Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

conocimiento práctico
practical knowledge

The Spanish term 'conocimiento práctico' translates to 'practical knowledge' in English. This term refers to knowledge that is gained through doing things, rather than through theoretical learning. It implies an understanding of daily tasks, professional work or hobbies, derived from hands-on experience or skill, rather than knowledge that is purely academic or theoretical. Essentially, it is the know-how on procedures, techniques, and skills for dealing with real-world, practical situations.

conocimiento previo
previous knowledge

The Spanish term 'conocimiento previo' translates to 'previous knowledge' in English. It refers to the understanding or awareness that an individual has before learning something new. Essentially, it is the information, facts, insights, or skills that are already known before new learning takes place.

conocimiento teórico
theoretical knowledge

The Spanish phrase 'conocimiento teórico' translates to 'theoretical knowledge' in English. The phrase is often used in academic and professional settings. 'Conocimiento' refers to 'knowledge', something that is known or understood based on information, facts, skills acquired through experience or education. The modifier 'teórico' translates to 'theoretical', which refers to knowledge that is based on theory rather than practical application. Therefore, 'conocimiento teórico' describes a type of knowledge that is based on theory or abstract principles rather than practical experience or application.


The Spanish word 'conquista' translates to 'conquest' in English. A 'conquest' is the act of acquiring by force of arms, winning by struggle, or overcoming an opposition; in historical contexts, it can refer to territorial acquisitions during war or explorations. 'Conquista' also carries these meanings in a Spanish context, so it can describe anything from winning a sports game to conquering a land.

Example sentences with  conquista

The Spanish term 'conquistar' translates to 'conquer' in English. This verb is often used in various contexts such as historical events, personal achievements or territory acquisition. The term suggests a sense of overcoming, winning, or attaining supremacy over something or someone. It has the same implications of dominance, success over challenges, or authority, akin to the English word 'conquer'.

Example sentences with  conquistar
conquistar el éxito
to achieve success

The Spanish phrase 'conquistar el éxito' translates to 'achieve success' in English. It is often used to express the idea of striving hard, overcoming challenges and eventually achieving one's goals or ambitions. This can be used in various contexts including personal, professional, or academic scenarios.

conquistar la victoria

'Conquistar la victoria' is a Spanish phrase that implies achieving victory in any kind of situation, in a literal or figurative sense. In English, it can be interpreted as 'win'. It signifies the act of overcoming an obstacle or defeating an opponent in a competition to reach a desired outcome, which is hence considered a victory or triumph. The term is widely used in discussing sports, games, warfare and other competitive scenarios.

conseguir la copa
get the cup

The Spanish phrase 'conseguir la copa' is translated to 'get the cup' in English. It is usually used in the context of achieving or winning something, exactly like how we say, 'Getting the trophy' in English. The verb 'conseguir' means to get or achieve, 'la' is the definite article 'the', and 'copa' is translated to 'cup' or 'trophy'. It is a common phrase, often used in competitive situations.

conseguir un trabajo
get a job

The Spanish phrase 'conseguir un trabajo' translates to 'get a job' in English. This verb phrase is often used when somebody is seeking employment or when giving advice about finding employment. 'Conseguir' is a verb that means 'to get' or 'to obtain,' and 'un trabajo' is a noun that translates to 'a job.' Thus, when put together, it signifies the act of obtaining employment.

conseguir una beca
get a scholarship

The Spanish phrase 'conseguir una beca' translates to 'get a scholarship' in English. It is often used in academic contexts. For instance, students may use this term when discussing the need to secure funding for their education. It can also be applied when talking about efforts made to earn a scholarship for exceptional performance in areas such as sports or arts.

conseguir una medalla
get a medal

The Spanish phrase 'conseguir una medalla' translates to 'get a medal' in English. It can be used in various contexts, either literally as in winning a medal in a competition or figuratively as in achieving a significant accomplishment. It's made up of the verb 'conseguir' meaning 'to get or to obtain', 'una' an indefinite article meaning 'a', and 'medalla' which means 'medal'.

Consejería de Educación
Department of Education

The Spanish term 'Consejería de Educación' translates to 'Department of Education' in English. It is a government entity responsible for managing education policies, and it oversees various aspects of the educational system such as curriculum, school standards, teacher qualifications, and student welfare. It plays a critical role in ensuring quality and efficiency in education, which are vital for the country's development and the individual growth of its students.

Example sentences with  Consejería de Educación
Consejería de Medio Ambiente
Environmental Counseling

The term 'Consejería de Medio Ambiente' is Spanish for Environmental Counseling. This term is generally used to refer to a department or agency within Spanish-speaking governments responsible for the enforcement, regulation and administration of environmental policies and preservation. Other related tasks might involve the provision of counseling on environmental matters such as conservation, pollution control, and sustainable management of natural resources. Its English equivalent would typically refer to an environmental agency or department at various levels of government.

Example sentences with  Consejería de Medio Ambiente
Consejería de Salud
Health Counseling

The Spanish term 'Consejería de Salud' translates to 'Health Counseling' in English. This usually refers to the provision of information, advice, and assistance related to health matters, including physical, mental, and emotional health. It can also refer to a department or organization that provides these services.

Example sentences with  Consejería de Salud
Consejero de Educación
Education Counsellor

The Spanish term 'Consejero de Educación' translates to 'Education Counsellor' in English. An Education Counsellor is a professional who assists students in managing their educational and career paths. They offer guidance and support regarding various educational issues, such as course selection, academic performance, and career planning. In Spain and other Spanish-speaking regions, an 'Consejero de Educación' plays a pivotal role in molding the academic and career trajectories of students.

Example sentences with  Consejero de Educación
Consejero de Medio Ambiente
Environmental Counsellor

The Spanish term 'Consejero de Medio Ambiente' translates to 'Environmental Counsellor' in English. This term is very common in the fields of environmental conservation and politics. An Environmental Counsellor typically advises on matters related to environmental policy, conservation strategies, and sustainable practices. This can relate to a variety of contexts such as government, corporations, or non-governmental organizations. The overall objective of an Environmental Counsellor is to help ensure the health and sustainability of the environment and its numerous ecosystems.

Example sentences with  Consejero de Medio Ambiente
Consejero de Salud
Health Counsellor

The term 'Consejero de Salud' originates from Spanish and translates to 'Health Counsellor' in English language. A Health Counsellor specialises in providing guidance on health-related issues. Their main duties typically include assisting individuals to navigate through health challenges, advising them on healthy lifestyle choices, or providing emotional support during health crises. This term is notably used in health institutions, therapy sessions, and wellness programs.

Example sentences with  Consejero de Salud
Consejo de Europa (CE)
European Council (EC)
Example sentences with  Consejo de Europa (CE)
consejo de guerra
War Council

The Spanish term 'consejo de guerra' translates into English as 'war council'. This phrase is often used in military context to refer to a group of military leaders who make important decisions about war strategy, policy, and operations. A war council is a group that usually consists of high-ranking military officials and, at times, political leaders as well. They gather to discuss, plan, and sometimes decide about matters pertaining to war. However, beyond the literal meaning, 'consejo de guerra' can also be used metaphorically in certain situations where important decisions need to be taken collectively, even outside of a military context.

Example sentences with  consejo de guerra
consentir a los hijos
to spoil the children

The Spanish phrase 'consentir a los hijos' translates to 'to spoil the children' in English. This usually means giving children everything they want, even if it is not good for them. The act of spoiling can include overprotecting, frequently giving in to a child's demands, or neglecting to enforce necessary limits or boundaries.


The Spanish word 'conserje' translates to 'janitor' in English. A janitor is a person who is responsible for the cleaning and maintenance of a building. They may perform a variety of tasks such as sweeping, mopping, vacuuming, repairing fixtures, and maintaining cleanliness. In some contexts, a 'conserje' might also be involved in security duties or overseeing the operation of a building, similar to a building superintendent in English.


The Spanish word 'conservador' translates to 'conservative' in English. In a political context, a 'conservador' could refer to someone who holds traditional attitudes and values and is cautious about change or innovation. However, the term can also be used more broadly to describe a person or entity that is resistant to change and prefers to maintain existing conditions, practices, or institutions.

conservar el apellido
retain the last name

The Spanish phrase 'conservar el apellido' translates to 'retain the last name' in English. It refers to the practice or decision of keeping one's original last name, usually after marriage. In traditional Spanish culture, it is common for both partners to maintain their respective surnames after marriage, which contrasts with some other cultures where one partner (usually the female) may take the other's last name. Therefore, 'conservar el apellido' reflects a social norm within Hispanic societies and the value placed on individual and family identity.

conservar el medio ambiente
conserve the environment

The Spanish phrase 'conservar el medio ambiente' translates to 'conserve the environment' in English. This phrase is used in the context of advocating for protection and preservation of the natural world. Conservation includes activities and practices that aim to reduce waste and excessive consumption, restore and maintain the natural habitat of different species, and enhance the overall health and quality of our environment. In a time of global environmental crisis, understanding and implementing this concept is essential.

Example sentences with  conservar el medio ambiente
conservar la naturaleza
preserve nature

The Spanish phrase 'conservar la naturaleza' translates to 'preserve nature' in English. It is used to emphasize the importance of protecting and maintaining the natural environment against harmful human activities. This phrase is often used in context where sustainability, environmental conservation and biodiversity are areas of discussion.

Example sentences with  conservar la naturaleza
conservarse bien
to be kept well

The Spanish phrase 'conservarse bien' is used to describe something that has been preserved or maintained well. It can apply to objects, places, or persons. When used in the context of a person, it typically refers to someone who has aged well, remaining in good physical or mental condition. Otherwise, it could indicate something like a building or artifact that has been well taken care of over time.

Example sentences with  conservarse bien
conservarse joven
Keep young

The Spanish phrase 'conservarse joven' translates to 'keep young' in English. It is often used to imply the act of maintaining one's youthfulness, either physically, mentally, or both. It may refer to preserving one's physical beauty, staying healthy, or keeping a youthful mindset. It can be used in various contexts, including advice, motivation, and more, and the interpretation in English can slightly change based on the specific context.

Example sentences with  conservarse joven
conservarse mal
To keep it wrong

The Spanish term 'conservarse mal' translates to 'keep it wrong' in English. However, its usage is typically in a context where something has not been preserved or maintained well, rather than intentionally doing something wrong. In functional terms, it may refer to an object or perhaps to tangible things like food that hasn't been stored properly. It is generally used to indicate the deterioration or degradation of things due to poor preservation methods.

Example sentences with  conservarse mal

The Spanish word 'conservatorio' translates to 'conservatory' in English. A conservatory can refer to a few things, but it is commonly known as a room with a glass roof and walls, attached to a house and used as a sunroom, or a green house. In a different context, particularly in the arts, a conservatory refers to an institution for the instruction, study and performance of music, dance and other forms of arts.


In Spanish, 'considerar' has a similar usage to the English word 'consider.' It is used to express the action of thinking about something carefully. For example, if someone is taking into account various aspects before making a final decision, they would 'considerar' those aspects. It's commonly used in many contexts and sentences, such as 'Deberías considerar mudarte a una casa más grande', which translates to 'You should consider moving to a bigger house'.

Example sentences with  considerar
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