industrial growth can lead to a variety of socio-economic changes, including job creation and increases in standard of living.

Example sentences with  crecimiento industrial

The Spanish translation for 'believe' is 'creer'. It is used in a similar context as in English, to express a belief or faith in something, but the verb 'creer' is usually conjugated to agree with the subject of the sentence in Spanish.

Example sentences with  creer
creer en Alá
believe in Allah

The Spanish term 'creer en Alá' translates to 'believe in Allah' in English. It is primarily a religious term used to express faith or belief in the Islamic religion, specifically in Allah, the supreme god of Islam. Similar to other religious faiths, where followers are said to 'believe in God', in Islam, it is common to express the concept of faith or belief with the phrase 'creer en Alá'.

Example sentences with  creer en Alá
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