Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

comunicación radiofónica
radio communication

The Spanish term 'comunicación radiofónica' translates to 'radio communication' in English. This phrase refers to the transmission of information, such as sounds or digital data, by electromagnetic waves from a transmitter to a receiver. These waves are often carried over radio frequencies, hence the name. It is a common method used in various applications, including broadcasting, cell phone service, Wi-Fi connectivity, satellite links, and more.


The Spanish word 'comunicado' translates to 'communiqué' in English. A communiqué is an official announcement or statement, especially one made to the media. This term is primarily used in international or diplomatic contexts. It bears the sense of formal and significant information sharing, often by a government official or formal entity.


The Spanish word 'comunicar' translates to 'communicate' in English. It is a verb used to describe the action of exchanging information between individuals through speaking, writing or using some other medium. It involves conveying or sharing information, ideas, or feelings. The Spanish word comes from the Latin 'communicare', which means to share. It is a vital part of everyday life, as it is through communication that we express ourselves, understand others and maintain relationships.

comunicarse con alguien por carta
contact someone by letter

The Spanish phrase 'comunicarse con alguien por carta' translates to 'contact someone by letter' in English. It refers to the act of sending someone a written message or information on physical paper, most often using the postal service. This phrase reflects a form of communication that, while less common today due to technology, is still recognized and valued for its personal and thoughtful nature.

comunicarse con alguien por correo
communicate with someone by mail

The Spanish phrase 'comunicarse con alguien por correo' means 'communicate with someone by mail' in English. This phrase is often used in formal or business settings to denote correspondence via traditional mail or electronic mail (email). A derivative of this phrase is 'comunicarse por correo electrónico' which specifically refers to communication via email.

comunicarse con alguien por correo (electrónico)
communicate with someone by mail (electronic)

The Spanish phrase 'comunicarse con alguien por correo (electrónico)' translates to 'communicate with someone by mail (electronic)' in English. This implies getting in touch with someone through either traditional mail or electronic means such as email. It's a common Spanish phrase used in both professional and casual contexts to describe the act of sending and receiving information or messages.

comunicarse con alguien por teléfono
contact someone on the phone

The Spanish phrase 'comunicarse con alguien por teléfono' translates to 'contact someone on the phone' in English. It is a common phrase used when someone wants to initiate a phone call or is suggesting to call another person. The verb 'comunicarse' can be taken to mean 'to communicate', 'con alguien' means 'with someone', and 'por teléfono' means 'on the phone'. Hence, when you put together 'comunicarse con alguien por teléfono', it can be literally translated as 'to communicate with someone on the phone'.

comunicarse oralmente
orally communicate

The Spanish phrase 'comunicarse oralmente' is translated to English as 'to communicate orally'. This phrase is a verb that describes the action of conveying thoughts, ideas, or information by speaking, rather than through written or nonverbal communication. The term encapsulates situations like face-to-face conversations, speeches, phone calls, or any other spoken dialogues.

comunicarse personalmente
to communicate personally

The Spanish phrase 'comunicarse personalmente' translates to 'to communicate personally' in English. This phrase can be used in scenarios where individuals need to express the need for a direct or personal conversation, interaction or connection with another person. It is used in formal or professional situations, like in an office setup where virtual or electronic communication is common, but a direct dialogue is required for a particular reason. It can also be applied in personal or informal circumstances such as friends wanting to speak directly to each other instead of chatting digitally.

comunicarse por escrito
to communicate in writing

The Spanish phrase 'comunicarse por escrito' translates into English as 'to communicate in writing'. This term indicates expressing or sharing information, thoughts, or feelings through written correspondence, such as letters, emails, instant messages, or other written forms. It is often used in professional, academic, or personal contexts where verbal communication is not effective or possible.

comunicarse por videoconferencia
communicate by videoconference

The phrase 'comunicarse por videoconferencia' in Spanish translates to 'communicate by videoconference' in English. This term is commonly used in professional settings, particularly in the context of remote or virtual meetings. It refers to interacting with others utilizing video technology, allowing participants in different physical locations to see and hear each other in real time, effectively simulating a face-to-face meeting or conversation.


The word 'comunidad' in Spanish is used to refer to a group of people who live in the same place or have a common interest or purpose. It is similar to the English term 'community'. 'Comunidad' can also refer to a geographical or political entity.

Example sentences with  comunidad
comunidad (de vecinos)
community (neighbours)

The Spanish term 'comunidad (de vecinos)' translates to 'community (neighbours)' in English. This refers to a group or association of people living in a particular area, usually in close proximity like in an apartment building or neighborhood. The term stresses not just the physical location of the members, but also the shared values, interactions, and common responsibilities. It can also imply a certain level of familiarity or close-knit quality about the group.

comunidad autónoma
Autonomous Community

The Spanish phrase 'comunidad autónoma' translates to 'autonomous community' in English. It is an administrative division in Spain, similar to a state in the United States, with its own regional government. Each 'comunidad autónoma' has its own constitution, known as a 'Statute of Autonomy', and has powers over certain areas such as education, health, and culture. There are 17 'comunidades autónomas' in Spain, each with its own distinct history, culture, and sometimes, its own official language in addition to Spanish.

Example sentences with  comunidad autónoma

The term 'comunión' in Spanish translates to 'communion' in English. It is a religious term often used in Christian churches to reference the Eucharist, which is a Christian sacrament or ordinance. It is derived from the Latin word 'communio', which signifies a sharing or common participation. The word can also be used more generally to refer to a sense of shared understanding and fellowship.

Example sentences with  comunión

The Spanish word 'comunión' translates to 'communion' in English. It's a significant term in the Christian religion referring to the sacrament in which believers eat bread and drink wine to commemorate the Last Supper of Jesus. The word also symbolizes the sharing or exchanging of intimate thoughts and feelings, especially when the exchange is on a mental or spiritual level.


Comunismo, translated into English as 'communism', is a system of social organization in which all property is owned by the community and each person contributes and receives according to their ability and needs. This term is also related to the political ideologies that advocate such a system, particularly Marxism-Leninism, and the parties and states that aim to establish, or historically have established, this system.

Example sentences with  comunismo

The Spanish word 'comunista' translates to 'communist' in English. A communist is a person who supports or believes in the principles of communism. Communism is a socioeconomic system where all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs. The term 'comunista' is used in many of the same contexts in Spanish that 'communist' would be used in English.

Example sentences with  comunista

The Spanish word 'comunitario' translates to 'community' in English. It refers to a group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in common. It can also pertain to a feeling of fellowship with others as a result of sharing common attitudes, interests, and goals. Lastly, 'comunitario' can describe something that is shared by all members of a community.

Example sentences with  comunitario

In Spanish, 'con' is used to indicate accompaniment, inclusion or possession. It is similar to the English preposition 'with'. For example, in the sentence 'Estoy con mi amigo' means 'I am with my friend'.

Example sentences with  con
con IVA
Value-Added Tax (VAT) included

The Spanish term 'con IVA' translates to 'with Value-Added Tax (VAT) included' in English. This indicates that the VAT, a type of consumption tax placed on a product whenever value is added at each stage of the supply chain, is included in the listed price. It's a commonly used term in Spanish-speaking countries in contexts related to pricing of goods and services.

Example sentences with  con IVA
conceder el divorcio
grant divorce

The term 'conceder el divorcio' in Spanish translates to 'grant divorce' in English. This is often used in the context of legal processes where one party is given or permitted a divorce from the other by an entity that holds decision-making authority, such as a judge or a court. Therefore, the phrase implies that the process or request for a separation of a marital union has been approved.

conceder un préstamo
grant a loan

The Spanish phrase 'conceder un préstamo' translates to 'grant a loan' in English. It is often used in financial contexts where a bank or a lending institution provides funds to a borrower, with the expectation that the funds will be paid back at a later date, usually with interest. This phrase is typically used in business conversations or formal documentation regarding financial transactions.

conceder un proyecto
grant a project

The Spanish phrase 'conceder un proyecto' translates to 'grant a project' in English. This is used typically in the context of funding or giving permission to pursue a specific plan, idea, or task. The grantor (the one who 'concedes' or grants) can be an individual, a company, or even a governing body, and the 'project' can refer to anything from scientific research to an artistic endeavor. This phrase often implies that the project had to undergo some type of review or approval process before being granted by the relevant authority.

conceder una ampliación de hipoteca
grant an extension of mortgage

The Spanish phrase 'conceder una ampliación de hipoteca' translates to 'grant an extension of mortgage' in English. It refers to the process where a creditor, such as a bank or financial institution, allows a borrower to extend the repayment period of a mortgage loan. This typically involves adjusting the original terms and conditions of the mortgage to accommodate this extension, which can help the borrower manage their financial commitments more effectively.

conceder una beca

The Spanish phrase 'conceder una beca' translates to 'grant a scholarship' in English. It is most often used in educational contexts where financial assistance is provided to students. Such assistance is given based on various criteria and it grants students with a reduction or total cover of their education-related expenses. In a broad context, 'conceder' means to 'grant' while 'una beca' translates to 'a scholarship'.

conceder una cancelación de hipoteca
grant a mortgage cancellation

The Spanish phrase 'conceder una cancelación de hipoteca' translates to 'grant a mortgage cancellation' in English. This phrase is commonly used in legal and financial contexts, specifically concerning real estate transactions. When a homeowner has finished paying off their mortgage, the lending institution may 'conceder una cancelación de hipoteca', meaning they grant the cancellation of the mortgage. This action signals the end of the homeowner's debt obligation and transfers full ownership rights of the property to them.

conceder una exclusiva
grant an exclusive

The Spanish phrase 'conceder una exclusiva' translates to 'grant an exclusive' in English. This term is mainly used in the fields of law and business, where it refers to a situation where someone grants the sole right to do, produce, sell or use a product, service or concept to another party exclusively. The one who grants it has the authority or right to control who gets the access, and to what extent. Just like in English, this term can be used in various contexts in Spanish. However, it's often associated with practices such as exclusive dealing or sole source contracts.

conceder una hipoteca
grant a mortgage

The Spanish phrase 'conceder una hipoteca' translates to 'grant a mortgage' in English. This phrase is commonly used in legal and banking contexts, where it refers to the process of giving an individual permission to borrow a certain amount of money which is secured against property. This is done with specified terms and conditions outlined in a contract, which may include the repayment schedule, interest rates, and potential consequences if the borrower fails to meet their obligations.


The Spanish word 'concejal' translates to 'councillor' in English. A 'concejal' is a member of a local government council, typically elected by the public. Duties of a 'concejal' might involve, but are not limited to, making decisions about local issues like public services, creating policies, and managing budgets. It's an important role in the management of cities and towns.

Example sentences with  concejal
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