Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.


The Spanish word 'consigna' is often translated into English as 'appropriation'. It refers to the action of taking something, often without the permission of the owner. It can also refer to the allocation of resources for a particular purpose. This can be used in various contexts in Spanish, much like 'appropriation' in English. For example, it can be used when talking about cultural appropriation, intellectual property appropriation, etc.

Example sentences with  consigna

'Consistencia' refers to the quality of achieving a level of performance which does not vary greatly in quality over time. It is often mentioned in the context of learning because consistent effort often leads to success.

Example sentences with  consistencia

The Spanish word 'consola' translates to 'console' in English. This term is widely used in various contexts. In the realm of technology, a console is a terminal or monitor that allows users to interact with a computer system. This could also mean a control panel in a vehicle or a piece of equipment. Moreover, in the field of furniture, a console refers to a table-like piece typically fixed to a wall. Hence, the exact interpretation of 'console' usually depends on its contextual usage.


The Spanish word 'constancia' does not directly translate to 'substance' in English. It instead has a variety of meanings depending on the context in which it's used. In most cases, 'constancia' signifies persistence, constancy, or consistency. For example, it might be used to describe someone's quality of being consistent in their actions or behaviour. It can also refer to a document or certificate that proves the reality of a certain event or fact.


The Spanish word 'constante' translates to 'constant' in English. This term refers to something that remains unchanged or stable over time. It is often used in various contexts, such as mathematics, physics, and everyday conversations. For instance, in maths and science, it represents a value that does not vary. In everyday usage, it may refer to a person who is steady or reliable.


The Spanish word 'constelación' translates to 'constellation' in English. In astronomy, a constellation is commonly understood to mean a group of stars that have been given a name, typically related to a mythological figure. There are 88 recognized constellations in total. The word can also be used more broadly to refer to any group of things or even ideas that are related or share some common feature. In Spanish, just like in English, it's commonly used in a literal astronomical context, but can also figuratively refer to a notable group of people or things.

Example sentences with  constelación

The Spanish word 'constitución' translates to 'constitution' in English. A constitution is a body of fundamental principles or established precedents that determine the governance of a state, organization, or any such institution. In essence, it is a set of laws that outlines the system of government and defines the rights and duties of the citizens. It is considered supreme and all other laws are measured against the constitution's standards, making it a vital part of any democratic society.

Example sentences with  constitución
constitución normal
normal constitution

The Spanish term 'constitución normal' translates to 'normal constitution' in English. The term 'constitución' refers to the fundamental law or established precedent according to which a state or other organization is acknowledged to be governed, or the physical or mental condition of an individual. When combined with 'normal', it describes a state or condition that aligns with standard or expected norms. This phrase can be used in a variety of contexts from legal to medical, depending on the discussion.

constituir (un) gobierno
constitute (a) government

The Spanish phrase 'constituir (un) gobierno' translates to 'constitute (a) government' in English. This is a verb phrase often used in political contexts, referring to the establishment or formation of a government body. The word 'constituir' means 'to constitute' or 'to form', and 'gobierno' means 'government'. When used in a sentence, it implies the act of setting up or creating a government through an official and formal process. The inclusion of '(un)' which means 'a' in English, is optional and depends on the context of the sentence.

Example sentences with  constituir (un) gobierno

The Spanish word 'construcción' translates to 'construction' in English. The term is often used in the building industry, referring to the act or process of building, erecting or constructing buildings, roads, or other structures. It can be used in various contexts, such as 'construcción de un puente' meaning 'construction of a bridge'. It is a noun in Spanish language and can be included in professional vocabulary for those involved in architecture, civil engineering or any building-related jobs.

Example sentences with  construcción

The Spanish word 'constructora' translates to 'construction' in English. It is mainly used to refer to a company or a person that builds or constructs buildings, roads, and other structures. It forms part of the construction industry where infrastructure or buildings are constructed from scratch or existing ones are renovated or maintained.


The Spanish verb 'construir' translates as 'build' in English. Much like in English, it is used in a variety of contexts including construction of buildings or infrastructure, creation of relationships or plans, or even personal growth and development. For example, 'Ella puede construir una casa' means 'She can build a house'.

Example sentences with  construir
construir un acueducto
build an aqueduct

The Spanish phrase 'construir un acueducto' translates to 'build an aqueduct' in English. An aqueduct is a bridge-like system built to move water from one location to another. In this context, 'construir' means 'to build', 'un' means 'an', and 'acueducto' means 'aqueduct'. This phrase could be used in the context of construction or history, describing the action of creating such a structure.

Example sentences with  construir un acueducto
construir un edificio
building a building

The Spanish phrase 'construir un edificio' translates to 'building a building' in English. 'Construir' is a verb meaning 'to build', 'un' is an indefinite article equivalent to 'a' and 'edificio' is a noun meaning 'building'. This phrase could be used in various contexts where the action of constructing a building is being discussed or planned.

construir una casa
build a house

The Spanish phrase 'construir una casa' translates to 'build a house' in English. This phrase is used in the context of constructing or erecting a house or a building. It involves the process of assembling materials to create a residential structure. 'Construir' is the basic form of the verb meaning to build, 'una' is an indefinite article that translates to 'a', and 'casa' is a noun that means house. Together, when you say 'construir una casa' in Spanish, you're talking about the act of creating a new physical living space.

construir una mezquita
build a mosque

The Spanish phrase 'construir una mezquita' translates to 'build a mosque' in English. This phrase would typically be used in a context where the conversation pertains to architecture, religion, or city planning. 'Construir' is a verb that means 'to build' and 'una mezquita' is a feminine noun that translates to 'a mosque'. The word 'mezquita' is used frequently in Spanish-speaking countries with Islamic historical influences or presents Islamic communities.

Example sentences with  construir una mezquita
construir una muralla
build a wall

The Spanish phrase 'construir una muralla' translates to 'build a wall' in English. This phrase incorporates the verb 'construir', which means 'to build', followed by the indefinite article 'una', equivalent to 'a' in English, and finally the noun 'muralla', which translates to 'wall'. Therefore, when put together, 'construir una muralla' illustrates the action of building a wall.

Example sentences with  construir una muralla
construir una sinagoga
build a synagogue

The Spanish phrase 'construir una sinagoga' translates to 'build a synagogue' in English. It is an action phrase commonly used in the context of architecture or religious discussions. 'Construir' is a verb which means 'to build' and 'una sinagoga' is a noun that translates to 'a synagogue'. Synagogue is a building where Jewish people meet to worship or pray. Therefore, when someone says 'construir una sinagoga', they are talking about the act of constructing or establishing a place for Jewish worship.

Example sentences with  construir una sinagoga

The word 'cónsul' in Spanish translates to 'consul' in English. A consul is a government official living in a foreign city. Consuls represent their home country's interests by aiding and protecting its citizens living or traveling abroad, and they play a key role in promoting the commercial and economic relations between the countries.

Example sentences with  cónsul

The word 'consulado' in Spanish translates to 'consulate' in English. A consulate is a place where a consul, an official representative of the government of one state in the territory of another, normally acting to assist and protect the citizens of the consul's own country, and to facilitate trade and friendship between the people of the two countries. Therefore, 'consulado' is a term used in diplomacy and international relations.

Example sentences with  consulado
consulta del dentista
dentist consultation

The term 'consulta del dentista' in Spanish translates to 'dentist consultation' in English. This usually means an appointment or meeting with a dentist to check the health condition of one's teeth. This can also include discussions regarding any dental procedures, cleanings, or treatments that may be required. Remember, regular 'consulta del dentista' is essential to maintain healthy dental hygiene.

Example sentences with  consulta del dentista
consulta del ginecólogo
gynecologist consultation

The Spanish phrase 'consulta del ginecólogo' translates to 'gynecologist consultation' in English. This involves a medical appointment with a specialist known as a gynecologist who deals with the health of the female reproductive systems like the vagina, uterus, and ovaries. Such consultation often involves routine check-ups, diagnosis, and treatment of issues related to women's reproductive health.

Example sentences with  consulta del ginecólogo
consulta del médico
doctor's consultation

The term 'consulta del médico' in Spanish translates to 'doctor's consultation' in English. This phrase refers to a scheduled meeting or appointment with a doctor for seeking or receiving medical advice, examination, or treatment, typically in a healthcare setting such as a clinic or hospital.

Example sentences with  consulta del médico
consultar (en) Internet
consult the Internet

The Spanish phrase 'consultar (en) Internet' translates to 'consult the Internet' in English. This phrase is often used when someone is seeking information or trying to find answers to a question online. For example, if you were unsure about the meaning of a certain word in Spanish, a teacher might advise you to 'consultar en Internet', suggesting that you turn to the Internet as a resource to find the information you need.

consultar (en) un libro
consult (in) a book

The Spanish phrase 'consultar (en) un libro' translates as 'consult (in) a book' in English. It usually denotes the action of referring to a book for information or advice. This process may involve examining the book thoroughly, reading through its sections or chapters marginally related to the subject of interest to gather a specific piece of information.

consultar (en) una enciclopedia
consult (in) an encyclopedia

The Spanish phrase 'consultar (en) una enciclopedia' translates to 'consult (in) an encyclopedia' in English. This is a verb phrase used to describe the action of seeking information from an encyclopedia. Essentially, to 'consult (in) an encyclopedia' is to look something up within the pages of this comprehensive reference work that contains information on various subjects or an inclusive summary of knowledge. This phrase often indicates a purposeful search for detailed information on a specific topic.

consultar (en) una gramática
consult (in) a grammar

The Spanish phrase 'consultar (en) una gramática' translates to 'consult (in) a grammar' in English. This essentially means to look up or refer to a grammar book or resource. It is commonly used when one needs to verify or confirm the correct usage of language elements such as spelling, punctuation, or sentence structure. It symbolizes the active pursuit of knowledge and understanding in the realm of language learning.

consultar la programación
consult the programming

The Spanish phrase 'consultar la programación' translates to 'consult the programming' in English. This phrase might be used in a context where one needs to check or review the programming, which could refer to a number of things such as a TV schedule, a computer program's code, or even the planning of an event or activity. It encompasses a sense of seeking information on the structure, plan, or arrangement of the thing being programmed.

consultar los últimos movimientos
check the latest movements

The Spanish phrase 'consultar los últimos movimientos' translates to 'check the latest movements' in English. It can be used in various contexts, but it commonly refers to checking recent activity or updates. For example, within a financial context, it may refer to reviewing the most recent transactions in a bank account. In other cases, it could be used to describe checking the latest updates or changes in a situation or plan.

consultar un mapa
consult a map

The Spanish phrase 'consultar un mapa' translates to 'consult a map' in English. In more practical terms, it refers to the act of looking up or referring to a map for navigation or information. It can be used in a variety of contexts, particularly when traveling, planning a route, or studying geography.

Example sentences with  consultar un mapa
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