Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.


The Spanish word 'conferenciante' translates to 'lecturer' in English. A 'conferenciante' can be a person who is employed at an academic institution and gives lectures on a certain subject, but it can also refer to anyone who gives a talk or speech to an audience. This term is commonly used in academic and professional contexts where information or research findings are being presented to others.


The Spanish word 'confesar' translates to 'confess' in English. It is a verb used in situations where one needs to admit something that they have done or feel, often something wrong or embarrassing that they have been hiding. It is frequently used in legal and religious contexts, but is also common in everyday conversation. The conjugation of 'confesar' changes according to the subject and tense like many other regular Spanish verbs.


The Spanish word 'confesionario' translates to 'confessional' in English. It is a noun and refers to a small, enclosed booth used for the Sacrament of Penance in the Roman Catholic Church. The confessional is where faithful individuals confess their sins to a priest and seek absolution. The term can also metaphorically refer to any situation where a confession or the disclosure of sins, misdeeds or embarrassing information is made.

Example sentences with  confesionario

The Spanish word 'confeti' is used in the same context as the English word 'confetti'. It is small pieces or streamers of paper, mylar, or metallic material which are usually thrown at parades and celebrations, especially weddings. It is borrowed directly from Italian.

Example sentences with  confeti

The Spanish word 'confianza' translates to 'confidence' in English. It refers to the feeling or belief that one can have faith in or rely on someone or something. It is often used in both social and professional contexts. It can also denote a certain level of comfort and trust in personal relationships, and may be used to express the sense of security one feels when one is able to trust in another's abilities, or in one's own.

Example sentences with  confianza

The Spanish verb 'configurar' translates to 'configure' in English. It is often used in the context of setting up or arranging different components of something, like a computer system or a network for example, to function in a particular way. In Spanish, 'configurar' can apply to a wide range of situations, from computers and technology to settings or arrangements of any kind. It can also imply making adjustments, changes, or modifications in how a system operates.

Example sentences with  configurar
confirmar un rumor
confirm a rumor

The Spanish phrase 'confirmar un rumor' translates to 'confirm a rumor' in English. It imparts the action of substantiating or verifying a gossip or unproven claim that has been circulating. It can be used in various contexts where information needs to be validated or refuted. For instance, you may use this phrase when you're talking about solidifying the truth behind a hearsay in a social, professional or journalistic setting.

confirmar una hipótesis
confirm a hypothesis

The Spanish phrase 'confirmar una hipótesis' translates to 'confirm a hypothesis' in English. It pertains to the process of substantiating or establishing the truthfulness of a prospective explanation or predicted outcome based on scientific or investigative methods. The usage of this phrase is commonly in academic, scientific, or technical contexts.

Example sentences with  confirmar una hipótesis
confirmar una información
confirm information

The Spanish phrase 'confirmar una información' translates to 'confirm information' in English. In a practical context, it's used when you want to ensure the validity or accuracy of a particular piece of information.

conflicto (bélico)
conflict (war)

The term 'conflicto (bélico)' in Spanish translates to 'conflict (war)' in English. It references a state of open, often prolonged, fighting between nations, states, or parties, famously known as war situations, in an effort to resolve differences or confront issues. The concept isusually associated with political disagreements, territorial disputes, economic competition or social discord.

Example sentences with  conflicto (bélico)

The Spanish term 'confrontación' translates to 'confrontation' in English. 'Confrontation' refers to a situation where there is a direct conflict, opposition, or disagreement between two parties. This could be a verbal disagreement, a physical fight, or a conflict of ideas. It's often used in contexts where tensions are high and can be between individuals or groups.

Example sentences with  confrontación

The word 'congelador' in Spanish translates to 'freezer' in English. A freezer is a cold storage unit, typically a compartment of a refrigerator, in which food can be frozen and stored for long periods. The act of freezing slows down the reproduction of microorganisms, thus, preserving the food. In Spanish, both the verb 'congelar' and the noun 'congelador' originate from the Latin word 'congelare' which means to freeze. Therefore, 'congelador' is the Spanish equivalent of the English word 'freezer'.

congelar el sueldo
freeze the salary

The Spanish phrase 'congelar el sueldo' directly translates to 'freeze the salary' in English. This means that the salary is not subjected to any increases for a specific period of time. It's a phrase commonly used in business or employment contexts and might refer to a company decision during economically challenging periods, aiming to control costs while maintaining current staff. It’s important to note that this is usually an exceptional measure, not a standard practice.


The Spanish verb 'congelar(se)' translates to 'freeze' in English. This verb can be used in different contexts such as when the water freezes ('el agua se congela'), where it represents a physical change from liquid to solid due to low temperatures. It may also be used to describe a sudden stop in movement or activity, similar to the English phrase 'freeze in place'. The term 'congela' is the third person singular present of 'congelar'. Additionally, the addition of 'se' to create 'congelarse' changes the meaning to be reflexive, indicating that the subject is doing the action to itself, for instance, 'me congelo' means 'I freeze'.

Example sentences with  congelar(se)

The Spanish word 'congreso' is used in a very similar way to the English word 'congress'. It primarily refers to the official meeting of the delegates or representatives of an organization, business, community or political party. It can also refer to the national legislative body of a country, much like it does in the United States. For example, the phrase 'El congreso está en sesión' means 'The congress is in session'.

Example sentences with  congreso
conjunto arquitectónico
architectural complex

The term 'conjunto arquitectónico' in Spanish translates to 'architectural complex' in English. An architectural complex is a group of interconnected or related structures or buildings. This can include an ensemble of buildings that together make up a single project, compound, or campus. The term 'conjunto arquitectónico' is used in fields like architecture, urban planning, and archeology to describe a collection of buildings or structures that share a common function or style, or that have been designed or constructed as a single entity.

Example sentences with  conjunto arquitectónico
conjunto escultórico
sculptural set

The Spanish term 'conjunto escultórico' translates to 'sculptural set' in English. It usually refers to a group of sculptures that are part of a single piece of art or exhibit. These sculptures often share a common theme or style and are typically displayed together to create a unified aesthetic or narrative. The sculptures within a 'conjunto escultórico' can vary significantly in size, shape, and materials used, depending on the artist's vision

Example sentences with  conjunto escultórico
conjunto monumental
monumental complex

The term 'conjunto monumental' in Spanish translates to 'monumental complex' in English. A monumental complex is a large, important structure or group of structures that are preserved due to their significant historical, architectural, or cultural value. It could refer to buildings, parks, or other types of structures that are often tourist attractions and are usually protected by laws for their conservation and maintenance. The phrase 'conjunto monumental' acknowledges not just the physical presence of these structures, but also their significant role in human history and society.

Example sentences with  conjunto monumental
conjunto pictórico
pictorial group

The term 'conjunto pictórico' in Spanish translates to 'pictorial group' in English. This phrase can refer to a group of artists who share a similar style or body of work. It can also describe a collection or series of paintings or other graphical arts that are connected by a common theme, subject, or style. This term is often used in the world of art and art history.

Example sentences with  conjunto pictórico

The word 'conmemoración' in Spanish translates to 'commemoration' in English. It is a noun, derived from the Latin word 'conmemoratio'. This word is used to refer to the action, ceremony, or fact of commemorating a significant event, person, or past situation. It often implies respect and honor towards what is being commemorated. An example of its usage could be a 'conmemoración de la independencia', which would translate to 'commemoration of independence' in English.

conmemorar un aniversario
commemorate an anniversary

The Spanish phrase 'conmemorar un aniversario' translates to 'commemorate an anniversary' in English. This phrase could be used in situations where there is a need to honor or celebrate a significant event or person's memory that occurred on the same date in a previous year, such as a historical event, a company's founding, a wedding, or the death of a notable individual. The word 'conmemorar' specifically implies a respectful remembrance and honoring of the event or person associated with the anniversary.

conmemorar una fecha
commemorate a date

The Spanish phrase 'conmemorar una fecha' translates to 'commemorate a date' in English. It signifies marking a specific date with a special event or activity in remembrance of a significant occurrence or person. This term is commonly used in historical and cultural contexts, as well as in personal situations like anniversaries or birthdays.

to know

The Spanish word 'conocer' translates to 'get to know' in English. It is often used when referring to meeting someone for the first time or learning about something. For example, 'quiero conocer a tus amigos' means 'I want to get to know your friends'. It can also be used in terms of gaining knowledge or familiarity with a subject, place, or thing, such as 'conocer la ciudad' - 'get to know the city'.

Example sentences with  conocer
conocer un dato
know a fact

The Spanish phrase 'conocer un dato' translates to 'know a fact' in English. It is used when a person has knowledge or awareness of a piece of information or detail. It refers to being aware of a certain truth or familiarity with a specific piece of information.

conocer un rumor
know a rumor

The Spanish phrase 'conocer un rumor' translates to 'know a rumor' in English. This phrase is commonly used in the context where someone has received information about something unconfirmed or hearsay. In Spanish and English language both, it retains the same figurative meaning wherein a piece of information or knowledge is said to be known by an individual but the authenticity of that information might not be verified or corroborated, hence the use of the word 'rumor'.

conocer(se) bien
know well

The Spanish phrase 'conocer(se) bien' is translated into English as 'to know well'. This term is utilized predominantly when discussing a deep understanding or awareness of something or someone. When reflexive 'conocerse', it hints at a thorough self-knowledge, self-awareness, or personal familiarity. You can use it to depict knowing a person thoroughly, comprehending a topic in great detail, or being intensely familiar with a place.

conocer(se) por casualidad
meet by chance

The Spanish phrase 'conocer(se) por casualidad' translates to 'meet by chance' in English. This verb phrase is used when two or more people unexpectedly come across each other, usually in a public place. The 'se' in brackets indicates that the verb 'conocer' can be used reflexively in this context, meaning the action is done to oneself or each other.


The Spanish word for 'knowledge' is 'conocimiento'. It is a noun and is used in the context of having information, understanding, or skill that comes from experience or education. It can also refer to what is known about a particular topic or subject. Like in English, it is commonly used in both formal and informal settings.

Example sentences with  conocimiento
conocimiento adquirido
knowledge acquired

The Spanish phrase 'conocimiento adquirido' translates to 'acquired knowledge' in English. This can refer to information, skills, or understanding that someone has gained through learning or experience. The word 'conocimiento' means knowledge and 'adquirido' means acquired. The verb 'adquirir' is often used to speak about obtaining or gaining something, in this case knowledge.

conocimiento formal
formal knowledge

The Spanish term 'conocimiento formal' translates to 'formal knowledge' in English. It refers to the structured and systematized knowledge one gains through formal education and academic institutions. It is often contrasted with 'informal knowledge', which is acquired through daily life experiences and non-formal education. Examples of formal knowledge include mathematical concepts, scientific theories, historical facts, etc. Learning and applying formal knowledge is an integral part of various professions and fields of study.

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