Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

cerrar una cuenta
close an account

The Spanish phrase 'cerrar una cuenta' translates to 'close an account' in English. This phrase is frequently used in financial circumstances, both personal and business, to describe the action of permanently stopping all activities of a bank account, email account, or other types of managed accounts.

cerrar una operación
Close an operation

The Spanish phrase 'cerrar una operación' directly translates to 'close an operation' in English. In a business context, this phrase is commonly used to indicate the completion of a transaction or process. This can include procedures such as finalizing a deal, closing a sale, or completing a trade. Similarly, in the field of computing or mathematics, 'cerrar una operación' can also signify the successful conclusion of a function or calculation, marking the end of a cycle or process. The usage of this term may vary depending on the context.

cerrársele a uno los ojos
to close one's eyes

The phrase 'cerrársele a uno los ojos' is a Spanish expression that translates to 'to close one's eyes' in English. It is often used in the context where someone is so tired that they can hardly keep their eyes open, or when someone doesn't want to see or face something in a metaphorical sense. This phrase highlights the flexibility and expressiveness of Spanish language much like idioms in English.


The word 'certamen' in Spanish does not directly translate to 'certamen' in English. The Spanish term 'certamen' is often used to refer to a competition or contest. It generally denotes an event where individuals or teams compete against each other to determine a winner. It's used in various contexts including sporting events, beauty pageants, academic contests and more.

certamen (de música)
contest (music)

The Spanish term 'certamen (de música)' translates to 'contest (music)' in English. It is typically used to refer to a formal competition in the realm of music where individuals or groups display their musical talents and skills. Such contests may involve different music genres and can be found at various levels, such as local, national, and international. These contests provide a platform for musicians to gain recognition and opportunities in their careers.


The Spanish word 'certificado' translates to 'certificate' in English. A certificate can refer to a document that attests or verifies a certain fact or information, such as accomplishment, ownership, or completion of a course or training. For example, when a student completes a degree course, they receive a certificate from the educational institution. In this context, its Spanish equivalent 'certificado' is used in the same way.


The Spanish word 'certificar' translates to 'certify' in English. It is typically used to refer to the confirmation or verification of certain conditions or standards being met. For example, a product might be 'certificado', or certified, meaning it meets certain safety or quality standards. Similarly, in legal contexts, a document might be 'certificado', indicating it's been officially acknowledged or validated. It is a verb, and its conjugation follows the standard rules of Spanish verbs ending in '-ar'.

certificar un paquete
certify a package

The phrase 'certificar un paquete' in Spanish translates to 'certify a package' in English. The act of certifying a package refers to the process of validating, verifying, or confirming the authenticity or accuracy of a package. This could be done for various reasons such as assurance of quality, validity of contents, safety standards, etc. In many cases, this certification process is required by laws or regulations in different sectors like commerce, shipping, or manufacturing.

certificar una carta
certify a letter

The Spanish phrase 'certificar una carta' translates as 'certify a letter' in English. This refers to the process of officially verifying a letter's contents, authenticity, or delivery. It's often used in legal, academic, or professional contexts where confirmation of a letter's validity is critical. The certification process might involve notarization, official seals, or signatures from relevant authorities. Businesses or individuals might certify letters for various reasons such as confirming details of agreements, realizing certain actions, or ensuring the receipt of important communication.


The Spanish word 'cerveza' refers to a popular alcoholic beverage known widely in English as 'beer'. This beverage is traditionally made from barley or other grains, yeast, hops, and water. It comes in various types and flavors depending upon the brewing process and the region it's brewed in. Consumption of 'cerveza' is widely incorporated into many aspects of culture in Spanish speaking countries, from social gatherings to special occasions or celebrations.

cerveza de barril
beer keg

The Spanish phrase 'cerveza de barril' translates to 'beer keg' in English. A beer keg is a cylindrical container, typically constructed from aluminum, used for transporting, storing, and serving beer. Its specific use is predominantly seen in bars and restaurants, where it's hooked up to a draft system for serving beer directly to customers. It is worth noting that the word by word translation of 'cerveza de barril' means 'beer from barrel', emphasizing how traditionally beer was stored and served from wooden barrels.

Caesarean section

The Spanish word 'cesárea' translates to 'Caesarean section' in English. The term 'Caesarean section' refers to a surgical procedure used to deliver one or more babies, typically used when a vaginal delivery would put the baby or mother at risk. It is derived from the Latin 'caesus' (meaning to cut), not directly from the historical figure Julius Caesar, as is commonly supposed. The use of 'cesárea' in Spanish matches this usage, indicating a birthing method noting the surgical incision in the mother's abdomen and uterus.


The Spanish word 'cese' translates to 'cessation' in English. It's a noun that refers to the action or process of ending or being brought to end. It's mostly used in formal contexts or legal language to denote the stoppage or termination of an event, action, or operation. As with any other Spanish words, its usage can depend on the region and the context in which it's used.

lawn grass

The Spanish word 'césped' translates to 'lawn grass' in English. It is used to describe the grassy area in a yard or park. If you imagine a green outdoor space where families have picnics or people play sports, you're thinking of a 'césped'. It forms a significant part of landscaping and gardening. Maintaining a 'césped' involves tasks such as mowing and watering.

Example sentences with  césped
cesta de la compra
shopping basket

The Spanish phrase 'cesta de la compra' translates to 'shopping basket' in English. This term is often found in the context of grocery or retail shopping. Just like in English-speaking regions, people in Spanish-speaking regions use a 'cesta de la compra' to collect and carry items they wish to purchase from a store. This may be a physical basket in a brick-and-mortar store or a virtual one in the context of online shopping.


The Spanish word 'chabola' translates to 'shanty' or 'shack' in English. It refers to a small, poorly built and often informal dwelling, typically made of discarded materials. In societal context, its use often implies a socioeconomically disadvantaged area or a slum. The condition and perceived low quality of such dwellings often make the term pejorative, reflecting on not just the structure itself but the associated living conditions and socioeconomic deprivation.


The Spanish word 'chalé' translates to 'chalet' in English. A chalet is commonly a type of house made of wood, with a heavy, gently sloping roof and wide, well-supported eaves set at the right angle to the front of the house. This type of housing structure is mostly associated with Alpine region, particularly in Europe. Meanwhile, in Spanish-speaking regions, chalé might also refer to any kind of vacation home or a certain style of house.

chaleco homologado
approved vest

The term 'chaleco homologado' in Spanish translates to 'approved vest' in English. It is a compound term containing the words 'chaleco', which means 'vest', and 'homologado', which refers to something that has been approved or ratified. This term is often used in safety contexts, pertaining to vests that have met specific standards of safety and thus have been officially approved for use.

Example sentences with  chaleco homologado

In Peru and other Andean countries, 'chamba' is a popular term used to refer to a job or work.

Example sentences with  chamba

The Spanish word for 'champagne' is 'champán'. Just like in English, 'champán' is a type of sparkling wine and is often used in celebrations. It is a noun and can be used in many of the same ways as 'champagne' in English.

Example sentences with  champán

The Spanish word 'champú' translates to 'shampoo' in English. It is used to refer to a liquid substance or preparation, often containing several synthetic detergents, that is used for cleaning hair. It is usually applied on wet hair, massaged onto the scalp, and rinsed off afterwards. Its purpose is to remove dirt, dandruff, oils, and other particles that can be present on the hair. Shampoo may also contain ingredients for added shine, volume, smoothness, or to prevent hair loss.

Example sentences with  champú
champú anticaspa
Anticaspa shampoo

The Spanish phrase 'champú anticaspa' translates to 'antidandruff shampoo' in English. This is a type of hair cleansing product that is specifically designed to treat and prevent dandruff, a common scalp condition. It typically contains ingredients that work to eliminate excess scalp flake, soothe irritation, and maintain a balanced scalp environment to minimize future dandruff flare-ups.

Example sentences with  champú anticaspa
champú antipiojos
Anti-pioid shampoo

The Spanish term 'champú antipiojos' translates to 'anti-lice shampoo' in English. This is a type of shampoo specifically formulated to kill or repel lice, which are small insects that can infest the hair. It is often used during lice outbreaks in schools or other communal environments.

Example sentences with  champú antipiojos

The Spanish word 'chándal' translates to 'tracksuit' in English. This is a type of comfortable, casual clothing that typically consists of a loose-fitting jacket and trousers, often made of soft, flexible materials like cotton or polyester. It is primarily used for sport activities but has also become a popular choice for casual everyday wear. The equivalent term in American English might be 'sweatsuit' or 'sweat suit'.


This is a very informal way of saying goodbye, equivalent to 'bye' in English.

Example sentences with  Chao

The Spanish word 'chaparrón' does not mean 'chaperone' in English. 'Chaparrón' is a term used in Spanish to describe a brief, heavy shower or downpour of rain. It is often used to talk about sudden, unexpected downpours that may last a few minutes before the sky clears up again.

Example sentences with  chaparrón

The Spanish word 'charla' translates to 'chatter' in English. The term 'charla' can be used in various contexts; it can refer to a casual, friendly conversation between people, often about insignificant or everyday matters. Another usage of 'charla' can be in describing a chat or talk, often informal, delivered by an individual to a group. However, it mainly revolves around the idea of an informal discussion or small talks in English.


In Spanish, 'chat' means 'talk' or 'conversation'. This term is mostly used in the context of online chatting or instant messaging, which are popular methods of communication in the digital age. However, it's worth noting that the term 'chat' can also be used in more traditional contexts to refer to a casual conversation between two or more people. It's most similar to the English term 'chat', but it's usage may vary depending on the region and context.

Check it out

The term 'chécalo' is a common Mexican slang phrase encouraging someone to see, verify, or check out something.

Example sentences with  Chécalo

The word 'chef' in Spanish has the same meaning as in English, referring to a professional cook, typically the chief cook in a restaurant or hotel. This person usually has complete control of the kitchen, from managing kitchen staff and controlling the cost of meals to ensuring the quality of the food that goes out to customers. A 'chef' often has substantial formal training and experience in the culinary arts.

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