Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.


The Spanish word 'civil' translates into 'civilian' in English. It is commonly used to describe any individual who is not part of the armed services or the police force. The term can also be used in broader contexts to describe a non-military citizen, often in contrast to military personnel, police, or other groups involved in governance or enforcement roles.

Example sentences with  civil
clara de huevo
egg white

The term 'clara de huevo' in Spanish translates to 'egg white' in English. Egg whites are the clear, thick liquid that surrounds the yolk of an egg. It is a common ingredient in many recipes including baking and cooking, high in protein and low in calorie. The term 'clara de huevo' is made up of 'clara', meaning 'clear', and 'huevo', meaning 'egg'.


The word 'claramente' is an adverb in Spanish that is usually used to demonstrate something that is free from doubt, clear, or obvious. It is used in the same context and grammatical structure as 'clearly' in English. For example, in a sentence, it could be used like 'Él habló claramente sobre el tema', which translates to 'He spoke clearly about the topic'.

Example sentences with  claramente

The term 'clarinete' in Spanish refers to a musical instrument known as 'clarinet' in English. It is a woodwind instrument with a distinctive, clear tone. Played using a single reed and keys, the clarinet is a versatile instrument known for its wide range of notes. Notably used in orchestras, wind ensembles, and jazz bands, the clarinet is implicitly associated with a variety of musical genres and styles.

Example sentences with  clarinete

In Spanish, 'clase' is used in similar ways as 'class' in English. It can refer to a group of students or meeting where students are taught, a course of instruction (as in, 'clase de inglés' for 'English class'), a social rank or group, or a group of people, things, or ideas that are similar or in the same category. This word is a very common term in academic and social contexts.

Example sentences with  clase
clase de español
Spanish class

The Spanish phrase 'clase de español' literally translates to 'class of Spanish' in English. It is used to denote a course or lesson in which the Spanish language, literature, or both are taught. Just like any other language course, a 'clase de español' would focus on various aspects of the Spanish language including grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, writing and comprehension. Culture, history, and various dialects of Spanish-speaking regions may also feature. Whether you're taking 'clase de español' in a school, college, or online, it's a great way to learn the world's second most spoken native language.

clase de historia
History class

The Spanish phrase 'clase de historia' translates to 'history class' in English. This phrase is often used in an academic context, referring to a class or course in which the subject of history is studied. It could refer to any period of history, and could be a class taken by a student at any level of education, from elementary school to university. The elements of the phrase can be broken down into 'clase', which means 'class', and 'historia', which means 'history'.

clase de matemáticas
Math class

The Spanish phrase 'clase de matemáticas' translates to 'math class' in English. This phrase is typically used in the context of education and school settings. 'Clase' means 'class', 'de' is a preposition generally meaning 'of', and 'matemáticas' means 'math'. Therefore, when combined, 'clase de matemáticas' literally translates to 'class of math' but is more naturally translated as 'math class' in English.

clase política
political class

The phrase 'clase política' in Spanish refers to a social group that constitutes the politicians in a government or nation. It's a collective term that denotes individuals in the society who are directly involved in the governance or politics of a country. Hence, it translates to 'political class' in English. This term typically includes individuals who hold or have held positions in the executive, legislative, or judicial branches of government, such as presidents, senators, congressmen, governors, mayors or judges. It could also include influential figures like political consultants, lobbyists, activists, political scholars, etc.

Example sentences with  clase política
clase práctica
practical class

The Spanish term 'clase práctica' refers to a 'practical class' in English. This is a type of educational setting which emphasizes learning by doing. The practical class tends to focus more on the application of concepts, skills, or practices. Instead of a purely theoretical approach to the subject matter, the students learn by practically engaging with the educational material, often through hands-on experiences and real-world applications. It's utilized across various disciplines such as science, engineering, health, cooking, and arts, to name a few.

clase social
social class

The term 'clase social' in Spanish translates to 'social class' in English. It refers to the hierarchical categorization of individuals in society based on wealth, occupation, educational attainment, and other economic and social factors. Social classes often indicate the degree of control individuals might have over their own lives and the opportunities accessible to them. It is a fundamental concept in sociology and other social sciences.

Example sentences with  clase social
clase teórica
theoretical class

The term 'clase teórica' in Spanish refers to a type of class where the focus is on academic instruction rather than practical application. These classes often involve lecturing, discussion, and dissemination of theoretical information on a given subject. Theoretical classes serve as the base or foundation of study, providing the necessary knowledge that can later be applied in practical situations or exercises. This is very fundamental in fields of study such as physics or philosophy. The equivalent interpretation in English would be 'theoretical class'.

clase trabajadora
working class

The term 'clase trabajadora' in Spanish translates to 'working class' in English. The working class typically includes people who earn an income through manual labor or low-level positions in the workforce. People belonging to the working class often lack a college degree and are not part of the managerial or professional class. They are characterized by their provision of essential services in the labor market and can be found in various industries like manufacturing, construction, and retail. In a broader sociological context, 'clase trabajadora' might be used as an identity marker in class-based political movements.

Example sentences with  clase trabajadora

Clasicismo is a term in Spanish which translates to 'Classicism' in English. It refers to the aesthetic attitudes and principles based in the arts, literature, and architecture of ancient Greece and Rome. Classicism generally implies a high regard for classical antiquity and an admiration for harmony, restraint, and adherence to recognized standards of form and craftsmanship. In broader context, it is also a philosophical or aesthetical tendency that values the ideas and wisdom of classical antiquity, denoting excellence of a traditional sort.

Example sentences with  clasicismo
clasificar documentos
classify documents

The Spanish phrase 'clasificar documentos' translates to 'classify documents' in English. It is a verb phrase used to denote sorting or categorizing documents, typically into specific categories or groups based on certain criteria. This is commonly used in administrative and office settings, as well as within digital storage systems and databases.

clasificarse para el campeonato
qualify for the championship

'Clasificarse para el campeonato' is a Spanish phrase that translates to 'qualify for the championship' in English. This is often used in the context of sports, referring to the process or achievement of meeting the required standards or criterion to enter into a championship competition. It can also be applied metaphorically in other domains like business or academia, symbolizing the act of reaching a high standard or level of achievement.

clasificarse para la (semi)final
qualify for the (semi)final

The Spanish phrase 'clasificarse para la (semi)final' translates to 'qualify for the (semi)final' in English. It's usually used in the context of sporting events or competitive activities where participants must meet specific criteria or win earlier rounds in order to proceed to the final or semifinal stages of the competition.

clasificarse para la eliminatoria
qualify for elimination

The Spanish phrase 'clasificarse para la eliminatoria' translates to 'qualify for elimination' in English. It's commonly used in competitive contexts, typically in sports or games, where participants compete against each other until there is one final winner. If you 'clasificarse para la eliminatoria', it means that you have done well enough in the previous stages of competition to proceed to the elimination rounds, where competitors will be progressively eliminated until there is a final winner.

claustro (de profesores)

The Spanish term 'claustro (de profesores)' translates to 'faculty' in English. In the context of education, it refers to a group of teachers or educators at a school, college, or university. This body of faculty is collectively responsible for teaching students, developing curriculum, and advancing academic research in their respective subject areas. They may also engage in administrative tasks and participate in decision-making at their educational institutions.

cláusula del contrato
contract clause

The term 'cláusula del contrato' in Spanish translates to 'contract clause' in English. This is a specific provision or section within a written contract. Each clause in the contract outlines a certain aspect of the agreement between the two parties. These clauses often involve conditions for the agreement, terms of payment, stipulations on the duration of the contract, etc. Understanding each clause properly is crucial, as they carry legal obligations and the potential for penalties if breached.

cláusula del convenio colectivo
clause of the collective agreement

The Spanish term 'Cláusula del convenio colectivo' is an English phrase which translates to 'clause of the collective agreement'. It denotes a specific provision or section within a collective agreement or contract. This can be a labour union contract or any agreement struck between an employer and a group of employees. The clause sets out specific conditions, rights, or obligations that are agreed upon by the involved parties and is binding in nature.

clausurar las fiestas
close the holidays

'Clausurar las fiestas' is a Spanish phrase commonly used indicating the end of a festive period. It is directly translated into English as 'close the holidays'. This phrase is typically used when festivities, celebrations, or holiday periods are coming to an end and all related activities are wrapping or locked up. It carries a sense of finality ensuring that all fun, joy and celebrations associated with the holidays are drawn to a close.

clausurar un curso
close a course

The Spanish phrase 'clausurar un curso' translates to 'close a course' in English. It is typically used to imply the ending or completion of a course or study period. It can mean the ceasing of all activities related to the course, including lessons and examinations. The phrase 'clausurar un curso' may be used in the context of academic, professional or recreational courses.


The Spanish word 'claxon' translates to 'horn' in English. This term is commonly used in the context of vehicles, such as cars, trucks, buses, and bicycles, referring to the sound-making device used to warn others of the vehicle's approach or presence, or to call attention to some hazard. It can also refer to any loud, sustained noise on a musical instrument, or any device that makes a loud noise, especially as a warning signal.

Example sentences with  claxon

A client is a person or organization that uses the services or advice of a professional or company. In business context, they're the ones who purchase or consume the goods and services.

Example sentences with  cliente
cliente habitual
usual customer

The Spanish term 'cliente habitual' translates to 'usual customer' in English. It refers to a customer who frequently visits or uses the services of a specific business establishment or service provider. The term is commonly used in various types of businesses including retail, restaurants, and service-based industries. The regularity of these customers often contributes to the steady income of the business and builds customer loyalty.

cliente potencial

The term 'cliente potencial' in Spanish refers to a person or organization that could potentially be converted into a client. They have shown some degree of interest in the product or service offered by a company but have not yet made a purchase or agreement. The potential client is also referred to as a 'prospect', as they represent potential revenue for the business. A potential client embodies the prospect of a future relationship that may evolve into a formal client relationship, depending on how effective the sales and marketing strategies are. In English, this term translates literally to 'Potential client'.

clima caluroso
hot weather

The Spanish phrase 'clima caluroso' translates to 'hot weather' in English. In this phrase, 'clima' means 'weather' and 'caluroso' means 'hot'. It is used when the weather is warm and the temperatures are high. This phrase can be used in different contexts such as describing the weather conditions of a certain location, predicting future weather conditions, or recalling past weather experiences.

Example sentences with  clima caluroso
clima continental
continental climate

The phrase 'clima continental' in Spanish translates to 'continental climate' in English. A continental climate is a type of climate characterized by significant temperature differences between seasons, usually with hot summers and cold winters. It's typically found in the interior parts of large land masses, away from the influence of the ocean. Continental climates can have a wide range of temperatures and changes throughout the year with distinct seasonal variations in regarding to temperature and precipitation.

Example sentences with  clima continental
clima desértico
desert climate

The Spanish term 'clima desértico' translates to 'desert climate' in English. A desert climate is a type of arid climate characterised by less than 25 cm of annual rainfall, high temperatures and vast stretches of sand or rock. Life in this harsh environment has adapted to these extreme conditions through various life forms including unique plant species, insects and resilient mammals like camels. Knowledge of this term can further one's understanding of geographical terminology in Spanish.

Example sentences with  clima desértico
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