Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

contraer los músculos
to contract muscles

The Spanish phrase 'contraer los músculos' translates to 'to contract muscles' in English. It refers to the action of a muscle or a muscle group making a movement by becoming shorter or tighter. This term can be used in a variety of contexts but is most commonly used in the fields of physiology and physical fitness. In these fields, muscle contraction can imply various body movements such as lifting weights, running, or simply doing physical exercises.


The Spanish word 'contraseña' translates to 'password' in English. It is a feminine noun in Spanish, and it is often used in contexts where one needs to enter restricted areas or obtain access to guarded information, much like the use of the word 'password' in English.

contrastar un rumor
against a rumor

The Spanish phrase 'contrastar un rumor' is a bit more complex than simply translating to 'against a rumor'. In context, 'contrastar' refers to the act of comparing or verifying something, and 'un rumor' refers to a rumor or a piece of unverified information. Therefore, 'contrastar un rumor' can be more accurately translated as 'to verify or check a rumor'. It implies an action taken to establish the truth or falsehood of a rumor, often by comparing it with other sources of information.

contrastar una información
against information

The Spanish phrase 'contrastar una información' doesn't directly translate to 'against information' in English. Instead, a more accurate translation would be 'to cross-check information' or 'to verify information'. It refers to the act of comparing information with another source to ensure accuracy and confirm its truthfulness.

contrastar una noticia
against the news

The term 'contrastar una noticia' does not translate directly to 'against the news' in English. A more accurate translation would be 'to contrast a piece of news' or 'to verify a news'. It implies the action of comparing, verifying, or referencing one news against another or checking it against facts to establish its accuracy or truthfulness.


The Spanish word 'contraste' translates to 'contrast' in English. It is utilized to depict the degree of difference between colors, tones, or emotions. Similar to its use in English, it can be employed in various areas such as photography, art, literature, and more, representing the strong or stark difference between two things or concepts.

Example sentences with  contraste

The Spanish word 'contratado' is often used in multiple contexts such as employment and legalities, and it can primarily be translated to 'hired' in English. This term is commonly utilized to represent the action of being contracted by a company or individual for a job or service. So, although the word 'contratado' might be considered similar to the English word 'contract', it is more frequently used in a context where someone has agreed to provide a service or perform a job for a specific period.


The Spanish word 'contratar' translates to 'to hire' in English. In terms of usage, 'contratar' is often used in business or professional contexts to express the act of procuring services or taking on employees. In Spanish, you might hear this word in phrases such as 'Voy a contratar a un nuevo empleado', which means 'I am going to hire a new employee'. As with many verbs, do keep in mind 'contratar' will change according to tense, mood, and aspect.

contratar (la) tarifa plana
contract (the flat rate)

The Spanish phrase 'contratar (la) tarifa plana' translates to 'contract (the) flat rate' in English. This phrase is typically used in business and finance contexts when discussing fixed price agreements. Such agreements might involve telecommunication services, utilities, or other services where a single standard charge applies, regardless of usage. From a grammatical perspective, 'contratar' is a verb that means 'to contract', while 'la tarifa plana' is a compound noun meaning 'the flat rate'.

contratar a alguien
hire someone

The Spanish phrase 'contratar a alguien' translates to 'hire someone' in English. This phrase is generally used in a business or work environment. When an entity, such as a company or an individual, needs to employ or engage someone to perform a certain job or service, they 'contratan a alguien'. It's important to note the preposition 'a' is used when the object is a person. The verb 'contratar' by itself means to contract or to hire.

contratar ADSL
hire ADSL

The Spanish phrase 'contratar ADSL' translates to 'hire ADSL' in English. 'Contratar' directly translates to 'hire' or 'contract', and 'ADSL' is an abbreviation for 'Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line', a term commonly used in internet technology. Therefore, 'contratar ADSL' refers to the process of contracting or hiring an ADSL internet service in Spanish speaking contexts.

contratar un seguro
hire insurance

The Spanish phrase 'contratar un seguro' translates to 'hire insurance' in English. This is often used in situations where one is seeking to purchase an insurance policy for protection against potential future damages or loss, such as automobile, home, health, or life insurance. This phrase can be used in various contexts, but typically it is used in formal conversations or situations like talking to an insurance agent or making financial and legal decisions.

Example sentences with  contratar un seguro
contratar un viaje organizado
hire an organized trip

The Spanish phrase 'contratar un viaje organizado' translates to 'hire an organized trip' in English. This Spanish phrase is often used to express the action of booking a journey or trip, usually with a travel company or agency, where all the details such as accommodation, transport and itinerary have been planned out in advance. The purpose of such trips is to relieve the travellers from the details of planning, thus enabling them to solely focus on enjoying their travel experience.

Example sentences with  contratar un viaje organizado

The Spanish word 'contratista' translates to 'contractor' in English. In the professional sphere, a 'contractor' is an individual or a business that provides services or completes tasks for other companies or individuals typically for a specified project and for a limited time. This contract-based work can span across different fields, such as construction, consulting, and freelancing among others.

Example sentences with  contratista

The Spanish word 'contrato' translates to 'contract' in English. A contract is a legal agreement between two or more parties that creates certain obligations that are enforceable by law. It can be in form of a document stating the terms and conditions of a specific agreement. Hence, if someone is talking about a 'contrato' in Spanish, it means they are discussing some form of legal agreement or contract.

contrato basura
Contract garbage

'Contrato basura' is a Spanish term that translates literally to 'garbage contract' in English. However, in context, it refers to a type of employment contract that offers poor conditions for the worker. This can include low pay, long hours, no benefits, job instability, and more. They're considered unfair or exploitative and are a significant issue in discussions about labor rights and workplace conditions.

contrato de prácticas
internship contract

The Spanish phrase 'contrato de prácticas' translates to 'internship contract' in English. An internship contract is a legal agreement between a student or a person who works to gain practical experience in a specific area or field and a company or organization that offers the opportunity for said practical experience. This document typically outlines the terms and conditions of the internship, responsibilities, role expectations, hours of work, and occasionally, remuneration details.

contrato fijo
fixed contract

The term 'contrato fijo' is a Spanish phrase that translates to 'fixed contract' in English. This term typically describes a type of employment contract, in which there is a contractually agreed period of employment that remains unchanged. It is 'fixed' in the sense that the length of employment is set and not subject to variation or fluctuation. The term may also infer job security because the length and terms of employment are defined and constant.

contrato temporal
Temporary contract

The Spanish term 'contrato temporal' translates to 'temporary contract' in English. A temporary contract is a form of employment agreement that is set to last for a specific period of time or until a certain task or project is completed. It is often used for seasonal work, project-based tasks, or jobs that an employer only need for a limited period. The end of the contract is usually defined by a specific date or circumstance.


The English explanation of the word 'contraventana' is incorrect. In Spanish, 'contraventana' is not translated to 'counterpart'. The correct translation would be 'storm window' or 'shutter', and it refers to a second window installed on the outside or inside of a main window, used for insulation and protection against bad weather.


The Spanish word 'contribuyente' translates to 'contributor' in English. In its most common use, a 'contribuyente' implies a person, organization, or entity that contributes or provides something, especially within the context of financial or material provision. For example, a 'contribuyente' could be an individual who pays taxes, a donor to a charitable cause, or a member of a team who contributes their skills or efforts.

Example sentences with  contribuyente

In Spanish, 'control' is very similar to its English equivalent. The word can be used in various contexts, such as having 'control' over a situation (tener control sobre una situación), a remote 'control' (control remoto), or being in 'control' of a vehicle (tener el control de un vehículo). It is pronounced slightly differently, with the emphasis on the last syllable - conTROL.

Example sentences with  control
control anual
annual control

The term 'control anual' in Spanish refers to 'annual control' in English. It is usually used to indicate a regularly scheduled check or review that happens once every year. Depending on the context, it might mean an annual physical examination you have at a doctor's office, a yearly audit or inspection of a company or an system, or any sort of annual check-up or review process.

control final
final check

The Spanish term 'control final' translates to 'final check' in English. This phrase is commonly used in various contexts such as in businesses, manufacturing processes, or during quality inspections. When a task, product, or service goes through a 'control final', it means that it is undergoing a final review or inspection to ensure it meets certain standards or expectations before it is considered complete or ready for delivery or use.

control parcial
partial control

The Spanish phrase 'control parcial' translates to 'partial control' in English. This phrase can be broken down into two parts: 'control' and 'parcial'. 'Control' is quite similar to the English word 'control' and it refers to the power to influence or direct people's behavior or the course of events. 'Parcial' translates to 'partial', meaning not complete or whole. Therefore, 'control parcial' pertains to having an incomplete or limited power or authority over someone or something.

control policial
police control

The Spanish term 'control policial' translates to 'police control' in English. This generally refers to the enforcement of law and order by police forces. It could denote a situation where a police force is monitoring a specific area or event to ensure safety and prevent potential disturbances or illegal activities. This includes activities such as traffic checkpoints, crowd control during events, or general surveillance in certain localities.

control rutinario
routine control

The Spanish term 'control rutinario' translates to 'routine control' in English. The term refers to regular checks carried out as a standard procedure, often used in various fields such as management, health, safety, and quality control. So in any context where you are describing a regular, systematic check of something, 'control rutinario' is the phrase you would use in Spanish.


The Spanish word 'convalecencia' translates to 'convalescence' in English. The term 'convalescence' refers to the gradual recovery of health and strength after illness or surgery. It is the period spent in overcoming an illness or recovering from a surgical operation, characterized by rest, medical attention, and gradual return to normal activities. This time allows the body to heal and regain strengths.

Example sentences with  convalecencia
convalidar una asignatura
validate a subject

The phrase 'convalidar una asignatura' in Spanish translates to 'validate a subject' in English. This phrase is generally used in the educational context where one's proficiency or competency in a particular subject or course is confirmed or validated, often after assessment or through recognising coursework from other institutions. This process is often used to acknowledge the knowledge and skills a student has gained outside of the particular program of study.


The Spanish word 'convento' translates to 'convent' in English. It is a noun that is used to refer to a community of priests, monks or nuns living under religious vows. It is generally a place where such religious individuals live, pray and often work. This term is associated with peace, tranquility, and spiritual devotion. The word has Latin origins, specifically from the term 'conventum' which means assembly or meeting. Through history, convents have played significant roles in religion and society, offering a space for worship, education, and charity.

Example sentences with  convento
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