Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.


The word 'comparar' is used in Spanish almost identically to how 'compare' is used in English. It is most commonly used when examining the similarities or differences between two things. For example, you may comparar two books, two ideas, or two options to make a decision. It is also used in expressions like 'no hay comparación' (there's no comparison) to express that something is incomparably better.

Example sentences with  comparar
comparecer en un juicio
appearing in a trial

The Spanish phrase 'comparecer en un juicio' translates to 'appearing in a trial' in English. This phrase is typically used within legal contexts and refers to the act of being present or attending court for a legal proceeding. It includes not only the individual on trial, but also witnesses, lawyers, and other relevant parties. The phrase can have various connotations based on the specific context, ranging from mandatory court appearances ordered by a judge, to voluntary attendance for offering support or witnessing the proceedings.

Example sentences with  comparecer en un juicio

The Spanish word 'compartimento' translates to 'compartment' in English. A compartment denotes a separate section of a larger structure or object, often distinguished from other sections due to its specialized function. For instance, compartments in a train or an airplane, which are designated areas for passengers, or compartments in a bag, used for storing different categories of items. Hence, 'compartimento' carries the same connotations in a Spanish context.

Example sentences with  compartimento
compartir una participación de lotería
share a lottery share

The phrase 'compartir una participación de lotería' in Spanish translates to 'share a lottery share' in English. It commonly refers to the act of sharing a lottery ticket or part of the winnings from a lottery. This could be among friends, relatives, or co-workers, typically with the hope of increasing their chances of winning by collectively buying more tickets or shares.


The term 'compasión' in Spanish is used to denote a feeling of deep empathy and understanding for the suffering or misfortune of others. It is similar to the English word 'compassion', implying a strong emotion where one wishes to alleviate the pain or distress of another. It can be used in various contexts such as emotional, social, or humanitarian.

Example sentences with  compasión

Competition refers to the rivalry between companies selling similar products and services with the goal of achieving revenue, profit, and market share growth. This term is used often in business strategy discussions.

Example sentences with  competencia

The Spanish word 'competente' translates to 'competent' in English. The term 'competent' is often used to describe someone or something that has the necessary skills, knowledge, or ability to do something successfully or efficiently. In an office setting, for example, a person who is competent at their job can perform their responsibilities well. Similarly, a piece of software can be described as competent if it meets its intended function without error or failure.


The Spanish term 'complementos' can be directly translated to English as 'complements'. In both languages, these are things that complete or bring to perfection the main item. This term can be used in various contexts including grammar, where it describes words, phrases or clauses providing extra information in a sentence, and fashion, where it would refer to accessories that enhance an outfit.


The Spanish word 'completamente' directly translates to 'completely' in English. It is commonly used to denote entirety or fullness. For example, if you want to describe you are 'completely' sure about something, you could say 'Estoy completamente seguro'.

Example sentences with  completamente

The Spanish word 'completar' translates to 'complete' in English. It is often used in the context of finishing an action or fulfilling a requirement. It also corresponds to filling in or filling up something like a form or a container. So, 'completar' carries the sense of making something whole or fully formed in various contexts.

completar los estudios
complete the studies

The Spanish phrase 'completar los estudios' translates to 'complete the studies' in English. It is commonly used to indicate the action of finishing one's educational journey or degree. This may refer to any level of education, from elementary school to higher studies such as a bachelor's, master's, or doctorate degree. It signifies the successful conclusion of a set curriculum and achievement of the necessary qualifications in one's chosen field of study.


The Spanish word 'componer' translates to 'compose' in English. It can be used in various contexts such as composing a song, poem, or a letter. It's derived from the Latin 'componere' which also means 'to put together'. Remember, like many Spanish verbs, 'componer' can change its form depending on the tense and the subject of the sentence.

Example sentences with  componer
componer un poema
compose a poem

The Spanish phrase 'componer un poema' translates to 'compose a poem' in English. It represents the act of creating a poem, which involves the careful selection and organization of words in a way that invokes emotion, tells a story, or describes an idea or event. The verb 'componer' means 'to compose' or 'to make up', and 'un poema' means 'a poem'. This phrase can be used in a variety of contexts in literature, education, and daily conversations whenever discussing the creation of a poem.

Example sentences with  componer un poema
componer una canción
compose a song

The Spanish phrase 'componer una canción' translates to 'compose a song' in English. This is typically used when referring to the process of creating a melody or tune, and potentially also lyrics, for a new song. It is an action attributed to songwriters or musicians. In this context, 'componer' means 'to compose', 'una' means 'a', and 'canción' means 'song'.

Example sentences with  componer una canción

The Spanish word 'comportamiento' translates to 'behavior' in English. It is used to describe the actions or reactions of a person or animal in response to certain situations or stimuli. It encompasses a range of activities, emotions, and attitudes, just like the English word 'behavior'. This word is common in discussions involving psychology, sociology, and other social sciences.

Example sentences with  comportamiento
comportamiento discriminatorio
discriminatory behaviour

The Spanish phrase 'comportamiento discriminatorio' translates to 'discriminatory behaviour' in English. It involves treating or considering a person or group of people differently based on certain characteristics or conditions, such as race, sex, religion, age, or any other attribute. This form of behavior is deemed unjust and unethical in most societies worldwide, as it goes against the principles of fairness and equality.

Example sentences with  comportamiento discriminatorio
comportamiento prudente
prudent behavior

The Spanish term 'comportamiento prudente' translates to 'prudent behavior' in English. It refers to the way an individual behaves that manifests wisdom, caution, or discretion often for the purpose of avoiding harm or risks. It might be used to describe someone's actions in critical or uncertain situations that require practicality and foresight.

Example sentences with  comportamiento prudente
comportarse bien

The Spanish phrase 'comportarse bien' translates to 'behave well' in English. It is an instructional phrase often used to tell someone to act appropriately. It may be used in various contexts such as at home, in school, or in public places where certain kinds of behavior are expected. In Spanish, 'comportarse' is a reflexive verb that means 'to behave' and 'bien' is an adverb meaning 'well' or 'good'.

Example sentences with  comportarse bien
comportarse civilizadamente
behave civilly

The Spanish phrase 'comportarse civilizadamente' translates to 'behave civilly' in English. It is an instruction needing one to act in a civil, polite, or courteous manner. This phrase could be used in formal situations or when someone wants to advice another person to conduct themselves in a respectful or polite way. It encompasses the idea that appropriate and considerate behavior aligns with accepted social norms or etiquette.

Example sentences with  comportarse civilizadamente
comportarse correctamente
behave properly

The Spanish phrase 'comportarse correctamente' translated in English is 'behave properly'. It implies to act in accordance with established standards of manners or decorum or to conduct oneself in a way that is typically considered proper or polite.

Example sentences with  comportarse correctamente
comportarse diplomáticamente
conduct diplomatically

The Spanish phrase 'comportarse diplomáticamente' translates to 'conduct diplomatically' in English. This phrase is a verb that indicates the action of behaving or acting in a diplomatic manner. Diplomatic conduct is about managing relations in a tactful and effective manner, especially in dealing with sensitive issues or people to avoid causing offence. This phrase is commonly used in context where diplomatic skills - such as negotiation, conflict resolution, and public speaking - are required.

Example sentences with  comportarse diplomáticamente
comportarse fatal
behave fatally

The Spanish phrase 'comportarse fatal' does not exactly translate to 'behave fatally' in English. It rather signifies behaving very badly or having a terrible behavior. This phrase is often used informally to express dissatisfaction with someone's behavior.

Example sentences with  comportarse fatal
comportarse mal
behave badly

The Spanish phrase 'comportarse mal' translates to 'behave badly' in English. It is commonly used to describe someone who is not acting according to societal or established norms. This phrase can be applicable in a variety of contexts, such as in a classroom setting, in social gatherings, or when referring to the conduct of an individual. It could also be used to imply that someone is misbehaving or not following rules.

Example sentences with  comportarse mal

The Spanish word 'composición' translates to 'composition' in English. Composition can represent several meanings depending on the context, for instance, it signifies the structure, constitution, or makeup of a thing or person; or it can designate the action of combining things to form a whole; it can also refer to a work of music, literature or art. Please note, meanings may vary in different circumstances.

Example sentences with  composición

The Spanish word 'compositor' translates to 'composer' in English. A composer is an individual who creates music, either by combining sounds or by creating a composition in written form. This can range from creating scores for symphony orchestras to writing songs for popular music genres. The term 'compositor' in Spanish carries the same connotations and is used in a similar context.

Example sentences with  compositor

The Spanish word 'comprador' translates to 'buyer' in English. It is used to refer to an individual or organization that purchases goods or services. This term is frequently used in economical contexts or in the conversational business Spanish. 'Comprador' derives from the verb 'comprar', which means 'to buy' in English.


The Spanish word 'comprar' translates to 'purchase' in English. It is predominantly used as a verb. In terms of usage, it is used in contexts where one is buying or acquiring a good, service, or commodity in exchange for money or its equivalent. It shares roots with the English word 'compromise', although their definitions have diverged. In summary, 'comprar' defines the act of buying or acquiring something in the Spanish language.

comprar por catálogo
purchase by catalog

The Spanish phrase 'comprar por catálogo' translates to 'purchase by catalog' in English. This phrase refers to the action of buying items from a catalog, which is a printed or digital publication with a list of goods that can be purchased. Catalogs are commonly used in distance selling to allow a wider access to the businesses' products or services than physical stores. Customers can make their choices from the catalog and then place an order to buy the selected items.

comprar por Internet
buy online

'Comprar por Internet' is a Spanish phrase that means 'buy online' in English. This term is commonly used in contexts relating to e-commerce and digital transactions and it refers to the activity of purchasing goods or services over the Internet. Examples of its usage may include shopping from online retail websites or ordering food online. It's important to note that the verb 'comprar' is the infinitive form, so depending on the subject and tense, the conjugation may change.

comprar un apartamento
buy an apartment

The Spanish phrase 'comprar un apartamento' translates to 'buy an apartment' in English. It is a common phrase used in property-related contexts, when someone intends to purchase residential property, such as an apartment. 'Comprar' is a verb that stands for 'buy', while 'un apartamento' is a masculine noun phrase that means 'an apartment'. It can be used in different contexts and sentences, always maintaining its literal meaning, unless idiomatic usage applies.

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