Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

comentario de texto
Commentary on text

The Spanish term 'comentario de texto' translates to 'commentary on text' in English. It usually refers to making remarks, observations, or critiques about a certain text. The term is often used in educational contexts where students, teachers, or critics analyze and discuss particular texts in depth.

Example sentences with  comentario de texto

The word 'comentarios' is a Spanish term which translates into English as 'comments'. It is commonly used in the context of digital and social media, as well as in any situation where feedback or discussion via written communication is encouraged. It can refer to a response, note or observation on a particular topic or issue.

Example sentences with  comentarios

The Spanish word 'comenzar' is a verb which translates to 'start' in English. It is commonly used when telling someone to initiate an action. For instance, 'Vamos a comenzar la ceremonia', means 'We are going to start the ceremony'. Please note, the use of 'comenzar' requires a conjugation depending on the context, tense, and subject.

Example sentences with  comenzar
comenzar las fiestas
start the holidays

The phrase 'comenzar las fiestas' in Spanish translates to 'start the holidays' in English. It is a verb phrase often used whenever the holiday season is about to start or has already started. It may refer to commencing celebrations or events associated with specific holidays. Remember, 'comenzar' is an irregular verb and will follow different conjugation rules, and 'las fiestas' is plural for 'the holidays.'

to eat

'Comer' is a regular verb. This verb is used whenever one is eating or consuming food.

Example sentences with  comer
comer a la carta
eat a la carte

The Spanish phrase 'comer a la carta' translates to 'eat a la carte' in English. In the context of dining, it refers to ordering individual dishes from a menu in a restaurant, rather than having a fixed meal. This phrase suggests flexibility and choice, as customers are not limited to a particular set of dishes.

comer como una fiera
to eat like a beast

The Spanish phrase 'comer como una fiera' translates to 'to eat like a beast' in English. It is an idiomatic expression used to describe someone who is eating a lot or very quickly, often with the implication that the person is very hungry or has a voracious appetite. This phrase can be used in both serious and humorous contexts. Keep in mind that literal translations of idioms, as in this case, often don't carry the same meaning in other languages.

comer con la vista
eat with sight

The Spanish phrase 'comer con la vista' is a direct translation of 'eat with sight'. However, this idiom does not literally mean consuming food with your eyes. In English, a similar phrase could be 'feast your eyes'. It indicates that something is so visually appealing, it is as if you could satisfy your hunger just by looking at it. It is often used in contexts where one might be talking about attractive food presentations, beautiful views, or appealing visual aesthetics.

comer de forma abundante
eating abundantly

The Spanish phrase 'comer de forma abundante' translates to 'eating abundantly' in English. This phrase connotes the action of eating in large amounts or quantities. It can be used to refer to the act of someone eating a lot of food, often in a joyous or festive context, or simply to describe a high intake of food.

comer de forma austera
eat austerely

'Comer de forma austera' translates to 'eat austerely' in English. It refers to eating in a simple or plain manner, often voluntarily for reasons such as health, religion, or economy. The phrase suggests an abstention from excess or luxury in terms of food and drink.

comer de menú
eat from the menu

The phrase 'comer de menú' in Spanish can be translated to mean 'eat from the menu' in English. This is typically used in a restaurant setting, where 'comer de menú' indicates choosing items directly from the menu as opposed to having a fixed or pre-determined meal. It can refer to any meal in a day, be it breakfast, lunch, or dinner. The emphasis is on the ability to choose what to eat from a list of options provided, instead of having no say in what the meal would be.

comer excesivamente
excessively eating

The Spanish phrase 'comer excesivamente' translates to 'eating excessively' in English. This phrase is often used to describe the action of consuming food to excess, usually beyond what is considered healthy or moderate. It can be applied in various contexts, such as describing unhealthy eating habits, or commenting on a person's actions at a single meal or event. 'Comer' is the verb for 'to eat', and 'excesivamente' is the adverb form of 'excessive', describing the manner in which the eating is taking place.

comer moderadamente
eating moderately

The Spanish phrase 'comer moderadamente' translates to 'eating moderately' in English. It is often used in dietary and health contexts to describe the behavior of consuming food in reasonable quantities that provide enough nourishment without excessive intake. The verb 'comer' means 'to eat', and the adverb 'moderadamente' means 'moderately'. Thus, 'comer moderadamente' encourages a balance in food consumption, suggesting neither overeating nor starvation but a controlled and sensible balance.

comer sin medida
eat without measure

The phrase 'comer sin medida' in Spanish translates to 'eat without measure' in English. This phrase literally describes the action of eating without any form of limitation or constraint. It can be referring to someone who eats a lot, does not control their portions, or indulges in food excessively. This phrase can be used in a casual or formal context. It's not commonly used in daily conversations, but more so in written contexts, stories, or when describing someone's eating habits in a more dramatic or exaggerated way.

comer una ficha
eat a chip

The Spanish phrase 'comer una ficha' translates to 'eat a chip' in English. This literal translation may not always reflect the actual usage in culture or context since 'ficha' can refer to various small, thin objects, not just chips. It often implies a casual snack or meal. This phrase can be used in different situations such as when you're with friends at a party and you casually eat a chip, or when you are eating chips while watching a movie at home.


The Spanish word 'comercial' translates to 'commercial' in English. This word can be used in various contexts such as in business where a 'comercial' is an advertisement or it can be related to commerce or trade. It can also refer to something that is intended for, or relates to, the buying and selling of goods and services. This term broadly links to anything related to the commercial sector.


The word 'comercialización' in Spanish translates to 'marketing' in English. It refers to the process of promoting, selling, and distributing products or services. This includes market research, advertising, sales, and customer service. Major components of 'comercialización' can involve identifying what consumers need and want, creating products or services that meet these needs, and communicating information about these products or services to potential customers.

Example sentences with  comercialización
comercialización de mercancías
marketing of goods

The Spanish phrase 'comercialización de mercancías' translates to 'marketing of goods' in English. This involves the process of promoting, selling, and distributing a product or service. It encompasses various activities including market research and advertising. It is a vital component in any business as it helps in establishing a connection between the product or service and the customer. This phrase is commonly used in the field of business and commerce.

Example sentences with  comercialización de mercancías

The Spanish word 'comerciante' translates to 'merchant' in English. A 'comerciante' is an individual or company that buys and sells goods and services with the objective of making a profit. In a broader context, 'comerciante' might also refer to someone who is adept in business and commerce in general.

comercio (i)legal
trade (illegal)

The Spanish term 'comercio (i)legal' translates to 'trade (illegal)' in English. Commerce is a basic economic concept, involving the buying and selling of goods and services, either on the domestic (wholesale and retail) or international (import, export and entreport) level. When commerce is considered illegal, it means that this buying and selling of goods and services is done outside the recognized and legal economic system, often in contravention of laws and regulations designed to control the economic system to ensure fairness, quality control, and tax compliance.

Example sentences with  comercio (i)legal
comercio de mercancías
trade in goods

The Spanish phrase 'comercio de mercancías' translates to 'trade in goods' in English. This expression is generally used in the context of business transactions, where various kinds of merchandise are exchanged between parties. It can refer to both domestic and international trade scenarios, encompassing a broad range of goods such as raw materials and finished products. The phrase 'comercio de mercancías' provides a succinct way of referring to the entire field of goods trading.

Example sentences with  comercio de mercancías
comercio exterior
foreign trade

The Spanish term 'comercio exterior' translates to 'foreign trade' in English. It is used in economic and business contexts to refer to the exchange of capital, goods, and services across international borders or territories. In essence, 'comercio exterior' describes the process by which countries or businesses buy and sell products and services from and to other countries. Certain transactions can specifically be associated with 'comercio exterior,' including importation and exportation of goods and services, multinational corporate investments, and the implementation of trade agreements.

Example sentences with  comercio exterior
comercio internacional
international trade

The Spanish phrase 'comercio internacional' translates to 'international trade' in English. International trade refers to the exchange of goods, services, and capital across international borders or territories. In most countries, it represents a significant part of the GDP. Some of its main types include importing, exporting, and entrepot trade. It allows a greater competition and more competitive prices in the market. The study and analysis of international trade can help economists and policy makers better understand the global market and economics.

Example sentences with  comercio internacional
comercio justo
Fair trade

The term 'comercio justo' in Spanish translates to 'fair trade' in English. This is an institutional arrangement designed to assist producers in developing countries to achieve better trading conditions. It involves ethical purchasing and consumption, which emphasizes sustainability and good working conditions for those involved. The concept of 'fair trade' supports social and environmental standards in sectors where these considerations might otherwise be overlooked.

Example sentences with  comercio justo

The word 'comestible' in Spanish translates to 'edible' in English. This term is used to describe something that is suitable or safe to eat. It refers to food, or any substances intended to be ingested by living organisms. It is typically used in the context of food and drink that humans consume, though it can also be applied in zoology and other scientific contexts to represent anything that an organism can consume to receive its necessary nutritional sustenance.


The word 'cometa' in Spanish translates to 'kite' in English. It mainly refers to a lightweight object, typically made from paper or plastic, that is designed to fly in the air while being held at the end of a long string. It is a common toy for children who enjoy flying it on windy days. The term can also be used to refer to a comet in an astronomical context, but the most common translation is 'kite'.

Example sentences with  cometa
cometer un delito de agresión
commit an offence of aggression

The Spanish phrase 'cometer un delito de agresión' translates to 'commit an offence of aggression' in English. It is often used in legal contexts to refer to the act of intentionally harming or attacking someone, resulting in a criminal violation. The phrase emphasizes the serious nature of the action being committed, suggesting the levying of charges or penalties by a governing body or law enforcement institution as a result. In more general usage, it can be used as a strong reproof or criticism for any act of harm or violence.

Example sentences with  cometer un delito de agresión
cometer un delito de malos tratos
commit an offence of ill-treatment

The Spanish phrase 'cometer un delito de malos tratos' translates to 'commit an offense of ill-treatment' in English. This is typically used in legal contexts to refer to the act of physically or psychologically harming another individual, which is considered a crime under law. This phrase emphasizes the serious implications of harmful actions towards others in a society that values respect and dignity for each person.

Example sentences with  cometer un delito de malos tratos
cometer un delito de tráfico de drogas
commit an offence of drug trafficking

The Spanish phrase 'cometer un delito de tráfico de drogas' translates to 'commit an offence of drug trafficking' in English. Essentially, it refers to the criminal act of producing, transporting and/or dealing drugs illegally. Such an offence is generally considered serious, often leading to hefty penalties in many jurisdictions globally. Note that this phrase might commonly be encountered in legal contexts, such as law enforcement, judiciary, or news reports.

Example sentences with  cometer un delito de tráfico de drogas
cometer un error
make a mistake

The Spanish phrase 'cometer un error' translates to 'make a mistake' in English. This phrase is mainly used in contexts where someone has done something incorrectly or wrongly; 'error' refers to a mistake, and 'cometer' translates directly to 'commit', but in this context, it means 'to make'. So, 'cometer un error' reflects the act of making a mistake.

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