Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

actividad callejero
Street activity

The Spanish phrase 'actividad callejero' translates to 'street activity' in English. It refers to events or actions taking place on the streets such as street performances, night markets, street food, and more. It captures a vibrant part of urban culture where public spaces are used for various communal and individual activities.

Example sentences with  actividad callejero
actividad industrial
industrial activity

The Spanish term 'actividad industrial' translates to 'industrial activity' in English. This phrase is used to refer to any form of business or production activity that aims at manufacturing products in an industrial set-up. The industrial activities can range from small scale enterprises like handicrafts or bakeries to large scale operations such as automobile manufacturing or oil refining.

Example sentences with  actividad industrial

The Spanish word 'acto' translates to 'act' in English. This could be related to the action or deed done by a person, or it could refer to a segment of a performance or play in the context of theater. Just like in English, the usage of this term in Spanish largely depends on the context.

Example sentences with  acto
acto (in)formal
act (in)formal

The Spanish phrase 'acto (in)formal' translates to 'act (in)formal' in English, which refers to an action or event that is carried out in either a formal or informal context. This could be related to many contexts including performances, ceremonies, actions, or behaviors. The formalness or informalness is dependent on the specific circumstances and is judged based on cultural, social, and personal norms. For instance, a formal act could be a business meeting or a ceremonial event, while an informal act could be a casual gathering or an unplanned action.

acto oficial
Official act

The Spanish phrase 'acto oficial' translates to 'official act' in English. It is a formal declaration or procedure carried out in accordance with defined rules or laws. This could be used to refer to a government procedure, an agreement in a legal context, or a ceremonial event organized by an official entity.

acto religioso
religious act

The term 'acto religioso' in Spanish translates to 'religious act' in English. It is used to denote an act or event of a spiritual or religious nature, often carried out as part of a religious tradition or practice. Such acts may include prayer, sacred rituals, worship services, and other religious observances. As in all languages, understanding such phrases not only helps to understand the language better but also gives insights into culture, traditions, and values.

acto sencillo
simple act

The Spanish term 'acto sencillo' translates to 'simple act' in English. It refers to an action that is not complex or difficult to perform. This phrase can be used in various contexts, such as describing a deed that needs minimal effort or a ceremony that is basic and understated. For example, a 'simple act of kindness' can mean a straightforward, uncomplicated action that demonstrates kindness. It is composed of two parts: 'acto' meaning 'act' and 'sencillo' meaning 'simple'.

acto solemne
solemn act

The term 'acto solemne' in Spanish translates to 'solemn act' in English. This term is typically used within official or formal settings as it carries a certain seriousness, dignity or formality. Different occasions may require solemn acts. This may range from legislative sessions, religious ceremonies to university graduations, and so on. The term 'acto solemne' radiates a sense of respect and seriousness, indicating that the event or act in discussion is of high importance and is carried out with due respect and significance.


'Actor' in Spanish and English are cognates, words that have a common etymological origin. In both languages, this term refers to a person, typically a man, who portrays a character in a performance.

Example sentences with  actor
actor mediocre
mediocre actor

The term 'actor mediocre' in Spanish translates to 'mediocre actor' in English. This is used to describe an actor whose performance or acting skills are considered average or below average. It is not necessarily a definitive judgement, as acting skills can improve over time and subjective interpretations can differ.

Example sentences with  actor mediocre
actor reconocido
recognized actor

The Spanish term 'actor reconocido' translates to 'recognized actor' in English. This generally refers to an actor who has gained recognition or fame due to their acting skills or performances in film, television, or stage productions. They are recognized by either their audience, critics, or their peers within the acting community. This could be because of their talent, their body of work, or specific notable performances.

Example sentences with  actor reconocido

The term 'actriz' refers to a female performer in movies, television shows, or theater. It is the equivalent of 'actress' in English.

Example sentences with  actriz
actuación brillante
brilliant performance

The Spanish term 'actuación brillante' translates to 'brilliant performance' in English. It is often used to describe someone's impressive display in a particular task or role. This could relate to a range of contexts - from a stunning acting role in a film or play to a standout performance in a sporting event or business presentation. This expression acknowledges the skill, preparation and sheer talent of the individual or group contributing to the acted or performed role.

Example sentences with  actuación brillante
actuación convincente
compelling performance

The Spanish phrase 'actuación convincente' translates to 'compelling performance' in English. This phrase is commonly used in arts and entertainment, particularly related to theater, films, and musical performances. A 'compelling performance' refers to the strong and convincing depiction or representation of a character or role by an actor or artist. This usually implies the expression of emotions and actions in a manner that appears real, engaging, and capable of influencing or persuading the viewer's or listener's emotions and perceptions.

Example sentences with  actuación convincente
actuación pésima
lousy performance

The Spanish phrase 'actuación pésima' translates to 'lousy performance' in English. In a sentence, it can refer to a notably bad or subpar display of skill or talent, often in fields such as theater, music, sports, or any other performance-based activities or tasks. This phrase is used to express critical disappointment or dissatisfaction with the level of performance.

Example sentences with  actuación pésima

The Spanish word 'actual' translates to 'current' in English. It can be used to describe something happening right now, or applying to the present situation. It is typically used in the context of time, equivalent to terms like 'present time', 'current affairs', 'current situation', etc. Usage can vary based on regions, with certain nuances.

Example sentences with  actual
actualizar un programa
update a program

The Spanish phrase 'actualizar un programa' translates to 'update a program' in English. It is derived from the Spanish verb 'actualizar' meaning 'to update', and the noun 'un programa' meaning 'a program'. This phrase is often used in the context of software or application updates and refers to the process of adding new features, fixing bugs, or improving performance by replacing the current version of the program with a new, updated version.

Example sentences with  actualizar un programa
actualizar una página web
update a website

The Spanish term 'actualizar una página web' translates to 'update a website' in English. This refers to the process of making changes to a website's content, design or technology to keep it relevant, functional and effective. Activities associated with updating a website may include refreshing the site's content, improving its user interface and experience, enhancing its speed and performance, fixing errors and bugs, or optimizing it for search engines. Updates can be minor tweaks or major overhauls, and they are crucial for maintaining the website's quality, security and success.

Example sentences with  actualizar una página web
to act

The word 'actuar' is a verb in Spanish, it translates to the English verb 'to act'. This word can describe performing actions generally or, more specifically, it can be used to express the act of performing in a play, a film, or any other form of theater or dramatization. Aside from these, 'actuar' can also mean to take action or conduct oneself in response to something.

Example sentences with  actuar
actuar al margen de la ley
act outside the law

The Spanish phrase 'actuar al margen de la ley' translates to 'act outside the law' in English. This literarily means to engage in actions that are illegal or not recognized by legal authority or framework, basically doing things that are against the law. It can refer to a broad range of illegal activities, regardless of the intention or the context in which the actions are performed. It is a figure of speech often used in legal and justice system contexts.

Example sentences with  actuar al margen de la ley
actuar con arreglo a la legalidad
act in accordance with the law

The Spanish phrase 'actuar con arreglo a la legalidad' translates to 'act in accordance with the law' in English. This phrase is used in a legal or formal context when one is expected to follow the rules or guidelines set by the law or an organization. It implies a sense of responsibility and conformity to established standards or principles. The phrase can be used in various sentences or conversations that discuss legality, enforcement of rules, or ethical conduct.

Example sentences with  actuar con arreglo a la legalidad
actuar correctamente
act properly

The Spanish phrase 'actuar correctamente' translates to 'act properly' in English. The phrase is actually composed of two words 'actuar' meaning 'to act', and 'correctamente' meaning 'properly'. When these two words are used together they retain their individual meanings, thereby serving as a direct instruction or command, guiding someone to behave or handle things in the right or acceptable manner.

Example sentences with  actuar correctamente
actuar en un auditorio
acting in an auditorium

The phrase 'actuar en un auditorio' is Spanish for 'acting in an auditorium'. This typically refers to the act of performing a play, concert, or some other form of entertainment in a large public venue specifically designed for such types of performances. The key verb here is 'actuar', which can not only refer to the act of performing a role in a play or film, but can also imply taking action in a broader sense.

Example sentences with  actuar en un auditorio
actuar en vivo
perform live

The Spanish term 'actuar en vivo' translates to 'perform live' in English. It's frequently used in the context of live performances, such as concerts, theater, or other live events. When someone is 'actuando en vivo', they are performing live, highlighting the immediacy and authenticity of the performance. This phrase holds a context in the realm of entertainment and arts, where performances are often valued for their live, one-of-a-kind experiences.

Example sentences with  actuar en vivo
acudir a un espectáculo
go to a show

The Spanish phrase 'acudir a un espectáculo' translates to 'go to a show' in English. This is often used to refer to attending a public event like a concert, theater performance, movie, etc. It can be used in various contexts such as making plans ('I'm going to go to a show tonight'), or expressing past events ('I went to a show last night').


In Spanish, 'acuerdo' means 'agree' and it is typically used in sentences to express agreement or concurrence. It can be used in a variety of contexts, just like in English. For instance, you can use it when you want to say you agree with someone's opinion, idea, or proposal. It can also be part of compound words like 'de acuerdo' which essentially mean 'I agree'. Remember, the usage may vary slightly based on the region.

Example sentences with  acuerdo

The Spanish word 'acusado' translates to 'defendant' in English. This word is often used in the context of legal and court matters, referring to an individual who has been accused of a crime and is facing trial. In civil cases, the defendant is the person or organization against whom the plaintiff brings suit. Understanding the usage and meaning of 'acusado' can be helpful in comprehending conversations or texts relating to judicial proceedings.

Example sentences with  acusado

The Spanish word 'adaptación' translates to 'adaptation' in English. This refers to the process in which an organism becomes better suited to its habitat, or the process of changing to fit some purpose or situation. In language context, it could mean adjusting text in one language to make grammatical, idiomatic, or cultural sense in another.

adelantamiento prohibido
prohibited advance

The Spanish phrase 'adelantamiento prohibido' translates to 'prohibited advance' in English. This phrase is often used in traffic or road signs indicating that overtaking or passing is not allowed in that particular area. It is crucial to understand and obey such instructions for safe and rule-abiding driving on roads. Essentially, 'adelantamiento prohibido' is a command to stay in your current position or lane and not to move ahead of the vehicle in front.

Example sentences with  adelantamiento prohibido
to lose weight

The Spanish word 'adelgazar' translates to 'to lose weight' in English. This term is often used in relation to diet, exercise, or health dialogues where the context involves reducing body weight or fat. The concept is the same as when one intentionally aims to reduce their body mass in English-speaking cultures, often for health or aesthetic reasons.

Example sentences with  adelgazar
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