Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

cheque (de viaje)
cheque (travel)

The Spanish word 'cheque (de viaje)' translates to 'cheque (travel)' in English. This mostly refers to a kind of check issued by a bank or other financial institution which is preloaded with a certain amount that enables the holder to access that amount in cash from banks or ATMs in foreign places where the holder is traveling to, providing a safer and more convenient alternative to carrying large amounts of cash.

cheque al portador
bearer check

The Spanish phrase 'cheque al portador' translates to 'bearer check' in English. This is a type of check that is payable to whoever is in possession of it, instead of a specific person or entity. It is a form of financial instrument that does not designate a specific payee, thereby allowing the holder or bearer of the check to cash or deposit it. It is therefore important to keep such checks secure, as they can be used by anyone who has them in their possession.

cheque cruzado
crossed check

The term 'cheque cruzado' in Spanish translates to 'crossed check' in English. This is a type of check that requires the banking institution to only process it through a bank account. The main purpose is to ensure that the check is not directly encashed, but only deposited into the payee's account, adding an extra layer of security. Therefore, 'cheque cruzado' implies a safer and more secure means of check-based transaction in the banking and financial world.

Example sentences with  cheque cruzado
cheque en blanco
white check

A 'cheque en blanco' in Spanish refers to what is known in English as a 'blank check'. This phrase represents a situation where one is given unlimited freedom in making decisions or spending money, or, in a more literal sense, a check with no determined value written, which the recipient can fill out as desired.

cheque nominativo

The Spanish term 'cheque nominativo' translates to 'paycheck' in English. It refers to a written document, issued by an employer to their employee, instructing a bank to pay a specified amount of money from a specified bank account. The recipient of the paycheck, who is the employee, can deposit the check into their bank account, or cash it directly. A paycheck often forms a significant part of an employee's salary or wages.

cheque postal
postal cheque

The Spanish term 'cheque postal' translates to 'postal cheque' in English. It refers to a financial instrument, usually a type of cheque, sent by mail to a payee who then cashes it through the postal system. Functioning similarly to regular bank cheques, the 'cheque postal' offers a more secure method for sending money through mail because it can be replaced if lost or stolen.

cheque sin fondos
bounced check

The term 'cheque sin fondos' refers to what is known in English as a 'bounced check'. This is a kind of non-sufficient funds (NSF) check, or dishonored check, which a bank rejects and returns, typically because the writer of the check does not have enough funds to cover the value of the check in their account.

cheques de viaje
travel cheques

The Spanish term 'cheques de viaje' translates to 'travel cheques' in English. Travel cheques are a medium of exchange that can be used in place of hard currency. They can be replaced if lost or stolen, and are often used by travelers when they go abroad. Moreover, unlike cash, they do not lose their value even if the currency rates change.

Example sentences with  cheques de viaje

In various Latin American countries, 'chévere' is a slang term frequently used to describe something as cool, nice, or good.

Example sentences with  chévere

The word 'chico' is a Spanish term that translates into the English language as 'boy'. It is utilized broadly in Spanish-speaking nations to address a male child or a young male person. In a broader sense, 'chico' is sometimes casually used to refer to a man regardless of age. Spanish language contains gender-specific terms, and 'chico' particularly addresses the male gender. The feminine counterpart for 'chico' in Spanish is 'chica', meaning 'girl' in English.


The Spanish word for 'fireplace' is 'chimenea'. It is a common architectural structure made to contain a fire. 'Chimenea' is used in a similar context as fireplace in English language. It is often used in the context of home settings and is a common feature in many homes for heating purpose, especially during colder weather.

Example sentences with  chimenea
beach bar

The word 'chiringuito' in Spanish refers to a small, often temporary bar or stall that can be found along the coast, on beach areas. These establishments are popular places for socializing, typically offering access to drinks, food, and sometimes music. They are particularly common in Spanish-speaking countries and provide a unique aspect of beach-side culture. In English, the word is translated as 'beach bar'.

chocar contra algo
hit something

The Spanish phrase 'chocar contra algo' translates to 'hit something' in English. It is a verb phrase used to express the action of colliding or coming into violent contact with another object. This can refer both to physical collisions, such as a car hitting a tree, and metaphorical or emotional collisions, where one person or idea comes into conflict with another.

Example sentences with  chocar contra algo

The Spanish word 'chocolate' translates to 'chocolate' in English. It is a universally popular treat made from cacao seeds, often sweetened and flavored. It can be eaten on its own, or used as an ingredient in foods like cakes, cookies, and drinks.

chocolate caliente
hot cocoa

The Spanish term for 'hot cocoa' is 'chocolate caliente'. It is used in the same context as in English, referring to a warm drink made with milk and chocolate or cocoa powder. It's a popular beverage in Spain, especially during cold months.

Example sentences with  chocolate caliente
chuleta de cerdo
pork chop

The Spanish phrase 'chuleta de cerdo' translates to 'pork chop' in English. It's a term often used in food and culinary contexts. This is a cut of meat from a pig, usually containing a rib or part of a vertebra and served as an individual portion. The term 'chuleta de cerdo' is widely used in Spanish-speaking countries to refer to this particular dish.


The Spanish verb 'chupar' translates to 'suck' in English. It's commonly used to refer to the action of drawing something in through the lips by creating a vacuum, such as when drinking a beverage through a straw. It can also be used metaphorically in contexts similar to the English 'sucks', expressing that something is bad or disappointing. Please be aware of the context when using this word, as it can have negative connotations in certain situations.


The word 'cibercafé' is a Spanish term which directly translates to 'cybercafé' in English. A cybercafé refers to a place, often a café, where one can use a computer with internet access for a fee, usually per hour. These places were especially popular during the late 90s and early 2000s when not everyone had internet at home, and are still found in many places around the world today, particularly in areas where personal internet access is not widely available or affordable. This word is a combination of the English word 'cyber', relating to or characteristic of the culture of computers, information technology, and virtual reality, and the Spanish word 'café', which means coffee.

Example sentences with  cibercafé

The Spanish word 'cicatrizar' translates to 'scarring' in English. It is a verb used in medical terminology, specifically in wound healing, to describe the process where the skin or other body tissue fills in a wound with new growth of skin, as part of the body's natural healing process. In general use, 'cicatrizar' can also metaphorically refer to emotional healing or the process of overcoming difficulties or trauma.

Example sentences with  cicatrizar

Cycling is the sport or activity of riding a bicycle. It can be done for transportation, recreation or for competitive racing.

Example sentences with  Ciclismo

The word 'ciclista' originates from the Spanish language, referring to a person who rides bicycles. This could be for various purposes such as sports, recreation, or transportation. A 'ciclista' can be of any age or gender, and it is synonymous with the English term, cyclist.

Example sentences with  ciclista

The Spanish word 'ciego' translates to 'blind' in English. It is an adjective used to describe someone who is unable to see. It could be used in a variety of contexts including describing physical blindness of a person or even metaphorical blindness, for example, when someone is not aware or does not have knowledge about something. It falls under the category of the five human senses in Spanish vocabulary.


The word 'cielo' in Spanish translates to 'heaven' in English. It is often used in contexts or phrases that discuss ethereal or spiritual concepts. As in English, it can also be used in a romantic sense to metaphorically express an overwhelming emotion. Moreover, 'cielo' can also signify 'sky' in English, depicting the space above the ground where clouds, the sun, and aircrafts can be seen.

Example sentences with  cielo
cielo estrellado
Starry sky

The Spanish term 'cielo estrellado' translates to 'starry sky' in English. It is a phrase used to describe a clear night sky filled with visible stars. This can often refer to circumstances where urban light pollution is minimal, allowing for the celestial bodies to be more observable. It carries the same feelings of wonder and beauty as its English counterpart.

Example sentences with  cielo estrellado
one hundred

The Spanish word 'cien' translates to 'one hundred' in English. It is used to represent the numerical value of 100. It can be used in various contexts such as counting, numbering pages, describing quantities, or used for currency in terms of a 'hundred' units of a given monetary system.


In Spanish, 'ciencia' is the term for 'science'. This can be used in the same contexts as in English, including discussions about various academic and professional disciplines such as biology ('la ciencia de la biología'), education ('la ciencia de la educación'), and so on. It can also be used in broader phrases like 'la ciencia y la tecnología' (science and technology).

Example sentences with  ciencia

The Spanish word 'científico' translates into English as 'scientist'. A 'científico' is a professional engaged in systematic activity to acquire knowledge that describes and predicts the natural world. In a more specialized context, a 'científico' can be a person who is an expert in a specific field of science, for example, a physical scientist, a social scientist, a biological scientist, and so forth.

Example sentences with  científico

The Spanish word 'ciertamente' is an adverb which means 'certainly' in English. It can be used in sentences to express agreement or affirmation. For instance, if someone asks whether you are sure about a given fact or situation, you can use the word 'ciertamente' to reinforce your certainty. It often denotes an unequivocal yes.

Example sentences with  ciertamente

The Spanish word 'cierto' is a common way to express certainty or affirm the truth of a statement in Spanish. It can also mean 'certain' or 'sure' in the sense of knowing something for certain. However, 'cierto' can also be used as an adjective meaning 'certain' or 'some' when referring to an unspecified amount or number of items. For instance, 'ciertas personas' means 'certain people' or 'some people'.

Example sentences with  cierto

The Spanish word 'cigala' translates to 'crayfish' in English. Crayfish, also known as crawfish, crawdads, freshwater lobsters, mountain lobsters, mudbugs, or yabbies, are freshwater crustaceans resembling small lobsters, which they are related to. They are found in bodies of fresh water that do not freeze to the bottom, and are most abundant in high density in a consistent temperature range.

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