Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

Adiós para siempre
Goodbye forever

This is a very strong and formal farewell, used when you do not expect to see the person again.

Example sentences with  Adiós para siempre

The word 'adivinar' in Spanish is analogous to the English 'guess'. It's commonly used to describe the act of predicting without sufficient information. This term often appears in casual and formal conversations. Additionally, 'adivinar' can find usage in various contexts ranging from playful guessing games to serious conjectures on significant matters.

Example sentences with  adivinar
adjudicar un proyecto
award a project

The Spanish phrase 'adjudicar un proyecto' translates to 'award a project' in English. This phrase is usually employed in the context of business or corporate environments when a project is given or assigned to an individual, team, or company, especially as part of a competitive process. The process could involve institutions granting projects based on merit, proposals, or bids. Hence, if a contract or project is 'adjudicado', that means it has been officially given or assigned to the awarded party.

adjuntar un documento
attach a document

The Spanish phrase 'adjuntar un documento' translates to 'attach a document' in English. It is a phrase often used in professional settings or formal writing, as in email communications or official documents. 'Adjuntar' is a verb derived from the Latin junctus, meaning 'to join' or 'to attach'. 'Documento' is a noun that refers to a document, a piece of information in a physical or digital form. So when you 'adjuntar un documento', you're literally joining or attaching a document to something else, perhaps an email or a report.


The Spanish word 'administración' is used in much the same way as its English equivalent. It can refer to the managers of an organization, the tasks completed by these individuals, or an academic field of study relating to running businesses or public institutions. It is used in both formal and informal contexts and is commonly found in business and governmental language.

Example sentences with  administración

The Spanish word 'administrador' translates into English as 'administrator'. An administrator in both Spanish and English contexts refers to a person who manages or oversees the operations of a business, institution, or project. They are often responsible for planning, coordinating, and implementing various tasks or policies, and they may also handle financial and human resources matters.


The Spanish word 'admiración' translates to 'admiration' in English. It is used to express feelings of respect, appreciation, or awe towards someone or something. You might say 'tengo admiración por ella' in Spanish, which means 'I have admiration for her' in English.


The Spanish word 'admirador' translates to 'fan' in English. This can refer to a person who has a strong interest or admiration for a specific person, group, or concept. It can also signal someone who is a supporter or enthusiast. Most notably, 'admirador' does not hold the connotation of a cooling or heating device as 'fan' does in English.

admitir la derrota
admit defeat

The Spanish phrase 'admitir la derrota' translates to 'admit defeat' in English. It is typically used in contexts where one accepts their failure in a particular situation. It can be used in various contexts including sports, business, personal endeavors etc. The verb 'admitir' can also be used in different scenarios apart from 'admitir la derrota', meaning to admit or accept something as valid.


ADN is a Spanish acronym that stands for 'Ácido Desoxirribonucleico'. In English, ADN is known as DNA, which stands for 'Deoxyribonucleic Acid'. This is a type of molecule that carries the genetic instructions used in the growth, development, functioning, and reproduction of all known living organisms and many viruses. DNA and RNA are nucleic acids; alongside proteins, lipids and complex carbohydrates (polysaccharides), they are one of the four major types of macromolecules essential for all known forms of life.

Example sentences with  ADN

The word 'adolescente' in Spanish is an adjective or noun that translates to 'teen' in English. It refers to an individual who is in the age range between childhood and adulthood, generally between the ages of 13 and 19. The term can be used to indicate both male and female individuals in this age group, and it's also used to describe the phenomena, changes and characteristics typical of this age stage.

adoptar un estilo
adopt a style

The Spanish phrase 'adoptar un estilo' translates to 'adopt a style' in English. It is composed of the verb 'adoptar' meaning 'to adopt', the article 'un' meaning 'a', and the noun 'estilo' meaning 'style'. This phrase is often used in the context of selecting or embracing a particular manner of doing something, such as dressing, writing, designing, etc. Just like in English, it could refer to both physical styles (like clothing or design) and abstract styles (like a writing style, style of management etc.).

Example sentences with  adoptar un estilo
adoptar un niño
adopt a child

The Spanish phrase 'adoptar un niño' translates to 'adopt a child' in English. This phrase is often used to refer to the process of legally taking another's child and bringing it up as one's own. The act of adoption comes with all the legal rights and responsibilities of parenthood. This phrase could be utilized in many different contexts, such as discussing family matters, demographic policies, and social services. The verb 'adoptar' refers to the action of adopting, while 'un niño' stands for a child.

adoptar una actitud abierta
adopt an open attitude

The phrase 'adoptar una actitud abierta' translates to 'adopt an open attitude' in English. This phrase signifies the acceptance of various perspectives and open-mindedness. In use, it encourages individuals to be receptive, unbiased, and welcoming towards new ideas and different viewpoints rather than limiting themselves to a single, narrow mindset. By adopting an open attitude, one exhibits flexibility and adaptability in different circumstances or toward different people and cultures.

Example sentences with  adoptar una actitud abierta
adoptar una actitud tolerante
adopt a tolerant attitude

The phrase 'adoptar una actitud tolerante' in Spanish translates to 'adopt a tolerant attitude' in English. This means to take on a manner or mindset of acceptance and openness. It implies showing respect for the opinions, practices, or behavior of others even if one doesn't agree with them, showcasing patience and flexibility. It's often used in contexts where encouragement towards understanding and intervening differences peacefully is required.

Example sentences with  adoptar una actitud tolerante

The word 'adoración' in Spanish translates to 'worship' in English and is typically used to describe the feeling or expression of religious reverence and adoration. This can be used in a sentence to describe religious practices, such as 'La adoración a los santos es común en la iglesia católica' which translates to 'The worship of saints is common in the Catholic Church'.

Example sentences with  adoración

The Spanish word 'adorno' translates to 'ornament' in English. It is a common noun used in Spanish-speaking countries to refer to an object that by its detailed and delicate characteristics enhances or beautifies a space or something specific. It can be used to describe things that are used to enhance the beauty of the environment, like a trinket or a decoration on a Christmas tree. The usage of 'adorno' is as versatile as 'ornament' in English.


The Spanish word 'adquirir' translates to 'acquire' in English. This verb is often used in situations to denote the act of obtaining, gaining, or buying something. For instance, it can be used in the context of acquiring knowledge, purchasing goods, or even obtaining possession of something over a period of time. This word is commonly used in both colloquial and formal conversations.

adquirir una vivienda
acquire a home

The phrase 'adquirir una vivienda' in Spanish translates to 'acquire a home' in English. This phrase is used in the context of purchasing or obtaining a dwelling or a place of residence, much like the process of buying a house or property. It can be related to real-estate transactions or general discussions about home ownership.

adquisición de conocimientos
knowledge acquisition

The term 'adquisición de conocimientos' in Spanish translates to 'knowledge acquisition' in English. This refers to the process through which information is obtained and compiled, typically through learning or education. The process can occur through various methods such as observation, investigation, or instruction, among others. It's an integral part of human learning and cognition, playing a significant role in our understanding and interpretation of the world around us.

advertencias de uso
warnings of use

The Spanish term 'advertencias de uso' translates to 'warnings of use' in English. It is a phrase you would typically encounter in manuals, labels, or user guides, and it alerts the user to any potential hazards or precautions to be aware of when using a product or system. The term may also be found in legal or technical contexts, signifying the risks or dangers that might arise from inappropriate or incorrect use of an item, service or system.


In Spanish, 'aeropuerto' refers to an 'airport' in English. An air transport hub for planes to land and take-off.

Example sentences with  aeropuerto
aeropuerto (nternacional
international airport

The Spanish word 'aeropuerto (nternacional' translates to 'international airport' in English. It is a location where aircraft such as airplanes and helicopters take off and land. An international airport is typically equipped with longer runways and facilities to accommodate the larger aircraft needed for international travel. This type of airport usually has customs and immigration facilities to manage international flights to and from other countries.

Example sentences with  aeropuerto (nternacional
aeropuerto militar
Military airport

The Spanish term 'aeropuerto militar' translates to 'military airport' in English. It refers to an airport that is specifically designated for the use by the military. It is where military aircrafts take off, land, and are often maintained. This type of airport is used for defending a nation or conducting other military purposes. The exact activities and purposes may vary depending on the country and their specific military needs.

Example sentences with  aeropuerto militar
aerosol sprays

The Spanish word 'aerosoles' translates to 'aerosol sprays' in English. These are substances enclosed under pressure and able to be released as a fine spray, typically by means of a propellant gas. They can relate to various products like deodorants, paints, and medicinal products that are stored in a container under high pressure.

Example sentences with  aerosoles

The Spanish word 'afectar' is used to depict influencing or having an effect on anything. Similar to English, it could be used in various contexts, like affecting a decision, affecting an outcome, or affecting emotions.

Example sentences with  afectar

The Spanish word 'afecto' translates to 'affection' in English. It is commonly used in various contexts such as familial, friendly, or romantic relationships to express warmth, fondness, or care. This word can also be used in formal contexts to denote a certain level of sympathy or concern towards someone. As a noun, 'afecto' can manifest itself in actions like a tender hug, a comforting word, or even a loving gaze.


The Spanish word 'afición' translates to 'hobby' in English. It is used to describe an activity done in your leisure time for pleasure whether it be reading, painting, gardening, or playing a musical instrument. This word represents what you invest your free time in and what you enjoy learning or doing. Just as in English, this can refer to a broad range of activities, depending on individual preferences.


The word 'aficionado' in Spanish translates to 'amateur' in English. It usually refers to someone who is enthusiastic about a particular hobby, sport, or pastime but does not engage in it professionally or with the same level of expertise as a professional. The word is also often used to describe a person who is a big fan or a great admirer of something or someone.


The Spanish word 'afiliarse' refers to the action of becoming a member or affiliate of a particular organization or group. This could be any kind of formal or informal association, such as a club, team, society, company, or political party. It indicates the process of joining a specific community with shared interests or objectives. 'Afiliarse' is a reflexive verb in Spanish, and its use often signifies a personal commitment or connection to the group one is joining.

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