Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

consultar un plano
consult a plan

The Spanish phrase 'consultar un plano' translates to 'consult a plan' in English. This phrase can be used in many contexts like when you need to check or refer to a plan or layout for any reason. An architect might 'consultar un plano' of a building to understand its structure, or a traveler might 'consultar un plano', or look at a map, to figure out where to go next. When used in conversations, consulting doesn't just mean to look at it, but to use it as a resource for decision-making.

Example sentences with  consultar un plano
consultar una página de Internet
consult an Internet page

The Spanish phrase 'consultar una página de Internet' translates to 'consult an Internet page' in English. This phrase is primarily used when you want to obtain or check information from a certain webpage on the Internet. It is similar to other English phrases like 'refer to a webpage', 'look up a webpage', or 'check a webpage'. When divided, 'consultar' means 'to consult', 'una' means 'a', 'página' means 'page', 'de' means 'of', and 'Internet' is the same in both languages. This phrase encourages the active engagement of a person in seeking out and learning new information or verifying existing knowledge from online resources.

consultar una página web
consult a website

The Spanish term 'consultar una página web' translates in English to 'consult a website'. It is used when someone wants to browse, check, search or verify something on a specific website. The act of consulting a website usually means looking for specific information or trying to understand something from the content available on the web page. In a more general sense, 'consultar' can mean 'to consult' in English, and 'una página web' is a 'website'. Therefore, the combined meaning of 'consultar una página web' becomes 'consult a website'.


The Spanish word 'consumidor' translates to 'consumer' in English. The term is primarily used in economic and marketing contexts, and refers to an individual or entity that purchases or utilizes goods and services for personal use, rather than for manufacturing or resale. A consumer plays a vital role in the economic system of a nation because it determines which products are in demand. This has an influence on the prices, production, and strategies employed by companies.


The Spanish word 'consumo' translates in English to 'consumption'. This term can be used in various contexts such as economics, where it indicates the purchase of goods and services by the public, ecology, where it refers to the use of resources by organisms, and even medicine, where it can refer to a wasting disease like tuberculosis. Therefore, the exact use of the term 'consumo' will usually depend on the specific field or context it is used in.

Example sentences with  consumo
consumo excesivo
excessive consumption

The Spanish phrase 'consumo excesivo' translates to 'excessive consumption' in English. It describes the action of using or consuming something, such as resources, energy, or food, in a greater quantity than what is considered healthy, sustainable or normal. Please note that this phrase might be used in different contexts like economics, health, and more, always referring to an amount that goes beyond the necessary or the average.

Example sentences with  consumo excesivo
consumo moderado
moderate consumption

The Spanish term 'consumo moderado' translates to 'moderate consumption' in English. This typically refers to the balanced and reasonable intake or use of resources, products, or services. It encourages avoiding excess and waste, pushing for just the right and sustainable amount. For instance, it is used extensively in discussions about alcohol, where moderate consumption is discouraged to maintain health and well-being.

Example sentences with  consumo moderado

The Spanish verb 'contagiar' translates to 'spread' in English. It's commonly used in medical context or when talking about ideas, emotions, etc., to describe how something is being transmitted or dispersed from one place or person to others. In its reflexive form 'contagiarse', it can be used to express getting infected by a disease. Different conjugation forms can be used depending on the tense, mood or the subject.

Example sentences with  contagiar
contagiar un catarro
catch a cold

'Contagiar un catarro' in Spanish translates to 'catch a cold' in English. It is used when someone is expressing that they have become ill with a cold, usually due to exposure from someone else who is already sick. This phrase is commonly used in both formal and informal contexts.

Example sentences with  contagiar un catarro
contagiar un virus
infected a virus

The Spanish phrase 'contagiar un virus' translates to 'infect a virus' in English. In a medical context, this phrase is used when a virus is transmitted or spread from one being (human or otherwise) to another. This can occur through various modes, including direct or indirect physical contact, airborne transmission, and more. Understanding such phrases can be crucial in times of global health crises, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, where speedy and clear communication about viral infections is of utmost importance.

Example sentences with  contagiar un virus

The Spanish word 'contagio' translates to 'contagion' in English. It is used in reference to the communication of disease from one person to another by close contact. Also refers to the process by which a certain behavior, attitude, or emotion is unknowingly transmitted from one individual to another in close proximity.

Example sentences with  contagio

The word 'contaminación' in Spanish translates to 'pollution' in English. Pollution refers to the introduction of harmful materials into the environment, which could be in the form of chemicals, noise, or even heat. These pollutants can have adverse effects on humans, animals, and plants, and can also disturb entire ecosystems. The sources of pollution can be various, including industrial activities, waste disposal, automobile emissions, and many more. Reducing pollution is key to maintaining a healthy and sustainable environment.

Example sentences with  contaminación

The word 'contaminado' in Spanish translates to 'contaminated' in English. It is often used to describe something that has been tainted or polluted in some way such as water, air or foods. It can also be used in a broader sense to suggest a corrupting influence. In Spanish grammar, 'contaminado' would differ in gender and number with the noun it is modifying. It serves as an adjective in a sentence and its placement is typically after the noun.

Example sentences with  contaminado

The Spanish word 'contaminante' translates to 'contaminant' in English. It is commonly used in the context of environmental science and refers to any substance that is introduced into the environment and causes harm or discomfort to it. 'Contaminante' could pertain to the water, air, soil among others. An example of a 'contaminante' could be pollutants from factories that are harmful to the environment.

Example sentences with  contaminante
contar (la historia de)
tell (the story of)

The Spanish term 'contar (la historia de)' translates to 'tell (the story of)' in English. This action word, or verb, is typically used in the context of narrating a story or event. In a sentence, it may be used as 'Voy a contar la historia de mi vida' which translates to 'I am going to tell the story of my life' in English.

Example sentences with  contar (la historia de)
contenedor de basuras
garbage container

The Spanish term 'contenedor de basuras' translates to 'garbage container' in English. A garbage container is a large outdoor bin for temporary storage of waste material or trash until it is collected by waste disposal personnel. This commonly used and important item is often found in households, commercial establishments, and public spaces.

contenedor de papel
paper container

The Spanish term 'contenedor de papel' translates in English to 'paper container'. This can refer to a variety of objects in daily life. It could mean a small box or envelope made of paper, used to hold or carry things such as a gift or letter. On a larger scale, it might also refer to a paper recycling bin or dumpster specifically designated for disposing of paper waste. The exact meaning therefore, would depend on the context in which it's used.

contenedor de plástico
plastic container

The Spanish phrase 'contenedor de plástico' translates to 'plastic container' in English. A 'plastic container' is a generic term for any wide range of tubs, lids, jars, and buckets designed to contain various items. These containers are typically durable and made from different types of plastics. They are mostly used for storing food, yet can be utilized for a broad choice of other purposes, including storing liquids like water or gasoline, and non-liquid items like toys or tools.

contenedor de vidrio
glass container

The Spanish phrase 'contenedor de vidrio' directly translates to 'glass container' in English. It is a noun phrase used to describe a container made out of glass, often used for storing or holding things. It can refer to various items in daily life, including but not limited to, a glass jar, bottle, beaker or decorative item. The term is quite common in everyday usage.


The Spanish word 'contento' translates to 'happy' in English. It is an adjective often used to describe a state of joy or pleasing satisfaction. You use 'contento' when you're glad about something or satisfied with how things are going. It can be used in various contexts, just like 'happy' in English. For example, you can say 'Estoy contento' to mean 'I am happy'.

contestador automático
automatic response

The word 'contestador automático' in Spanish corresponds to 'automatic answer or response' in English. It is most commonly used to refer to an automated system, such as a telephone answering machine, that answers incoming calls or messages when the intended recipient is unavailable. This term is typically used in the context of telecommunication or electronic devices.


The Spanish word 'contestar' translates to 'reply' in English. It is a verb that is commonly used in conversation. In a sentence, 'contestar' could be used to instruct someone to reply or answer, such as in a phone call or in response to a question. For example, 'Contestar el teléfono' means 'Answer the phone'. Additionally, 'contestar' can also mean to refute or contest a statement or argument.

contestar al teléfono
answer the phone

'Contestar al teléfono' is a Spanish phrase that translates to 'answer the phone' in English. It is an action phrase, specifically a verb phrase, often used in verbal and written communication. This phrase can be pertinent in various contexts such as workplace, household, or any general circumstance where a telephone call is to be answered. Linguistically, 'contestar' is the verb translating to 'answer', 'al' is a preposition meaning 'to the', and 'teléfono' is a noun that equates to 'phone'.


The Spanish word 'continente' translates to 'continent' in English. A continent is one of several very large landmasses on Earth. They are generally identified by convention rather than any strict criteria, with up to seven regions commonly regarded as continents. These are from largest in size to smallest: Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Antarctica, Europe, and Australia.

Example sentences with  continente

The Spanish word 'continuar' is used much like the English word 'continue'. It suggests the concept of persisting in an action or state or to keep on doing something. It is used in various contexts including but not limited to sentences, conversations, instructions or directions.

Example sentences with  continuar
continuar los estudios
continue the studies

The Spanish phrase 'continuar los estudios' translates to 'continue the studies' in English. It is often used in academic contexts to express the idea of continuing or pursuing further education, such as progressing to higher levels of schooling or maintaining ongoing studies in a particular subject area. It may also be used more generally to imply the continuation of any sort of study or learning process.


The Spanish word 'contra' translates to 'against' in English. It is used in a similar manner as in English, expressing opposition or resistance. 'Contra' can be used in contexts like sports (playing against a team), expressing disagreement (against a proposal), or in physical positioning (leaned against the wall).

Example sentences with  contra
against bass

The Spanish word 'contrabajo' translates to 'double bass' in English. It is a term used predominantly in music to describe a large, stringed instrument that is played either with a bow or plucked with the fingers. It is often used in orchestras and jazz bands and is the lowest-pitched member of the violin family.

Example sentences with  contrabajo

The Spanish word 'contrabandista' translates to 'smuggler' in English. A contrabandista, or smuggler, is an individual subverting rules and regulations by illegally transferring goods or people across borders. This term typically refers to a person engaging in unethical and illicit activities, such as smuggling drugs, wildlife, or immigrants. In essence, 'contrabandista' captures the notion of someone who moves items or individuals clandestinely to avoid legal restrictions or tariffs.

Example sentences with  contrabandista

The Spanish word 'contrabando' directly translates to 'smuggling' in English. This term is usually used in the context of illegal trade or the illicit transportation of goods or people, such as smuggling drugs across borders or trafficking endangered species. 'Contrabando' can refer to both the act of smuggling and the smuggled goods themselves.

Example sentences with  contrabando
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