Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

flow rate

The Spanish word 'caudaloso' refers to a high flow rate, often used to describe a river or stream. Literally, it translates to 'abundant flow'. In English, it could be used in context such as, 'The Amazon is a caudaloso, or abundantly flowing river'. The term is fundamentally used to face the high volume of water flow in a river or a stream.

Example sentences with  caudaloso

The Spanish word 'cazador' translates to 'hunter' in English. This term can be used literally to refer to someone who hunts animals for sport or food. It can also have a metaphorical application, for instance, in describing someone aggressively pursuing a goal. It is a commonly used noun in Spanish. Just like in English, the word 'cazador' can be tailored based on its context and can imply different meanings.

Example sentences with  cazador

The Spanish word 'cazadora' translates to 'hunter' in English. This term can be used in several contexts relating to hunting, such as referring to a person who hunts game for sport, a creature that hunts other animals for food, or even metaphorically to denote someone persistently pursuing an object or a goal. It is important to note the cultural and contextual nuances when using this term, as hunting practices and their societal perception can vary widely across Spanish-speaking regions.


The Spanish word 'cazo' translates to 'saucepan' in English. It is a deep, long-handled pan used especially for cooking food over an open fire or on a stove. This term can be found used in various recipes and menus in Spanish-speaking countries, implying to use a saucepan for the cooking process.

cazuela (de barro)
pot (of clay)

The Spanish term 'cazuela (de barro)' translates to 'pot (of clay)' in English. It refers to a type of cookware, traditionally made of clay (or 'barro' in Spanish), that is used for numerous cooking methods such as simmering, boiling, or stewing. In many Spanish-speaking cultures, the 'cazuela de barro', often just referred to as 'cazuela', is a critical, often-used tool in the kitchen, essential for creating a vast variety of dishes.


The word 'cebolla' in Spanish translates into English as 'onion'. Onions are a vegetable commonly used around the world in all types of cooking for their flavorful contribution to many dishes. They can be white, yellow, or red, and from sweet to sharp in flavor. They usually have layers and a firm texture, and are known to cause teary eyes when cut due to synthesizing the chemical irritants.

ceder el paso
give way

'Ceder el paso' in Spanish translates to 'give way' in English. This phrase is used in traffic situations where one vehicle is required to yield or give precedence to other vehicles. It may also denote the act of making room for others, in a broader context.

Example sentences with  ceder el paso

The Spanish word 'ceja' is translated into English as 'eyebrow'. It pertains to the thin strip of hair above each of your eyes, which follows the shape of the edge of the upper eyelid. Eyebrows are a prominent feature in our facial expressions and serve to prevent sweat, water, and other debris from falling down into the eye socket.


The Spanish word 'celebración' is used to refer to any kind of celebration. This could be a birthday, a wedding, or a holiday like Christmas. Just as in English, it can be used to speak about both the act of celebrating and the event being celebrated. For example, 'La celebración de su cumpleaños fue muy divertida' (Her birthday celebration was very fun).

Example sentences with  celebración

The Spanish word 'celebrar' corresponds to the English word 'celebrate' and is used to denote the act of marking a special day, event, or occasion with festivities or ceremonies. You can use 'celebrar' in a sentence the same way you would use 'celebrate' in English.

Example sentences with  celebrar
celebrar (las) elecciones

The Spanish phrase 'celebrar (las) elecciones' translates to 'to hold (the) elections' in English. This phrase is widely used in political context, referring to the process of conducting or organizing elections. It should be noted that the verb 'celebrar' in Spanish has multiple meanings, one of which is 'to hold' in the context of organizing an event. Hence, 'celebrar elecciones' is used when a country or institution is organizing or conducting an election.

Example sentences with  celebrar (las) elecciones
celebrar misa
celebrate mass

The Spanish term 'celebrar misa' translates to 'celebrate mass' in English. It involves the gathering of a Catholic congregation for prayer and worship, usually led by a priest. The mass is a fundamental part of the Catholic faith. It includes readings from the Bible, prayer, song, and the Eucharist, which is the ritual of consecrating bread and wine to represent the body and blood of Jesus Christ.

Example sentences with  celebrar misa
celebrar un acto
celebrate an act

The phrase 'celebrar un acto' is Spanish for 'celebrate an act'. This phrase could refer to the celebration of a specific event or action. This could involve a variety of activities depending on the context, such as a party for a wedding (an act of marriage), a gathering after a performance (an act in a play), or even a large parade for a national holiday (an act of celebration).

celebrar un bautizo
celebrate a baptism

The Spanish phrase 'celebrar un bautizo' translates in English to 'celebrate a baptism'. This is a phrase that is oftentimes used in religious proceedings within the Catholic Church. It refers to the festive activities that take place after the sacrament of baptism. This might include a family gathering, a meal, or a party to honor the person who was baptized. It's a way of sharing joy and happiness in acknowledging the welcoming of the person into the Christian community.

Example sentences with  celebrar un bautizo
celebrar un cóctel
celebrate a cocktail party

The phrase 'celebrar un cóctel' in Spanish translates to 'celebrate a cocktail party' in English. It includes the verb 'celebrar' which means 'to celebrate' and 'un cóctel' which signifies 'a cocktail'. This phrase usually refers to the act of organizing, having or attending a social event where cocktails are served in celebration of a specific occasion. The context can range from casual to formal, and the occasion can be anything from birthdays, promotions, anniversaries, and any other achievements or milestones.

celebrar un funeral
celebrate a funeral

The Spanish phrase 'celebrar un funeral' translates to 'celebrate a funeral' in English. This is a cultural expression used when referring to the act of holding a funeral ceremony, where loved ones gather to honor the deceased. Note, despite the direct translation mentioning 'celebrate', it is not intended to portray a sense of celebration or happiness, rather, it reflects the commemoration or observance of someone's life.

celebrar una boda
celebrate a wedding

The Spanish phrase 'celebrar una boda' translates to 'celebrate a wedding' in English. This phrase indicates the act of holding a festive event to honor the marriage of two individuals. Typically, this includes a ceremony where vows are exchanged, followed by a reception with food, music, and dancing. The concept of celebrating a wedding is a universal one, found in different cultures and countries around the world, taking on unique traditions and customs to each.

Example sentences with  celebrar una boda
celebrar una boda por la Iglesia
celebrate a wedding for the Church

The Spanish phrase 'celebrar una boda por la Iglesia' translates to 'celebrate a wedding for the Church' in English. This phrase typically refers to having a wedding ceremony within a religious context, specifically within the Catholic Church. It implies the rituals and traditions associated with such a Church wedding, including a ceremonial mass, exchanging of vows before a priest, witnesses, and the community, and receiving the sacrament of Matrimony.

celebrar una boda por lo civil
celebrate a civil wedding

The phrase 'celebrar una boda por lo civil' in Spanish translates to 'celebrate a civil wedding' in English. In essence, this phrase is used to describe the celebration of a non-religious, government-recognized marriage, officiated by a legal authority such as a judge, instead of a religious clergy. Such weddings are official and legally binding, and they often involve a ceremony in a courthouse or city hall, followed by a reception with family and friends.

celebrar una fiesta de disfraces
celebrate a costume party

The Spanish phrase 'celebrar una fiesta de disfraces' translates to 'celebrate a costume party' in English. This phrase could be used in the context of planning, inviting or enjoying a costume party. Costume parties are social gatherings where participants dress in costumes and often represent specific characters or themes. The word 'celebrar' means 'celebrate', 'una fiesta' means 'a party', and 'de disfraces' translates to 'of costumes'.


The word 'celo' refers to a negative emotion experienced when one feels a sense of ownership or entitlement over someone and perceives a threatening rival. In English, it corresponds to the term 'jealousy', with similar connotations of envy, competitiveness and possessiveness that could potentially harm relationships.


The Spanish word 'célula' is used similarly to the English word 'cell'. It can represent the smallest structural and functional unit of an organism, typically microscopic and consisting of cytoplasm and a nucleus enclosed in a membrane. It can also refer to a small group forming a nucleus of political activity, especially a secret, subversive organization. The context will determine its usage.

Example sentences with  célula
célula madre
stem cell

The term 'célula madre' in Spanish translates to 'stem cell' in English. Stem cells are specialized cells that can differentiate into various cell types in the body, playing a crucial role in growth, development, and healing. In many tissues, they function as a sort of internal repair system, dividing without limit to replenish other cells. This term is commonly used in biology and medicine.


The word 'cemento' is a Spanish term that translates to 'cement' in English. It is often used in construction-related discussions. Cement, in both languages, refers to a fine powder that hardens when mixed with water and is used for making buildings, roads, and structures. Learning this word is particularly beneficial for those who are involved in the construction industry or civil engineering field.


The Spanish word 'cena' translates to 'dinner' in English. It is used to refer to the main meal that people often have in the evening. This term is used widely in all Spanish-speaking countries and could also imply a special event meal or a formal feast, similar to its usage in English.

have dinner

The Spanish word 'cenar' translates to 'have dinner' in English. It is a regular verb that is used to express the action of having the final meal of the day known as dinner. It is typically used in daily conversation and coincides with evening times of the day. This term forms part of many expressions and phrases in Spanish, giving context to evening activities or plans.


The Spanish word 'ceñido' translates to 'tight' in English. It is often used to describe something that fits closely or snugly, such as clothing. For example, 'El vestido está muy ceñido' would mean 'The dress is very tight.' It can also be utilized to depict situations where available space or resources are limited. Note, it should not be confused with 'estrecho', another Spanish word for 'tight' or 'narrow', which is usually used for tight physical spaces rather than describing a fit or situation.


The Spanish word 'censura' translates to 'censorship' in English. In the context of media and communication, 'censura' refers to the suppression, prohibition, or edited alteration of books, films, news, etc., that are considered obscene, politically unacceptable, or a threat to security. It's used similarly in both languages, signifying a powerful control mechanism in preserving societal norms or governmental rules.

céntimo (de euro)
cent (of euro)

The word 'céntimo (de euro)' in Spanish pertains to the smallest unit of the euro currency, which is the official currency used by many countries in the European Union. This is synonymous with the term 'cent' in English. Just like a cent is to a dollar, a céntimo is to a euro. It represents one hundredth of a euro. The usage of this word is common in situations dealing with economics, banking, finance, currency exchange, and daily expenses in those countries that use euro as their official currency.


The Spanish word 'centollo' does not have a direct English translation. However, it refers to a type of crab, specifically the 'European Spider Crab'. In some regions, it's also called 'King Crab'. It's known for its large size and delicious meat, commonly used in Spanish cuisine, particularly in the northern regions of Spain.

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