Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

código de circulación
highway code

The Spanish term 'código de circulación' translates to 'highway code' in English. This term is often used in reference to the rules and regulations established by traffic authorities that dictate how vehicles must operate on roads and highways. These rules may cover various aspects such as speed limits, the rights and duties of drivers, guidelines on overtaking and passing other vehicles, the use of lanes, and how to interpret traffic symbols, signs, and markings. In essence, the 'código de circulación' helps ensure road safety and smooth traffic flow.

Example sentences with  código de circulación
código penal
Criminal code

The term 'código penal' in Spanish translates to 'criminal code' in English. A 'criminal code' is a legal document that compiles all, or a significant amount of, a particular jurisdiction's criminal law. It typically covers elements of offenses, criminal penalties, and defenses to penalties. The 'código penal' is an integral part of the legal system, reflecting society's norms, values and rules.

Example sentences with  código penal
código postal
zip code

The term 'código postal' in Spanish translates to 'zip code' in English. A zip code is a system used by the postal services to identify specific regions or locations in a country. It is a series of digits that are used as part of an address to aid the sorting and delivery of mail. Each zip code corresponds with a specific geographic area. In Spanish, 'código' means 'code' and 'postal' means 'mail', so combined, 'código postal' refers to the numeric or alphanumeric code used in mail sorting and delivery. In many English-speaking countries, this code is referred to as 'zip code' or 'postcode'.


The Spanish word 'codo' translates to 'elbow' in English. It's a noun used to denote the joint connecting the forearm to the upper arm in the human body, effectively facilitating its bending and extending movements. In a broader cultural context, 'codo' may also figuratively imply a turning point or crucial moment in a process or journey, much like how the elbow facilitates change in direction in physical terms.


The word 'codorniz' in Spanish translates to 'quail' in English. A quail is a type of bird, often small and plump, which belongs to the pheasant family. Quails are popular in game hunting and are also commonly found in various types of folk tales and symbolism.


The Spanish verb 'coger' primarily translates to 'take' in English but it can be used in a variety of contexts with different translations. For example, it could mean 'to take' in the sense of taking an object, 'to take' in the sense of taking a form of transportation, 'to catch' as in catching a ball or 'to catch' as in catching a disease. Furthermore, it is used in numerous casual and idiomatic phrases so its translation can differ according to context.

coger el avión
Get the plane.

'Coger el avión' is a Spanish phrase commonly used to indicate the act of catching, taking, or getting the plane. This term is often used in the context of traveling. An example of this would be when a person is about to travel and they say, 'Voy a coger el avión', in English it means, 'I'm going to get the plane'. It's interesting to note that 'coger' can have many definitions, but in this case it means 'to take' or 'to get'.

Example sentences with  coger el avión
coger el dobladillo
take the hem

The Spanish phrase 'coger el dobladillo' translates to 'take the hem' in English. This phrase is often used in the context of sewing or dressmaking, where 'take the hem' refers to the act of folding and sewing the edge of a piece of cloth or clothing item to prevent it from unraveling or to adjust its length. Like many idiomatic expressions, the literal translation may not provide the exact meaning, so understanding the context is essential for accurate interpretation.

coger el metro
Take the subway

The Spanish phrase 'coger el metro' translates to 'take the subway' in English. It expresses the act of using the subway system as a mode of transportation. In this context, 'coger' means 'to take', 'el' is the article 'the', and 'metro' refers to 'subway' specifically.

Example sentences with  coger el metro
coger el teléfono
pick up the phone

The Spanish phrase 'coger el teléfono' translates directly to 'pick up the phone' in English. It is often used in situations where someone wishes to initiate a phone call or respond to a ringing phone. It could potentially be used in various contexts, such as in a work setting, at home, or when giving instructions.

coger el tren
catch the train

The Spanish phrase 'coger el tren' translates to 'catch the train' in English. It means to go and get on a train for a journey. This can also be used metaphorically, just like in English, to mean catching an opportunity or hopping onto a trend. In Spain, 'coger' is a commonly used verb for 'to take' or 'to grab', however, it may have inappropriate connotations in some Latin American countries.

Example sentences with  coger el tren
coger la cintura
to catch the waist

The Spanish phrase 'coger la cintura' translates to 'catch the waist' in English. This phrase can be used literally, as in catching someone around the waist, often used in the context of activities like dancing or sports. It can also be used figuratively to mean taking control or getting a grip on a situation. The verb 'coger' is used widely in Spain but can have vulgar connotations in some Latin American countries, so it's important to be mindful of regional differences in usage.

coger la manga
Grab the sleeve

The Spanish phrase 'coger la manga' translates to 'grab the sleeve' in English. In this context, 'coger' means 'to grab' or 'to take', 'la' is the Spanish definite article 'the', and 'manga' translates to 'sleeve'. Hence, the phrase could be used in situations where one needs to grab or hold onto the sleeve of a garment.

coger un barco
Take a boat

The Spanish phrase 'coger un barco' translates directly to 'take a boat' in English. This refers to the action of using a boat as a mode of transportation. Depending on context, it could mean to board a boat for a trip or journey, or to choose a boat from a selection of boats. In many instances, colloquial usage indicates that it may often refer to catching a ferry or other mass transit boat in scheduled services.

Example sentences with  coger un barco
coger un taxi
Take a taxi

The Spanish phrase 'coger un taxi' translates to 'take a taxi' in English. This phrase is used when someone needs to travel somewhere by taxi. It is a common phrase in Spain, although in some parts of Latin America, the verb 'tomar' is used instead of 'coger'. To give some usage examples - if you are running late for a meeting, you may decide to 'coger un taxi'. Or, if you have lots of luggage and the bus is too inconvenient, you could 'coger un taxi' to the airport.

Example sentences with  coger un taxi
coherencia textual
Textual coherence

The Spanish term 'coherencia textual' translates to 'textual coherence' in English. This term is commonly used in writing and linguistic studies and it refers to the logical and meaningful connection between different parts of a text. It means that the ideas presented in the written discourse should be interconnected and make sense when read collectively.

Example sentences with  coherencia textual

The Spanish word 'cohete' roughly translates to 'rocket' in English. This can be used in a similar context to the English word. It can be seen quite often in science, technology and space exploration areas where propulsion is used to move an object directly upwards from the Earth's surface. For example, phrases such as 'Un cohete fue lanzado al espacio' translate to 'A rocket was launched into space' in English.

Example sentences with  cohete

The Spanish word 'col' translates to 'cabbage' in English. 'Col' refers to a vegetable that is typically green or purple with dense leaves, which is consumed widely all over the world. The word is often used in various types of Spanish vocabulary and sentences, for example in the context of cooking or grocery shopping.


The Spanish word 'colaboración' translates to 'collaboration' in English. This term describes the process of working together with one or more people in order to achieve a common goal. It's often used in the context of group projects, business partnerships, and other cooperative efforts where multiple input and shared responsibility are key.


The Spanish word 'colaborar' translates to 'collaborate' in English. It is a verb and is commonly used to denote working together on an activity or project. The term invokes a sense of teamwork and joint efforts. For example, you might 'colaborar' with colleagues on a business proposal or with classmates on a group assignment. Just like in English, this term can be used in various contexts where combined action is needed.

colaborar como voluntario
collaborate as a volunteer

The Spanish phrase 'colaborar como voluntario' translates into English as 'collaborate as a volunteer'. This phrase is often used to refer to the act of willingly working with others in a cooperative way, often in a non-profit or charity setting, without expecting any form of direct compensation or payment for the service provided.


The Spanish word 'colador' translates to 'colander' in English. A colander is a kitchen utensil with perforations at its base, typically a bowl-shaped one. It is used for draining off liquids after cooking or washing food objects like pasta, rice or vegetables. Therefore, if you hear or read the word 'colador' in Spanish, you would understand that it signifies a tool predominantly used in the kitchen for these purposes.


The Spanish word 'colar' translates to 'queue' in English. In the context of actions, it means to form a line or wait in a line, much like when people queue in a store or a bus stop. The term 'colar' can also infer the process of filtering, similar to how a queue operates in an orderly fashion. This term is often used in daily Spanish conversations, emphasizing the significance of orderliness in Spanish culture.

colchón hinchable
inflatable mattress

An 'colchón hinchable' is a term in Spanish that pertains to an inflatable mattress. An inflatable mattress, as known in English, is a kind of mattress that can be inflated with air and deflated for easy storage. Often, inflatable mattresses are used in camping, or as temporary bedding, as they offer convenience and versatility. They are usually made of plastic or rubber material, and can be inflated using a manual or electric pump.

Example sentences with  colchón hinchable

The word 'colchoneta' in Spanish translates to 'mattress' in English. In a household, a 'colchoneta' is a rectangular shaped pad used as a bed or on a bed frame. It serves as a place to sleep or relax. It's easily recognizable due to its softness intended for comfort during sleep or relaxation. This structure sometimes incorporates materials such as hair, straw, cotton, foam rubber, or an arrangement of metal springs.

Example sentences with  colchoneta
coleccionar monedas
collect coins

The Spanish phrase 'coleccionar monedas' translates to 'collect coins' in English. This is a hobby where people acquire and keep a collection of coins. Various coins may be collected, including coins from different periods, countries, or of particular monetary values. Not only is this a fun and engaging pastime, but it allows individuals to learn about history, geography, and economics.

coleccionar sellos
collect stamps

The Spanish phrase 'coleccionar sellos' translates to 'collect stamps' in English. This refers to the hobby whereby individuals accumulate and categorize postage stamps, often from different countries or time periods. Collecting stamps is popular worldwide and can provide insights into historical events, geographical issues, or social themes represented on the stamps.


This is the Spanish word for 'colleague'. It usually refers to a fellow worker, but can also be used casually among friends.

Example sentences with  colega

The word 'colegio' in Spanish is often used to refer both to a primary or secondary school and is typically used in many Spanish-speaking countries. However, it can also refer to a college, which is an institution of higher education or a part of a university. It's worth noting that the use of 'colegio' may change in context or region. It is important to understand the context when this word is used.

colegio bilingüe
bilingual school

The Spanish term 'colegio bilingüe' translates to 'bilingual school' in English. A bilingual school is an educational institution where teaching and learning occur in two languages. The two languages are typically the native language and a secondary language. In these schools, students are expected to become proficient in both languages. The goal of bilingual education is to promote bilingualism and biliteracy, enhance awareness of cultural diversity, and improve students' cognitive abilities.

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