Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.


The given Spanish word 'cigüeña' does not translate to 'storm' in English. Instead, it translates to 'stork', which is a large, long-legged, long-necked wading bird with a long, stout bill. They are known for their size and for the legend that they deliver babies.

Example sentences with  cigüeña

The word 'cinco' is used in Spanish exactly as 'five' is used in English. It is a basic numeric identifier, used to denote quantity, order, or rank. It can be used in any setting which calls for the enumeration of items, ranking or simply stating the number itself.

Example sentences with  cinco
cine mudo
silent cinema

The term 'cine mudo', in Spanish, refers to 'silent cinema' in English. This is a term that comes from the early years of the film industry when films did not have synchronized recorded sound and the dialogues were presented in the form of intertitles. These films instead used live music and a wide variety of visual storytelling techniques to communicate the plot and emotions to the audience.

Example sentences with  cine mudo
cine sonoro
sound cinema

The term 'cine sonoro' directly translates to 'sound cinema' in English. It is used to refer to the era of cinema that was dominated by sound films after the silence period. It marked a significant transformation in the field of cinema as it introduced audible dialogue and sound effects in films. This technological advancement enhanced the storytelling techniques and had a profound impact on cinematic history and the movie watching experience.

Example sentences with  cine sonoro

The Spanish word 'cintura' translates to 'waist' in English. In Spanish, it is predominantly used to refer to the part of the human body between the ribs and hips, which is often narrower than the areas directly above and below it. This term can be used in various contexts such as clothing sizes, health or fitness discussions, and descriptions of physical appearances.


The word 'cinturón' is a masculine noun in Spanish language. Originating from Latin term 'cinctūra', it translates to 'belt' in English. It is commonly used to denote a band or strap, often made of leather or cloth, and is worn around the waist. The term can be used both in a literal context referring to clothing accessories, as well as figuratively in expressions like 'cinturón de seguridad', meaning safety belt.

Example sentences with  cinturón

The word 'circulación' in Spanish translates to 'circulation' in English. It is a noun that can be used in various contexts. In a biological sense, it can refer to the movement of blood in the body. In the context of road traffic, 'circulación' refers to the flow of vehicles. Similarly, in a general sense, it can be used to indicate the movement or passing around of goods, currency, information and more.

Example sentences with  circulación
circulación de mercancías
circulation of goods

The Spanish term 'circulación de mercancías' directly translates to 'circulation of goods' in English. This term is frequently used in trade and economics to describe the movement of goods and products from the place of production to the place of consumption. This could include several different methods such as shipping, air transport or road transport. Proper circulation of goods is essential for the smooth functioning of any economy as it ensures products reach consumers in a timely and efficient manner.

Example sentences with  circulación de mercancías
circular con cuidado
to drive carefully

The Spanish phrase 'circular con cuidado' translates to 'drive carefully' in English. This phrase is an instruction primarily used in the context of road safety. The term 'circular' is from the verb 'circular' which means 'to drive'. It is often used to denote the act of driving a vehicle. On the other hand, 'con cuidado' means 'with care' or 'carefully'. Thus when combined, 'circular con cuidado' reminds individuals to exercise caution and attention while driving to prevent any mishaps or accidents on the road.

Example sentences with  circular con cuidado
circular con precaución
to drive with caution

The Spanish phrase 'circular con precaución' translates to 'drive with caution' in English. It's an instruction typically seen on road signs, advising drivers to be careful and aware of their surroundings to avoid accidents. It stresses on the importance of safe and attentive driving.

Example sentences with  circular con precaución
circular en coche
drive by car

The Spanish phrase 'circular en coche' translates to 'drive by car' in English. This refers to the action of operating a motor vehicle, specifically a car. For instance, if someone tells you in Spanish 'Deberías circular en coche', they are suggesting that you should drive by car. It's often used in contexts related to transportation, travel, or commuting.

Example sentences with  circular en coche
circular marcha atrás
to drive in reverse

The Spanish phrase 'circular marcha atrás' is used to mean 'drive in reverse' in English. This phrase is common in driving and transportation contexts. You would use this phrase when you want to tell someone to move a vehicle backwards, indicating a reverse movement or direction. In a broader context, it also can mean to go back on a decision or action, taking back what has previously been done.

Example sentences with  circular marcha atrás
circular sin prestar atención
to drive without paying attention

The Spanish phrase 'circular sin prestar atención' is translated into English as 'to drive without paying attention'. It implies the action of being behind the wheel of a vehicle, perhaps a car or bike, and not being fully mentally present or watchful. This can generally be due to distractions or the individual's emotional or physical condition. It's an important concept to understand, as road safety rules in every region emphasize the significance of being attentive while driving for the safety of oneself and others.

Example sentences with  circular sin prestar atención

The Spanish word 'círculo' translates to 'circle' in English. A circle is an important and fundamental shape in our everyday lives. It is a round plane figure whose boundary (the circumference) consists of points equidistant from a fixed point (the centre). This word can be used in many contexts, like describing shapes, objects, diagrams, etc.

Example sentences with  círculo

Plums are a type of stone fruit that come in many different varieties. They can be sweet or tart, and can be eaten fresh or used in cooking.

Example sentences with  Ciruela

The Spanish term 'cirugía' translates to 'surgery' in English. It is often used in medical contexts, referring to the process where a doctor operates on a patient, usually to treat an illness or injury, or to improve their physical condition or appearance. The individual who performs the cirugía is called a 'cirujano,' meaning 'surgeon' in English.

Example sentences with  cirugía

The Spanish word 'cirujano' directly translates to 'surgeon' in English. A surgeon is a medical practitioner specialized in the art of surgery. This profession requires many years of education and training to acquire the skill and knowledge needed. In a medical context, it refers to a doctor who operates on patients in need of invasive bodywork such as repairing injuries, removing tumors, and carrying out transplants, among other medical procedures.

Example sentences with  cirujano

The Spanish word 'cita' translates to 'date' in English. This can refer to both the day of an event occurring on a certain day, month, and year, and an appointment or meeting with someone at a specific time and place. It can also represent a romantic meeting between two people.

citar a alguien para una entrevista (de trabajo)
summon someone for an interview (working)

The Spanish phrase 'citar a alguien para una entrevista (de trabajo)' translates to 'summon someone for an interview (working)' in English. This is often used in a professional context where a company or individual invites or schedules another person - typically a job candidate - for a meeting or discussion, commonly known as an interview. In this case, it specifically refers to a working or job interview, where the person's suitability for a role or job position is being assessed.

citar textualmente
quote verbatim

The Spanish term 'citar textualmente' translates to 'quote verbatim' in English. It is frequently used in the context of referencing someone's exact words or phrases from a specific source. For instance, in writing or scholarly work, citing text verbatim is a standard practice where the author's original words are used to support an argument or clarify a point. Therefore, the requirement to 'citar textualmente' in a Spanish assignment would prompt the student to directly reproduce sentences or phrases from the mentioned material without changing the original language or structure.

Example sentences with  citar textualmente

'Ciudad' refers to a large place where people live and work, usually featuring tall buildings and busy streets.

Example sentences with  ciudad
ciudad antigua
ancient city

The Spanish term 'ciudad antigua' translates to 'ancient city' in English. This term is often used in the context of discussing city structures and civilizations that existed in the distant past. For example, it could refer to cities from the Roman or Greek eras, or any other city with significant historical significance that has been preserved or discovered through archaeological means.

Example sentences with  ciudad antigua
ciudad cosmopolita
cosmopolitan city

The term 'ciudad cosmopolita' in Spanish translates to 'cosmopolitan city' in English. This refers to a city that's characterized by its global nature, diverse population and an embracement of many different cultures and ideas. Cosmopolitan cities are often large, with exciting hubs of business, tourism, food, fashion, and other industries, holding people from varied ethnic backgrounds and walks of life.

Example sentences with  ciudad cosmopolita
ciudad industrial
industrial city

The Spanish term 'ciudad industrial' translates to 'industrial city' in English. An industrial city is a city where the primary industry is manufacturing, characterized by factories, industries and establishments that convert raw materials into products in large quantities. It is often bustling with activity and may host a large labour force involved in various stages on the manufacturing process. Examples of industrial cities could include Detroit in the United States, known for its automotive industry, and Birmingham in the United Kingdom, known for its historical significance in the industrial revolution.

Example sentences with  ciudad industrial
ciudad moderna
modern city

The Spanish term 'ciudad moderna' translates to 'modern city' in English. This term is used to describe cities that are characterized by up-to-date and advanced infrastructure, architecture, technology, and amenities. These cities often offer advanced systems in transportation, communication, education, and recreational activities. They keep up with contemporary urban design trends and evolve with the changing times, striving for sustainable growth and development.

Example sentences with  ciudad moderna
ciudad monumental
monumental city

The Spanish term 'ciudad monumental' directly translates to 'monumental city' in English. In a broader sense, this term is used to describe cities that are famous for their historical, architectural or cultural significance. These are cities filled with monuments, indicative of a rich historical past, and are often popular tourist destinations due to their monumental assets.

Example sentences with  ciudad monumental
ciudad universitaria
University city

The Spanish phrase 'ciudad universitaria' translates to 'university city' in English. This refers to an area or a part of a city where many universities or colleges are located. It can also mean a campus where several department buildings of a single university are located. These places are hubs of educational activity, often bustling with students, faculty, and staff from the university. Besides educational buildings, university cities typically contain amenities to support daily life including housing, dining, social spaces, and more.

Example sentences with  ciudad universitaria

The Spanish word 'ciudadano' translates to 'citizen' in English. In the societal context, a 'ciudadano' is an individual who is a legal member of a state or country, and has rights and responsibilities associated within that region. The term is universally used across various systems of government to denote members of its public or people who have legal rights under its jurisdiction.

Example sentences with  ciudadano

The Spanish word 'ciudadano' translates to 'citizen' in English. A citizen is a person who legally belongs to a country and has the rights and protection of that country. Citizens can be native born or naturalized and they owe allegiance to their country. Similarly, in Spanish, 'ciudadano' refers to an individual who is a legal member of a particular country, with all the rights, benefits, and duties that come with such membership.

Example sentences with  ciudadano

The Spanish word 'cívico' translates to 'civic' in English. It is an adjective that describes anything related to city or town affairs, citizenship, or community activities. This term is commonly used in the context of public involvement and participation in a town or city. For example, when discussing civic duties or responsibilities, such as voting, obeying laws, or volunteering for the betterment of the community.

Example sentences with  cívico
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