Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.


The Spanish word 'Comible' translates to 'Edible' in English. This word is primarily used as an adjective in sentences. It describes something that is safe or fit for eating. For instance, when one refers to food as 'Comible', it implies that the food is not harmful for consumption and can be eaten safely. This word is both used in a variety of contexts and is a common word in everyday language usage.

comida abundante
abundant food

The Spanish phrase 'comida abundante' translates to 'abundant food' in English. It is generally used to describe a large quantity or plenty of food, often at celebrations, gatherings, or feasts where food is ample. The phrase emphasizes not just the presence of food but its richness and variety.

comida casera
homemade food

The Spanish term 'comida casera' is directly translated to 'homemade food' in English. This refers to meals that are prepared and cooked at home, from scratch, rather than bought pre-made from a store or eaten at a restaurant. 'Comida casera' often involves traditional recipes and signifies food prepared with care, using fresh ingredients, often imparting comfort and a sense of home.

comida china
Chinese food

The Spanish phrase 'comida china' translates to 'Chinese food' in English. This term is used to refer to gastronomy that originates from China and is popular on a global scale. Dishes can vary greatly between regions in China, but common elements often include rice, noodles, vegetables, and different types of meat or tofu, flavored with a variety of sauces, spices, or herbs. The phrase 'comida china' is often used in Spanish-speaking countries to describe restaurants or dishes that feature this style of cooking.

comida de familia
family food

The term 'comida de familia' in Spanish refers to a meal that is typically shared among family members. It often connotes home-cooked, comforting, and traditional meals that are enjoyed together, fostering a sense of togetherness and unity in the family. It doesn't necessarily refer to a specific dish, but rather the concept of sharing a meal collectively as a family.

comida de Navidad
Christmas food

The Spanish phrase 'comida de Navidad' translates to 'Christmas food' in English. This phrase is often used in Spanish-speaking cultures to refer to traditional meals cooked and enjoyed during the Christmas holiday season. This could encompass a range of dishes, from roasted meats to special pastries and desserts, specific to each country or region's customs and traditions.

comida de negocios
business food

The Spanish phrase 'comida de negocios' directly translates to 'business food' in English. However, it's more idiomatically used to refer to a business meal or a meal where business discussions take place. This could be a breakfast, lunch, or dinner that is arranged specifically for discussing business matters. The phrase captures the social and functional aspects of such an event, where food serves as a backdrop for professional conversation and negotiation.

comida escasa
scarce food

The Spanish phrase 'comida escasa' translates to 'scarce food' in English. It is used to describe situations where food resources are low or not abundantly available. It may be used in various contexts related to food supply or discussions around hunger and food security issues.

comida japonesa
Japanese food

The phrase 'comida japonesa' in Spanish translates to 'Japanese food' in English. It refers to the traditional and contemporary style of meal preparation and cuisine that originates from Japan. This involves a broad variety of ingredients, cooking styles, and dishes, ranging from rice, seafood, pickled vegetables, etc. So, if you're in a Spanish speaking country and you see 'comida japonesa' on the menu, it indicates that the restaurant serves Japanese cuisine.

comida rápida
fast food

'Comida rápida' is Spanish for 'fast food'. The term refers to food that can be prepared, served quickly, and is typically associated with Western-style foods that are cooked in bulk and kept hot like burgers, fries, pizzas, etc. It is often served in a packaged form for 'take-out' or 'take-away'.

comida tradicional
traditional food

The Spanish term 'comida tradicional' refers to traditional food. This encompasses a wide range of dishes that have been prepared according to customs and techniques passed down from past generations. Traditional food is often specific to a certain region or country, reflecting its history, geography, and culture. Thus, 'comida tradicional' could refer to anything from Spanish paella to Mexican tacos, depending on the context.


The Spanish term 'comilón' translates to 'glutton' in English. It can be used to describe a person who has a tendency to eat excessively or indulges in food. It's a noun and often carries a playful, teasing tone, but can sometimes be used in a more serious context when referring to someone's eating habits.

comisaría (de policía)
police station

The Spanish word 'comisaría (de policía)' translates to 'police station' in English. It refers to a place where police officers work. This can be considered as the local headquarters or a branch of the law enforcement or police department. The people who work there are involved in maintaining law and order, preventing and investigating crimes and safeguarding citizens. The term can be found used in different contexts and sentences.


The word 'comisario' in Spanish translates to 'commissioner' in English. A comisario or commissioner is an official in charge of a department or district, or a member of a commission, whether it's in the field of police, sports, or other areas of work. They are given a certain degree of power or authority, which they use to oversee a certain area of responsibility. This term is used in various sectors and it's considered a high-ranking title in many organizations.


The Spanish word 'comisión' translates to 'commission' in English. It is a noun and is used quite similarly to its English counterpart. In a business context, 'comisión' refers to a sum, usually a set percentage, paid to an agent in commercial transactions. Additionally, the word can also refer to a group of people entrusted by a governing body to perform certain tasks, also known as a 'committee' in English. Both meanings are common and used frequently in Spanish-speaking regions.


The Spanish word 'comité' is a masculine noun commonly used to refer to a group of people chosen to do a particular job or function. Often composed of experts or people experienced in a particular field, a comité might be assigned tasks ranging from managing a project to reviewing research. This term is used in both professional and informal contexts, much like its English counterpart 'committee'.

Example sentences with  comité
comité de empresa
business committee

Comité de empresa is a term in Spanish that translates to 'business committee' in English. A business committee is a group or team within a corporation or business that focus on overseeing or completing certain tasks, creating strategies, and making decisions that would influence the business. This could be related to various aspects of a business like finance, operations, human resources, etc. The exact role can vary within different companies.

Comité Olímpico Internacional (COI)
International Olympic Committee (IOC)

The 'Comité Olímpico Internacional (COI)' is a Spanish term that translates to 'International Olympic Committee (IOC)' in English. The International Olympic Committee is a non-governmental sports organisation based in Switzerland. It is responsible for organising the summer and winter Olympic Games.


The word 'compadecer' in Spanish relates to the term 'be compassionate' or 'have sympathy' in English. It conveys a sense of understanding and empathy towards another person's hardships or misfortunes. It stands for having a gentle, comforting presence, offering emotional support to alleviate someone else's misery, sadness, or distress.


This is the Spanish word for 'companion'. It refers to a person or animal with whom one spends a great deal of time or with whom one travels.

Example sentences with  compañero
compañero (de juego)
partner (play)

The Spanish term 'compañero (de juego)' translates to 'partner (play)' in English. It is often used to refer to a person with whom one shares a particular activity such as a game or sport. For example, it can be used in a sentence like 'He is my compañero de juego in the soccer team', meaning 'He is my play partner in the soccer team'. It emphasizes a sense of camaraderie, fellowship, and mutual cooperation in a playful context.

compañero de clase

The Spanish phrase 'compañero de clase' translates to 'classmate' in English. It is a common term used in educational and school settings. The literal translation of the individual words are 'compañero' meaning 'companion' or 'partner', and 'de clase' meaning 'of class'. Thus, 'compañero de clase' signifies a fellow student in the same class, course, or learning context.

compañero de piso

The Spanish phrase 'compañero de piso' translates to 'roommate' in English. It is frequently used to describe a person who shares a living space with another individual, typically in a shared housing, apartment or dormitory setting. The term embodies the cost and space-sharing nature of this living arrangement. It is primarily used in the context of rented accommodations, where the cost of living space is shared among the inhabitants, thus easing individual financial burden.

compañero de trabajo

The Spanish term 'compañero de trabajo' translates to 'coworker' in English. This term is used in a professional context to denote a person with whom one works, specifically, someone employed in the same workplace. It encompasses a wide range of relationships which can be neutral, friendly, or collaborative. These relationships can be influenced by various professional and interpersonal factors. Understanding and using this term appropriately can enhance communication in a workplace as it shows respect and recognition for your peers' roles and contributions.

compañía de agua
water company

The Spanish phrase 'compañía de agua' translates to 'water company' in English. This phrase is often used in a business or utility context, referring to a company that supplies water to homes, businesses, and other entities in a particular region or community. Similar to their counterparts in many English-speaking countries, water companies in Spanish-speaking countries are either privately owned or government-run. They play a crucial role in public health and sanitation, as they are responsible for ensuring the distribution of clean, safe, and potable water.

compañía de gas
gas company

The Spanish phrase 'compañía de gas' translates to 'gas company' in English. A 'gas company' refers to a corporation or firm, which is responsible for the extraction, refining, transportation, distribution, and sometimes the generation of gas energy that is sold to customers. This phrase is often used in the context of industry and services relating to natural gas or petroleum gas utilities.

compañía de seguros
insurance company

The Spanish term 'compañía de seguros' translates to 'insurance company' in English. An insurance company is a business that provides coverage, in the form of compensation resulting from loss, damages, injury, treatment or hardship in exchange for premium payments. The company calculates the risk of occurrence then determines the cost to replace (pay for) the loss to determine the premium amount.

compañía de teléfono
telephone company

The term 'compañía de teléfono' in Spanish translates to 'telephone company' in English. This is used to refer to a company that provides telephone communication services. These companies may offer local or long-distance telephone communication services, which could be either landline or mobile services. Some telephone companies also provide other services like internet connectivity and cable TV services.

compañía eléctrica
Electrical company

The term 'compañía eléctrica' in Spanish translates to 'electrical company' in English. An electrical company is a business entity that generates and sells electricity, often in a regulated market. The electricity can come from different sources such as coal, nuclear, wind, or solar power plants. The company is also responsible for the maintenance and operation of the infrastructure necessary to distribute the power, such as power lines and transformers.

compañía telefónica
Telephone company

The Spanish term 'compañía telefónica' translates to 'telephone company' in English. A telephone company is a service provider that offers telecommunication services such as telephony and data communications access to the public. This might include services such as landline telephone, mobile phone, and internet services. Many telephone companies today also offer services like television and home security systems.

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