Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

clima extremo
Extreme weather

The Spanish phrase 'clima extremo' translates to 'extreme weather' in English. It is a term used to describe weather conditions that are significantly different from average patterns. This can include temperatures that are extremely high or low, heavy rainfall, drought, heavy snowfall, and storms such as hurricanes or typhoons. Extreme weather events can have major impacts on human societies and ecosystems. Climate change is expected to increase the frequency and severity of some types of extreme weather.

Example sentences with  clima extremo
clima húmedo
Wet weather

The Spanish term 'clima húmedo' refers to 'wet weather' in English. It is usually used to describe the meteorological conditions where an area receives a high amount of rainfall, either periodically or throughout the year. This term is often related to regions where the climate is dominated by humidity and precipitation.

Example sentences with  clima húmedo
clima lluvioso
Rainy weather

The Spanish phrase 'clima lluvioso' translates to 'rainy weather' in English. It is used to describe a type of weather that is characterized by precipitations in the form of rain. The term is made up of two words: 'clima', which means weather, and 'lluvioso', which means rainy. This phrase is typically used in weather forecasts, or to describe the current or predicted meteorological conditions.

Example sentences with  clima lluvioso
clima mediterráneo
Mediterranean climate

The term 'clima mediterráneo' refers to a Mediterranean climate, which is characteristically seen in the coastal regions bordering the Mediterranean Sea. This climate type is typified by hot, dry summers and mild, wet winters. Regions with a Mediterranean climate are renowned for their biodiversity and are prime locations for the cultivation of such crops as olives, grapes, and citrus fruits. This climate type has been replicated in several regions around the world such as California, Western Australia, and parts of South Africa and Chile.

Example sentences with  clima mediterráneo
clima riguroso
harsh climate

The Spanish phrase 'clima riguroso' translates to 'harsh climate' in English. It refers to the environmental conditions that are extremely hard or severe. These conditions could be characterized by intense temperatures (either too hot or too cold), heavy rainfall, extreme aridity, or any severe weather condition that makes survival challenging and difficult. The phrase could be used in various contexts, including geographical, environmental, and metaphorical, to elucidate daunting conditions or scenarios.

Example sentences with  clima riguroso
clima seco
Dry weather

The Spanish phrase 'clima seco' translates to 'dry weather' in English. This term is used to describe a type of weather condition where the humidity is very low or there is a lack of moisture in the air. This kind of weather is common in desert regions or areas that experience long periods without rain. People living in dry weather climates often have to take measures to conserve water and protect against dry air conditions.

Example sentences with  clima seco
clima suave
mild climate

The Spanish term 'clima suave' translates to 'mild climate' in English. This generally refers to a weather pattern that is generally warm, but not too hot, and not too cold. This term is often used in weather forecasts or geography. Countries that experience a 'clima suave' tend to have comfortable and steady environmental conditions throughout the year, without any extreme weather changes or abrupt temperature shifts.

Example sentences with  clima suave
clima templado
temperate climate

The Spanish term 'clima templado' translates to 'temperate climate' in English. This climate is generally characterized by mild temperatures and moderate weather conditions, neither too hot like the tropics, nor too cold like the polar regions. Generally, regions with a temperate climate experience four seasons: winter, spring, summer, and autumn. Examples of countries with temperate climates include parts of the United States, Canada, much of Europe, and parts of China.

Example sentences with  clima templado
clima tropical
tropical climate

The term 'clima tropical' in Spanish translates to 'tropical climate' in English. It refers to a type of climate typical of the tropics, which is a region of the Earth within the latitudes 23.5 degrees north and 23.5 degrees south of the equator. The tropical climate is characterized by high temperatures throughout the year with significant precipitation. Depending on the region, the rainfall may be evenly distributed throughout the year or occur more heavily in certain seasons.

Example sentences with  clima tropical

The Spanish word 'clínica' translates to 'clinic' in English. It is used in the same context, meaning a healthcare facility that is primarily focused on the care of outpatients. Clinics can be publicly managed or privately managed and typically cover the primary healthcare needs of populations in local communities, contrary to larger hospitals which offer specialist treatments and admit inpatients for overnight stays.

clínica veterinaria
veterinary clinic

The Spanish term 'clínica veterinaria' translates to 'veterinary clinic' in English. A veterinary clinic refers to a health care facility that is designed to provide preventative and curative treatments for animals. Often run by qualified veterinarians and veterinary nurses, these clinics may offer a variety of services, from regular check-ups and vaccinations, to emergency care and surgical procedures.

Example sentences with  clínica veterinaria

The word 'clip' in Spanish also translates to 'clip' in English. It is often used to refer to a device, usually of metal or plastic, that is used to hold things together or to fasten materials like papers. It can also refer to a short sequence from a movie or a video. Despite the different usages, it carries similar meanings where it is used to denote something that keeps other things tightly secured or fastened.


In Spanish, 'club' is also used as in English to refer to a group of people organized for a common purpose such as a sports team, or a place where people go to dance and listen to music. It is also used to describe a heavy stick or a card suit in a standard deck of cards. Usage in sentences remains the same as it is in English.

Example sentences with  club

The Spanish word 'coartada' translates to 'alibi' in English. In a legal context, an alibi is a form of evidence that a person accused of a crime can use to show that they were in a different location at the time the crime occurred. In a broader context, the term can also be used to refer to an excuse or reason given to avoid blame or responsibility.


The Spanish word 'cobarde' translates to 'coward' in English. A 'cobarde' refers to a person who lacks courage in facing danger, difficulty, opposition, pain, etc. and is excessively afraid of such instances. This term is often used to describe someone who runs away from situations rather than dealing with them. Essentially, 'cobarde' is used in Spanish to express an individual's lack of bravery.


The Spanish word 'cobardía' is translated as 'cowardice' in English. This term is often used to describe the lack of courage or determination to face danger, difficulty, opposition, pain, etc. In Spanish-speaking cultures, it may be used to identify a personality trait deemed undesirable, akin to its usage in English. It may also appear in other cultural contexts or idioms, adding richness and depth to the language.


The Spanish word 'cobertura' translates to 'coverage' in English. It can refer to several types of coverage, including insurance coverage, news coverage, or the extent to which something is dealt with. Additionally, in a technological context, it may refer to areas in which a service is available, like cell phone or internet coverage.

Example sentences with  cobertura
cobertura sanitaria
health coverage

The Spanish term 'cobertura sanitaria' translates to 'health coverage' in English. In a general context, it refers to the provision of healthcare services by a country or an organization. These services can range from regular health check-ups, treatments to surgeries, and more. It's typically included in many employment benefits and public services. Its purpose is to ensure that individuals have access to necessary health care services without experiencing financial hardship.

cobrar comisiones

The Spanish phrase 'cobrar comisiones' translates to 'charge commissions' in English. It is used in the context of financial activities where a service, institution, or individual might impose charges for providing certain services, often articulated as a percentage of transactions handled or profits earned. The term 'cobrar' refers to the act of charging or requiring payment, while 'comisiones' means commissions. However, it doesn't translate to 'receivables', which refers to money due to be received by a business or individual, represented in Spanish by 'cuentas por cobrar'.

cobrar el recibo de la luz
collect the light bill

The Spanish phrase 'cobrar el recibo de la luz' translates into English as 'collect the light bill'. It is a common phrase used in Spanish-speaking countries to refer to the action of receiving payment for the electrical services provided. This could refer to a professional who works collecting these payments, or it could also be used in a more general sense to indicate the necessity to pay for your electric bill.

cobrar el recibo del agua
collect the water bill

The Spanish phrase 'cobrar el recibo del agua' translates to 'collect the water bill' in English. It is a verb phrase that's commonly used in many Spanish-speaking countries. Cobrar means to collect, el recibo translates to the bill, and del agua refers to of the water. Therefore, when combined, these words offer the context of collecting payment for the service of water, or simply, to collect the water bill.

cobrar el subsidio de desempleo
the unemployment benefit

The Spanish phrase 'cobrar el subsidio de desempleo' translates to 'to collect the unemployment benefit' in English. In this context, 'cobrar' means 'to collect', 'el subsidio' means 'the benefit', and 'de desempleo' means 'of unemployment'. Essentially, this phrase is commonly used in Spanish-speaking countries to refer to the action of receiving financial support from the government, typically after losing employment. It broadly encapsulates the process and action of claiming this support.

cobrar intereses
interest receivable

The Spanish phrase 'cobrar intereses' translates directly to 'charge interests' in English. However, in a financial context, it is frequently used to mean 'interest receivable'. This refers to the process of gaining interest on the capital that has been lent or invested. It is a term often used in the banking and finance industry, particularly in relation to loan repayment terms. 'Cobrar intereses' is a common phrase to encounter in agreements or contracts that involve lending or borrowing money.

cobrar la factura de la luz
charge the electricity bill

The phrase 'cobrar la factura de la luz' in Spanish directly translates to 'charge the electricity bill' in English. It's commonly used in the context of financial matters, indicating the action of collecting payment for the electric utilities or services provided. The verb 'cobrar' implies the act of receiving or demanding payment. 'La factura de la luz' stands for the electricity bill.

cobrar la factura del agua
collect water bill

The Spanish phrase 'cobrar la factura del agua' translates to 'collect water bill' in English. This is typically used in a context where a person or entity is responsible for gathering or accepting payment for the water services provided. For instance, it can be used when a landlord collects the water bill from their tenants or when a utility company is seeking payment for water usage.

cobrar un anticipo
collect an advance

The Spanish phrase 'cobrar un anticipo' translates as 'collect an advance' in English. This term is often used in a business or work context and refers to the action of receiving a partial payment or advance on a salary or for goods or services that will be provided in the future. For example, a contractor might 'cobrar un anticipo' before beginning a piece of work.

cobrar un sueldo
to get a salary

The Spanish phrase 'cobrar un sueldo' translates to 'to get a salary' in English. It can be used in various contexts where someone is receiving their regular payment for work, typically expressed on a monthly basis. It is a common phrase used in workplaces and in discussions about jobs and earnings.

cobrar un sueldo razonable
reasonable salary

The phrase 'cobrar un sueldo razonable' in Spanish can be translated to English as 'to earn a reasonable salary'. It refers to receiving a fair amount of money or benefits for the work, often used to talk about wages that can adequately cover a person's basic needs and expenses.

cobrar un sueldo ridículo
pay a ridiculous salary

The Spanish phrase 'cobrar un sueldo ridículo' translates to 'pay a ridiculous salary' in English. This phrase can be used in situations to describe an income that is considered absurdly low and not enough to cover one's living costs. It can be used both literally, in the context of employment and salary discussions, and metaphorically, to describe exploitation or underestimation of someone or something.

cobrar una hora extra
charge an extra hour

The Spanish phrase 'cobrar una hora extra' translates to 'charge an extra hour' in English. It is often used in a workplace context to indicate that you will be charging an additional fee for working an hour beyond the stipulated working hours. This could be applicable to various professions such as freelance work, consulting, or any service-based job that calculates revenue based on working hours. In general, 'cobrar' means to charge or collect, 'una hora' means an hour, and 'extra' means additional or excess.

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