Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.


The Spanish word 'conversación' is used just like the English word 'conversation'. It refers to the informal exchange of ideas by spoken words. This noun is used in various contexts, such as having a conversation ('tener una conversación'), starting a conversation ('comenzar una conversación'), or even ending a conversation ('terminar una conversación').

Example sentences with  conversación
conversación telefónica
telephone conversation

The term 'conversación telefónica' in Spanish translates to 'telephone conversation' in English. This phrase is generally used to refer to a conversation or communication that is conducted via a telephone. It implies two or more people involved in a particular communication or discussion over the phone. The phrase can be used in a variety of contexts and is often seen written as 'phone call' in informal English language.


The Spanish word 'convertirse' is used in similar scenarios as the English word 'become'. It is used to express change or transformation. For example, 'He wants to become a doctor' translates to 'El quiere convertirse en un médico'. Note that the preposition 'en' is usually used after 'convertirse'.

Example sentences with  convertirse
convertirse al cristianismo
becoming christian

The Spanish phrase 'convertirse al cristianismo' translates to 'becoming Christian' in English. This verb phrase is typically used to describe the process of a person adopting Christian beliefs and practices in their own life. It might be used in a sentence to describe someone's personal faith journey, or in a broader historical or sociological context to describe shifts in religious demographics.

Example sentences with  convertirse al cristianismo
convertirse al hinduismo
to become Hinduism

The Spanish phrase 'convertirse al hinduismo' translates to 'to become Hinduism' in English. This phrase is usually used in a context where an individual is changing or has changed their religious faith to Hinduism. It's a verbal expression, and the usage might differ based on the context of the sentence.

Example sentences with  convertirse al hinduismo
convertirse al islamismo
becoming muslim

The Spanish phrase 'convertirse al islamismo' translates to 'becoming Muslim' in English. It refers to the act of adopting and committing to the teachings and practices of the Islamic faith. The verb 'convertirse' means 'to become' or 'to change oneself into', while 'al islamismo' refers to 'Islam', one of the world's major monotheistic religions.

Example sentences with  convertirse al islamismo

The Spanish word 'convivencia' translates to 'coexistence' in English. This term is commonly used to describe situations where two or more entities exist or live together in the same place at the same time, often used in various contexts including environmental, social, and interpersonal. It also encompasses principles of harmony, tolerance, and respect between different individuals or groups.

Example sentences with  convivencia
convivir con el novio
living with the boyfriend

The Spanish phrase 'convivir con el novio' translates to 'living with the boyfriend' in English. This phrase is typically used in a context where either a woman or a man refers to the experience, expectations, and circumstances of sharing a living space with their boyfriend. It may reference various aspects of daily life, including the shared responsibilities, interpersonal dynamics, and personal growth that might come as a result of cohabitation.

convocar (las) elecciones
call the elections

The phrase 'convocar (las) elecciones' in Spanish translates to 'call the elections' in English. It is typically used in the context of politics, where a governing body or official has the power to 'convocar elecciones', or 'call elections'. This process is a way to ask the public to vote, either for a new official, or on a specific issue or policy. The use of 'las' before 'elecciones' is optional and depends on context, but with or without it, the meaning remains the same.

Example sentences with  convocar (las) elecciones

The Spanish word 'cónyuge' translates to 'spouse' in English. It is a gender-neutral term that can refer to a husband or a wife. The term is used in a legal context, often in relation to marriage contracts or laws, and can also be used more generally to refer to someone's partner in marriage. 'Cónyuge' has its root in the Latin word 'coniux', which also means spouse.


The word 'cooperación' in Spanish translates to 'cooperation' in English. It pertains to the process of working together to the same end or the situation of doing something with others for mutual benefit. It's usually used in the context of group efforts, projects or initiatives.

Example sentences with  cooperación

The Spanish verb 'cooperar' translates to 'cooperate' in English. It is used to express the concept of working together to the same end or participating in an activity or a group effort. The word 'cooperar' is a regular verb in Spanish and follows the regular verb conjugation rules. Therefore, being able to use and understand it can help in various communicative contexts where teamwork and mutual assistance are needed.

coordinar un departamento
coordinate a department

The phrase 'coordinar un departamento' in Spanish translates to 'coordinate a department' in English. This could refer to the management practice of ensuring operations within a department of an organization run smoothly. This might involve scheduling tasks, delegating responsibilities, and ensuring everyone is working towards the same goal. In this context, 'coordinar' means to organize or manage, 'un' is the indefinite article 'a', and 'departamento' translates to 'department'.

coordinar un equipo (de trabajo)
coordinate a team (working)

The phrase 'coordinar un equipo (de trabajo)' in Spanish translates to 'coordinate a team (working)' in English. This term is often used in professional or organizational environments, where someone is given the task to guide, synchronize, and harmonize work efforts of a group of individuals in order to achieve specific goals and objectives. It involves directing, overseeing and streamlining a team's work processes, ensuring that each team member is clear on their roles and responsibilities, and making sure that they work together effectively towards a common aim.

coordinar un proyecto
coordinate a project

The Spanish phrase 'coordinar un proyecto' translates to 'coordinate a project' in English. This refers to the act of bringing together various elements to ensure a project runs smoothly. Coordination in a project sense means to be the person in charge who makes sure all parts of the project are working together. They are responsible for organizing all the tasks, assigning roles, deciding timelines, handling issues, and making sure progress is being made to meet the project goals.

copa de champán
glass of champagne

The Spanish phrase 'copa de champán' translates to 'glass of champagne' in English. It is a compound noun made of the word 'copa', denoting a receptacle or container, used specifically for drinking liquids, similar to the English word 'glass'. The word 'de' acts as a preposition, in this case equivalent to the English 'of'. And lastly, 'champán' is the Spanish word for 'champagne', a type of sparkling wine. Therefore, when combined, 'copa de champán' represents a drinking glass filled with or intended for champagne.

copa de vino
glass of wine

The Spanish phrase 'copa de vino' translates to 'glass of wine' in English. This phrase can be used in various contexts, such as dining out at a restaurant, celebrating a special occasion, or pairing a meal with a certain type of wine. For example, 'Una copa de vino tinto' means 'A glass of red wine'. It's important to note that 'copa' refers specifically to a 'glass' for drinking, not the material glass.


The word 'copia' in Spanish translates to 'copy' in English. It can be used in various contexts such as referring to duplicating a document or an imitation of something, similar to how 'copy' is used in English. For example, in the sentence 'Haz una copia de este documento' it translates to 'Make a copy of this document' in English. Conversely, if used in a context like 'Esta pintura es una copia de la original', it would translate to 'This painting is a copy of the original' in English.

Example sentences with  copia
copiar textualmente
copy textually

The Spanish phrase 'copiar textualmente' can be translated into English as 'copy textually'. It involves the action of replicating given words, phrases or texts exactly as they are, without making any changes to the original context, words, punctuation, etc. This phrase is commonly used in academic or professional settings where precision and accuracy in conveying the originally expressed thoughts are extremely important.

Example sentences with  copiar textualmente
copiar una palabra
copy a word

The Spanish phrase 'copiar una palabra' translates to 'copy a word' in English. This phrase is often used in the context of duplicating or reproducing a specific word or phrase in writing or verbally. In a broad sense, 'copiar' means to 'copy', while 'una palabra' stands for 'a word'. In learning Spanish, understanding these common words can greatly help in boosting communicating and comprehension skills.

Example sentences with  copiar una palabra

The Spanish word 'copiloto' translates to 'copilot' in English. A copilot is a second pilot in an aircraft, who can assist or take control from the main pilot when necessary. This is an important role in aviation as it provides an extra layer of safety. The term 'copiloto' is a combination of two words in Spanish, 'co' meaning 'joint' or 'with', and 'piloto' which means 'pilot'. Hence, 'copiloto' refers to a joint pilot or a pilot who works alongside another.

Example sentences with  copiloto
copos de nieve

The term 'copos de nieve' in Spanish is used similarly to 'snowflakes' in English. It typically refers to the small, soft, white bits of snow that fall from the sky during a snowstorm. It's a neutral term, used in a variety of contexts, from weather reports to literature and poetry. In Spain and other Spanish-speaking countries that experience snow, 'copos de nieve' might also be used in idiomatic expressions and proverbs.

Example sentences with  copos de nieve

The Spanish word 'coraje' translates to 'courage' in English. It is used in situations that require bravery or strength and conveys the ability to confront fear, pain, danger, or attempts of intimidation. Like 'courage', 'coraje' can be used to describe both physical and moral strength in the face of difficulties.


The Spanish word 'Corán' translates to 'Koran' in English. The Koran, also known as the Quran, is the holy book of Islam, considered by Muslims to be a guide in all aspects of life. It is divided into chapters, known as suwar, which are then divided into verses. The word 'Corán' is commonly used in Spanish-speaking countries to refer to this religious text.

Example sentences with  Corán

In Spanish, 'corazón' is the term used to refer to the organ in our chest that pumps blood around our body. It is also frequently used in a metaphorical sense to refer to the center or core of something, or to represent emotions and feelings, much like in English. For example, 'de todo corazón' which translates to 'from the bottom of my heart'.

Example sentences with  corazón

The Spanish word 'corbata' translates to 'tie' in English. In the English language, 'tie' is a noun which refers to a long piece of cloth worn for decorative purposes around the neck or shoulders, resting under the shirt collar and knotted at the throat. There are different types of ties, such as bow ties, bolo ties, and neckties. These are commonly worn for formal occasions, work, or meetings, and they are often seen as a symbol of professionalism in many cultures.

corcho (de la botella)
cork (from the bottle)

The Spanish term 'corcho (de la botella)' translates to 'cork (from the bottle)' in English. It pertains to the cylindrical or spherical piece of cork, rubber, or similar pliable material, which is used as a stopper for bottles, particularly in wine bottles, preserving the content from external elements and sealing the bottle tight.


The Spanish word 'cordero' translates to 'lamb' in English. It is a commonly used noun in the Spanish language which refers to a young sheep. This term is extensively used in culinary contexts, especially when we refer to the meat of a young sheep which is tender and mild in flavor.

Example sentences with  cordero
mountain range

The Spanish word 'cordillera' translates to 'mountain range' in English. In geography, a mountain range is a series of mountains or hills ranged in a line and connected by high ground. Mountain ranges are often formed by tectonic plate interactions in the Earth's crust. In Spanish-speaking regions, 'cordillera' is commonly used to describe these natural formations. It's a very useful word to know, especially when discussing geography or nature in Spanish.

Example sentences with  cordillera

The Spanish word 'coreografía' translates to 'choreography' in English. Choreography is the art of designing sequences of movements in which motion, form, or both are specified. It is extensively used in various performing arts such as dances and cinema, signifying a detailed plan about each movement and step. Thus, 'coreografía' in Spanish connects with a beautiful aspect of performing arts, encompassing creation, design, and arrangement of dance movements.

Example sentences with  coreografía
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