Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.


The Spanish word 'concepto' translates to 'concept' in English. It is a noun and it is used to refer to an abstract idea or a mental construct derived from thinking, understanding, or imagining. It can be used in various contexts in daily communications. An example of its usage could be: 'He explicado el concepto a ellos' which means 'I have explained the concept to them'.

Example sentences with  concepto
conciencia social
social awareness

The term 'conciencia social' in Spanish translates to 'social awareness' in English. It refers to an individual's or a group's cognizance, understanding, and recognition of social issues and factors. The term signifies the capacity to understand the social dynamics and complexities that influence communities, societies, and the world at large. It includes knowing about important themes like social justice, human rights, diversity, inclusion, environmental sustainability, etc. Understanding 'conciencia social' or 'social awareness' enables one to act and respond in ways that contribute to more equitable and sustainable communities.

Example sentences with  conciencia social

A Concierto or Concert is a performance given by a musician or group of musicians before a live audience.

Example sentences with  concierto
concierto de música clásica
classical music concert

The word 'concierto de música clásica' in Spanish refers to a live performance event where orchestras, choirs, or solo instrumentalists perform pieces of music from the classical genre. This can cover a large time span, from compositions made in the 11th century to modern stylized pieces. The atmosphere of such an event is usually formal and it provides an experience of melody, harmony and rhythm structured in a particular form. 'Clásica' specifies the type of music played at the 'concierto', denoting it's a classic or traditional kind.

concierto de rock
Rock concert

The phrase 'concierto de rock' in Spanish translates to 'rock concert' in English. A rock concert is a musical performance in the genre of rock music, typically involving one or multiple bands or artists performing on a stage to an audience. Rock concerts can vary in size ranging from smaller venues, like clubs and pubs, to large scale arenas and stadiums.


The Spanish word 'concurso' translates to 'contest' in English. It is often used to refer to a competition where an individual or a team competes against others to win something. This can apply to many contexts, including sports, academics, arts, and more. An example of this in a sentence might be, 'El concurso de cocina será la próxima semana', which translates as, 'The cooking contest will be next week'.

concurso literario
literary contest

The term 'concurso literario' in Spanish translates to 'literary contest' in English. A literary contest is a competitive event where participants are welcome to submit their own written works such as poetry, stories, or essays to be judged against others' written works in the same event. Winners of these contests could earn recognition, prizes, or publication opportunities.

Example sentences with  concurso literario

The Spanish word 'condado' translates to 'county' in English. It refers to a territorial division of a country, defined for political, administrative and geographical purposes. Depending on the context, it can also refer to a domain associated with a count (a noble rank in certain European countries). It can be used in a sentence to denote the geographical or administrative area, for example 'El condado de Los Angeles es muy grande'.

Example sentences with  condado

The Spanish term 'condena' translates to 'conviction' in English. It denotes a legal term for the verdict that comes from a judge or jury in a courtroom setting, concluding that the defendant is guilty of a crime. The same word, 'condena', could also imply a very strong disapproval or disagreement. Contextual usage of the word can influence its interpretation substantially.

Example sentences with  condena
condenar a [cardinal] años de cárcel
condemn [cardinal] years of imprisonment

The Spanish phrase 'condenar a [cardinal] años de cárcel' translates to 'condemn [cardinal] years of imprisonment' in English. This phrase is used in the judicial system, often in the sentencing phase of a trial. In Spanish, 'condenar' is the act of sentencing or condemning someone, '[cardinal]' is a placeholder for the numerical value of years, 'años' means years and 'de cárcel' refers to of prison or imprisonment. Therefore, the phrase refers to the legal act of sentencing a person to a specific number of years in prison.

Example sentences with  condenar a [cardinal] años de cárcel
condenar a pena de muerte
sentence to death penalty

The Spanish phrase 'condenar a pena de muerte', when translated to English, means 'sentence to death penalty'. It is often used in legal contexts, referring to the actual process of sentencing someone to death as a form of maximum punishment allowed in a judicial system for serious crimes. Please note that this phrase may bear heavy implications and is not commonly used in casual, everyday conversations.

Example sentences with  condenar a pena de muerte

The Spanish word 'condenarse' translates to 'condemnation' in English. It is derived from the verb 'condenar' which means 'to condemn'. This can be used in various contexts like legal, religious, or social, when someone is strongly disapproved or criticized. For instance, in a legal context, it may refer to a severe penal sentence. In a religious context, it might refer to divine punishment. However, usage will often vary based on context.

Example sentences with  condenarse
condiciones de financiación
conditions of funding

The Spanish phrase 'condiciones de financiación' translates to 'conditions of funding' in English. It refers to the specific terms or conditions established by a lending party (like a bank or financial institution) that a borrower must agree to and uphold in order to receive funds. These conditions might cover items like the loan's interest rate, repayment schedule, collateral requirements, and more.

Example sentences with  condiciones de financiación
condiciones de pago
conditions of payment

'Condiciones de pago' is a Spanish term used in business or financial contexts. It means 'conditions of payment' in English. This refers to the specific terms, conditions, or practices agreed upon between a seller and a buyer regarding payment for goods or services. Generally, these terms include the time allowed for payment, any cash discount, and the type of payment system required.

Example sentences with  condiciones de pago

The Spanish word 'condimentar' translates to 'seasoning' in English. This means to add salt, herbs, pepper, or other spices to food to enhance its flavor. The term can be applied to every type of food preparation, ranging from meats to vegetables, and everything in-between.


The Spanish word for 'drive' is 'conducir'. It is used in similar ways to the English verb 'drive'. It can refer to operating a vehicle, like 'conducir un coche' means 'drive a car'. However, it does not have the metaphorical meanings that 'drive' does in English, like determination or motivation.

Example sentences with  conducir
conducir con cuidado
driving carefully

The Spanish phrase 'conducir con cuidado' translates to 'driving carefully' in English. It's a phrase often used in traffic reminders or signs to ensure safety on the road. The word 'conducir' means to drive, and 'con cuidado' means with care or carefully. Therefore, when combined, 'conducir con cuidado' cautions all to drive with care or attentiveness in order to avoid accidents or any harmful situations on the roads.

Example sentences with  conducir con cuidado
conducir con precaución
driving with caution

The phrase 'conducir con precaución' is Spanish, it translates into English as 'drive with caution'. Often seen on signs in Spanish-speaking areas, this phrase encourages drivers to proceed carefully to ensure safety on the road. The idea of 'conducción con precaución' becomes especially important in hazardous conditions, such as during heavy rain, in foggy conditions, or when road works are happening. Overall, it's a reminder to drivers to be aware of their surroundings, consider the conditions they're driving in, and make safe decisions accordingly.

Example sentences with  conducir con precaución
conducir marcha atrás
drive backwards

The Spanish phrase 'conducir marcha atrás' translates to 'drive backwards' in English. It is commonly used in the context of operating a vehicle. The verb 'conducir' means 'to drive', while 'marcha atrás' refers to the action of moving in a reverse direction. Thus, when combined, it indicates the action of maneuvering a vehicle in a direction opposite to its front.

Example sentences with  conducir marcha atrás
conducir sin prestar atención
driving without attention

The Spanish phrase 'conducir sin prestar atención' translates to 'driving without attention' in English. This phrase can be used to describe a situation where a driver is not focusing on their task, perhaps distracted by their phone, a conversation, or their thoughts. This can lead to dangerous situations on the road as the driver may not be fully aware of their surroundings or able react quickly to unexpected events.

Example sentences with  conducir sin prestar atención
conducta discriminatorio
discriminatory conduct

The Spanish phrase 'conducta discriminatorio' translates to 'discriminatory conduct' in English. This concerns behaviours or actions that treat people unfairly based on their belonging to a particular group. Such actions may be based on race, age, sex, religion, disability, etc., which unfairly disadvantage people from certain groups while advantaging others. This terminology commonly appears in legal, societal or organisational settings where equality and fairness are of utmost importance.

Example sentences with  conducta discriminatorio
conducta prudente
prudent conduct

The Spanish term 'conducta prudente' translates to 'prudent conduct' in English. It refers to the manner of conducting oneself in a sensible way by not taking unnecessary risks and making careful decisions. Its usage is often in the context of outlining the behavior expected from an individual, particularly in professional or legal scenarios. The behavior or conduct is considered 'prudent' when it demonstrates careful and sensible management of resources or handling of situations.

Example sentences with  conducta prudente

The Spanish word 'conductor' translates to 'driver' in English. It is used to refer to someone who operates and controls a vehicle such as a car, bus, or train. It holds the same connotations of responsibility and control as it does in English. In Spanish, it can also specifically refer to someone who conducts an orchestra or the person leading a choir.

Example sentences with  conductor
conectar con alguien
connect with someone

The phrase 'conectar con alguien' in Spanish is used in a context where you need to establish a link or form a relationship with someone. It is similar to the English term 'connect with someone'. This could indicate either a literal connection, such as through digital communication, or a symbolic connection, like forging a bond on a personal level with another individual.

conectar un electrodoméstico
connect an appliance

The Spanish phrase 'conectar un electrodoméstico' translates to 'connect an appliance' in English. This could involve plugging in an electrical item such as a fridge, stove, or other household appliance to a power source. It is often used in the setting of managing domestic chores or electrical installations. Hence, if you are asking someone to 'conectar un electrodoméstico', you are asking them to connect an appliance.

conectarse a Internet
connect to the Internet

The Spanish term 'conectarse a Internet' translates in English to 'connect to the Internet'. This phrase often used in the context of connecting a digital device, like a computer or a smartphone, to the Internet so that one can access online services. This online connection is typically facilitated through an Internet Service Provider (ISP), and can be either wired or wireless. The phrase can be used in different tenses based on the context, such as 'conectándose a Internet' (connecting to the Internet) or 'conectado a Internet' (connected to the Internet).


Rabbits are small mammals in the family Leporidae of the order Lagomorpha (along with the hare and the pika). Rabbits habitat includes meadows, woods, forests, grasslands, deserts and wetlands.

Example sentences with  conejo
conexión de teléfono
telephone connection

The Spanish phrase 'conexión de teléfono' translates to 'telephone connection' in English. It can be used in various contexts where there is a need to refer to the establishment of a link or network for communication through a telephone. This can apply to both landlines and mobile systems. Once a 'conexión de teléfono' is established, it allows for the flow and exchange of information between individuals, businesses, devices, or systems.

conexión telefónica
Telephone connection

The Spanish term 'conexión telefónica' translates to 'telephone connection' in English. A telephone connection refers to the service provided by a telecommunications company that allows one telephone to communicate with another anywhere in the world. This may include both landline and wireless connections. The term could also refer to a physical cable connection of a landline telephone.


The word 'conferencia' in Spanish translates to 'conference' in English. It is a noun used to describe a formal meeting where people gather to discuss or exchange ideas or information, often involving experts in a specific field. 'Conferencia' can be used in various contexts such as academic, business, or other professional environments.

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