Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.


The word 'central' in Spanish is used much like it is in English. It refers to something that is in the middle or is the most important. For instance, it can be used while speaking about a central location or a central idea.

Example sentences with  central
centralizar un trabajo
centralize a job

The phrase 'centralizar un trabajo' in Spanish translates to 'centralize a job' in English. This essentially means gathering all aspects of a specific job or task to a central point or place, making the operations more efficient and organized. It is commonly used in the context of business and administration to denote the process of making a task or function handled by a central authority or location.


The Spanish term 'centrifugado' directly translates to 'centrifuged' in English. Centrifuged refers to subjecting something to a process in which a substance spins around a central point or axis. In the context of laboratory situations, it is often used to separate fluids of different densities, or to separate solid particles from a solution. The term can also be used in an everyday context such as clothes in a washing machine during the spin cycle, where water is forced out of the clothes by the centrifugal force.


The Spanish word 'centrifugar' translates to 'to centrifuge' in English. It is a verb used in context involving processes which separate substances or parts of substances through centrifugation. Centrifugation refers to the process of moving or spinning around a central axis. Thus, 'centrifugar' often finds use in scientific, technical or medical fields of discussion.


The Spanish word 'centro' is used in similar contexts as the English term 'center'. It can refer both to the middle point of a physical object, such as 'el centro de la ciudad' (the city center), and to the focus of attention or activity, as in 'el centro de atención' (the center of attention). It is also used in certain specific phrases, like 'centro comercial' meaning 'shopping center'.

Example sentences with  centro
centro acreditado
accredited centre

The Spanish term 'centro acreditado' translates to 'accredited centre' in English. An accredited centre refers to an educational institution or training centre that has been officially recognized or authorized by a competent authority. Accreditation ensures that the institution meets certain standards of quality and integrity. It is used in many countries to assure students and parents that an institution or programme provides a high quality of education.

centro comercial

The Spanish phrase 'centro comercial' translates to 'mall' in English. It refers to a large enclosed building complex that contains a variety of stores and often restaurants, offering a wide range of consumer goods under one roof. Malls are designed to serve as a one-stop destination for individuals seeking to make multiple purchases, and often include entertainment facilities as well.

centro de animales (abandonados)
(abandoned) animal center

The Spanish phrase 'centro de animales (abandonados)' refers to a place where animals, often those that have been abandoned, are taken care of. It is similar to the concept of an animal shelter or rescue center in English. These centers are dedicated to taking in animals who have been lost, discarded, or neglected by their owners. They provide essentials like food, shelter, and medical care to these animals, while also working to find them new homes. This work is important for the welfare of these animals and for community health as well.

centro de belleza
beauty center

'Centro de belleza' is a Spanish phrase that translates to 'beauty center' in English. In a typical 'centro de belleza' you might find a variety of beauty services including hair care, manicures, pedicures, facials, massages, etc. It can also refer to a place where beauty products are sold. In essence, a 'centro de belleza' is a place dedicated to personal care and enhancement of physical beauty.

Example sentences with  centro de belleza
centro de día
day center

The Spanish term 'centro de día' has a direct translation in English as 'day center'. Generally, these establishments are intended for elderly or disabled people. They offer a variety of services throughout the day, including meals, recreational activities, and supervised healthcare. The goal of these centres is to provide a supportive environment for individuals who may not be able to handle everyday activities alone, while also offering respite for their caregivers. The 'centro de día' thus plays a crucial role in many communities.

centro de menores
juvenile centre

The Spanish term 'centro de menores' translates to 'juvenile center' in English. A 'centro de menores' is a facility where minors who have committed a crime are sent, much like a juvenile detention center in English-speaking countries. It pertains to the juvenile justice system, dealing with individuals not old enough to be held responsible in the criminal justice system. They might attend school and receive other services in these centers, aiming to reintegrate into society.

centro de mujeres
women ' s centre

The Spanish phrase 'centro de mujeres' translates to 'women's centre' in English. This term is commonly used to refer to a community centre or organisation specifically designed or designated for women. These centres aim to promote women's rights, provide support services, and foster a safe environment for women. Examples of such centres can be seen worldwide and they primarily focus on empowering women and addressing female-related issues.

centro de recursos
resource centre

The Spanish phrase 'centro de recursos' translates to 'resource centre' in English. This can refer to a dedicated space where information, and often physical resources, are made available for use. For example, in schools or universities, a resource centre is often a place where students can access educational materials. Similarly, in a company setting, a resource centre might be a digital or physical space where employees can access work-related tools and information. It's a general term and can apply to several contexts based on the available resources specifically geared towards a target group or purpose.

centro de salud
health centre

The Spanish phrase 'centro de salud' translates to 'health centre' in English. This can refer to a facility, often associated with hospitals or medical centres, where individuals go to receive health care services. Such services may include medical treatments, check-ups, or health education. In some contexts, it might also be called a community health centre, especially when describing a place that offers comprehensive health care services within a local or community setting.

Example sentences with  centro de salud
centro virtual
virtual center

The Spanish term 'centro virtual' translates to 'virtual center' in English. This term refers to a digital or online space that serves as a hub for certain activities or services. This could apply in many contexts such as education, business, or technology, where a 'centro virtual' could be an online learning platform, a virtual meeting space or digital workspace.

cepillarse el pelo
brush your hair

The phrase 'cepillarse el pelo' in Spanish stands for 'brush your hair' in English. It is a reflexive verb phrase, which are common in Spanish language. 'Cepillarse' comes from the verb 'cepillar' which means to brush, and 'el pelo' simply means the hair. So, when put together, this phrase gives an instruction to brush one's hair. In general, when instructions are given in Spanish, they are regularly given in the reflexive form.

cepillarse las uñas
brush your nails

The Spanish phrase 'cepillarse las uñas' translates to 'brush your nails' in English. In the Spanish language, 'cepillarse' is a reflexive verb meaning to brush oneself. 'Las uñas' signifies 'the nails'. Thus, when used together, it indicates the action of brushing one's nails. This phrase is often used in the context of personal hygiene and grooming.

cepillarse los dientes
brush your teeth

The Spanish phrase 'cepillarse los dientes' translates to 'brush your teeth' in English. This refers to the common practice of dental hygiene involving a brush and toothpaste to clean one's teeth, typically performed daily to maintain good oral health. The verb 'cepillarse' is a reflexive verb meaning 'to brush oneself'.

Example sentences with  cepillarse los dientes
cepillo de dientes

The Spanish phrase 'cepillo de dientes' translates to 'toothbrush' in English. This is a tool used in personal oral hygiene to clean one's teeth, usually in conjunction with toothpaste or mouthwash. The brush generally has a small head of bristles that is held against the teeth, while the handle of the brush is held by hand.

Example sentences with  cepillo de dientes

A pig is a domesticated large and stout-bodied animal with a thick bristly skin, a long flexible snout, and a tail. Pigs are kept as livestock mainly for their meat (pork).

Example sentences with  cerdo

The Spanish word 'cereales' is a collective term that represents an English equivalent term 'cereals'. This term broadly refers to any grass that produces an edible grain, such as rice, corn, wheat, barley, etc., often utilized for foods like breakfast cereals, bread, and pasta. It's pronounced as 'se-re-a-les' in Spanish. Its primary use is in the context of food and agriculture.


The word 'cerebro' is used to refer to the brain in Spanish. It is typically used in a similar context as in English, referring to the organ inside your head that controls thought, memory, feelings, and activity.

Example sentences with  cerebro

The Spanish word 'ceremonia' translates to 'ceremony' in English. It is a noun used to describe a formal event or ritual conducted on a special occasion, such as a wedding, graduation, or inauguration. It often follows a set of established customs or traditions and it's a common term in both languages, sharing almost identical spelling and pronunciation, making it easier to remember.

ceremonia académica
academic ceremony

The term 'ceremonia académica' from Spanish can be translated to English as 'academic ceremony'. An academic ceremony usually comprises school or university events such as graduation, commencement, matriculation or inauguration. These are formal events where the progress or achievements of students or staff are celebrated, or significant transitions and milestones in the academic calendar are marked.

ceremonia formal
formal ceremony

The Spanish term 'ceremonia formal' translates to 'formal ceremony' in English. It denotes a significant and solemn event or celebration that is carried out with traditional and formal procedures. These could include religious rites, official state functions, or important social events, such as weddings and graduations. These events are typically planned and executed with great attention to detail and respect for the established norms and traditions.

ceremonia sencillo
simple ceremony

Ceremonia sencillo is a Spanish phrase that translates to 'simple ceremony' in English. This phrase can be used in various settings, such as referring to a wedding, graduation, party, or other events that are not overly complicated or extravagant. The emphasis is on the simplicity and intimacy of the occasion, not the lavishness or complexity. This phrase showcases a part of Spanish and Hispanic cultures, where both large extravagant ceremonies and smaller, simpler ones are seen as equally valid and special. It emphasizes the importance of a personal connection over showiness.

ceremonia solemne
solemn ceremony

The Spanish phrase 'ceremonia solemne' translates to 'solemn ceremony' in English. This phrase can be used in various contexts where there is a formal or serious event or ritual taking place. It is typically used to refer to ceremonies that maintain a degree of seriousness and reverence, such as religious rituals, formal academic events, or significant civil proceedings. The adjective 'solemne' emphasizes on the gravity and formal nature of the ceremony.


A cherry is the fruit of many plants of the genus Prunus, and is a fleshy drupe (stone fruit). They are small and round, often bright red in color, and are sweet or sour in taste.

Example sentences with  cereza
cerrar un documento
close a document

The Spanish phrase 'cerrar un documento' translates to 'close a document' in English. In computing contexts, this usually refers to the process of closing a file or document that is currently open on your device, thus ending your recent interaction with it. In the literal sense, it can also refer to physically closing a document or file, like shutting a book. This phrase is typically used in professional, academic, and technological situations.

Example sentences with  cerrar un documento
cerrar un sobre
Close an envelope

The Spanish phrase 'cerrar un sobre' translates to 'close an envelope' in English. It is a verb phrase that is used to describe the action of sealing or closing an envelope, usually after placing a letter or something else inside it. The verb 'cerrar' specifically means 'to close', and 'un sobre' refers to 'an envelope'. Thus, 'cerrar un sobre' gives us the specific action 'close an envelope'.

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