Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.


The Spanish word 'córnea' translates to 'cornea' in English. The cornea is the clear, dome-shaped surface that covers the front of the eye. It plays a pivotal role in focusing your vision as it allows light to enter the eye. In Spanish-speaking countries, 'córnea' is used in the same context as it is in English, often in medical or scientific conversations.


Coro translates into 'Chorus'. It's a part of a song that is repeated after each verse, typically with a catchy tune.

Example sentences with  coro
corona de flores
crown of flowers

The Spanish term 'corona de flores' translates to 'crown of flowers' in English. It can refer to a floral arrangement formed in a circular shape, typically adorned on one's head as a symbol of honor, achievement, or celebration. Such adornments are often used in cultural, religious, or festive ceremonies. In some context, it may also refer to a wreath of flowers as an arrangement for funerals or grave decorations.

Example sentences with  corona de flores

The Spanish word 'corral' translates to 'corral' in English. In both languages, it refers to an enclosure or pen for livestock, particularly cattle or horses, on a farm or ranch. It's an outdoor space surrounded by fencing where animals are kept. It can also be used metaphorically in English to suggest a situation where someone is being tightly controlled or confined.

Example sentences with  corral
corregir a fondo
correcting thoroughly

The Spanish phrase 'corregir a fondo' translates to 'correcting thoroughly' in English. It refers to the comprehensive process of identifying and rectifying errors or mistakes in detail. This term is often used in educational or professional contexts where in-depth corrections are required.

corregir de forma imparcial
impartially corrected

The Spanish phrase 'corregir de forma imparcial' translates to 'impartially corrected' in English. It's often used in the context of referring to an action being corrected or rectified without bias or favoritism. It is an indication of fairness and neutrality in addressing or rectifying a situation or behavior.

corregir de forma objetiva
to correct objectively

The Spanish phrase 'corregir de forma objetiva' translates to 'correct objectively' in English. This verb phrase implies the act of rectifying, amending or refining something based on objective judgment, free from personal feelings or bias. It is often used in the context of academic, professional, or creative works where the corrections or modifications are made based on set standards or criteria, and not on personal opinions or preferences.

corregir los deberes
correcting duties

The Spanish phrase 'corregir los deberes' translates to 'correcting duties' in English. The verb 'corregir' means 'to correct' and 'los deberes' means 'the duties'. This phrase is often used in an academic context, where a teacher corrects the homework or assignments of students. Alternatively, it can also be used in a professional setting, where one person may correct or revise the duties or tasks performed by others. The phrase highlights the action of making adjustments or improvements to someone else's duties.

corregir un ejercicio
correct an exercise

The Spanish phrase 'corregir un ejercicio' translates to 'correct an exercise' in English. It is commonly used in academic contexts, specifically in teaching or learning environments. When a teacher says 'corregir un ejercicio', they are instructing the student to make necessary adjustments or modifications to an exercise or academic task that may have been completed incorrectly. This could pertain to a wide range of subjects, including mathematics, science, language arts, etc. The verb 'corregir' implies making something that is wrong, accurate or correct.

corregir un examen
correct a review

The Spanish phrase 'corregir un examen' translates to 'correct a review' in English. This phrase is often used in the context of education, where a teacher might 'corregir un examen' after students have completed it, checking the answers and marking any that are incorrect. It can also be used in other situations where something is being reviewed and then corrected if necessary. Note that while 'examen' can translate to 'review', it is more commonly translated as 'exam' or 'test' in the context of education.

corregir una redacción
correcting the wording

The Spanish phrase 'corregir una redacción' translates to 'correcting the wording' in English. This phrase is often used in academic or formal contexts, where details in language and phrasing are important. It refers to the act of revising the word choices, language use, or overall structure and presentation in a piece of writing to improve its clarity, effectiveness, or accuracy. This process is essential in producing high quality, accurate, and effective written communications.

correo aéreo
air mail

The Spanish term 'correo aéreo' translates to 'air mail' in English. This term is used to refer to the system of sending mail by aircraft, which is typically faster than ground or sea mail. It is commonly used in postal services to allow for quicker and more efficient delivery, especially for international mail. Despite the advent of electronic mail, 'correo aéreo' still plays a vital role in global communication.

correo electrónico

The Spanish term 'correo electrónico' translates to 'e-mail' in English. This term is used to refer to the system for sending messages over a computer network, especially the internet. Similar to English, 'correo electrónico' can also be used not only on the system itself but also on the messages sent.

correo ordinario
regular mail

The Spanish term 'correo ordinario' translates to 'regular mail' in English. This is the standard system of sending letters and packages through a postal service. 'Correo' stands for 'mail' and 'ordinario' means 'regular'. Typical usage of 'regular mail' refers to non-electronic, physical delivery of documents and other packages.

correo postal
postal mail

The Spanish term 'correo postal' translates to 'postal mail' in English. It is a system for physically transporting postcards, letters, and parcels. In a wider sense, the term can refer to the whole process of sorting, handling, and delivering post. It's an old method of communication, especially useful for sending items over long distances, and while it has been largely replaced by electronic mail ('correo electrónico' in Spanish) in day-to-day communication, 'correo postal' remains critical for various official and commercial purposes.

to run

'Correr' corresponds to the act of running, hurrying or moving swiftly.

Example sentences with  correr

The Spanish word 'corresponsal' translates to 'correspondent' in English. A correspondent refers to a person who writes letters or who communicates for a newspaper, often from a foreign country. In the field of journalism, a correspondent is an on-the-field reporter who delivers reports, usually through broadcast media. The term 'corresponsal' can also be used in a more general context to indicate a person who is involved in regular communication with another person or institution.

corriente de un río
stream of a river

The Spanish term 'corriente de un río' translates to 'stream of a river' in English. In geography, this describes the continuous, directed movement of water in a river, which often flows towards the ocean, sea, lake, or another river. It plays a vital role in the water cycle, the transportation of sediment, and the shaping of the riverine landscape.

Example sentences with  corriente de un río
corriente filosófica
Philosophical current

The term 'corriente filosófica' translates to 'philosophical current' in English. This phrase refers to a trend or a movement in the field of philosophy that comprises a specific doctrine or a school of thought. A philosophical current is characterized by a shared set of beliefs, ideas, or methods, and can span across various eras and geographical locations. Some well known philosophical currents include existentialism, empiricism, rationalism, and many more.

Example sentences with  corriente filosófica

The Spanish word 'corrupción' translates to 'corruption' in English. It typically refers to illegal, unethical, or dishonest behavior by a person in a position of power, often a government official or a corporate executive. Corruption usually involves actions like bribery, embezzlement, or favoritism, and it can undermine social and economic development and justice.

Example sentences with  corrupción

The Spanish word 'cortar' translates to 'cut' in English. It is a verb used to refer to the action of removing or separating something by using a sharp tool, or to stop or interrupt a process or activity. It can be used in various contexts, such as cooking (cutting vegetables), art and craft (cutting paper), or technology (cutting electricity). The conjugation changes depending on the tense and the subject.

cortar el pan
cut the bread

The Spanish phrase 'cortar el pan' translates directly to 'cut the bread' in English. In practice, this phrase could be used in a culinary context where the action of slicing or cutting bread is required.

cortar en dados finos
cut into thin dice

The Spanish phrase 'cortar en dados finos' translates to 'cut into thin dice' in English. It is a culinary term often used in recipes to describe the way vegetables, fruits, or meats should be cut before cooking. The process involves cutting food into small square pieces, usually about 0.25 to 0.5 inches on each side, to cook evenly and quickly. This term is commonly used when preparing ingredients for soups, salads or sauces.

cortar en dados gruesos
cut into thick dice

The Spanish phrase 'cortar en dados gruesos' directly translates to 'cut into thick dice' in English. This phrase is typically used in cooking instructions when preparing ingredients. The phrase is instructing to chop or cut the ingredient into noticeably large, cube-like pieces, similar to dice. The size is relatively larger than that of typical dicing methods, hence 'thick' or 'grueso' in Spanish.

cortar en dados pequeños
cut into small dice

The phrase 'cortar en dados pequeños' in Spanish translates to 'cut into small dice' in English. This is a culinary term often used to instruct how certain ingredients, specifically vegetables or meat, should be cut into uniform, small, cube-like pieces, resembling dice. This style of cut is usually for aesthetic consistency and to ensure the ingredients cook evenly.

cortar en pedazos
cut into pieces

The Spanish phrase 'cortar en pedazos' translates to 'cut into pieces' in English. It is often used in context where you're describing the act of dividing something into several smaller parts. It can be applied to various contexts, including cooking when you need to slice food into small pieces, or figuratively when discussing deconstructions of ideas or tasks.

cortar en rodajas
cut in slices

The Spanish phrase 'cortar en rodajas' translates to 'cut in slices' in English. This phrase is often used in the context of preparing food, where it can refer to slicing various items such as fruits, vegetables, meat, and others. This is generally performed using a knife, and the purpose is to make the food item easier to eat, or to prepare it for cooking.

cortar en tacos finos
cut in fine tacos

The Spanish phrase 'cortar en tacos finos' translates directly to 'cut in fine tacos' in English. However, 'tacos' in this context does not refer to the Mexican dish. In culinary terms, 'taco' in Spanish is a piece of something, particularly food. So, this phrase can mean to cut or chop something, often a food item, into small, fine pieces or chunks.

cortar en tacos gruesos
cut into thick tacos

The Spanish phrase 'cortar en tacos gruesos' translates to 'cut into thick tacos' in English. It's a culinary term commonly used in cooking recipes or instructions. The word 'cortar' means 'to cut', 'en' is a preposition usually translated as 'into' in this context, 'tacos' refer to 'tacos' or 'pieces', and 'gruesos' means 'thick'. So, it basically describes the process of cutting something into thick chunks or pieces, not necessarily referring to the food item taco in English context.

cortar en tacos pequeños
cut in small tacos

The phrase 'cortar en tacos pequeños' is a culinary term in Spanish. It instructs to cut ingredients into small pieces, similar to the size of small tacos. This is typically done to prepare the ingredients for a wide variety of dishes, such as stews, soups, or salads. Knowing this phrase could be especially useful for those with interest in cooking and recipe translation from Spanish to English.

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