Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

comprar un billete de ida
buy a one way ticket

The Spanish phrase 'comprar un billete de ida' translates to 'buy a one way ticket' in English. It's a commonly used phrase in travel and transportation, used to denote the purchase of a ticket for a journey in one direction only, without a return. It can be used in the context of buying a ticket for various modes of transportation like a bus, train, plane, etc.

Example sentences with  comprar un billete de ida
comprar un billete de ida y vuelta
buy a round trip ticket

The Spanish phrase 'comprar un billete de ida y vuelta' is translated into English as 'buy a round trip ticket'. In this phrase, 'comprar' means 'to buy', 'un billete' means 'a ticket', 'de ida y vuelta' means 'round trip'. This is a common phrase used when planning travel, specifically when arranging transportation that will return to the original starting point.

Example sentences with  comprar un billete de ida y vuelta
comprar un piso
buy a flat

The Spanish phrase 'comprar un piso' directly translates to 'buy a flat' in English. This is commonly used in contexts such as real estate and living arrangements. Much like in English, it could be used to express the action of purchasing a flat or apartment for residential purposes. This concept can be used in a variety of sentences, making it an important phrase to remember.

comprar un producto
purchase a product

The Spanish phrase 'comprar un producto' directly translates to 'purchase a product' in English. This phrase can be used in a variety of contexts especially in business or shopping scenarios, indicating the act of buying or obtaining a good or service in exchange for money or some other agreed upon value.

comprar una entrada (por teléfono
buy a ticket (on the phone

The Spanish phrase 'comprar una entrada (por teléfono)' translates to 'buy a ticket (on the phone)' in English. This is usually used when someone purchases a ticket for an event or travel over a phone call. The verb 'comprar' means 'to buy', 'una entrada' is 'a ticket', and 'por teléfono' translates to 'on the phone'. This phrase is typically used in formal and informal conversations, and it's a common way to buy tickets in many Spanish-speaking regions.

comprar una entrada por Internet
purchase an online ticket

The Spanish phrase 'comprar una entrada por Internet' translates to 'purchase an internet ticket' in English. It is a common phrase used when talking about purchasing tickets for events, such as concerts or movie screenings, through an online platform or website. It encompasses the act of making a digital transaction to secure a spot or an entry for an event or occasion. The phrase is made up of 'comprar' which means 'to buy', 'una entrada' which means 'a ticket', and 'por Internet' which means 'through the Internet'.

comprar una participación de lotería
buy a lottery share

The Spanish phrase 'comprar una participación de lotería' translates to 'buy a lottery share' in English. This phrase is often used in a context where an individual or a group of individuals participate in a lottery game by purchasing a share or ticket. The hope of such purchase being that the ticket or share bought will eventually turn out to be the winning entry.

to understand

Comprender means to grasp the nature, significance, or meaning of information. In the context of studying, it usually involves understanding a concept or a subject matter.

Example sentences with  comprender

'Comprensión' refers to the ability to understand something. In education, it suggests getting the sense of something, interpreting it accurately, and responding to it appropriately.

Example sentences with  comprensión

The Spanish word 'comprimido' translates to 'compressed' in English. This can refer to a reduction in size or volume through applied pressure, or in the case of computers, it can mean a reduction in file size for storage or transmitting data more efficiently. It can also refer to a compressed or condensed form of a substance, such as a tablet.

Example sentences with  comprimido
comprimir información
compress information

The Spanish term 'comprimir información' translates to 'compress information' in English. This usually refers to making data in a file take up less space, which can be important for storage or transferring information from one place to another. Compression techniques are commonly used in computer science and information technology, and they enable us to handle large quantities of data more efficiently.

Example sentences with  comprimir información

The Spanish word 'comprobar' is used similarly to how we use 'check' in English. It can mean to verify the truth or accuracy of something, to inspect or take a look at something, or to confirm something. For example, 'Voy a comprobar si el coche está listo' translates to 'I am going to check if the car is ready'. Just like 'check', 'comprobar' is a versatile word with many uses.

Example sentences with  comprobar
comprobar científicamente
scientifically check

The Spanish term 'comprobar científicamente' translates to 'scientifically check' in English. This phrase is often used in academic, scientific, or research contexts where there's a need to verify or confirm findings or results through science-based or data-driven methods. It involves rigorous testing and analysis using scientific principles to ensure that the results are accurate, reliable, and credible.

Example sentences with  comprobar científicamente
comprobar empíricamente
check empirically

The Spanish phrase 'comprobar empíricamente' translates to 'check empirically' in English. The term is often used in scientific or testing contexts, where it refers to the process of using observed or measured data (rather than theory or pure logic) to check or test an idea, hypothesis, or phenomenon. Thus, the term is a staple in residual and natural sciences, as well as any other field that values empirical evidence.

Example sentences with  comprobar empíricamente
comprobar las luces
check the lights

The Spanish phrase 'comprobar las luces' translates to 'check the lights' in English. It is an imperative expression typically used to request or instruct someone to confirm that the lights (in a room, car, or any setting) are functioning properly.

Example sentences with  comprobar las luces
comprobar los frenos
check brakes

The Spanish phrase 'comprobar los frenos' translates to 'check the brakes' in English. It is generally used in the context of verifying the functionality or condition of the brakes of a vehicle. It encourages the importance of regular vehicle maintenance and safety checks as part of responsible vehicle ownership.

Example sentences with  comprobar los frenos
comprobar un cálculo
check a calculation

The phrase 'comprobar un cálculo' in Spanish translates to 'check a calculation' in English. This could be used in situations such as in mathematics or finance where you need to verify the correctness of a calculation. This phrase is composed of the verb 'comprobar' which means 'to check' and 'un cálculo' which means 'a calculation'. While this phrase holds a literal meaning, it is used in a myriad of contexts where something needs to be verified or proven.

Example sentences with  comprobar un cálculo
compromiso electoral
electoral commitment

The term 'compromiso electoral' in Spanish translates to 'electoral commitment' in English. It refers to the pledge or promise made by a political candidate or party to the electorate before the election. Such commitments often involve policies or actions that the candidate or party promises to implement if they are elected. Electoral commitments are essential as they provide information on what the political candidate or party intends to do, thus enabling voters to make an informed decision.

Example sentences with  compromiso electoral

An electronic device for storing and processing data, typically in binary form, according to instructions given to it in a variable program.

Example sentences with  computadora

The Spanish word 'comulgar' translates to 'to receive communion' in English. It is mostly used in a religious context, specifically in the Christian practice, where individuals partake in the Eucharist in remembrance of Christ's death and resurrection.

Example sentences with  comulgar

The Spanish word 'común' is used similarly to the English word 'common'. It is applied to describe something that is usual, typical, or can be seen or found often. It's a common adjective for items or characteristics that are not unique or special and can be seen in many places or situations. In some contexts, it also means something shared by all.

Example sentences with  común
comunicación a través del ordenador
communication through the computer

The Spanish phrase 'comunicación a través del ordenador' translates to 'communication through the computer' in English. This phrase can pertain to various modes of digital communication, such as emails, instant messaging, video conferencing or social networking. The phrase stresses the medium (the computer) rather than the kind of communication taking place.

comunicación audiovisual
Audiovisual communication

The term 'comunicación audiovisual' in Spanish refers to 'audiovisual communication' in English. This is a type of communication that incorporates both visual and auditory components. It's extensively used in varied fields like media, entertainment, education, and businesses. This form of communication uses different types of visual aids like images, videos, and animations along with sounds to disseminate information effectively.

comunicación continua
continuous communication

The Spanish term 'comunicación continua' translates into English as 'continuous communication'. This phrase is often used in various contexts such as business, technology, education, and personal relationships. It implies a unbroken exchange or transfer of information, ideas, thoughts, or messages between individuals, groups, or systems that is constant and consistent without any interruption or delay. Such communication approach can facilitate effective and efficient interactions, prevent misunderstandings or conflicts, and improve relationships or processes.

comunicación de última hora
last-minute communication

The Spanish term 'comunicación de última hora' translates to 'last-minute communication' in English. It refers to information or news that is conveyed just before a deadline or the occurrence of an anticipated event. This usually implies an urgency or immediacy and is often used in the context of journalism, broadcasting, and other forms of media. Its use can also be found in business meetings and events where important information is delivered close to the start of the function.

comunicación escrita
written submission

The term 'comunicación escrita' in Spanish translates to 'written communication' in English. It signifies a form of communication where the information is expressed in writing such as letters, emails, reports, memos, and other forms of written content. It is a vital element for effective communication in various aspects of life, including both personal and professional settings. 'Comunicación escrita' is an essential skill for conveying information accurately and clearly.

comunicación extraoficial
informal communication

The Spanish term 'comunicación extraoficial' translates to 'informal communication' in English. It refers to a casual and unofficial form of communication that takes place in an informal setting, such as conversation between friends or casual chatter in the workplace. This contrasts with 'comunicación oficial', which refers to the official, formal, and structured means of communication within an organization or between entities.

comunicación fiable
reliable communication

The Spanish term 'comunicación fiable' translates to 'reliable communication' in English. The phrase is composed of two words - 'comunicación', meaning 'communication', and 'fiable', meaning 'reliable'. It is used to describe a type of communication that is dependable, trustworthy, or reliable in nature. This entails that the information being communicated is accurate, complete, and understandable and can be depended upon for making decisions or taking actions. The term is often used in contexts like technology, business, and interpersonal relationships where the reliability of communication is of utmost importance.

comunicación fluida
fluid communication

The term 'comunicación fluida' in Spanish translates to 'fluid communication' in English. This phrase is used to describe a conversation or exchange of information that flows smoothly, naturally, and easily. It often implies a good understanding and efficient exchange between parties, with no or minimal interruption or misunderstanding.

comunicación oficial
official communication

The Spanish term 'comunicación oficial' translates to 'official communication' in English. This is usually used in formal settings where information is formally and legitimately delivered or exchanged. This could be in government or corporate environments where official news, rules, decisions, or notices are disseminated to the appropriate parties. This term emphasizes the legitimacy and importance of the conveyed information.

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