Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

colegio electoral
Electoral College

The Spanish term 'colegio electoral' translates to 'electoral college' in English. It is a body of people representing the states of the U.S., who formally cast votes for the election of the president and vice president. Similarly, in contexts outside the U.S., it may be referred to groups with similar functions in the process of voting or election. It's a term most widely used in politics.

Example sentences with  colegio electoral
colegio laico
secular school

The term 'colegio laico' in Spanish refers to a secular school in English. These are institutions of learning where education is imparted in a non-religious framework. They do not promote any particular religion but typically advocate for universal values, critical thinking and freedom of thought.

colegio privado
private school

The Spanish term 'colegio privado' translates to 'private school' in English. It refers to a school that is managed by a private individual, organization or agency, rather than a government entity. These schools are primarily funded by tutition fees, donations and private grants rather than by taxes. Private schools are often considered to offer higher educational standards or more individual attention than public schools, although this can vary widely.

colegio público
public school

The term 'colegio público' in Spanish translates to 'public school' in English. This is an educational institution that is maintained at public expense for the education of the children of a community or district and that constitutes a part of a system of free public education commonly including primary and secondary schools.

colegio religioso
Religious College

The Spanish term 'colegio religioso' translates to 'religious college' in English. This term is used to refer to educational institutions that provide a general curriculum but are guided by religious principles and teachings. These colleges are often associated with a specific religion and incorporate elements of this faith into the learning environment, academic programs, and campus activities. They are common in many countries and offer a combination of academic and religious education to students.

colgante de oro
Gold pendant

The Spanish phrase 'colgante de oro' translates to 'gold pendant' in English. It is often used to refer to a piece of jewelry, typically made of gold, that hangs from a chain worn around the neck. 'Oro' is the Spanish word for gold, and 'colgante' is a noun that refers to something that hangs or dangles. Therefore, 'colgante de oro' directly translates to 'hanging of gold', but is understood to mean 'gold pendant' in English.

colgante de plata
Silver pendant

The Spanish phrase 'colgante de plata' translates to 'silver pendant' in English. A 'silver pendant' is a small piece of jewelry, often intricate and ornate, typically made of silver, and designed to hang from a necklace or a chain. This can vary in designs, sizes, and value, depending on the detailing and the weight of the silver used.


The Spanish word for 'hang' is 'colgar'. It is commonly used in various contexts such as hanging up clothes ('colgar la ropa'), hanging a picture on the wall ('colgar un cuadro en la pared'), or even in the phone context when you hang up a call ('colgar el teléfono'). Remember, the usage of 'colgar' can change depending on the context and location within the Spanish-speaking world.

Example sentences with  colgar
colgar el teléfono
hang up the phone

The Spanish phrase 'colgar el teléfono' translates to 'hang up the phone' in English. It can be used in a variety of contexts, including both literal and figurative senses. In literal usage, it means to terminate the connection of your phone call by setting down the telephone receiver or pressing an indicated button on a digital device. Figuratively, it implies ending a topic or conversation on the phone. This phrase can be part of common Spanish phrases used in daily life when speaking on the phone.

colgar los estudios
hang up studies
colgar un documento en Internet
hang a document on the Internet

The Spanish phrase 'colgar un documento en Internet' translates to 'hang a document on the Internet' in English. Just like in English, in Spanish the term is used metaphorically. It does not physically mean hanging something like you would on a wall. Instead, it refers to the action of uploading a document to the Internet, whether it's on a website, an email, a cloud platform or a social network. This phrase may be commonly used in digital work environments where documents need to be shared or published online.

colgar un texto en Internet
hang a text on the Internet

The Spanish phrase 'colgar un texto en Internet' translates to 'post a text on the Internet' or 'upload a text to the Internet' in English. It is often used within the context of digital communication, particularly when referring to the act of sharing written content or messages on the Internet or social media platforms. It can also be used in the context of uploading or posting articles, blogs, or other forms of written content onto a website or online forum.

colgar una fotografía en Internet
hang a picture on the Internet

The Spanish phrase 'colgar una fotografía en Internet' translates to 'hang a picture on the Internet' in English. This means to upload a picture onto the Internet, similar to how you would hang a picture on a wall. This phrase is often used in the context of sharing pictures on social media platforms or websites.


The Spanish word 'cólico' translates into English as 'colic'. This term is commonly used in health contexts. In babies, it refers to severe, often fluctuating pain in the abdomen that is caused by the spasm of a hollow or tubular organ, often seen with gas and constipation. In adults, it's often linked to gall or kidney issues. It is a medical term, and anyone dealing with these symptoms should seek advice from a healthcare professional.

Example sentences with  cólico

The Spanish word 'colina' translates to 'hill' in English. It is a common geographical term used to refer to a natural elevated part of the earth's surface, smaller than a mountain. It has a small area elevated above the rest of the surface. 'Colinas' can often be found in hilly landscapes and they play a significant role in various aspects of human life including settlement, agriculture and tourism.

Example sentences with  colina

The Spanish word 'collar' translates to 'necklace' in English. It is a piece of jewelry, usually made of precious metals or stones, that is worn around the neck. In Spain and many other Spanish-speaking cultures, collars are popular accessories both for everyday wear and special occasions. The word can be used in many contexts, similar to its English equivalent 'necklace'.

colocarse en una empresa
place in a company

The phrase 'colocarse en una empresa' in Spanish refers to the action of securing or obtaining a position within a company. It's similar to 'get a job at a company' in English. This can be in any role, from entry-level jobs to upper management roles.


The Spanish word 'colon' translates to 'colon' in English, which can refer to a punctuation mark used to separate two main clauses that could stand alone as complete sentences, or it can also refer to a part of the human body, specifically a part of the digestive tract. The usage is largely dependent on the context it is used in.


The Spanish term 'colonia' translates to 'colony' in English. A colony is often understood as a territory or a group under the political control of another country, typically a distant one. This primarily historic concept stands crucial to understand several historic timelines and relations. The word can also refer to a group of people of one nationality or ethnic group living in a foreign city or country. The word 'colonia' in Spanish holds the same meaning.

Example sentences with  colonia
colonia dulzón
sweet cologne

The Spanish phrase 'colonia dulzón' translates to 'sweet cologne' in English. It is a compound noun made up of 'colonia', meaning cologne and 'dulzón', meaning sweet or sugary. This can refer to a pleasantly scented cologne with a sweet, often fragrant smell. It is used in the context of personal hygiene and beauty products.

Example sentences with  colonia dulzón
colonia fresco
fresh cologne

The Spanish phrase 'colonia fresco' translates to 'fresh cologne' in English. It is often used to describe a type of cologne that has a clean, fresh smell, typically with light, natural undertones such as citrus or marine scents. In this context, 'colonia' refers to 'cologne' or 'perfume', while 'fresco' implies a 'fresh' or 'cool' quality. This phrase is commonly used in marketing or in everyday conversational Spanish when discussing personal grooming products.

Example sentences with  colonia fresco
colonia fuerte
strong colony

The Spanish phrase 'colonia fuerte' directly translates to 'strong colony' in English. It refers to a group or community that is strong, either in terms of its physical nature or its resilience, camaraderie, and strength in numbers. The phrase could be used in a variety of contexts, such as describing a robust community of people, strong and positive relationships within a group, a powerful ant colony, or an influential and unyielding political grouping.

Example sentences with  colonia fuerte
colonia intenso
intense cologne

The Spanish term 'colonia intenso' translates to 'intense cologne' in English. It is a combination of two words, where 'colonia' refers to cologne, a type of perfume or fragrant liquid that is used for a pleasant smell, and 'intenso' refers to the degree or level of the scent that is intensely strong or concentrated. It is often used to describe a cologne with a strong or heavy scent.

Example sentences with  colonia intenso

In Spanish, 'color' is used the same way it is used in English. It conveys the visual characteristic predominantly resulting from the reflection, transmission, or emission of light of differing wavelengths. Just like in English, in Spanish, it can be used to describe hues seen in everyday life, arts, painting, and design. However, please note that in Spanish, color is pronounced as co-lor with the accent on the second syllable.

Example sentences with  color

The Spanish word 'colorido' translates into English as 'colorful'. It is an adjective that describes something full of colors or has a variety of colors. In a sentence, 'colorido' can be used to describe objects, sceneries, clothing, art, etc., that stand out because of their vibrant and diverse colors. The use of this word suggests something visually vibrant and lively.

Example sentences with  colorido

The Spanish word 'comandante' is a noun typically used to refer to a high-ranking officer in the military. Depending on the context, it can mean 'commander', 'commandant', or 'commanding officer' in English. It's commonly used in formal or militaristic contexts where one needs to refer to a person who has authority over a group of people in a structured organization, such as the army, navy, or air force.

Example sentences with  comandante

The Spanish word 'combate' translates to 'combat' in English. It can refer to a fight, battle, or struggle, particularly in a physical or military context. It's usually used to describe situations of conflict where there's some form of aggression or combativeness involved. The word can also be used metaphorically to describe non-physical struggles, such as a combat against time or against a disease.

Example sentences with  combate

In English, 'comedia' translates to 'comedy'. It refers to a genre of dramatic works that are amusing in nature, often focusing on characters who face funny or ridiculous situations. The intent of such works is to bring laughter and entertainment to the audience. This genre can be seen in various forms of media such as film, play, or a book.

Example sentences with  comedia
dining room

The Spanish word 'comedor' translates to 'dining room' in English. It is a room in a home where people eat meals. Typically, it has a dining table and chairs where families gather to consume breakfast, lunch, or dinner. In many homes, the comedor is an important gathering space where daily catch-ups occur, fostering familial or communal bonds.


The Spanish word for 'comment' is 'comentario'. It is commonly used in both everyday conversation and written language, just like in English. It is often used to express an opinion or provide additional information about a topic. For example, 'Quiero agregar un comentario sobre la reunión', means 'I want to add a comment about the meeting'.

Example sentences with  comentario
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